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Inuyasha parody: Kinktober Special/Patreon Reward

Kinktober 2022 Special # 8 Puppy Program

Souta had a crush on Inuyasha. The guy was so cool and strong, and from their time in the bath he got a good look at his assets. He was such a naughty boy, Souta decides to train the half demon to be a good boy.


Souta Higurashi was a human who had a crush on a half demon. Inuyasha was just so cool, confident, strong, and sexy. The two had shared a bath together so Souta got a good look at Inuyasha's assets. 

The half demon was tall, muscular with toned arms and sturdy legs, he had firm pectorals and washboard abs. With his dog demon genes he was sporting a mighty fine piece of man meat and large balls. His ass was perfectly sculpted, all his running around gave him amazing glutes just the right amount of plump and tight. 

Inuyasha was difficult and as Souta would learn was quite the naughty boy. He'd sneak over to their side while Kagome was in school to hang out. They'd watch movies or play video games, with Inuyasha getting Souta to make him lunch. The hanyo enjoyed bossing Souta around, getting to assert his dominance, he even went as far as to claim Souta's room as his own personal den. 

He walked in on the half demon jerking off and making a huge mess. At first it was kinda hot, watching the hanyo beat his meat, panting lewdly, working his big dick until he came. "You don't mind do ya? You're a big guy, you know how it is right?"

"Yeah, sure…" he blushed and he let the hanyo use his room to jerk off. His crush was jerking off in front of him. He shot like a hose making a mess. "Hey!" His manga and figures got drenched in white.

The man milk reached clear across the room. Even as it petered out the shots landed across the floor. 

Inuyasha just basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. He had Souta clean up after him. Much to the dog demon's enjoyment.

Souta had to clean up load after load. It seems the Hanyo was pent up as he jerked off at least three times a day. Every time leaving a big thick mess for Souta to clean up. The pieces fell into place, Inuyasha was challenging him, and with each sign of submission it emboldened the hanyo to claim more. He started off small and now acted like he had Souta in the palm of his hand.

He didn't have powers like Shippo to fight back and put Inuyasha in check. So like a spoiled puppy he grew naughtier and naughtier. He could have told Kagome about this and had Inuyasha sat into the ground, but he had a better idea. Naughty puppies needed to be trained and Souta knew just how to do it.

In the back of one of his BL Manga was an ad from Origami Kitsune Inc, with a special item. A VR headset, it was the top of the line in gaming, but there were special programs you could get that made this little gadget extra special. He got his allowance and sent it away for the item, and some unique programs. Inuyasha was gone for a while so it gave Souta time to practice and prepare. 

He had to test it, and lucky him, Hojo arrived looking for Kagome and to give her a medical treatment for one of her made up illnesses. Souta invited him to play a game. Hojo being the sweet and gullible guy he was, agreed. 

The brunette put on the headset and Souta loaded one of the special programs. Once the VR booted up Hojo was pulled into a trance and the program worked over his brain. The effects were slow, deep, and truly effective. The Happy Slut program helped turn this average guy into a cock sucking, dick riding champion. 

Instead of worrying about Kagome's health, he now worried about the health of his male classmates. It wasn't good to be pent up so he eagerly drained the balls of the guys in his class and school. He wanted every guy to have nice healthy balls and an improved sex life. 

As a bonus he got Souta some stimulants as a thank you. He'd make good use of them when the time was right. 

Kagome came back to study and take some tests, so Souta knew Inuyasha would sneak over sooner or later. Sure enough…

"Sup runt!" Inuyasha entered the room through the window.

"Hey Inuyasha, wanna try my new VR game?" He had seen VR stuff in anime they watched together and it was described as an amazing experience.

"Sure thing!" Inuyasha said with a smirk. He loved to gloat when he beat Souta's high scores. "Say goodbye to your high scores!" 

Higurashi had the Good Puppy program already loaded. Inuyasha got into Souta's bed and the headset was put on. "Good luck Inuyasha." Souta said as he turned the VR headset on. 

The world around Inuyasha faded to black and he was floating in the vast void. "When does the game start?" 

