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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Friends with Benefits

Renji hadn’t been sleeping well, his pent up desires over a certain orange haired substitute soul reaper were plaguing him. He trained hard to try and surpass his feelings, but ignoring his erection only left him with a bad case of blue balls. Even jerking off in the morning and at night didn’t ease their ache. The red head was a lieutenant of soul society with a lot of spiritual pressure, a soul reaper needed a healthy sex life. Solo love couldn’t satisfy a soul reaper, they needed sex to help release their spiritual pressure and mix it with someone else.

Abarai wanted Ichigo...bad! To the point he hadn’t visited the brothels or played with anyone else. It was getting so bad he was waking up in the middle of the night either from a wet dream or a painful erection. Renji made it worse by trying to stay away from Ichigo as much as possible. His problem was just getting worse and Byakuya was just tired of it.

So when it came time to choose someone to watch over Karakura Town, he pulled some strings to get Renji the job. The lieutenant was stunned, but Byakuya was adamant about his decision and expected Renji to work hard and do his job well. Kuchiki hoped that Renji would get himself sorted out beore coming back. ‘This is fine, it’s fine, so what if we are in the same town doesn’t mean we’d see each other.’

He hoped to land a room at Urahara’s place, but the blonde man wasn’t available. “I’m sorry Renji, but Mr. Kisuke is very busy at the moment.” Tessai told him.

“Well I just need a room and possibly a gigai while I’m on guard duty.” Tessai stroked his chin in thought.

“I can pass on the message, and we can see about your gigai, but…” He rubbed the back of his head.

“What?” They also had visiting arrancar who came to see Ichigo, but he kept that under wraps.

“As it happens we don’t have free rooms at the moment.” Things have been crazy since the war with Aizen and repairing his messes, to say nothing of dealing with the fullbringers.

“What?!” Renji gasped.

“I’m terribly sorry, we have more guests staying with us than normal.” Abarai began to sweat bullets.

‘Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!’ Tessai patted his shoulder.

“Perhaps you could stay with Ichigo-kun, I know he let Miss Kuchiki stay with him before.” Renji’s heart sank.

‘No!’ Just the thought had Renji rock hard. ‘Fuck!’ He wondered if he could convince Urahara later when he was less busy.

The red head went to Ichigo’s place, he’d be in Karakura Town a month. He needed a place to stay. ‘Staying with Ichigo...for a month…’ His cheeks burned red, his heart was beating out a samba. ‘Damn it this is bad!’ A thought occurred to him to maybe ask Chad/Sado to stay with him.

Just as he was about to turn and leave, the door opened and there came the sexy orangette. ‘Fuck!’

“Oh hey Renji!”

“Hi…” His voice cracked a bit. “I mean hey!”

“It’s good to see you, are you here to see me or…?” Renji scratched the back of his head.

“Well you see I’ve got guard duty for Karakura Town for the month and I need a place to stay.” Ichigo smiled.

“So you’d like to stay here?” He nodded.

“Sure thing, what are friends for!” The word friend struck Renji like an arrow through the heart. Ichigo stepped aside. “Come on in I can show you around.” Abarai was confused.

‘Show me around, what is there to see?’ He thought. There was the obvious, kitchen, living room, dining room, two bathrooms, the clinic.

“Let’s see the basement!” Ichigo said with a smirk.

‘Basement?’ Like Kisuke Urahara’s shop, there was a whole sub space down below. “Whoa!”

There was a battle room, a training room, an elegant bathhouse, a dorm area, and another room Ichigo had locked. “I had Kisuke fix this up for me.” Renji’s jaw dropped.

“How did you manage all this?” The blonde wouldn’t have done all this for free.

“It was a fair trade.” Ichigo said with a knowing smirk.


Isshin was blindfolded, hog tied and strung up, as naked as the day he was born. His sexy body was stretched and held taught. The man’s rod was bound by vibrating cock rings, with an additional ring slapped on his sac and sending vibrations through his balls and into his groin.

Kurosaki’s ass had three unique dildos stuffed up his rear, filling his channel in different ways. One was ridged, the other was pearl implanted, while the last had girth with barbs around the head. Kisuke had designed these dildos based on hollow cocks and Isshin took each of them so well. Each toy had a mod soul inside it, so they could freely fuck his ass, fucking his slutty hole at their own pace.

Kon controlled the one with the barbs, Kurodo was controlling the one with ridges, and Noba was controlling the one with the pearls. The former was really driving into the slutty former captain, aiming for his sweet spot again and again. Kurodo was giving long and strong thrusts, making the ridges grind his insides and stimulate his hole. Noba was shy, going slow and steady, the pearls rubbing Isshin’s insides and stimulating his anal ring.

The man’s body was glistening and flushed from arousal and lust. He panted and drooled, his cock twitching desperately to climax but unable. Kisuke stepped up and the blonde was looking like an S&M sex god. His typical clogs were gone and replaced with leather boots, he had on some tight booty shorts with the crotch cut out, letting his big dick and balls hang free. He had on a leather vest exposing his manly chest and abs, along with his treasure trail. His usual hat was replaced with a sexy leather one. “Such a prize!”

Kisuke rubbed the tip of his penis against Isshin’s parted lips. Giving him some pre-cum lip balm treatment. “Your son is a shrewd negotiator, but I’m shocked you’d agree to be my fuck toy for the work?”

Isshin lapped at his cock. “I’m happy to serve, Ichigo asked for my help with this deal and I’ll give it my all!” Kisuke shrugged.

“Let’s see those famous Shiba oral skills!” Kisuke fucked Isshin’s mouth, with the former Shiba clan member eagerly sucking and slurping on the thrusting cock, enjoying how the blonde’s big balls smacked his chin. His master ordered him to serve Kisuke and work hard to earn the upgrades to their basement.

