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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 17 

Chapter 18 Pokeblock Secret Ingredient

Misty was suspicious. Brock and Ash were up to something, always sneaking off together, and they’ve been supporting each other more and more. It was odd. As soon as they came back from the ranch they whisked away alone and spent a lot of time together. ‘They gotta be up to something.’

She believed they were doing some kind of secret training or something. It made sense to her. ‘That’s how a guy like Ash could get so good all of a sudden.’ She was ignoring Ash’s growth no matter how subtle, so when it was in her face it was hard to ignore it looked like it came out of nowhere. ‘Those dumb boys leaving me out of training, well no more!’

The water type trainer decided to stick to them like glue until she found out what they were hiding.

Ash and Brock, along with their mons were up feeling refreshed. Thanks to the milking Ash’s balls were feeling happily drained. Since they were staying in town, Ketchum let the crew hang out.

“Where do you think you’re going?” The group turned to see Misty.

“We are going to the Pokeblock Lesson in town.” Nami whipped around and chewed on her thumb.

‘I knew these guys were doing secret training without me.’ She had read that Pokeblock helps a Pokemon grow and do better in contests. “And you were just gonna go without me?”

“I mean we don’t have to do everything together.”

“Well if you recall I’m trying to be a coordinator too!” She crossed her arms and pouted. Ash rolled his eyes.

‘If she was so interested why didn’t she bring it up then?’ It wasn’t like Misty didn’t go off and do her own thing. Brock had found a flier in town, but Misty had no idea about this. ‘What has she been doing?’

“I’m shocked you are wanting to go to such a thing, it has nothing to do with battles or catching anything, plus your cooking skills are not the best.” She pointed out.

Ash hung his head, but Brock patted his shoulder. “He’s been getting better at cooking, and this lesson will help him learn.” Ketchum smiled.

‘There he goes defending Ash again.’ She found it very suspicious. They walked together to the Goldenrod Market Place, it had all sorts of stands offering berries and such.

Brock went from stall to stall, collecting berries and flirting with the girls. Misty had to drag him off by the ear. ‘Some things never change I guess.’ They got a good haul, even finding some rarer berries, as they made their way to the Flower Shop that was holding the lesson.

“Welcome welcome.” A beautiful woman stepped up to them. “My name is Victoria, and these little beauties are my Pokemon.” She had three Sentret, Cherry, Grape, and Plum. The one called Cherry was wearing a red scarf, Grape was wearing a green scarf, and Plum was wearing a purple scarf. “Please take some seats and we will begin shortly.” The tables had a berry blender on them.

Ash sat in front of a familiar blue haired guy. “Hey Kojiro!” The male tensed.

“Oh hey!” His cheeked burned in a blush.

“Are you wanting to become a coordinator to?” Kojiro shook his head.

“No my friend dragged me here.” He pointed over to a familiar red haired girl. Musashi was sitting next to Misty. Brock got another empty seat close to the front. “But it should be fun right?”

“Sure!” Ash’s Pokemon gathered around his table.

“I got some berries for the lesson!” Brock showed off his assortment of berries.

“Well that’s nice, but we’ve already got enough berries for you to experiment with.” The Sentret passed out some baskets with some pretty basic berries in it, Cheri, Oran, Persim, Rawst, and Sitrus.

“First, I’d like to go over the Pokeblock types, there’s Regular and then there is the Super Pokeblock.” Each type came in these colors; Red, Blue, Pink, Green, Yellow, and Rainbow. “Red can effect a monster’s coolness, Blue effects a monster’s beauty, Pink effects cuteness, Green helps increase one’s cleverness, Yellow effects their toughness, and Rainbow increases all stats.”

The Super Pokeblock greatly increases the boosts. It helps the monsters stats as well, Red increased the ATK, Blue increased Special ATK, Yellow increased DEF,  Green increased Special DEF, Pink increased Speed, and Rainbow increased a monster’s move set. “Not only does Pokeblock aid a pokemon, it’s a great snack that’s hearty and healthy.”

Victoria warned that the main colors were only for successful block, if block comes out brown, black, or gray, it means the mix failed. “You can find more advanced Berry Blenders that due take some of the guess work out of it, but I feel that lacks the personal touch.”

Brock was able to make basic block of each color, that wasn’t much of a surprise given his cooking skills. He figured out the right mix of berries and the hand on the crank was able to get a solid mix speed. Even with using lower tier berries Brock managed to make a couple of Rainbow Pokeblock. “Wow Brock you are really skilled, are you really a beginner?”

