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Rannma 1/2 parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Meet the Tendos

Soun Tendo had received glorious news, his old friend Genma Saotome had finally reached out to him with word of uniting their schools. The Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts and the Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts would finally be united in marriage. They had agreed to this idea years ago, some time after sealing their horrible Master away, they set out on their own journeys to train and hone their skills to pass onto their children.

It was their hope they’d have a respective son and daughter, so that their children could get married and unite the schools. Tendo had been quite fortunate having three daughters, Kasumi the eldest, Nabiki the middle, and Akane the youngest. When each of his girls were born he reached out to Genma, but the man rarely got back to him.

Then after Akane was born Genma messaged him that he had a son. Oh happy day! Their long time plan could finally come to pass. The plan was to wait for them to finish High School then bring Ranma to meet his daughters. With Ranma’s recent graduation Genma had sent Soun a letter, and with the man’s help got the boy enrolled in Furinkan. Nabiki and Akane were both enrolled so that made things all the better.

Of course Soun never mentioned this plan to his late wife or his daughters. Kami: Class act…

So this was a recipe for disaster. He didn’t even proceed with proper match making duties like getting a picture of Ranma, or giving Genma pictures of his daughters. Plus, he really shouldn’t have trusted Genma with any of this.

The man had all sorts of marriage schemes that drove his son crazy. The only reason why Genma enrolled his son in an all boy’s school was to make him Girl Crazy, so starved for female contact and connection he’d jump into bed with any girl that’d take him.

While Ranma swung both ways, he refused to say it in front of his father. At this point he lied on reflex. He didn’t want to give Genma an inch, or he’d take miles and miles. Not that lying stopped him mind you.


Tendo was sure Ranma would find one of his daughters acceptable and their engagement could be set. He also needed this to work out. The Tendo Dojo wasn’t in the best shape, Akane had chased off most of their students. Everything was a mess right now.

Kasumi was a better instructor, and when she was in charge of the Dojo things were going well. Then his wife passed away and Kasumi took over the household. She was quite adept at motherly and wifely tasks, the household would fall apart without her.

The eldest daughter had the patience of saint, and while she didn’t train every day, she kept busy and fit. Younger men often hit on her, but she turned them down with such grace there were no hard feelings. They were too immature and she had enough people to take care of she wasn’t looking for another. She wanted either an older man or a mature one, one who had themselves put together even if just a little bit.

Nabiki handled the finances. She honestly didn’t car for martial arts or training. Soun was bad at keeping the books, so it was up to Nabiki to sort it all out, her efforts kept the lights on water running, and kept the roof over their head. She made sure the students paid their dues, and did a lot of side hustles to keep the cash flow going and bills paid.

The middle child was crafty, always working an angle. If there was an opportunity to make money she took it. If she had her way the Dojo would be turned into a gym and they’d get as many clients as possible. Many guys and girls saw her as a fiend or a devil, but Nabiki was herself. She grew up fast, to help the family, and she’d do anything to keep them above the red. She’d love to meet a man, preferably a rich one. She was a year older than her sister Akane but the maturity levels were vast.

Akane was...a problem. She had a natural gift for martial arts and she wanted to run the dojo. The problem was her temper. If a student made a joke or comment she didn’t like she unleashed her rage upon them sometimes causing serious injury. They were lucky they didn’t get sued.

Things only got worse in High School where Akane grew a hatred for boys, and brought it home to lash out against the remaining students. She scared off more and more students, much to Nabiki and Soun’s disappointment. Akane didn’t even care, using the Dojo as her own personal work out place. What she didn’t understand is without students the Dojo would collapse or need to be shut down to save money.

She tried to get girls in, but most of the girls in her class/school weren’t interested in martial arts, training, getting sweaty and sore. Most of the girls were interested in boys and getting dates, or just going out and having fun, some were focused on their studies. Akane’s mantra of hating boys didn’t make her any less popular with them for some reason. Kami: No idea...

Until graduation she had admirers near and far. Just because she was popular with guys, didn’t actually help the dojo as no one could handle her teaching or outbursts. The dojo wasn’t a place for dating and romance in her opinion.

If things didn’t shape up soon, he’d have to sell the dojo to keep the house. Uniting the schools was the only option left. He hoped Ranma’s fresh blood would revitalize the dojo and help bring in new students.

“Girls!” He called, ready to tell them the good news.

“WHAT?!” Akane didn’t take it well.


Genma was stuck back in coach as Ranma and Ryoga relaxed in first class. It was a great deal. They arrived in Nerima and had to travel to Furinkan community area. Genma continued to complain the whole way. “Why was I stuck back in coach!?”

“Because we paid for our tickets, and coach was all you deserve!” Ranma growled.

“You should show your father respect Ranma!”

“I paid for your ticket, that’s more respect than you deserve.” Ranma huffed.

“You and your boy toy better not embarrass me Ranma.” Kick! Genma was sent flying into a street post.

“If you keep insulting Ryoga, I’ll do more than embarrass you!” Ryoga smiled.

Ranma was almost tempted to just rent an apartment in town, but staying at the Tendo home and using their dojo would be a great savings cost. The first class tickets was a mating gift, so it was a splurge, but for them.

