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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Ash Ketchum Badges 0 Pokemon 6/6
On Hand: Pikachu, Pidgey, Poliwag, Spearow, Ponyta, Metapod
Ring Plates: Electric/Barbed, Water/Tentacle, Flying/Drill
Abilities: Aura


Pikachu: Ability Static | Size: 5 Inches | Moves: Nuzzle, Quick Attack, Double Team*, Thunder Shock*

Pidgey: Ability Keen Eye | Size 5 Inches | Moves Tackle, Sand Attack*, Gust*, Quick Attack

Poliwag: Ability Water Absorb | Size 5 Inches | Moves Water Gun*, Belly Drum*, Pound, Hypnosis

Spearow: Ability Sniper | Size 4 | Moves Peck*, Feather Dance*, Leer, Fury Attack

Ponyta: Ability: Flame Body | ? | Moves Tackle, Ember, Flame Charge,

Metapod: Ability ? | Tackle, String Shot*, Bug Bite,


Toren Badges 0 Pokemon 6/6
On Hand: Roots (Bulbasaur), Oddish, Bellsprout, Nidoran M, Nidoran F, Paras
Oak’s Lab: (Hermes) Pidgeotto


Roots (Bulbasaur) Ability ? | Size ? | Moves: Sleep Powder, Vine Whip*, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf

Bloom (Oddish): Mega Drain, Poison Powder, Acid, Sweet Scent
Mastered Moves: Growth*

Ivy (Bellsprout): Vine Whip, Stun Spore, Wrap, Synthesis,
Mastered Moves: Growth*

Jam (Nidoran M): Ability: Poison Point | Moves: Horn Attack, Poison Sting*, Fury Attack,

Jelly (Nidoran F): Ability Poison Point | Moves: Scratch, Poison Sting*, Fury Swipes


Cross Badges 0 Pokemon 3/6
On Hand: Charmander, Doduo, Spearow

Gary Badges 0 Pokemon 5/6
On Hand: Squirtle, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Magikarp

Chapter 7 Fire and Grass

Toren’s face was as red as a tomato. Ash was walking around bare ass naked, the greenette was doing his best not to stare at Ash’s rod. ‘He’s so big!’ The golden ring on his cock, seemed naturally as part of his length. It gave his crotch a golden aura, that felt divine. He squirmed feeling his arousal surge.

The greenette’s mons were resting, Ash’s monsters were gathered around. A new monster was about to join their family and potentially a human as well. Ponyta didn’t mind being watched, by mons or humans. His monster cock was already out of his sheath, his impressive nuts dropped and he was ready for mating. “Fascinating!” Toren took notes. “He must be 8 inches in length.”

Ash caressed the fire Pokemon. “Pon~!” He nuzzled back.

‘This is the bond of fire pokemon!’ Toren had read some pokemon had effects that could repel trainers, like rough skin, foul odor, or even flames. By bonding with a pokemon these effects between trainer and monster are nullified.

Ponyta was warm like a camp fire, but as safe as the wind, he lit up the area. “Now let’s begin!” Ash’s rod glowed in a brilliant light. It took the form of the fire type and oh man was it hot. The monstrous thing was thick, but what truly stood out was the hefty knot that rested at the base of Ash’s groin.

“Oh wow!” Toren gasped.

“Pony~!” Ponyta gazed at it lovingly, drooling slightly at the mighty piece. A primal attraction was felt and a hunger rose inside him.

Ash sat down on a tree stump and spread his legs. “You want a taste buddy?” Ponyta nodded. He came over and settled between Ash’s legs. Without hesitation he began lapping at Ash’s rod. “Ohh!”

The horse monster licked along the shaft, enjoying the flavor and heat of his rod. One could almost hear a sizzle with each pass of his tongue. Ponyta moved down to lap at the knot. “That feels good!” Ketchum moaned.

Toren gulped. ‘Ponyta is really into Ash’s rod!’ He was licking all over, but was really savoring the knot. It wasn’t just the cock, the fire type even dipped lower to lap at Ash’s balls.

“His tongue is so warm!” Ash moaned and Toren took notes.

