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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Halloween Special

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Route 1 Troubles

Ash and Abra entered route 1, but weren’t having luck catching any pokemon. He tried to catch a Pidgey but it flew away, another attempt for a Rattata but the normal type also ran away. “Oh man!” Ketchum groaned.

He checked his Pokedex, Route 1 had a river where he could find water Pokemon. There was also an area he thought best to avoid. Routes were divided into two areas, the traveler’s route that connects town to town. Then there was the Wild Areas, where one could find rare and stronger pokemon, but it was very dangerous.

More experienced trainers come back to these Wild Areas in familiar routes to test their skills and find rare pokemon.

“Let’s give fishing a try.” Abra floated behind him as they wondered around trying to find mons.

Ketchum did some spiritual dousing and found a good spot and cast his line. “This spot is perfect, I’ve got good vibes about this spot!” Things were peaceful for a time, until…

“Well well, if it isn’t Ash.” Ash knew that voice all too well.

“Gary…” The brunette’s aura was radiating confidence and ego. “What are you doing here?”

“Well I’ve already caught a bunch of Pokemon, but I’m looking for variety so I was gonna catch some water pokemon.” He showed off his catches so far, a Pidgey, Rattata, and Spearow. “How many Pokemon have you caught?”

Ash blushed. “None…” He said softly.

“Huh, what was that?” Gary held a hand up to his ear, in a mocking way.

“I haven’t caught any...yet!” Ash gripped his fishing rod. “I’m feeling good about this spot, I can feel it, I’m gonna find a pokemon meant for my team!”

“Did your spirit board tell you that?” Gary rolled his eyes. “This is why you can’t make friends, all that wave and aura reading stuff creeps people out.” Even if it was an acknowledge class, that didn’t stop people from looking down on them.

“I got friends, right Abra?” Abra nodded.

“Ab, Ra…” The two fist bumped.

“So you got an Abra huh, you just can’t do anything normal can you?” Ash’s spirits sank a bit, he loved his starter.

Abra had enough. His psychic powers let loose, a blue aura encircled Gary and caused his pants to be yanked down. “Wah hey!” His tightywhities were exposed. Oak blushed and he struggled to pull his pants back up.

Ketchum laughed. “You really should watch what you say Gary.”

“Tch!” Before he could give a scathing retort a Goldeen popped out of the water.

“Gold Goldeen!” The fish-like monster called out.

“A Goldeen!” Ash said happily, he pulled out his Pokedex.

Dexter: Goldeen the Gold Fish Pokemon, a Water Type. When the weather warms up, Goldeen form schools and swim up river. Some say this is a sign that spring had arrived. Its dorsal, pectoral, and tail fins billow like an elegant ballroom dress, giving it the nickname of the Water Dancer.

While Ash went for his Pokedex, Gary went for a Monster Ball. “Enjoy the lesson cause this Goldeen is mine!” He threw the monster ball.

“Deen!” Goldeen used Water Gun, it was a rare move potentially learned from when it was in its egg. The attack blew the ball back and hit Gary in the face.

“Gah!” He glared in annoyance, while Ash and Abra chuckled. “Tch, whatever, I don’t need a weak little Goldeen anyway, I’m out of here!” He called for his car and he was gone.

“I don’t think you are weak, how about a battle?” Goldeen agreed and Abra clashed with him.

The water type launched shots of Water Gun, which Abra used Teleport to dodge. The Psychic type fought back with Confusion dealing good damage to the fish monster. ‘Alright, it’s weakened, now for the Monster Ball.’ Ketchum went for the ball, but just as he went to throw it he froze.

Ash felt a strange pulse, like a cry for help. Things became dead quiet as Ash turned towards the direction of the strange waves he was feeling. ‘Something is wrong!’ Abra could feel his trainer’s emotions. ‘Someone needs help!’

Ketchum collapsed his fishing rod and put the empty ball away. “Sorry Goldeen, there’s trouble.” He tossed the monster a berry. “Abra let’s move!”

“Ab!” The psychic type followed his trainer as Ash raced towards where he was feeling the negative waves. Goldeen was shocked, but took the berry.

There were signs warning trainers about the dangerous Wild Area, but Ketchum ignored them as he raced towards the weird vibes he was getting.

When he arrived on the scene, he found a Kangakhan in a cage and a Pikachu trying desperately to break him out. Ash didn’t know it but these two were brothers.

As a Pichu this Pikachu was raised by a female Kangaskhan along side the Kangakhid. The momma’s love and care helped Pichu evolve into a Pikachu and some time later his brother evolved into a full Kangaskhan. The normal type hadn’t even adopted a kid yet, carrying his brother around in his pouch.

They made a cute sight, if an odd one.

He had left the pouch to get berries, and Kangaskhan had fallen into a trap. It was well hidden and electrified given the burns on Kangaskhan from trying to break out. Ash stepped out and Pikachu glared at him his cheeks sparking. “Pika!”

