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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward/Kinktober Special

Kinktober Special Diphallia Tokoyami x Koda

Tokoyami already had to deal with a lot, his quirk tended to scare people, but his face often unnerved some. It left him a little self conscious as his mutation effected another part of him. Koda finds out about it and finds his problem not to be a problem at all.


Tokoyami was a bit of an edge lord, he loved darkness and occult stuff. He even considered himself a “creature of the dark” as passionate as he was for the arcane, fantasy, and supernatural he was shy about sharing it as it was hard for others to relate to.

His quirk Dark Shadow allowed him to manifest a sentient shadow monster from his body. It could be quite scary and some people got intimidated by his power. It didn’t stop there, his quirk caused a mutation and he had a bird-like face. Despite quirks being a common thing, there was still a stigma for those who had Mutant quirks.

He didn’t let the ignorant words of others get to him, to a point. He tried to be sociable and at UA he was, but it was hard to let others in and see the “darkness of his soul”. Fumikage had a secret, one he kept really close to his chest. It wasn’t something he was exactly ashamed of, but he wasn’t stupid.

If in his youth people teased him because of his face/then logically he could and would be teased for this unique feature.

His quick didn’t just effect his face/head, below the belt there was another change. He managed to avoid anyone finding out about it in middle school by being the first in the locker room to be changed and the last off the field, so he was the last one to hit the showers.

A man’s pride could make boys act like idiots. Uniqueness could be targeted, a boy with a big dick for example surrounded by average sized, could be teased for being different and not fitting the mold. Tokoyami would respect a man with such a mighty weapon. In kind he’d see a man’s skill in how to use his tool as respectable.

Having a big weapon didn’t mean they knew how to use it, a skilled fighter could do serious damage with a knife. A man didn’t have to feel a blow to their pride for being below, on, or above average. They needed to accept and hone what the gods gave them, even simple weapons can become legends on the battlefield.

So in his perspective a man who could dual wield was truly impressive. Like his interests he knew not everyone would agree with his perspective, so even getting into UA he kept this little secret. While the guys in his class were packing all sorts of equipment he was the only one who was dual wielding.

His heteromorphic quirk had blessed him with not one, but two! He had two dicks, the two rods were fully functioning. Diphalia wasn’t exactly uncommon in this world of quirks, but it was seen more in those with snake, shark, and even dragon quirks. It was more recognized, there was even a famous porn star who rocked two dicks, he was big in the hentai and threesome yaoi markets.

Fumikage was a better man than most, and twice the man below the belt. With two sexy 7 inch cocks he was quite the man. Dark Shadow even helped train his rods, so not only were they strong but durable as well. He didn’t want to think ill of his UA friends, but he felt it best to “stay in the shadows”. His double daggers were his secret weapon.

Tokoyami was also nervous about showing his room to the others as well, his arcane interests were one thing, showing the guys he was rocking two dicks was another. So after gym class he chilled out in a stall and waited to have his shower. The same thoughts running through his head.

Once he thought the coast was clear he left the stall and headed to the showers. “Eeep!” Tokoyami froze.

Koji Koda, he was Tokoyami’s classmate, and also faced challenges. His body was large and bulky, and he had rock-like horns growing out of his head. Just like his mother he faced people who mocked him for his appearance, but he had a good heart. He wasn’t the type to get mad for himself, but got mad for others.

Koda didn’t talk much, not wanting to draw attention to himself, ironic given his quirk. He was a bulky boy as his hero suit and current situation showed, thick arms and legs, big hands and feet, firm pecs and rock hard abs. What surprised Tokoyami was the monstrous meat hanging between Koji’s legs.

He was a shower, with 13 inches of pure fuck meat and was as thick as a fist. He had a pretty impressive sack, with balls the size of oranges. Tokoyami blushed seeing the impressive rod.

“Oh wow!” Koji said seeing Tokoyami’s double d’s. Both boys blushed. It seemed Koda shared Fumikage’s desire not to be seen in the showers. His own past made him want to hide that impressive rod.