He blushed. “Well I am training to be a Pokemon Breeder!” He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

Kojiro was doing okay, getting the basic colors down out of his mixes.

Misty and Musashi weren’t doing so hot, for different reasons. Jessie was overwhelming her mix, with too many berries, which caused it to go black. It was inedible. Misty was too impatient with her blending, she worked the crank to hard missing key moments to smooth the blend out. She got Gray block that was bitter and misshapen.

Ash was also struggling, he was trying too hard to be patient and take things slow. ‘Slowly, don’t rush, don’t rush…’ He had the opposite problem. His blocks came out brown and chewy, not good. “Oh man!”

‘So even the twerp has things he struggles with.’

Which each failure the more Ash tried to overcompensate, his blocks started coming out misshapen.

Victoria was interested in Brock, wanting to take their lesson to the next level. The gym leader’s focus had shifted to Ash. He needed help but Victoria wasn’t paying attention to him at all. Brock left her and went over to Ash. “It’s okay, just relax.”

He came around Ash and placed a hand over Ash’s on the crank. “You can do this.” It was a whisper but it made Ketchum relax. James could see the intimacy between them.

Brock helped guide his hand, finding the right rhythm. He made his first Red Pokeblock. Ash’s cheeks burned bright with joy. “I did it!”

“You did it!” The two hugged.

“All that bluster over a couple of Pokeblock.” Jessie rolled her eyes. James seemed to be doing well, so she planned to have him make the block for her. She flicked some of her nasty block away.

With Ash getting the grind down, he began to experiment with berry combinations. With Brock’s help he was able to get down the basics. Misty got frustrated as Ash made block after block.

He used the rest of the berries in the basket, and Brock gave him more from their stash. He had Red, Blue, Pink, Yellow, and Green. Brock was so good, he was able to make Rainbow Block every time.

She started grinding the blender so fast, it started to smoke.

Victoria worked with Misty and helped her get her to settle down. “Just relax, you are putting too much force on the machine.” She wasn’t the best cook but Victoria was able to help her get the basics down.

Misty was able to make a bunch of Blue and Pink Pokeblock.

James made Yellow, Green, and Red Block.

“Different coordinators tend to specialize in specific block, just as different Pokemon tend to enjoy certain block more.” Ash gave out his samples to figure out his monster’s different tastes. (Will put the tastes at the end and will be in the guide going forward)

With the basics figured out, Victoria showed them what a Super Pokeblock looked like. She used some rarer berries and her grinding was expertly done. The block came out and it was split in color, with little chunks of berry in it. “Just as breeders can make their own pokemon food, expert coordinators can craft their own recipe to get special pokemon blocks out.” The trick was getting the quality berries.

Brock wasn’t worried, he knew they had a secret special ingredient for their Pokeblock mix.

After the lesson they went back to the center and Ash busted out his Mini Berry Blender. He used some simple berries, and Brock applied some of his milked semen. “Are you sure about this?”

“Trust me!” He’s been studying how his mons have developed from drinking his cum, this was gonna raise the bar.

Ash did the mix, the berries mixed with the man milk. To Ketchum’s shock, despite the low tier berries, he got Super Pokeblock. “It looks a little different.” In the middle where the colors split was a little layer of white in the middle.

So now mons who didn’t get to mate with Ash got to have access to his delicious cum and gain the benefits. Plus they could enjoy his seed freely and openly, when they didn’t have the means to sneak around.

Before leaving Goldenrod City Ash was approached to do a radio interview. He was incredibly nervous, but he got through it. They were ready to leave Goldenrod and continue their journey.

(Goldenrod City Arc Finished)

To be continued...

(Red) Pikachu, Chikorita, Scar, Totodile, Primeape, Ursaring, Heracross, Girafarig, Tauros

(Blue) Pikachu, Cyndaquil, Scar, Totodile, Noctowl*, Girafarig*, Drowzee

(Green) Chikorita, Totodile, Heracross, Drowzee, Noctowl*, Primeape

(Yellow) Pikachu, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Scar, Primeape, Ursaring, Heracross, Girafarig* Tauros, Drowzee,

(Pink) Pikachu, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Girafarig, Drowzee, Heracross,

Ash: 5 inches (Massive Balls)
Balls: Love Ball, Heavy Ball, a Lure Ball, a Hex Ball, Moon Balls x 2, Friend Balls x 2, Slumber Ball, Level Ball, Fortune Ball, Fast Ball, Monster Balls X 6, Premier Ball, Park Ball, Great Ball X 6

