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Harry Potter parody: Patreon Reward

Kinktober 2022 Special # Size Stealing

Erecto Libaran

Malfoy is driving Harry and Ron crazy in the showers. The slytherin blonde is showing no shame allowing his big cobra cannon swing free. He loves making the two guys feel small, when his teasing goes too far Harry finds a spell to shift the scales.


It was after Quidditch practice, and Harry and Ron were hitting the showers. They were alone as most of the teams used their house showers. “Well if it isn’t Potter and Weasley.” They twitched in annoyance, they recognized that voice. This is what they get for using the communal showers.

“Malfoy…” Ron groaned.

“What do you want?” Harry and Ron turned and blushed. Malfoy was letting it all hang out, a green towel draped over his shoulder.

“Just checking out the competition.” He said and eyed them up and down. “Can’t say I’m impressed.”

Harry and Ron blushed and quickly covered their crotches. This made Malfoy laugh harder. “Of course you two losers would be shy, as you can see I’ve got nothing to be shy about.” He stuck out his hips, showing off his impressive 11 inch rod. The thing dangled lewdly between his legs. “Even the guys in Slytherin are jealous of my anaconda!”

“We...we aren’t shy, right Harry?” Ron looked to the scarred male.

“R-right!” They pulled their hands away. Ron was rocking a solid seven incher, but Harry was only three inches.

“Wow Potter, even Weasley is more of a man than you. Not that either of you compare to me!” Malfoy struck a pose, acting like an idol, and his body was a work of art. “The great Harry Potter’s got nothing between his legs.”

Ron was surprised. He hadn’t checked Harry out in the showers before. Potter had some girth to his rod, but barely any length. Despite himself he felt a surge of manly pride at being bigger than his friend.

Harry blushed. He hated feeling small or inferior, he didn’t tell Ron this, but that’s why he wanted to use the communal showers. Hardly anyone used them, and he didn’t want anyone seeing his tiny tool. “I’ve seen training wands bigger than you Potter, that’s so sad.”

“Cram it Malfoy!” Ron snapped.

“I would, but I’m afraid I’d break Potter if I did!” He laughed. Both boys blushed. “Oh wait, did you break him in already Weasley?”

“Shut up, we are just friends!” Malfoy stepped up to Harry.

“That make you a virgin Potter?” The blonde asked.

“That’s none of your business Malfoy!” Harry’s blush said it all.

“Well I know no girl is riding that puny thing.” Potter’s hand balled into a fist. “Do you know what we call puny tools like that Potter?”

“Back off!” Harry growled.

Malfoy got closer. “We call it a clit dick, and that makes this…” He reached around and grabbed Harry’s ass. “Your pussy!”

“Fucker!” Harry gasped.

“Sooner or later someone’s gonna open you up, once they find out about your tiny tool. I’ll pop your cherry for you, I’ll even try to be gentle.” Harry pushed him away and stormed off. Ron ran after him.


“Harry, Harry, slow down!” Potter turned around.

“Is it true what he said?” Ron blushed.

“Well...umm…” It was true, his brothers told him how they played with a guy with a smaller dick before. “It’s technically true but…no one is gonna treat you different just because you have a small dick I’m sure!” Harry was relieved at first but groaned. “What?”

The scarred male pointed down. Ron looked down and realized he was rock hard. “This isn’t...I mean…” The red head twiddled his fingers. The thought crossed his mind. Draco’s words painted a pretty vivid picture, plus he was young and full of hormones.

Harry was annoyed. His cousin always drove him nuts over dick size, so he was more than a little self conscious. His cousin was a jerk and so was Malfoy, why did these jerks have to be blessed with big rods like this. ‘It’s just not fair!’

Seeing Malfoy’s impressive meat, Potter couldn’t help but feel jealous. Draco’s words cut him deep. Since coming to the wizarding world and learning all sorts of things about it and himself. He’s learned magic and faced evils, so he’s been working on strengthening his body. A stronger vessel for magic he thought, but he wanted...well…

He saw how people swooned over Krum. Despite his training and work outs, he hasn’t packed on a ton of muscle. Not to say he wasn’t fit, over the years he’s gained quite the rocking body. Ron had joined him not wanting to feel left out. Both boys got thicker, packing on some muscle, Harry  was even sporting a six pack now.

It didn’t matter, one peek at his less than stellar manhood, he felt barely an inch tall.

