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My Hero parody : Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 Poly Date

Izuku was stunned, not only was he asked out by two people, Kirishima suggested they go on a Poly Date. He reached into his backpack and pulled out one of his pamphlets.

Poly Dates or Poly Dating was something established by monster quirk users, where a couple of three or more date. That’s pretty much it, outside of the number of partners the dating part was actually no different. It was important for members of a harem to have a bond, it didn’t have to be a romantic one but those did occur.

Those who possessed monster quirks tended to need a harem to handle their libido. Even other people with monster quirks couldn’t always handle someone, there was a lot of factors involved. It wasn’t easy for them either, they had to work twice as hard to keep their homes happy and safe, and that number increased with each new partner they obtained. Relationships were a lot of work, not many people respect that.

‘So I’d be going out with Kacchan and Kirishima-kun at the same time?’ The idea didn’t put him off. It took him a few minutes to realize he hadn’t actually agreed to anything yet.

Bakugou was pissed off with Kirishima. “What the hell is your deal you spiky haired weirdo!?”

“Your hair is just as spiky as mine.” The blonde glared at the red head.

“I don’t wanna date you fucker!” He grabbed Kirishima by the front of his uniform.

“You sure? I think it’d be fun!” Eijirou smiled. He was all for some manly bonding, so it didn’t bother him. Since falling for Izuku he’s done his own research into monster quirks and such things. “And besides Izuku didn’t agree to go out with you at all yet.” Izuku had only said yes to him so far.

“Bastard!” His free hand sparked with small explosions. Kirishima hardened his body up on reflex.

“Kacchan stop!” Izuku stomped on the ground, and tremors rippled through the earth and the two were separated. Katsuki looked up at Midoriya. The titan twiddled his fingers. “I um would like to date you too...if that’s okay...I think a poly date might be...fun…”

Bakugou was stunned. He had a date with Izuku, there were some strings attached, but he had a date…

“Uhh, yeah sure, whatever…” He stuck his hands in his pockets. “I’ll come over to your place then, we can meet up with Spiky later.”

“I’d like your number too if you don’t mind.” Kirishima said. “How about you Bakubro you want in on this?” He waved his phone.

“I have Deku’s number already jackass!” He had no interest in Kirishima’s number.

Izuku used a tablet for a phone, it was cheaper and was modified to send texts and make calls. There were phones made for larger sized people, but they were VERY expensive, usually custom jobs.  Midoriya made do with the tablet. “Kirishima-kun would you mind putting your number in for me?”

“No problem!” He went under Izuku’s contacts and there weren’t that many. There was a few under Family, a few under Shops, and only one under Friends. ‘Kacchan huh? I see why he cares about the guy so much.’

Kirishima added his contact info into the tablet, and did the same for his phone. Izuku was giddy. ‘I have another friend!’

‘So cute!’ The titan had an aura of flowers around him.

“So is it okay to text you and maybe call you?” Eijirou smiled.

“Of course!” He gave Izuku a thumbs up. “We’ll need to pick a time for our date. What do you think Bakubro?”

“Shut up, I’m down for whenever!” The blonde was keeping his distance, but staying within ear shot.

After some discussion they decided to go for Saturday. It was a classic time for a date, and they didn’t have to worry about school or homework.


Bakugou was feeling...happy…

While not how he envisioned asking Izuku out, or how he’d date him. The result was still the same. ‘I have a date with Deku!’ He smirked, his I’m so happy smirk.

When he got home his mother Mitsuki was waiting for him. “What’s with the smirk brat? Did something good happen?”

“Mind your own business hag!” Smack! “Ow!”

“Watch your mouth brat, tell me what happened today.” Katsuki clutched his head.

“Nothing happened!”

“That’s an obvious lie, did something good happen between you and Izuku?” Katsuki tensed. “Hahaha, no way, did it?”

“Nothing happened!”

“Is that so? Well if you don’t have anything planned this weekend I was thinking we could spend some time together as a family. You can catch us up on what’s going on at UA!”

‘Damn you old hag!’ He twitched in annoyance. “I can’t this weekend...I got plans…”

“Oh, then let’s hear it.” Katsuki mumbled something. “What was that didn’t hear you?”

“I got a date…” He couldn’t meet her gaze.

“With who, you better not be cheating on Izu-chan you little shit!” She shook him.

“Damn it hag, I have a date WITH Deku!” Mitsuki dropped him.