Naked and slightly embarrassed, the two stood in awkward silence, just staring at each other. Fumikage had to admit, he had a thing for big weapons, seeing Koji’s big piece certainly stirred his loins. His twin cocks began to rise.

It wasn’t common knowledge but Koda loved unique porn. His favorite was a legendary porn star with two dicks. So meeting a guy with the same thing got him excited. His blood rushed south and his massive rod began to rise.

They got hard, dicks raised and pointing at each other. “Umm…” Koji gulped. Words didn’t need to be said, there was no issues between them, and clearly desired the other. Koda twiddled his fingers, his cheeks growing redder.

“So...you like my dicks?” He scratched his chin. It was an obvious question but Tokoyami just wanted to fill the silence.

Koda nodded. “I umm, really like the movies with Kent Chameleon, my favorite being the one off where he double penetrates a guy.” He spoke really fast, but Tokoyami was able to make it out.

“The Lust Gods have smiled upon us this day.” Two lost souls in the dark met in a surprising place and time, so why not take advantage of this most fortunate situation. They had spent some time together in the past, having been paired together during the USJ attack, perhaps it was fate.

Koda got on his hands and knees sticking out, possibly the plumpest rear in class 1-A.

Fumikage’s eyes sparkled at the juicy booty that was offered to him. ‘Praise be this bounty!’ He said a quick prayer before diving in. His cheeks were spread and his beak was pressed to his hole.

“Ahhh~!” Koda arched his back, his body shaking and trembling as his classmate licked his ass. “Ahh Tokoyami-kun ohh!”

Fingers worked his hole open, finding the hole pretty pliable. ‘So he’s played back here...nice!’ He could imagine Koda playing with his ass while jerking his cock. It was quite the thing to imagine.

Dark Shadow helped get Tokoyami ready, stretching out he got some lube from his gym bag. His dicks were slicked up.

Fumikage was focused on the plump ass before him, tongue and three fingers turning up Koda’s insides, while his free hand fondled the massive nuts. He bounced the sac in his hand, teasing and scratching, giving just enough pressure to send pleasing sensations through his groin.

Koji’s massive dick twitched and began to ooze pre-cum. He may have been a man of few words but when it came to pleasure he was quite vocal. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh~!” His hole was stretched out and wet. “Tokoyami please!”

“Then let us dance the Devil’s Tango in the dark!” Fumikage wiped his chin. He aimed his right cock at Koda’s hole, adding some of his pre-cum to the lube job he did. ‘This is it!’ Tokoyami was a tad nervous but excited.

His hips moved forward his right cock sliding into his tight hole, his left cock dipped low, and rubbed against Koda’s thick thighs, taint, and balls. “Ohhh!” Koji’s ass was tight, clenching down onto the intruder.

A wonderful friction was shared between the two young men, inside and out. Tokoyami pressed all the way in, resting his pelvis against Koji’s glorious booty. “Ahh more please more!” He wiggled his ass.

“You want both?” Koda nodded his head swiftly, his cheeks glowing red. Fumikage pulled back, and pressed his left cock close to the right, nudging his entrance open.

“Ohh yes yes yes!” This is what he’s trained for, his big fingers training his ass while watching videos of double dicked studs.

‘Tight!’ Tokoyami blushed. Koji’s inner walls hugged and squeezed both his rods. Hugged together as they sank into his tight heat. ‘Both cocks inside…’ It was so good!

“Two dicks...awesome!” Koda drooled.

Fumikage filled his partner up, hands resting on his thick hips. They both needed a second, as this was a powerful moment as their v-cards were stamped on one side. “Fuck me, please fuck me Tokoyami!” Koda moaned and rolled his hips.

“Yes!” He chirped.

Squeezing his partner’s hips he began to move, the friction on both his cocks made the shadow holder pant and moan. ‘So hot, so tight, my blades are melting!’

Koda was enjoying Tokoyami’s humping, loving being double stuffed. One cock hitting his sweet spot with each pass, inner walls clenching and squeezing the rods as Fumikage pulled back.

