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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Patreon Reward

Kinktober Special 2022 # 1 Good Demons

Hiei is brought to the Spirit Well to be trained to be a good demon by King Enma, using advanced spirit techniques to get Hiei to stop being so naughty. Session after session and Hiei falls under the spirit king’s influence, like so many others.


Hiei struggled against his bonds. He lost to the spirit detective Yusuke Urameshi, and the three dark treasures he worked so hard to steal were returned. King Enma wasn’t pleased, he punished Koenma for his failure for not protecting the vault. One Thousand Spankings, Koenma’s ass was so red and he wouldn’t be sitting any time soon.

Koenma was Enma’s son and received such a brutal punishment, Hiei had no idea what fate was in store for him. His hands were bound behind his back with spirit wards, his spirit and demon energy was sealed. There was even a ward over his jagan eye, very powerful and restrictive. Like this, he was weak and defenseless physically.

So it was no surprise when two ogres came to his cell. “Move!” Hiei was defiant, which didn’t help as the two muscular ogres lifted him up and pulled him from his cell.

“Where are you taking me?”

“To your punishment!” They set him down.

“Now march!” He was pushed forward, so he began to move.

Hiei was led into a basement structure. ‘Am I to be executed here?’ He was led to a chair in the middle of the room, even with his keen observation he didn’t notice the weird etchings in the ground.

“Hiei, you are an unknown but troublesome demon. What was your intention for the dark treasures?” He heard King Enma’s voice but didn’t see the ruler.

“Go to hell!” Hiei snapped.

“Your answer may make your sentence lighter?” He knew the dark treasures better than most, the last time they got loose he flooded the world to get them back. It all worked out but still…

“Is it so wrong to want to get rid of the pests called humans?” He answered back in a hottie manner.

Enma sighed. “I see, then your punishment has been decided.” A loud claw was heard, and lights began to appear in the room.

“What is this?” The lights danced through the room until they found the intended spot. From the etchings on the ground shadows rose up and connected to their respective ball of light, creating a head and body.

“Do you know what we do to bad demons?” Hiei grits his teeth.

“I suppose you either kill them or lock them up forever?” His eyes darted as far as he could see. The strange fragments just seemed to just be standing there.

“A good guess, but those that enter the Spirit Well have another fate entirely.” He snapped his fingers and the figments began to move.


Hiei could hear chanting as the figments began to circle him. ‘What is this?’ He’s never seen such magic before. It felt like he was surrounded by predators circling him before the strike.  On instinct his eyes focused on them, which was a mistake.

He tried to call out and curse Enma, but he couldn’t speak. His red eyes moved from figment to figment, unsure if or when an attack would come.

The shadowy bodies began to move and dance around him. Their swaying and rhythmic movement was enticing. He was drawn into their dancing, slowly falling into a trance. The room faded away, to Hiei it was as if he was floating in space.

Walls, ceiling, and floor were gone, even the ogre guards seemed to disappear. Only the chair he was sitting on seemed to carry over with him.

As seconds turned to minutes Hiei was no longer following the figments with his eyes, instead he was starring straight ahead watching as they danced in and out of his vision. ‘I can’t look away…’ Even his blinking slowed down.


He felt tired, his eyes grew heavier and heavier but he wanted to keep starring, the pretty lights and the shadow dancing was so nice...

The more he watched the more tired he became, but also the more he wanted to sit and watch. Without realizing it he had fallen asleep and when he awoke he was back in his cell. ‘Was it just a dream?’ The more he tried to remember the more it slipped through his fingers.

Hiei had the biggest case of deja vu, as the ogres came to take him for his punishment, and King Enma asked him the same things he had said before. Hiei gave the same response and was met with the same spell.


The figments danced and Hiei fell into a trance, a part of him wanted this to last, so he resisted the urge to fall asleep. Doing so allowed him to dip down, sinking into the void with the dancing figments going with him.