“No fucking way!” She gasped. “About damn time you little shit, you finally got some balls.” She slapped his back. “I almost couldn’t believe you were my son, pining over someone for all these years and not making a move.”

“I haven’t been pining damn it!” Mitsuki crossed her arms and glared at him.

“Oh no, aren’t you the little shit who made Izuku a valentine’s gift every year, but never signed your name.” Katsuki blushed. It was obvious, just Katsuki wasn’t good with emotions and dealing with people. “You knew no one would give him one, but didn’t want him to feel bad, but you were half assed. You’ve been protecting him for years, keeping him close but not too close.”

“Mind your own business hag, it’s my life and it’s my relationship!” He huffed.

“I have minded my own business, mostly.” She set up play dates and invited Izuku over to help with some heavy lifting, giving Katsuki chances to spend time with the titan. Chances he often didn’t take. “It’s not my fault you had no spine and tortured yourself for years. It was getting so bad I thought Izuku might end up slipping through your fingers.”

If there was something Katsuki hated it was when his mother was right. Izuku was close to slipping through his fingers. He may have gotten complacent since Grade School and Middle School, no one looked Izuku’s way. He summoned his courage to tell Midoriya once, but the Sludge Villain incident happened. It felt like he had fallen behind, and it was hard to work up that courage again.

Izuku saving his life, only made Katsuki love him more, but his pride made things more difficult for him.

Mitsuki started slapping his back. “Bout damn time, so you finally grew some balls. So you finally dating Izuku, well don’t screw it up. I don’t think many people that could put up with your prickly ass!”

“Shut up!” Katsuki went up stairs. ‘That’s part of the problem…’ If Izuku needed a harem, how’d he fit into all that. This wasn’t a problem he could out think or overpower. ‘How is this gonna work...Deku?’ He closed his eyes and sank down onto the floor.

Bakugou needed to talk to Izuku, he was putting too much weight on his shoulders.


Despite his boldness, Kirishima was just as nervous as Bakugou. It came from a different source, but the effects were still the same. This was his first big date!

He whizzed past his dads and went to his room. Eijirou began tearing through his closet trying to find something to wear. ‘Is this good enough...maybe this...dang it...what was I thinking I asked him out and I have nothing to wear.’ He had workout and training clothes, he did have a formal suit but it didn’t scream casual date.

‘Should I do some shopping before the big night?’ He checked his wallet and he didn’t have a lot of allowance. ‘Crap!’

His parents show up checking on him, only to find his room a mess and his closet empty. “Eijirou what’s wrong sweetie?”

“I umm I got a date!”

“Alright!” His papa got excited and ended up punching the wall. “Nice!” The papa was Kirishima’s mama, he was tall for a human and had long black braided hair. “Did you ask out that big guy from that video you keep watching?!” Eijirou blushed.

Topan Kirishima, his quirk Tough, it allowed to harden his skin for a powerful impact.

“Oh dear.” His father was a short and petite man with short bowl cut hair. He touched the wall, and it mended. Tart Kirishima, his quirk Mending, he can mend any object. His parents ran a Fix It shop, Topan was a talented mechanic and with Tart’s quirk he can fix most things for a steal.

They weren’t an overly wealthy family but they got by. “That’s great sweetie, but why the panic?”

“I don’t know what to wear!” It was his first date, he wanted to make a good impression.

“I know!” Topan bellowed. “Take them to a nude beach, they you can wear your birthday suit!” Tart slapped his abs.

“Dear that’s inappropriate...for a first date.” He brought Kirishima over to his bed. “Sweetie let me tell you a secret about dating, its very easy to overthink it. Just wear something nice and that you feel comfortable in.”

“Well it isn’t just a normal date, it’s a poly date.”

“My boy is such a man!” Topan cheered.

“A poly date really, how did that come about?”

“It was kinda my idea.” He rubbed the back of his head. Eijirou explained to his parents the situation, his crush was not only a monster quirk user but the blonde was the boy he rescued. “I don’t think Bakugou is a bad guy and Izuku cares about him.”

“You like him too, don’t you sweetie?” Tart rubbed his back.

“I dunno, I guess, it’s different how I feel about Izuku, I know that much.”

“Love is a tricky thing, give it with gusto and live your life without regrets boy.” His papa pounded his chest proudly.

“Thanks dads!” There was a family hug, with Kirishima’s hair poking his parents.


Izuku was possibly the most nervous, after the initial excitement, he got really nervous. “What’s wrong honey?” Inko asked.