“I’m not the one who trapped your friend, but I came to help!” Pikachu wasn’t buying it but Abra spoke up for him.

Ash approached the cage. “Spirits of metal and steel, lend me your aid.” He went to touch the lock and ZAP! “Gah!”

“Ab!” The psychic type gasped.

“I’m fine!” Ash said, his tone was shaken by the pain. The palm of his hand was burned. “I got what I need!” His hand was shaking from the voltage. Pikachu was shocked. He wasn’t expecting a human to actually help them, let alone get hurt for them.

Ketchum pulled out a talisman. “Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Wood, Lightning, Metal!” He called upon the forces of the human spirit. The talisman became erect and Ash placed it over the door lock. “Pikachu use Thundershock and aim it at the talisman.”

Pikachu obeyed if it meant helping his brother. “Pika-CHU!” He unleashed the Electric attack, it struck the talisman and flash. His attack was amplified and overloaded the cage, it fried. Pow!

The door burst open. “You’re free.” Ash said happily.

Kangaskhan came out and Pikachu jumped into his arms. It was a touching scene. Abra was worried about his trainer’s injury. “It’s okay, my hand will heal.” He had some bandages in his bag, with Abra’s help he wrapped his hand up. “That should do for now.”

“Pika/Kanga.” Ash looked to the pair.

“I’m fine, are you okay?” He asked looking at Kangaskhan’s wounds. Ketchum got him a berry. He checked his Pokedex on the two monsters.

Dexter: Kangaskhan the Parent Pokemon a Normal type. Raises its young in its belly pouch. Won’t run from any fight to keep its young protected. Male Kangaskhan are often given a young to raise and watch over.

Pikachu the Mouse Pokemon, an Electric type and the evolved form of Pichu. It can generate electric attacks from the pouches located in both of its cheeks. Pikachu’s tail is sometimes struck by lightning as it raises its tail to check its surroundings. When several of these pokemon gather together, their electricity build and cause lightning storms. This intelligent Pokemon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.

“So cool!” The human smiled. “You guys take care.” Ash waved them off. The two monsters were surprised, but decided to leave, giving him thanks once more.

“Who set this trap up?” He wondered, his answer came quickly as Pikachu and Kangaskhan were attacked by an Ekans and Koffing. “Oh no!” The normal type was blinded by Sludge and Pikachu got out of the pouch to help protect Kangaskhan only to be grabbed by Ekans with Wrap. “Abra help them with Confusion!”

Abra’s eyes glowed and Ekans was pulled off Pikachu with Psychic power, and slammed into Koffing. Ash could sense it, these were not wild Pokemon. “Why are you attacking them?”

“By our orders twerp!” He heard a female voice declare.

“Those Pokemon belong to us, we can’t have them escaping.” A male voice was heard. Ash turned and saw two people and a Meowth. The woman had long red hair and was quite tall, the guy had short blue hair.

“Who do you think you are busting up our trap?” The Meowth...spoke!

“You can talk like a human?!” Ash gasped.

“I’m not no ordinary Meowth kid.” He wagged his claw at Ash.

“You guys set up that trap?” Ketchum glared.

“We are agents of Team Rocket, and we work to capture rare and powerful Pokemon.” Jessie said.

“If you get in our way, we’ll have to teach you a lesson.” James said, flipping his hair in an elegant way.

“Team Rocket?”

“He doesn’t know who we are James.”

“Let’s educate the twerp.” The two struck elegant poses.

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all people within our nation!”

“To denounce the evils of Truth and Love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!”



“Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light!”

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!”

“Meowth that’s right!”

Ash was dumbfounded. “Are you sure you guys are alright...in the head?”

“How rude!” Jessie huffed.

“Who do you think you are?” James asked.

“No one special, I’m Ash Ketchum, a Channeler from Pallet Town.”

“A channeler, you?” Jessie laughed.

“What’s a channeler Jessie?” James asked.

“They are a type of trainer said to be capable of supernatural powers. They can read auras, tell fortunes, and possibly see into the Past, Present, and Future.” She laughed. Jessie was a believer, she just didn’t believe this twerp had such powers.

“Oh nonsense, I don’t believe in that stuff.” James said.

“Prove it kid, give us a reading.” Meowth offered.

Ash huffed. “If you insist.” He pulled out a talisman. “Lucky Spell, Lucky Spell, lift the veil to the beyond, grant me sight beyond sight, show me…” The talisman burned away and Ash’s eyes glowed blue. “I see you each run from your pasts, seeking to escape the tragedies and troubles, you feel you’ve escaped but you only bind yourself further, as you are a shadow of misfortune surrounds you all, blinding you to your potential bright futures.”

His eyes stopped glowing. Ash’s words shook up the rocket agents. “Just a cheap trick!” Jessie snapped.

“Yeah, we’ll be sitting pretty once we take those pokemon and more back to the boss.” Meowth said.