Dark Shadow helped, reaching around to pump his massive rod. “Ahh ahh yeah ohh Toko yahhh!” His meat was worked firm and fast making his balls jiggle.

He could tell Tokoyami was close and working to get Koda off in kind. The two were bucking, panting and moaning. Koji’s body glistening with sweat, while Fumikage simmered.

“Ahhh!” The two moaned. “I’m Cumming!”

Koji’s seed pelted the floor, his inner walls squeezing his double d’s. Tokoyami came seconds behind, twin streams of seed pelting and flooding Koda’s insides. “Ohh ohh yeah!” The larger boy was trembling and shaking.

His spent rods slipped out of the tight hole. It wasn’t over as Koda turned around and his still hard cock stood at attention. “You up for more?” Fumikage gulped. A man with a big sword with the skill to wield it.

It was his turn to nod dumbly. Koda borrowed his lube and got his digits coated. Fumikage laid back, and the thick digits worked his tight little hole open. ‘So big...so thick…” Tokoyami blushed and shuddered.

The man was so sweet and gentle, as he did with his animal friends his touch held such care. Fumikage was given pleasure, his ass stretched wider and wider, and his dicks rose back to attention.

He had the shadow user turn around, and started fingering his ass more aggressively. “OHHH~!” Tokoyami shuddered and bucked.

“Are you ready?” His fingers withdrew and Fumikage whined at the loss.

“Yes!” It was time for Koji to lead the devil’s tango.

Dark Shadow helped spread Tokoyami’s cheeks as Koda used up the lube coating his massive rod. He was slicked up and ready, the massive rod aimed at Tokyoami’s twitching entrance. “Oh...Ahh...ohhh~!” Koji pushed in.

Their v-cards were punched on the other side. Koda went slow and easy, filling up his partner, but letting him relax and take it easy. “Ah ah ah ah ah!” Tokoyami panted and moaned at each inch. Even with Koji’s large fingers prepping him his rod was huge.

His ass was stretched wide around the large man meat. Inch after glorious inch filled his ass, given just enough so he could adjust before getting more. Tokoyami looked down and watched his abs bulge lewdly as the large penis filled his gut. ‘Oh wow!’

Koji filled him up and the double cocks leaked from the pleasure. His ass hugged the massive rod. “Nnnhhh so big!”

“You took my cock so well Tokoyami!” Koda whispered into his ear. His tone was so lustful it made Fumikage squirm.

“Indeed I did, now fuck me!” He pecked his cheek.

Koji reached around and took hold of his twin dicks, and squeezed them for leverage. His cocks were used like handle bars and Koda began to move. ‘Ohh I felt that!’ His stomach was bulged, his ass was smacked by Koji’s pelvis, and the rods were squeezed.

He fucked like a beast, the gentleness fading in exchange for raw primal pleasure. Koji grunted and whispered naughty things into Fumikage’s ear that even had Dark Shadow blushing. Attacking with words and the wild humping had Fumikage trembling in delight.

Tokoyami could only hang on for dear life, he had no control, drifting in the abyss of pleasure. Koda’s cock was so big his poor sweet spot was pummeled and smashed with every thrust. Koji’s firm grip on his cocks added an extra layer of pleasure. The smack of his pelvis, made his cheeks start to redden and sent tremors of pleasure through his ass.

Twin streams of semen erupted as Tokoyami came. His orgasm pulling Koda along with him, his insides flooded by the quiet boy’s seed. “Wow!”


“Has anyone seen Tokoyami-kun or Koda-kun?” Izuku asked.

“They usually are the last ones in the showers.” Iida said.

“I could have sworn I saw them earlier…” Midoriya pondered.

In a nearby stall. Tokoyami was fucking Koda’s ass, twin dicks pounding his plump booty. Koji had his big hands over his mouth as he was double teamed. Dark Shadow was sucking his penis deepthroating him effortlessly.

He was a good top, but he couldn’t resist Tokoyami’s double rods. Their little union was just another secret for the darkness, it would come to light one day and both boys would find their class was more than welcoming.



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