“I umm...I got a date.” Inko burst into tears.

“Oh honey I’m so happy for you!”

“It’s...a poly date…” Inko was surprised.

“Well, you are your father’s son after all. Just promise me you’ll be treat your partners well okay?” There was some history there, but Izuku didn’t want to press it. There was a reason his dad wasn’t around after all, he sent a check for support but still.

“Of course mom!” He crouched down and gave her a hug.

“So who’s the lucky one’s?” Midoriya blushed.

“Well, there’s Kirishima-kun, he’s the nice guy I met at the exam and he seems like a good person, and the other is….Kacchan…” Inko’s eyes widened.


“You don’t sound surprised.” His mother laughed and waved him off. Anyone with eyes could see that Katsuki’s been carrying a torch for Izuku for years, anyone except Izuku. He was so good at analyzing other people, but gets blind sided when its aimed towards himself.

“Well are you happy to be going out with him?” He couldn’t hold back a smile.

“I mean...yes...I was so shocked when he asked me out, first Kirishima did, and then he did.”

‘Ouch, so Kirishima-kun asked him out first, poor Katsuki-kun.’ She thought. “So was it your idea to have a poly date?”

“Actually it was Kirishima’s idea.”

“Really…” She trailed off. ‘That’s interesting.’

Inko clapped her hands together. “Well honey, I’m sure you have homework and wanna study before your big date.”

“Oh yeah!” He kissed her cheek before, carefully, ran down the hall. “Thanks mom!”

As soon as Izuku’s door shut, Inko raced to the phone and called Mitsuki. The two talked a bit before Inko let it slip about the poly date. “Hold on!” Bang bang bang! “Katsuki open this door!”

“What is it ya old hag!?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you had a poly date?”

“Tch, I don’t give a shit about that dumb extra.”

“You dumb ass!” Inko heard everything over the phone. “I gotta go Inko-chan I gotta teach this brat some manners.”

“Okay bye Mitsuki-chan…” She sweat dropped. ‘She’s still the same as ever.’

Izuku finished his homework and spent his night studying about dating and mating pertaining to his quirk. Monster quirks were mighty yes, but they had a lot of problems they deal with day to day. Their love lives were a land mine of issues.


The day of the date came. Katsuki arrived at Izuku’s house, wearing a nice t-shirt and a striped jacket, along with some loose baggy pants. Izuku was wearing a large shirt and baggy pants with a lot of pockets. “Oh Kacchan, you look nice.”

“Yeah...you do to...or whatever…” Bakugou blushed.

“Thanks, I wasn’t sure what to wear, my clothes are so plain.” It was hard to get stuff in his size, there was a whole wealth of merch he couldn’t get because there was no point getting an All Might shirt if he couldn’t wear it.

“You look good don’t worry about it.”

“Thanks Kacchan!” He pulled out his tablet. “We are gonna meet Kirishima at the movies.”

“Tch, let’s go!”

They met up with Eijirou, who was wearing a red jacket, a yellow and black undershirt, with some blue shorts. “Hey guys! Looking good, Izuku, Bakubro.”

“Ugh don’t call me that.”

“You look nice to Kirishima-kun!”

“Umm Izuku you think you could call me Eijirou?”

“S-Sure, Eijirou-kun.”

“If you want you can even give me a pet name like Kacchan?” Bakugou glared at the red head.


“Let’s get tickets and snacks. What movie do you guys wanna see?”

“Action!” Bakugou and Eijirou said at the same time.

“Don’t copy me!”

“I wasn’t I swear!”

There was quite a few options, but Izuku picked the room that had plus sized seating. Midoriya agreed to pay for this part of the date. So he got the tickets and snacks, drinks for them, and two tubs of popcorn. The extra large bucket and drink had pictures of All Might on them.

They planned to sit together, but there was one tiny problem. The plus sized seating was in the back, and the seats were spaced far apart to provide room for wings, tails, etc. “Well this isn’t exactly romantic…”

“Damn…” Bakugou grumbled.

“Sorry…” Izuku hung his head.

“It’s not your fault.” The words rang hollow as technically it was.

“The damn bastards who built this place should have done better.” Katsuki huffed.

“Well there is a way we could sit together.” Izuku sat in his chair, Kirishima sat on his left leg and Bakugou sat on his right. “Is this...okay?” The two blushed.


“Whatever…” Izuku was huge and he smelled so damn good. This was way better than any chair ever.

‘He’s so big!’

To be continued



Cuuuuute ! 😚