Urahara did a lot of work three days worth, so Ichigo loaned his old man out for three weeks. Isshin agreed to whatever kinky experiments Urahara wished to perform. The blonde couldn’t pass up on such a deal. This actually wasn’t odd, Isshin had sold his mouth to Kisuke to get help establishing their clinic. So Urahara was none the wiser to Isshin’s servant mind set.

The brilliant man had a serious perv side, having a big muscular fuck toy to test his more naughty experiments was a dream come true. He often adjusted his kink levels based on his partner, he had a captain at his disposal so his dom energy was cranked up high.


With his dad and Kon out of his hair, and his sisters at school, Renji and Ichigo had the place to themselves. This is what Kurosaki wanted as he wanted to have a friendly chat with the sexy red head. His reiatsu seemed off, even to Ichigo’s barely honed senses he could feel it. “Say Renji, how about a spar?”

“Oh uh sure.” He waited for Ichigo to exist his body, but instead he conjured a mysterious zanpakuto. “You aren’t gonna go into your shinigami form?”

“I recently discovered this power, I’d like to test it out.” Ichigo stretched.

Renji’s eyes followed his movements. “Is that a problem?” The orangette asked and Renji gulped.

“No!” He barked out. “I mean...I just don’t wanna hurt you, ya know you humans can be fragile.” He drew his sword.

“Fragile huh?” Ichigo cracked his neck. Green energy formed at his feet and in a flash he was gone, appearing behind the red head with his sword coming down. Abarai tried to block it but got a scratch. “How’s that for fragile?”

“Alright then!” Renji looked ready to fight.

“Hold up, you don’t look comfortable.” Abarai blinked. “Something wrong, you look tense!” A shiver raced up his spine.

‘Shit!’ He began to sweat.

“Why don’t we get comfortable?” Ichigo said and began to strip. Renji’s eyes widened and his whole face got as red as a tomato.

‘Holy fuck!’ Kurosaki stripped down to his boxers, before taking a fighting stance. ‘He’s gonna fight like that?!’

Without realizing it Renji took off his clothes as well, mirroring Ichigo’s movements, his robes taken off as he stripped down to his fundoshi. The soul reaper’s penis tented the garment, protruding lewdly. He didn’t know it but Ichigo had him under his control. Ichigo eyed the sexy red head, marveling at his muscles and tattoos. “Can you fight like that Renji?”

Abarai looked down, and his state of undress didn’t unnerve him more than his erection. “Shit!” He dropped his sword and covered himself. “No!”

“What’s the matter Renji?” He looked back at the orangette. “You were never this shy when we were training for bankai?” Oh Ichigo remembered, but that was before he saw the “sword” between his legs. It flipped his switch, and he wanted to take that monster inside him. It wasn’t the time or place, and future chances Renji screwed up. It left Ichigo thinking he just wanted to be friends, till Sado gave him some insight. Turns out he was right.

“I’m not shy!” Renji snapped.

“Prove it!” The words came and Renji acted without thinking. He ripped off his fundoshi, causing his erection and his balls to bounce and jiggle. “That’s some erection Renji, we can’t spar like this.”

“Right…” He hung on Ichigo’s words without question.

“How about we cross swords another way?” Kurosaki removed his boxers and exposed his impressive man meat.

“Ohh fuck!” Abarai moaned. He couldn’t think of an objection to this, they were supposed to spar and couldn’t do it hard so this was the perfect way, two birds with one stone.

Kurosaki pressed their erections together, his hands coming around to cup and squeeze Renji’s toned rear. “Ohh!”

“You got a nice ass Renji!” His cheeks were fondled as Ichigo rocked his hips, creating a wonderful friction between them.

“Ichigo!” This felt so good. ‘What’s happening? Ohh I feel so hot and Ichigo is so sexy!’ He’s been running from this, but all his thoughts and concerns felt like they had been cut away. They were crossing swords and it felt so nice. ‘Fuck!’

Abarai was too pent up and frustrated, his sensitivity was high and his climax hit hard. His big balls unleashed a huge torrent of seed. “Quite the mess you’ve made Renji.” Their chiseled bodies were drenched in white.

“Sorry...been pent up…” He said honestly. His still hard cock twitched against Kurosaki’s manhood.

“A hot stud like you?” Abarai shivered as Ichigo felt up his back. “How could you be pent up?”

“Been pining for a sexy substitute shinigami!” He clapped a hand over his mouth. The truth just poured out.

“So you’ve been a naughty boy all this time?” Ichigo teased.

“I...I…” His head bowed. “Sorry for being naughty.”

Ichigo raised his head by his chin. “That’s fine, I like my boys naughty.”

“Your boys?” Renji blinked in confusion.

“That’s right, you’d like to be one of my boy’s don’t you Renji?”

“Yes please!” He wanted that so bad.

“Good boy!” Those words sent a huge wave of pleasure through him. This was more fun than taking him over fully. Renji was completely unaware, while he’d make a sexy servant Abarai was more than just a friend, he was a friend with benefits.

Ichigo marked him with his zanpakuto, it meshed beautifully with his tattoos. “Ohh fuck!”

“I think my zanpakuto needs a sheath?” Ichigo said, wagging his cock.

Renji blushed. He turned around and spread his cheeks, exposing his little donut. “I’m your sheath!” He moaned. Ichigo pushed inside and sparks went off in Renji’s mind. “Fuck the hell yes!”

Not bad king, you are getting the hang of our power!’ Shiro praised, but Ichigo was only half listening, Renji’s ass was squeezing him that well. Oh well, Shiro would enjoy the sunshine as his king fucked Abarai’s brains out. They were both idiots that just needed a nudge in the right direction. He couldn’t wait to see who else his king was gonna add to the pack, and their place in it.

To be continued


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