"It'll start soon, just enjoy the opening." Stars began to appear in the void, a vast sea of stars spread out in front of his vision. 

"Ohh!" They sparkled like diamonds, drawing the hanyo's focus. He started seeing different colors, and slowly the stars began to move. "This is pretty cool!" 

The stars began to form circle patterns spinning round and round in big circles in the sky. The different colors melting as they moved fasteg creating rainbow rings. "Pretty…" Souta smirked.

They looked so close it felt like Inuyasha could reach out and touch them. Even as his mind tried his body didn't move. His physical form was completely relaxed and still. 

Then the rings began to move, slowly drifting away from Inuyasha getting smaller and smaller until they became a twinkling speck in the distance. The stars simply made more rings, beautiful spinning and colorful rings, and Inuyasha watched them zoom away into a singular point. As he watched he was drawn in, sinking deeper and deeper as the rings got made faster and faster. 

"Ohhh!" He started to feel good as he enjoyed all the pretty colors. The hanyo fell into a deep trance and pleasure began to pump through his veins. Souta watched as Inuyasha's dick tented his pants. All hard but unable to touch. 

Inuyasha felt like he was going at light speed. In his mind he was jerking his cock, but no matter how much he pumped or how good he felt he couldn't find satisfaction. A part of him was still trying to act out, take the pleasure for himself, but it'd do him no good here. The Good Puppy program was activated now that he was good and trances out. 

The trance was just stage 1, pulling the hanyo down and making him feel good. It kept him high in sub space, his mind empty and focused on what comes next. 

He watched as the stars began to huddle together and form words."Submit!" The word moved like a text crawl drifting down the rainbow of colors and was absorbed into the center. "Relax!" It followed the previous word. "Submit!" 

"Relax!" Inuyasha wanted to relax. "Obey!" So he got comfortable, his clothes came off and he got naked. Souta watched him strip with a smirk.

 "Submit!" His alpha mentality was slowly sucked away. Each time the word Submit appeared his dominant desires shrank and were pulled out carried off into the swirling colors. 

"Relax!" "Submit!" "Relax!" "Submit!" "Relax!" "Submit!" With random bouts of "Obey!". Inuyasha wanted to obey. The words appeared and crawled faster and faster and Inuyasha was pulled in by the tantalizing message.

He didn't know it but he started speaking the words aloud. It was like a mantra, he heard the words leave his mouth and they became cemented in his mind. His mind was slowly reprogrammed accepting the words as truth. 

"Good puppy!" New words appeared and Inuyasha moaned. It felt like he had cleared level one, getting a gamer high. "Good Puppy!" "Obey Master!" "Good Puppy!" "Obey Master!" 

Mental Inuyasha began to play with himself again. "Bad Puppy!" The colors shifted angrily. Inuyasha yelped. "No Touch!" He whined, he felt so good and wanted to touch himself. "Obey!" In a flash his mental body went slack and he began to drool.

"Good puppy!" Pleasure washed through him. He had to start back at level 1 repeating his mantra like a good boy.

"Relax…Submit…Obey!" All the while his cock oozed pre-cum. He was back on level 2 soon enough. "Good Puppy…Obey Master…" Souta enjoyed the show. 

Inuyasha made it to level 3. "Serve Master!" "Be Good For Master!" "Love Master!" He started to feel horny again and mentally tried to play with himself. 

"Bad Puppy!" Again he yelped. He was so horny and wanted to get off. The hanyo didn't know what to do. The machine read his mind, triggering a bonus level. 

"Good Puppies play with their ass, good puppies love to play with their ass, anal pleasure is best!" The words danced before Inuyasha's eyes over and over. His mental body obeyed touching his hole for the first time. 

Outside his ass hole twitched, feeling the pleasure his mind felt but not the full satisfaction. It was like phantom pleasure, it made him crave the actual thing. He squirmed a bit, feeling heat pool into his rear. 

After the bonus round he was sent back to level 1. The words "Submit!" Made his ass throb in want. He cleared the first two levels and was back on level 3.