To make matters worse Malfoy now had a way to torture him,  the communal showers was a place he could relax a bit. Now Draco was using it as a den of humiliation. Ron suggested they just use their house’s showers, but Harry couldn’t do it. The guys could be wild, even if he hid with a towel, they’d snatch it.

He felt cornered so he decided to reach out to his godfather, Sirius Black on the matter. The man understood, claiming James had similar troubles in his youth, but there was a spell to fix it. Sirius taught Harry the spell, and told him to use it in good health. “Won’t Malfoy get suspicious if he sees me with my wand?”

“That’s the thing with this spell, you won’t need your wand in the shower.”


The next time he went to shower he’d be ready for Malfoy. Sure enough the blonde followed him into the communal showers. “Oi Potter back again, you just can’t get enough of seeing my big dick right?” Draco chuckled. “Do you dream about it, does it get you hard?”

Harry turned, a blush on his cheeks, his penis stood erect a max 3 inches. “Oh man you’re hard, and that’s all you got! I almost feel sorry for you, figured you’d get something erect, but nope you’re just a clit dick fuck boy in the end.” Potter trembled in rage at Malfoy’s words.

A spell that doesn’t require a wand, needs the proper prep and medium to be used, for this spell it was his hard cock! “Erecto Libaran!” Magic surged from Harry’s penis and struck Draco’s cock.

“Ohhh!” Malfoy moaned, his manhood dipping down before rising up. His cock reached 14 inches in length. “Bet you didn’t know I was a grower huh Potter?” Malfoy smirked, he caressed his hard length and admired it in all it’s glory. “I don’t know how you did that Potter, but if you wanted me to fuck you all you had to do was say so.”

Draco eyed Harry up and down admiring his physique. “All that muscle you gained I admit I was jealous, but it was all to cover that tiny pecker you have.”

Potter didn’t say a word, instead focusing on playing with his length. ‘Just you wait Malfoy!’

“I knew you’d give yourself to me sooner or later, just wait I’m sure I’ll ruin you for other men.” Draco felt a strange tingling in his cock, but paid it no mind. His focus was on Harry, playing with his rod, in Malfoy’s mind, for him.

Harry worked his now 4 inch dick, squeezing it and pumping it. “Have you been doing this since that day? Does my big dick excite you?” He wagged his 13 incher, unaware of the shrinkage.

Potter smirked. “I hate to admit it, but you are hot Malfoy.” The blonde blushed. He kept working his now 5 inch rod.

‘Is he getting bigger?’ Malfoy thought, but felt it was just a trick of the light. “I know I’m irresistible!” He strutted his stuff like his body was a work of art. His 12 incher bobbing as he moved.

The boy who lived played to Malfoy’s ego, keeping up his efforts on his tool. It was worked to 7 inches while Draco’s cock dwindled down to 10. “You see Malfoy, while I found you attractive that ego of yours is a royal turn off.”

“What?!” The blonde snapped. Harry’s rod grew to 8 inches. ‘Wait is he a grower after all?’

“That big dick of yours is quite appealing, but I think it’s too much meat for a guy like you to have.” Harry wagged his hefty cock.

‘He’s as big as Weasley?’ He smirked. ‘Heh I’m still bigger!’ Draco looked down and his eyes widened. “What the hell?!”

“So you finally noticed, you really are full of yourself.” Harry’s cock grew to 9 inches, and the scales had tipped now Draco was at 8, and Potter was now bigger than him.

“What...what have you done to me?” Harry ignored him and worked his growing cock, marveling at the extra inches he now was sporting.

Malfoy was trembling, his penis twitched. Seeing Harry’s chiseled form, the initial contrast was hot, but the big dick really suited him and he was getting bigger. What he didn’t know or realize was their cocks were linked, this was a duel and Harry was winning.

As he worked his shaft, Malfoy was feeling the tingles. Harry squeezed his penis and wagged it. “See something you like Malfoy?” Potter teased. His length grew and grew, while Draco’s rod dwindled.

The blonde gulped. He looked between their dicks. ‘Shit, shit, shit, shit, oh fuck!’ Harry’s dick broke double digits and it looked so good. Potter’s rod originally was short but stout, he kept the girth as his rod grew bigger, so he was big, thick, and juicy!

Draco was used to having the biggest dick in the room for the most part. There were a few guys bigger, very few, some of the upperclassmen were rocking 15 inchers some growers some showers, but Draco learned a pure an honest fact. He liked big dicks! If a guy was bigger than him, it flipped a switch inside him. All his big dick energy drained into his ass and he was a slut for big “snakes”.

