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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Tier 1/Halloween special

Chapter 2  

Chapter 3 My Power is Your Power

Yusuke and Rumble were living it up. With his new evolved body Urameshi needed very little food for sustenance. He also needed only four hours of sleep, giving him more free time to do with as he pleased. Yusuke could do what he wanted and do his homework.

He wanted to stick it to those jerk teachers who looked down on him. Since he had more free time he could slack off and do the work. It was a win-win for Yusuke, plus he loved seeing the shocked or annoyed expressions on teacher’s faces. Rumble could even quiz Yusuke while he slept.

If/When Yusuke slept through class Rumble was watching and listening. The look on the teacher’s face when he asked Yusuke to solve the problem was priceless. The rat faced bastard thought Yusuke was sound asleep and allowed it through his lecture, all so he could publicly humiliate him.

With Rumble’s help he was able to stick it in the weasel’s craw. Yusuke’s bliss radiated through him, once class was over he laughed himself silly. “Did you see the look on his face!? HAHAHA!” His suit couldn’t help but chuckle as well.

Even without Yusuke’s memories just meeting some of these teachers, he could smell their arrogance. He didn’t much care for them, so he enjoyed sticking it to them as well. Yusuke’s enemies were his enemies after all.


Rumble replaced his clothing, which saved a lot of time, all he needed was a shower. They both could get clean, and in a flash he would be dressed and ready to go.

The demon ooze could replicate any form of clothing either by eating it to get the full break down or by simply seeing it. As he explained it, he could take the shape of a bullet proof vest, but without sampling one he couldn’t copy its effects. Just an example, with his demon power he could make Yusuke’s clothes more durable and protective than human armor, but it was the simplest analogy he could give. Clothing in the demon realm usually had magical effects or enchantments to them, so he couldn’t replicate such things unless he ate a piece or the whole garment.

“Human clothes are simple and easy, since humans value style and fashion over practicality.” Rumble could mimic fashion clothes but make it more comfortable. Yusuke could be dressed all in leather but it would breathe like silk. Any outfit Rumble became would/could be altered by demon power, no matter the shape or style, it’d be optimized for Yusuke’s benefit.

As a demon suit, his first priority was the protection of his wearer, making them look good was just a bonus. Even if Yusuke was a simple guy with simple tastes. Rumble wished to improve Urameshi’s life, even if it was seen through a demon’s eyes. In the demon world, depending on the level things were wild, the strong take and the weak are taken from. The idea wasn’t that strange to Yusuke, but he’s got his own pride.


Yusuke got to explore himself, Rumble may have given him a taste, but he could freely explore the flavors. His new evolved body was something else, not only did he have some oomf~oomf in his pecker area, but the new nerve endings in his ass felt amazing to stimulate.

Rumble was always happy to lend a hand or mouth to the fun, and he made clean up a breeze. Yusuke’s semen was an undeniable treat for the demon suit. He’d enjoy it even if Yusuke jerked off, training his libido and cumming all over his abs and pecs. Rumble would lick up and not waste a drop. In the mornings he’d wake Yusuke up with a blow job and prostate massage, getting breakfast for himself and one hell of a wake up call for Urameshi.

His partner was something else, even his libido was wild. Yusuke could cum three times a day with the same amount of output and volume. Rumble would swear he just awakened a sleeping incubus or something. If he continued to train his dick and ass, he’d become one hell of a lover.


If Yusuke had one complaint about their union, it was the ability to see ghosts/specters. His spirit energy and awareness were awakened by their union, so now he could see. He met a few ghosts but they were nice and Yusuke even helped them move on.

Spirit insects were annoying, he didn’t like normal every day bugs. “Come on partner, a few pests are a small price to pay for me right?”

“Yeah, true!” Yusuke shrugged. “So are there more of these things I should know about?”

Most spirit bugs are small so they are able to travel between worlds easy enough, but they don’t tend to without reason preferring a more spirit enriched area.” Yusuke crushed one in the air.

“Well they might be annoying but they are easy to deal with I guess...anything else?” They were pretty weak.

Well you should be wary of demons and apparitions. There may be a barrier, but low ranked demons can slip through.”

“Like you?” Yusuke said cheekily.

I’ll have you know I’m a powerful demon in my own right, but without a host my strength was overlooked.” Now that he was bonded with Yusuke it was unlikely he’d be able to return to demon world. Urameshi chuckled.

“I know, I know.” He did ponder about the demon world and a part of him wanted to see it himself one day.

You should be careful Yusuke, even low ranked demons can be dangerous, some have special skills and abilities. Powerful demons can even take human form, while crafty demons hide out using possession.”