When he started to leak pre-cum, Ponyta moved up to focus on the tip. His tongue lapped up the essence and he drank it down. “Pony~!” The fire type enjoyed it. He took the tip into his mouth and began to suck.

“Ohh!” Ash placed his hand in Ponyta’s mane. The flames tickled his skin. He was able to pet him as he savored his cock head. His tongue swirled round and round, trying to draw out more pre-cum before giving the slit a tongue lashing.

Ponyta’s sucks were warm and gentle, but drew sweet moans from Ash’s lips. Eager to please his trainer more, Ponyta took more of his rod into his mouth. The fire type didn’t have a gag reflex, taking every inch of his shaft until he kissed the knot.

He bobbed back and forth, slurping and sucking, while his tongue worked the underside. Toren stopped taking notes, drawn into the scene before him. His cock twitching and pushing at the confines of his pants.

Ash’s aura flared, giving his fire horse a link to his pleasure. Ponyta could feel it, with every lick and suck, Ash’s pleasure washed over him.

The greenette was just expecting Ponyta to suck Ash off. He seemed into it, enjoying his length. What Toren wasn’t expecting was for him to take his knot with his mouth!


“Ohh yeah!” Ash’s rod slid down Ponyta’s throat, his mouth opening up to consume the knot. The fire type moaned around the shaft, knot and all. “That’s good I’m cumming!”

His seed rushed down Ponyta’s throat and filled his belly. Ponyta came, following suit and blowing his load across the ground. He couldn’t savor Ash’s seed, but he enjoyed having the knot in his mouth. His hot little hole was twitching in orgasmic bliss, jealous that his mouth got to enjoy his length.

Ash changed his cock back to normal, slipping it from Ponyta’s lips, before changing it back. “Want me to return the favor or get right to the mating?” The fire type was tempted, eager to feel the rod of fire types in his ass, but he was a passionate pokemon and was happy to cum again.

Ketchum could feel it in his aura. With a chuckle he came around and settled behind Ponyta. Toren watched as Ash buried his face in Ponyta’s balls and breathed deeply. “Mmm, his musk is like roasted chestnuts on an open fire.” He fondled the hefty balls.

“Pon!” The fire type moaned. Ash reached around and worked his cock. He could feel the impressive weight and heat of his length. “Ta~ta!” Ponyta shuddered in delight.

Ketchum chuckled, he kissed his sac, before licking up his taint to his twitching hole. The trainer kissed his ass, in a weird combination of lewdly and lovingly. His tongue traced the ring before darting into the hot little donut.

‘He’s eating him out!’ Toren gulped.

The greenette couldn’t take it anymore and freed his cock. He tried to focus on taking notes, but his pants were just too confining. Toren shivered as his heated length met the warm air.

Despite it being late at night, the heat Ponyta was giving off made the area feel all warm and toasty.

Ash was giving a lot of love and care to his fire type, fondling his balls, working his shaft, and eating his ass. Ponyta had a plump yet firm booty to bury his face in. Ketchum tongue fucked him, darting his wet muscle and curling it stimulating the monster’s insides. “Pon Pon Ponyta!” The fire type moaned.

He was reading his aura, rolling with it to give Ponyta as much pleasure as possible. His efforts were rewarded via a powerful orgasm. Ponyta bared down as his orgasm rocked him, Ash pumping him through his release. Milking the horse monster of a few more spurts. He had a full puddle of cum beneath him, thick and looking like melted wax.

“You ready buddy?” Ash asked.

Ponyta was more than ready, he wiggled his but, his hole winking in want. Ash was slicked up with pre-cum. He lined up his length and held Ponyta’s hips firm.

With a push, he breached his fire type. His hole was quite pliable like warm chocolate. Ponyta’s ass swallowed his rod nicely. “Ohh so warm!” Ash moaned as his penis sank in.

The monster’s insides were indeed hot Hot HAWT! An inferior cock would have melted and came instantly, but Ash’s fire rod could take the heat and dish back. Ponyta moaned and shuddered, his flames growing hotter.

Any sweat on Ash’s body sizzled away, giving the air a sauna-like musk. Ketchum buried his length in, until his knot was kissing Ponyta’s rim. Ponyta was blushing and drooling, the heat of Ash’s rod spread through him, like a slow lava flow.