Those upperclassmen have graduated leaving Draco as the biggest one in the room. He hasn’t been dicked down in a long time.

All his ego came from fucking guys smaller than him, they could hate his personality but they loved his big dick. ‘So big!’ Draco wiggled his butt, feeling that hunger inside him.

He licked his lips, feeling his libido surge. Malfoy was forgetting about his dwindling penis, and was focused on the growing rod of Potter’s. He wanted to see it bigger, wanting to see how big it could get.

Harry reached 14 inches, and their roles were now reversed. Draco couldn’t take it anymore and he came, his cheeks clenching and balls lurching. “Aaahhhh!” Malfoy blew his load and the last of his penis shrank down, leaving him with only a 1 incher.

His whole face got red. “Now that’s a clit dick!” Draco looked up and his jaw dropped. Harry was sporting a massive 16 incher. Sparks went off in Malfoy’s mind seeing the biggest dick he’d ever seen.

Using both hand he jerked his dick and came, showering Malfoy in white. Harry’s big nuts unleashing his potent seed. “I’ll put this to better use!” He was about to leave. “Later Malfoy!”

“Wait Potter!” Draco snapped.

Potter turned and Malfoy showed his best angle, bracing himself against the wall, sticking his ass out lewdly, his cheeks were parted and his hole was twitching. ‘Oh shit!’

“Please...fuck me!” He wiggled his rear.

‘No way?’ Sirius didn’t tell him anything about this. ‘Is Malfoy just a pervert?’ He could work with that.

“Are you saying you want my big dick Draco?” The blonde shivered.

“Obviously, you aren’t an idiot Potter, now get over here!” He fingered himself, showing his readiness.

“So you’ve done this before?” Harry walked over, he slapped Malfoy’s cheeks with his big rod.

“A few times…” The blonde shivered.

“How do I measure up?” He slid his cock between Malfoy’s thighs rubbing against his taint, balls, and cock.

“Fuck you’re bigger!”

“What was it you said before?” Harry rocked his hips. “Shall I ruin you for other men?”

“Yes please!” Potter removed Draco’s hand and lined up his cock. The tip rubbed against his hole. “Potter!”

“If I’m gonna fuck you, you best use my name.” He pulled back and Draco whined at the loss.

“Harry…” The tip kissed his hole and pushed inside. “Harry!”

“Oh yeah!” Potter grinned as he pushed his giant rod into Malfoy’s tight channel. For the first fifteen inches it was familiar territory for Draco. He wasn’t a virgin but he was still quite tight.

Then Harry found some virgin soil, making Malfoy’s belly bulge lewdly. “Ohhh~!” What a difference an inch made. His toes curled and he came. The tiny tool squirts and his hole squeezed Potter’s full length.

“Damn this ass is a treasure!” Harry moaned.

“You...know it...now fuck me!”

“So demanding!” He placed his hands on Malfoy’s hips and began pounding the blonde slut. Draco saw stars, the friction of the back and forth made it feel like his insides were melting.

“Oh damn, oh damn oh fuck!” He took it all, his hole swallowing every delicious inch. ‘He’s so big and fucks so good~!’ He drooled. His past lovers were so selfish, using him for their own pleasure.

Harry was different, such a giving lover. His hands roamed over Draco’s body, finding his perky nipples and pinched them with his thrusts. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh!”

Potter had endurance, fucking Malfoy three intense ograsm, and he kept thrusting even as his orgasm made him clench and squeeze. The blonde had hearts in his eyes when Harry finally came, flooding his insides with his big balls. “Wow!”

“Yeah wow…” His spent cock slipped out of Malfoy’s hole, leaving him gaping.


Things certainly changed, some Slytherin were suspicious when Malfoy showed up sporting a tiny clit dick, but given Malfoy’s eagerness to suck any dick bigger than him. No one voiced them! The blonde went from the biggest in the room to the smallest.

He was eager for cock, and some Slytherin boys were eager for payback. No one was big enough to scratch that itch deep inside him, which only made him hornier for Potter.

Draco hit the communal showers here Harry and Ron were waiting for him. “Sup Malfoy, hungry?” He nodded.

Potter now had a grower dick, he was 14 inches soft and 16 inches hard. They fed both his holes, with Ron eagerly pounding away at Draco’s ass while the blonde worshiped Harry’s penis and got him hard.

The two spit roasted him, the blonde cumming as he choked down Harry’s massive length.

Ron also wanted a big cock, Harry had a feeling he knew where he could get one.



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