“Good to know I guess.” Yusuke went to the arcade and noticed a student with horns. ‘What the hell?!’ The scrawny nerd was leading a group of thugs.

Sakamoto may have seemed like an innocent nerd, but he was the leader of this gang. He was the brains and they were the brawn. Yusuke had tussled with his thugs before, so they knew not to mess with him. ‘The horns are new…’ Yusuke thought.

Urameshi observed the group and he somehow got Kuwabara and his crew wrapped around his finger. The orangette brought the nerd with horns some manga. “You bought these manga, I told you to steal them!”

‘Idiot, Kuwabara doesn’t steal, it goes against his honor code.’ He didn’t get why Kuwabara was listening to this punk.

“I got you your stupid manga what’s the difference?”

“The difference is I wanted you to steal them, to get a taste of evil!” He radiated a sinister aura.

‘Can no one else see that?’ His goons thought he was acting strange but he was getting results so they didn’t care.

Yusuke, I feel that boy is possessed by a demon.’ Rumble said.

The demon was trying to corrupt those around him, but instead of simple temptation he was trying to force humans to commit evil deeds. He had Kuwabara’s pet kitten being held hostage, and was using her to try and force Kuwabara to do these things. Corrupting souls left a bad taste in Rumble’s mouth. If humans wanted to give into temptation that was one thing.

The more corrupted a human soul is, the easier they are to manipulate and be taken over by demons.’

Sakamato forced Kuwabara and his crew to follow him into a vacant lot. One of his goons held Kuwabara’s cat. “Eikitchi!” Kuwabara cried out.

Yusuke face palmed.

“Your friends have been glaring at me this whole time, it’s quite rude. Beat them up until I’m satisfied!”

“What?!” Kazuma gasped.

“You can do it Kuwabara we can take it.”

“Yeah, we’ll just pretend it’s Sakamoto hitting us.”

“I...I can’t…” Kuwabara had too much pride and honor for such a thing.

“So much pride, then we’ll start with that then. Strip now!” Sakamoto said.

“What?!” Kuwabara blushed.

“Strip down naked and bark like a dog, do so and your cat lives to see another day.”

“You bastard!” His friends were pissed.

“I’ll do it!” Kuwabara stripped off his clothes, casting them aside. It was embarrassing especially when he got to his white boxers with the pink hearts on them. Sakamoto’s goons laughed at Kuwabara, as he stripped butt naked.

“That’s pathetic!”

“Nice boxers Kuwabara!”

“What a loser?!”

‘Let them talk, as long as Eikitchi is safe that’s all that matters.’ He got down on all fours and began to bark like a dog. Sakamoto, more so the demon inside Sakamoto enjoyed seeing Kuwabara humiliate himself.

Yusuke had to admit Kuwabara had a nice ass, he’d have liked to admire his body a bit but the situation caused for action. He jumped in and took out the goon holding the cat. With the hostage free Kuwaba’s friends charged in to take on the goons.

Kazuma was butt naked and Yusuke gave him back his kitten so his hands were full. “You owe me one Kuwabara!”

Sakamoto ran and Urameshi gave chase. He took out the nerd and the demon Jyaki came out. “Damn it, I was so close, I’d have had that punk’s body!” He had sensed spirit power in him, Jyaki hoped to corrupt Kazuma’s soul to take it over and feed on his spirit power to grow stronger.

“So you’re a demon huh?”

“Who the hell are you, how dare you get in my way!?”

“I’m Yusuke Urameshi and this is Rumble!” The ooze manifested.

Charmed!” He said with a big toothy grin.

“And we are gonna kick your ass!” Yusuke cracked his knuckles.

“A damn demon parasite, you talk big but you won’t catch me!” Jyaki surged with energy before taking off like a grass hopper and zipping around.

Nice trick!” Rumble shot out and caught him.

“Damn you let me go, you shouldn’t have been able to catch me, you are just a lowly human and a demon parasite!” Jyaki cursed.

My power is his power, and now your power is our power.” Rumble squeezed the tiny imp demon, and began to drain his energy.

“No...my power...damn you…” Jyaki was knocked out and Rumble copied his power and gave it to Yusuke.

Give it a try partner.” Yusuke did, his body getting enveloped in energy before he took off moving at an insane speed.

“Whoa!” He jumped around a bit. “This is cool, can you do this with other demons?”

Now that I have a host yes, we can take more than one ability at a time. It’s our power now master we’ll need to hone it and refine it.”

“Sounds good to me.” He had plenty of time to kill after all. Maybe fighting demons wouldn’t be so bad.

Unknown to Yusuke, Jyaki was being followed, a blue haired woman now had her sights on him.

To be continued...A Special Offer


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