Toren started jerking off as Ash began to move, humping the fire horse monster. ‘This is too hot!’ Toren’s glasses fogged up a few times.

Ponyta was in fire type heaven. The friction made it feel like his insides were melting, back and forth it was all glorious. The knot clapping against his hole, was an explosion of pleasure, shooting up his spine. Each impact made his hole tighten increasing the friction which each pull back.

He was eager to take the knot, pushing back against Ash’s humping. His pace was passionate, giving long hard thrusts that let Ponyta feel the inches. It was good, but it just made Ponyta want that knot even more.

Ash gave a firm thrust and...pop! “Ta~!” Ponyta moaned as the knot breached his ass. His cock twitched in a dry orgasm. Ketchum basked as Ponyta’s hot channel squeezed his full length.

“Mmm!” He thought they were locked together, but Ponyta wiggled his butt. His aura said it all. “Really?”

“Pon Ponyta!” The fire type nodded and braced himself.

Ash pulled and pulled until pop! Ponyta moaned. He thrust back in Pop! It was knot play!

Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop~

Ketchum’s thrusts were short, his knot making Ponyta’s ass bloom beautifully. It made his legs feel like jelly, his penis weeping like crazy.

Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop~

Feeling Ponyta’s inner walls work his knot sent pleasure shooting through Ash. A fire pokemon’s ass was made for this knot, his other mons watched feeling horny, the knot seemed intimidating but also enticing.

Toren squirmed, just seeing the monster hole bloom made his insides grow hot. It was getting warm, Toren took off his clothes to get comfortable.

As Ponyta’s heat rose, it mixed with Ash’s aura, and spread it out in waves. Toren and the monsters could feel their pleasure.

Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop~

Ponyta’s climax hit and he came hard. Ash gave one final thrust, POP! He came into his fire type and marked him as his mate. Ponyta could feel his limiters open, and ancient power flow through him. He learned Hypnosis.

With one final pop Ash’s cock was pulled out. Toren was shocked to see he was still hard. “What do you say Toren, wanna try?”

The greenette blushed. “I don’t think I’m ready to handle that.” Ash thought for a moment.

“Well you love Grass types, how about this one?” His rod glowed and it transformed.

“Oh wow!” Toren blushed. “This is the Grass Rod?” It reminded him of a Tangela. Several vines came from his crotch, they were curled and coiled together to form an impressive rod. Each vine was about two fingers thick.

Ash winked at him. “Wanna give it a try?”

“Y-Yes please!” Toren was pulled into Ketchum’s lap, and the vines unfurled, snaking around Toren’s body. “Ohh!” One vine coiled around the greenette’s penis, pumping it. Another curled around his sac, and gave his balls a squeeze. “Ah Ash ahhh!”

Two vines rubbed Toren’s nipples, while another slipped into his mouth. “Mpf mmm~!” A strange nectar was spread on his nips, and spilled over Toren’s tongue. ‘It’s sweet!’ He sucked on the vine and the nectar poured out. His cheeks burned in a blush.

A vine poked at his hole and was able to slip in. The nectar made a good lube as it slipped in easily. Ash could control each of the vines freely.

Toren gasped and moaned as the vine in his ass wiggled, stretching out his virgin channel. ‘This is too much, I’m cumming!’ He came.

Ash followed suit, all the vines spitting his semen out. He filled Toren from both ends and covered him in the rich nectar. “Not bad for a first time right?”

“That was amazing…” Toren panted. “I’m all sticky and goopy.”

Ash’s monsters eyed him with a wicked glint. “Uhh Ash…”

Ketchum chuckled. “Well they do like my cum.” They pounced and began licking him all over.

“Hahaha that tickles hahahaha!” Toren was licked all over, none of Ash’s tasty essence going to waste.

Once he was licked clean he began jotting down notes. ‘There is so much I have to learn...but Ash is amazing!’ Ketchum still had stamina to burn, using the vine dicks to fuck Pikachu, Poliwag, Spearow, and Pidgey all at once.

Metapod wiggled, he couldn’t wait to evolve and join Ash’s harem of monsters.

To be continued


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