Eventually he did fall asleep and he woke back up in his cell, only this time, his hands weren’t bound. The ogres came to take him to his punishment, seemingly for the first time. Despite his wrists being free, the fire demon made no move to escape but refused to come out of his cell when ordered. The ogres dragged him out and he was led down a familiar hallway and brought to a familiar room. ‘Have I been here before?’ He couldn’t remember.

Instead of questions Enma had a command. “Remove your clothes.” Hiei blushed.

“Like hell I will!” He snapped. “I will not be a made a fool of by Spirit World!” There was a loud clap and the figments were conjured once again.


As Hiei dipped down he heard a voice. “Don’t think...just obey...an obedient demon is a good demon...don’t think...just obey...an obedient demon is a good demon…” The words repeated over and over. He heard it through his whole session, before he fell asleep.

“An obedient demon is a good demon…” Hiei muttered before snapping awake. “What was I saying?” He clutched his head as he couldn’t remember.

The ogres arrived. “Move!” Hiei wanted to protest but instead he follows the command.

‘Ehh?’ He was led down into the Spirit Well.

“Remove your clothes.” King Enma ordered.

Hiei stood and began to remove each article of clothing from his body, exposing his chiseled form. His strong shoulders and toned arms, his firm pecs and rock hard abs, his smooth tender back and his plump rear, his impressive demon cock and balls, his well honed legs and well kept feet. Every inch of him was exposed, his clothing cast aside. In an instant Hiei felt exposed, he blushed from ear to ear. “Why...why did I obey?”

“Because you are a good demon.” Enma snapped his fingers and the figments began to dance once more.


Hiei fell into a trance, even faster this time. He forgot about his nudity and gazed into the dancing lights. “Just relax...you don’t need to think...you just need to obey...it feels good to relax…” He heard, and the words became truth. As the fire demon sank down he became more relaxed and it felt good.

“Good demons obey...it helps them relax...it feels good to relax…” The session lasted longer, as Hiei relaxed and entered a blissed out state. The words repeating in his mind.

His blood rushed south and he got hard. “Bad demons are full of negative energy, you must purge this negative energy to be a good demon.”

“How...do I...purge it?” Hiei questioned. He didn’t get an answer, his cock twitched wanting attention but the fire demon just zoned out listening to his mantra.


When Hiei awoke he was back in his cell, and his cock was painfully hard. He blushed. There wasn’t time to think about it though as he was summoned by the ogres for his punishment.

He was brought to the Spirit Well and during the trek his cock settled down. Not for long as he once again was made to strip. As each article left him Hiei felt weirdly relaxed, the more he obeyed and got naked it felt good. When the last garment fell his cock was standing erect. “Do you know why you are here?”

“Because I stole the treasures of darkness and I’m being punished.”

“Do you know why you did that?” Hiei didn’t he couldn’t remember why. “Because you are a naughty demon who doesn’t know his place. So full of negative energy you can’t possibly be good.”

“How do I purge it?” Hiei spoke surprising himself again.

“Masturbate!” His whole face became red and he wanted to protest but instead his body acted and he began playing with his erect cock.

‘Why am I doing this?’

Because I want to be a good demon!’ A spark of delight shot through Hiei’s body.

‘Why am I touching myself?’

Because I was told to, I want to obey, I must obey, it feels good to obey!’ These strange words felt both foreign and natural. His stiff movements slowly became fluid as he relaxed and worked his meat. Pre-cum leaked out and he spread it over his length.

The movements of his hand increased, polishing his rod and making it glisten. He knew he was being watched, but he didn’t care as the scales of pleasure tipped in his favor and he came all over the floor.

King Enma snapped his fingers and the figments began to dance. Hiei had just came and he was pulled into a trance. His mind and body relaxing, so causing his libido to burn hotter.


Since he was hard and knew what to do Hiei began to happily masturbate as he sank deeper and deeper into the hypnotic trance. Just as he was about to cum again. “Stop!” Hiei whined, obeying the command.