“I can’t let you do that, you creeps set up that trap and hurt Kangaskhan and upset Pikachu.”

“You won’t be stopping us, in fact we’ll be taking your pokemon as well.” Ash pulled out a talisman.

“Not a chance!” Kangaskhan was blinded and couldn’t fight. “Pikachu will you help me get rid of these guys?” It was a heavy ask, the mouse monster didn’t have the best history with these mons, as a Pichu it was attacked by Koffing and Ekans. Ash sensed his fear. “It’s gonna be okay, we got your back.”

Pikachu agreed. He felt he could trust Ash.

“Ekans use Poison Sting!”

“Koffing use Sludge!” The two poison types unleashed their attacks.

“Abra use Teleport to dodge, Pikachu use Quick Attack.” Abra vanished avoiding the Sludge, and Pikachu moved so fast he avoided the needles and landed a blow on Ekans.

“Get them!” Jessie snapped.

“I’ve got ‘em!” Meowth extended his claws.

“Hold!” Ash whipped the talisman at Meowth and it landed on his charm/forehead. In an instant he couldn’t move. “I suggest you play by the rules, or else I’ll put a Hex on you!” With his good hand he revealed more talismans.

Jessie and James flinched. “Koffing use Smokescreen!”

“Ekans use Dig!” The snake burrowed under ground while Koffing unleashed black smoke.

“Abra, use Confusion, Pikachu use Thundershock on Koffing!” Abra’s psychic attack pierced through the smoke and struck Koffing making him spin out of control. Pikachu zapped him and the smoked orb crashed unable to battle.

“No my Koffing!”

“Don’t worry James I got them, attack!” Ekans burst out of the ground and lunged at Pikachu. The mouse froze in fear, but the attack never came as Abra teleported in front of him and took the hit.

“Nice work Abra!”

“Ekans use Dig once more!”

“Abra use Confusion!” The snake was hit and became confused and it began hurting itself by bashing its head against nearby rocks and trees.

“Ekans no!” Pikachu finished off the snake with a Thundershock. The poison types were returned to their balls. “Forget it, we’ll do this the old fashioned way!” Jessie pulled out a monster ball. “You’re mine Kangaskhan!”

She threw the ball at the normal type who was still disoriented from the sludge. “No!” Ash called out.

The ball didn’t hit as it was sniped by a Water Gun. It was Goldeen, he had followed Ash by traveling along the river. “Hey it’s you!” Goldeen had seen everything.

“Ugh, another pest!” Ash had enough, he had beaten them fair and square.

“You lot need to learn to respect Pokemon!” He used a talisman. “Spirit of the Winds teach these fools a lesson!” From Ash’s talisman green wind swirled and whipped out, creating a mighty tornado that swept up Team Rocket and sent them blasting off.

“Team Rocket is blasting off again!”

“Hopefully that’s the last time we’ll see those creeps.” If only he knew.

Ash helped Kangaskhan to the river to help get cleaned up. “Thanks for the help Goldeen.”

“Gol gol goldeen!”

“You wanna join me right?” Goldeen nodded and Ash smiled. “My first catch, welcome to the family Goldeen!” He tapped it with a monster ball and it took only one jiggle for the catch to confirm. “I caught a Goldeen!”

“Ab Abra!” Abra cheered.

The celebration was cut short as pain burst from Ash’s hand when he tried to do the victory pose. “Hehe it’s fine, I’m fine!” Abra was concerned.

Pikachu and Kangaskhan had seen all sorts of humans in their day, but Ash was an odd one. Despite being a new trainer he came to the dangerous Wild Area to help them. His warm heart and spirit was so inviting. Kangaskhan and Pikachu had a talk, and they approached Ash. “Hm? What’s up guys?”

The mouse went up Ash’s leg and found his monster balls and took two. “You guys wanna join me too?” Pikachu nodded.

“Kanga!” He agreed. Kangaskhan believed Ash was good for both of them. There was always a chance that some day they could be separated, but with Ash there was a chance they’d get to stay together. They had trusted him twice now and it paid off.

Ketchum had an idea, he caught the two, and after some jiggles they were caught. “Come on out guys.” He called them back out. “How about you guys travel outside with me, that way you two can still be together.” They had made the right call.

Ash didn’t know all the details of their bond, but he felt it, and that was enough. A cry was heard and the group looked up to see a flying golden pokemon. “Oh wow!” Ash didn’t have a free hand to get his Pokedex.

As it flew away, it dropped a rainbow feather. Ketchum caught it, the glow from the feather washed over him and healed his hand. “My hand...it’s healed!” Pain and injury was washed away. He didn’t know what that Pokemon was but he thanked it.

The rainbow feather was kept safe, and Ash with his new team of monsters headed out of the wild area and back onto the safer road. Pikachu climbed back into Kangaskhan’s pouch and off they went.

To be continued...Haunting in Viridian


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