"Serve Master…Be Good for Master…Love Master…" His mental self fingered his ass as he enjoyed the pretty words and they became truth in his mind. He couldn't get off on the mental pleasure, but that was okay in the back of his mind he knew he was serving his master by training his ass. 

He reached level 4. "Belong to Master!" "Master Plays With Good Puppies!" "Master Punishes Bad Puppies!" The words were processed into the hanyo's brain. 

"I belong to Master!" Inuyasha moaned, he was drooling, his body circulating with lust with each beat of his heart. "I'll be good and master will play with me. If I'm bad I'll accept my punishments like a good boy." 

His brain was almost complete, any thoughts of dominance were gone. The alpha macho attitude was replaced with submissive obedience. "You are a Pet!" "You are a Pet!" "You are a Pet!"

"I am a pet!" Inuyasha moaned. "I am a pet!" 

"You Win!" The colors faded. "Say hello to your new master!" 

The headset was lifted and Inuyasha blinked as he gazed at his master…Souta. "Hey puppy!" 

"Hey master!" His golden eyes glimmered in delight. 

"Someone is excited!" Souta trailed a finger over his leaking cock. 

"Pet me master, please pet me I've been so good!" He moaned, rocking his hips and making his dick bounce. 

"I think you've earned this!" Souta grabbed his cock and jerked the hanyo off. He was so wound up he came fast and hard, toes curling, face twisting in orgasmic delight. His load made a huge puddle on the floor. "Look at the mess you made!" Souta's tone was firm.

Inuyasha tensed. "I got this master, I'm a good boy, no mess!" Souta watched amused as the hanyo licked his cum off the floor. His demon tongue was perfect for the task as every drop was lapped up. You could run a black light over the area and you wouldn't see a speck of evidence. 

"Good boy!" Souta praised and rewarded Inuyasha with his fingers. The half demon was so horny he took two fingers easily. 

"Oohhh!" The praise and the anal stimulus combined to give Inuyasha a dry orgasm. 

"Time to play a game puppy, it's called Bury the Bone!" Souta laid in bed, hands behind his head. "Sit boy!" Inuyasha eyed the boy's cock and sit he did. 

He sat on Souta's penis and took it inside. "Ohh master!" 

"Here are the rules, you bury the bone inside you over, but you can't cum wet. You can cum dry but if you make a mess in my bed you lose." Souta's words held so much power over the hanyo. He might as well slapped seven cock rings on him. 

Higurashi laid back and watched the show, the proud hanyo happily bouncing in his lap. His sexy ass jiggled as he swallowed his cock over and over. The slutty puppy cane dry three times, enjoying this game and his master's penis. 

Souta cane inside him twice, filling Inuyasha up was a dream come true. His spent cock left his ass and Inuyasha whined at the loss. He countinued to whine as cum leaked out of him. "I got you puppy!" He fetched a butt plug from under his bed and popped the knot shaped toy inside. 

Inuyasha moaned, his pettified mind loved toys and loved having his ass stuffed. Souta played with his puppy until Kagome came back and they went back to the Feudal Era. 

For Inuyasha it was hard, he kept thinking about his master and getting hard. 'I can't pet myself, master pets me!' He wanted to be with master and serve him. The hanyo was eager to play games especially the super fun one with the pretty colors. 'If I'm a good boy Master will play with me again!' 

As soon as Kagome had another test Inuyasha carried her back himself. She went to the library and he'd stay with Souta. As soon as the coast was clear he practically ripped his clothes off. He just couldn't relax without being naked. Pets didn't wear clothes unless their master dressed them. 

"Good puppy!" Those two words made the weeks of waiting worth it. "I got a surprise for you slutty pet and kinky pet games!" He showed the hanyo the disks. After getting your pet to obey it was time to teach him tricks. 

By the time Souta was done with him Inuyasha would know more sex positions than the karma sutra. His slutty mind and body united demons across the land and built an army against Naraku. With the threats neutralized Inuyasha could spend his days with his master.

He had school but it was fine. Inuyasha would sit in VR trancing out like a good boy. 



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