They arrived at the Tendo house…


Kasumi spent the day preparing the guest room for their guest. Nabiki got into her best kimono, hoping the boy was cute at least. She didn’t have high hopes for him being wealthy. Akane spent the day in the dojo working out her frustrations. “Come on Akane, the least you can do is meet this guy.”

“Why should I?” She looked pissed. “Dad wants this marriage so bad, he should marry him then!” Nabiki rolled her eyes.

“It’s not like you are guaranteed the one to marry him.” Akane huffed.

“This is just a move to replace me! No matter who he chooses he’ll be taking over the dojo right?” Nabiki shook her head.

“Listen little sister, you are going to college soon, this is a time for you to figure out your future. If you want it to be the dojo, you’ll need to get better people skills or one way or another you are gonna lose this dojo.” It was a harsh truth, but one Akane needed to accept. “You better shower, our guest of honor will be here soon.”

“Whatever!” Genma had sent them an arrival date and time frame for them to arrive.


Genma and Soun had a tearful reunion. Kasumi and Nabiki came out and were shocked to see two boys not one. “Daddy, which one is Ranma?”

“They are both so young.” Kasumi said. As she eyed them, the one with the pig tail braid, had a glow of maturity in his eyes. ‘Perhaps not…’

Ranma stepped up. “I’m Ranma Saotome,” he bowed. “Sorry about this!”

“If that’s Ranma, who’s this?” Nabiki asked.

“I’m Ryoga Hibiki!” He bowed politely.

“Genma, who is this boy?” Genma was sweating bullets.

“He’s…” Ranma began, but the elder Saotome cut him off.

“He’s another student of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts!” Ranma and Ryoga share a look, that Nabiki notices.

“Are either of them strong?!” Akane came out wearing a new training outfit. Nabiki face palmed.

‘She showered and changed into another training gi?’ Kami: Hey she’s your sister…

“Akane this is Ranma and Ryoga they are…” Akane interrupted him.

“Leaving, unless they can prove they are stronger than me!” She stood proudly with her arms crossed. The two fighters were confused, they just showed up and this girl stared at them if she already hated them.

“Tendo?” Genma questioned.

“I’m in charge of the Tendo Dojo, and I won’t agree to the merger of our schools or any new students unless they prove themselves to me!” Ranma twitched in annoyance.

He was about to tell this arrogant girl off, but Ryoga pulled him into a huddle. They finished. “Fine!”

They got to see the dojo and it was quite nice. Akane couldn’t land a hit on Ranma, he dodged and danced around her with such fluid movements. This just made her angrier, which made her easier to read. In the end Ranma won.

Next was Ryoga, he was just as fast as Ranma but he went another route. He let Akane hit him, over and over, he blocked and took hits, showing his incredible durability and endurance. Despite taking blow after blow, Ryoga didn’t go down. In the end Akane tired herself out and it was her loss.

“Well Saotome you’ve trained these boys well.” Soun said proudly.

“Hehe sure did!” Kami: Liar!

Genma had no idea the two were so strong, unaware of all the training they’ve done together. The two high five.

“Well that settles that, welcome boys.” Tendo hugged them both.

“Father, we didn’t know they’d be bringing a guest.” They only had the one room.

“That’s fine, we can share it.” Ranma said, referring to Ryoga.

“Now hold on!” Genma glared.

“We’ll even pay some rent.” The pig tailed boy held up some cash.

“Deal!” Nabiki took the cash and began counting it.

“Where am I gonna sleep!?” Ranma shrugged.

“Why don’t you bunk with Mr. Tendo you are old friends after all.” Genma was pissed, but he had no money to pay any rent, let alone what Ranma was offering. If he didn’t like it he could sleep in a tent in the yard.

“Ranma my boy, I’m sure your dad has told you about our arrangement. Choose one of my daughters to marry, and you can unite the Anything Goes Schools.”

“I’d actually like to hold off on that. They don’t know me, and I don’t know them. If the engagement is to proceed we should get to know each other, and in the mean time...” Ranma busted out a contract. Soun was stunned. “I’d like to make use of the Tendo Dojo and see if it can be saved. My proposal is all here.”

Nabiki took the contract and was quite impressed. It was well scripted and covered many bases and it was balanced offering both parties benefits. ‘This dude is no amateur.’

Even Kasumi was impressed. Soun had opened their home to these strangers for basically nothing, but Ranma was already giving back. It was truly mature of him.

“Now Ranma is all this necessary, your father and I…”

Nabiki finished reading the contract. “Sign it daddy!” Nabiki said.

“Nabiki?!” Soun was surprised.

“You are quite interesting, I don’t mind if they stay here, we can settle the marriage thing at a later date.”

“I mind!” Akane objected.

“Father, you did invite your friend here without warning and spring this engagement on us. I feel it’d be best we accept Ranma-kun’s offer.”

“Kasumi...Nabiki…” He signed. The man couldn’t win against Kasumi let alone Nabiki combined.

“Pleasure doing business with you. I’m also attending Furinkan College so looking forward to having you around.” They shook hands.


“Hey!” Akane and Genma protested but for different reasons.

To be continued



Good to see the usual suspects get steamrolled like that.🤣 Or would that be "bankrolled"? 😁