Badges: 3 Ribbons: 1  
Key Items: Dexphone, Ribbon Case, Mini Berry Blender, Pokeblock Case

Pokemon: (On Hand) Pikachu, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Scar (Houndour), Totodile, Primeape, Ursaring, Noctowl *, Heracross, Girafarig *, Tauros, and Drowzee

(In Training) Charizard, Squirtle
(Oak’s Lab) Tauros x 29, Snorlax, Bulbasaur, Kingler, Muk, Houndour X 5, Psyduck, Katana (Scyther) (Metal Coat), Honey (Beedrill), Anansi (Spinarak) (Silver Powder)

Brock: 9 Inches
Balls: Sun Ball, Friend Ball, Level Balls x 2, Park Ball,
Key Items: Flip Phone, Mini/Portable Milker
Pokemon: Geodude, Onix, Vulpix, Pineco (Fast), Magby (Friend), Miltank (Heavy)

Misty: Hex Ball, Lure Balls x 2,    
Ribbons: 0
Key Items: Flip Phone, Ribbon Case, Mini Berry Blender, Pokeblock Case
Pokemon: Staryu, Goldeen, Togepi, Poliwhirl,

James: 8 inches
Badges: 1
Pokemon: Growlie (Growlithe), Weezing, Victreebel, Gastly,

Ribbons 0
Pokemon: Arbok, Wobbuffet, Diva (Azumarill), Misdreavus,

Shingo ? Inches
Badges 2
Pokemon: Blade (Scizor), Venomoth*, Butterfree

Badges 2
Pokemon: Bayleef, Paras, Weedle, Pineco, Rattata?, Pidgey?

Non Mated Mons
Kingler: Ability Shell Armor
Moves: Stomp, Bubble, Crabhammer, Hyper Beam

Tauros Herd x 29 Ability/Moves ???

Mated Mons + Stats
Pikachu: 6 Inches Ability Static
Moves: Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Thunderbolt, Thunder

Charizard: 15 Inches Ability Blaze
Moves: Flamethrower, Dragon Rage, Seismic Toss, Fire Spin

Bulbasaur: 4 Inches Ability Overgrow
Moves: Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, Solar Beam

Squirtle: 7 inches Ability Torrent
Moves: Water Gun, Bubblebeam, Withdraw, Hydro Pump

Muk:  !! inches Ability Stench
Moves: Poison Gas, Body Slam, Minimize, Sludge Bomb

Tauros: 10 Inches Ability Intimidate
Moves: Fissue, Horn Attack, Take Down, Headbutt

Snorlax 11 inches + Thick Ability: Thick Fat
Moves: Rest, Body Slam, Hyper Beam, Mega Punch

Heracross: 8 inches Ability: Guts
Moves: Horn Attack, Fury Attack, Mega Horn, Leer

Chikorita: 4 Inches Overgrow
Moves: Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Vine Whip, Tackle

Cyndaquil: 5 Inches Ability: Flash Fire
Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Swift, Quick Attack

Scar (Houndour) : 6.5 Inches Ball: Moon Ball - Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Odor Sleuth, Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Pursuit

Houndour Pack x 5: 4.5 Inches Abilities/Moves ??

Psyduck: 5 inches + Thick Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Water Gun, Disable, Confusion, Psychic

Totodile: 5 Inches Ball: Lure Ball - Ability: Torrent
Moves: Water Gun, Scary Face, Bite, Scratch

Noctowl * : 9.5 Inches – Ability: Tinted Lenses
Moves: Hypnosis, Peck, Foresight, Tackle

Ursaring: 14 inches - Ball: Slumber Ball Ability Quick Feet
Moves: Feint Attack, Slash, Rest, Snore

Girafarig *: 13 Inches Ball: Sun Ball Ability: Sap Sipper
Moves: Future Sight, Psybeam, Stomp, Bite

Drowzee: 8 Inches Ball: Level Ball – Ability: Insomnia
Moves: Pound, Hypnosis, Teleport, Confusion

Primeape: 10 Inches – Ability Vital Spirit Moves: Thunder Punch, Karate Chop, Low Kick, Thrash

Katana (Scyther): 8 Inches (Curved) –  Ball: Park, Ability: Technician  Moves: Pursuit, Fury Cutter, Slash, False Swipe

Honey (Beedrill): 10 Inches – Ball: Park, Ability: Swarm Moves: Twinneedle, Bug Bite, Poison Sting, Venoshock

Anansi (Spinarak): 2 Inches – Ball: Park, Ability: Sniper  Moves: String Shot, Scary Face, Shadow Sneak, Leach Life


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