His cock twitched angrily. He didn’t understand he wanted to be good, he was full of negative energy, he had to purge it! “Just relax...be a good demon...good demons obey...it feels good to obey...obeying makes you feel good...it helps relax you...the more relaxed you are the easier it is for you to obey…the more you obey...the quicker you become a good demon…”

The words sank in and Hiei understood, he wanted to be a good demon, he wanted to obey! “Begin!” He heard and Hiei began to jerk off once more.

Just as he was about to cum. “Stop!” The fire demon whimpered as he obeyed.

“Good demons obey...it feels good to obey...to obey a good demon must serve…”

“Serve?” Hiei questioned. The session lasted for hours, until Hiei’s body couldn’t take it anymore and he came passing out in the process.


When he woke up he was back in his room, and he had some form of wet dream in the night. Hiei squirmed as his cum soaked fundoshi clung to his crotch. Something was off, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

The ogres arrived. “Move!” Once again Hiei obeyed. As he was taken down the hall, something in the back of his mind made him sweat. If he went with them something was gonna happen, he was gonna be changed. He didn’t know how, he just knew it. “Keep walking it’s time for your punishment.”

“Where are you taking me?” He tried to bolt but was grabbed by the ogres.

“Where all bad demons like you go, to the Spirit Well.” Hiei’s body relaxed and he was brought to the familiar spot. This time there was no chair for him to sit on. He was made to strip and to kneel, his lewd cock standing at attention as he moved.

“Did you have any dreams Hiei?”

“Dreams?” He gulped.

“Yes, dreams help teach good demons who they are to serve.” Hiei blushed.

“Serve…” He almost drooled at the thought. Enma snapped his fingers and their session began.


Hiei put on a show jerking off to near completion only to stop when commanded. Enma made him switch it up, by playing with his ass or nipples. All of it training so he could be a good demon.

The fire demon obeyed happily, all to be a good demon. “Good demons are free...to be free you must serve...to serve you must obey...if you obey you will become a good demon…” Such a good demon he was becoming.

His sessions grew longer as he edged himself. Lazily stroking his cock while fingering his hole. Soon Enma didn’t even need to tell him to stop, the fire demon stopping and switching up his erogenous zones to keep stay on edge and horny.

Hiei’s orgasms were powerful, as he spilled what made him a man all across the floor. It was good, the more he came, the more negative energy was expelled. Edging helped build up that bad demon energy so he could expel it all at once.


Hiei woke up naked in his cell, having an intense wet dream. “Master!” He moaned.

The ogres fetched him again and he was brought naked to the spirit well. “Are you a good demon or a bad demon?”

“I’m a good demon sir!” He knelt down in submission.

“Do you know who you are to serve?”

“Yes sir, my master is clear. I will serve him and obey his every command.” Hiei’s eyes gleamed happily and his cock twitched in want.

“Your clothes are there you may leave.” Hiei collected them but didn’t put them on, leaving in all his naked glory.

“Are you sure this is wise, what if the spirit detective gets suspicious?” An ogre asked.

“It’s fine, Hiei will do what is needed to be done.” Enma chuckled. He’s controlled and brainwashed many demons to get his way this would be no different.


Yusuke was woken up as his bedroom window was opened. Without warning a naked Hiei pounced on him and pinned him to the bed. “Hiei?!”

“Hello Yusuke…” The fire demon purred.

“Are you here to kill me?”

“Not at all, I’m here to serve you?”

“Serve me? Hiei you feeling alright?”

“Yes Master, I feel relaxed and eager to obey.” He wiggled his naked butt on Yusuke’s crotch.

“Oi!” Urameshi gasped.

“Don’t worry Master, I know what you need.” His jagan eye glowed. “You’ll be my master and I’ll be your perfect good demon!” Hiei played with his nipples as his Jagan eye obeyed and helped turn Yusuke into the ultimate master.

Why bring Yusuke to the spirit well when Hiei could bring the spirit well to him? When Yusuke woke up he was ready to command and Hiei was eager to obey. Yusuke knew how to deal with bad demons now, and Hiei was happy to help bad demons become good.



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