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Martin Mystery parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Quarantine

The Center called in a clean up crew. The missing fliers were taken down, and some mass mind wiping was needed. Everything connected to the disappearances was altered and any sighting of werewolves was erased. It was a lot of work.

Martin was given medical excuses as he was brought to the Center. Clad in only a hospital gown he was scanned by some advanced machines. Antonio and Billy were waiting in the wings. “Marty’s gonna be okay right?”

“That’s why we are running tests to be sure.” MOM said.

“Anything from the magic unit?” Antonio asked.

“We have all the units working on this, we don’t know a way to turn Martin back.” Billy was sweating.

“What’s gonna happen to him?” The alien was worried.

“If no cure is found we’ll have to quarantine him, and if he’s deemed a threat he’ll be locked up.”

“WHAT?!” Antonio gasped.

Billy was afraid of that. “It’s the Center’s protocol, to prevent dangerous creatures being loose in the world.”

“Martin isn’t dangerous!” Antonio hissed.

“Are you sure about that? Would you bet your life on it, or some innocent person’s life?” MOM faced him. “What happens if Martin goes feral on the full moon and attacks someone, if he hurts them or kills them?” She was serious. “Could you live with that, more so do you think Martin could live with himself?”

“Martin...is special...even wolfed up he didn’t hurt anyone!” Antonio had tears in his eyes. “He didn’t hurt me, or Billy, or any of those jerks that were harassing him.” He couldn’t stand the thought of Martin being locked up.

“He’s right MOM, Marty is a great guy, you picked him to be an agent for a reason.” Billy caressed the watch on his arm. While he was one of the youngest Center agents, he had more successful cases under his belt.

“And we’ve lost agents to things like this before, those that aren’t careful, those that become contaminated, or worse.” MOM sounded firm, but her body language showed she was shaken up about this. “It’s a dangerous job, if Martin isn’t fit for duty, we’ll have to replace him.”

Antonio’s heart froze. He...he didn’t want to work with anyone else without Martin, he didn’t want to do this without Martin! “I can’t do this without him…”

“We are doing everything we can.” She patted his shoulder. “We’ll find a way to bring him back.”

‘He’s not gone, he’s right there.’ Martin looked up at him from the table, and gave a little wave. Antonio waved back and tried not to look upset. He left to do his own research. ‘I’ll help you Martin, somehow!’


Martin was feeling miserable, he was poked and prodded, blood taken, scans done. No one was talking to him and he was being kept in a sterilized room. ‘I thought it was over, we won didn’t we?’ If this was a movie, he’d beat the big bad go back to being human and everything would go back to normal.

The werewolf that scratched him was down and back in the Center’s holding cell. ‘Am I gonna end up like him?’ No one was talking to him. The only thing he knew was that he was still a werewolf, a phantom werewolf at that.

‘What am I gonna do? What’s gonna happen to me?’ He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind. Even with his super hearing the room he was in was fully insulated, it was almost creepy. Martin peeked up at the observation deck and saw Billy and Antonio talking to MOM. The wizard didn’t seem happy, which wasn’t good news for him.

Their eyes met and Martin gave him a little wave, which was returned. ‘Don’t look so sad dude, it’s gonna work out. I know it’s gonna be okay.’ At least he hoped so.

The scanner whirred to life, he closed his eyes once more, and waited for the scans to finish. Martin wouldn’t see a familiar face for awhile as he was put through his paces. Physically he was as healthy as could be, but more so than a human was.

His brain scans were altered, the blonde was now using more of his brain. That would explain how the Phantom Werewolf turned invisible. After the tests he was taken to a quarantine room. “Hey, could I get my phone or some comic books or something?” The agents just ignored him and left him to sulk and wait.

Martin kept himself busy, by working out, sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks. Not only was he keeping busy he was testing what he could do. A thousand reps of each exercise and he wasn’t even winded. To say nothing of his lack of shame, doing all the exercises in a hospital gown. His plump booty sticking out for all to see.

The agents observing him had to try not to stare as they caught side shots of his most intimate areas. As much as they tried to hide it, his show caused a stirring in their loins.

So, when Antonio showed up with a tray of food and a stack of comics they were happy to go relieve themselves. The witch punched in the code and entered the quarantine area, the door quickly shutting behind him. Martin sniffed the air. “Antonio!”

“Figured you’d be getting hungry or going crazy in here.”

“Yes and yes!” He sat on the nurse bed and Antonio gave him the food. “Thanks man, you are always looking out for me.” Martin dug in and filled his belly. “Mmm~!” He had sauce all over his face.

“I see your table manners have improved.” Antonio chuckled. The blonde licked his lips but missed a spot. His friend grabbed a napkin and wiped his face. Martin stared at him for a bit, making Antonio blush. “Sorry…” He stopped and looked away.

Martin finished his food and sat the tray to the side. “So...we gonna talk about it?”

“Talk about what?”

Martin scratched the back of his head. “That you have a crush on me.” Antonio’s glasses fogged up.

“What?!” He gasped. There was no denying it, Martin had a VERY good nose. Phantom Werewolves could even smell someone’s emotions. While human Martin missed every sign, werewolf Martin wasn’t so blind. “I may...have a little crush on you…” Antonio twiddled his fingers.

“Can’t say I approve your taste in men, you deserve a much better guy than me.” Martin sighed. “What kind of idiot wastes his time chasing skirts, when he had such a cute guy right there next to him?”

“My kind of idiot...I guess…” He said, making Martin blush.

The two sat in awkward silence for a bit, until the werewolf slipped his hand over to Antonio’s and took hold of it. His blush grew.

Antonio shifted his hand so they were holding hands and fingers laced. Martin could hear the blonde’s heartbeat racing. His own was beating out a happy little samba. “We’ve known each other some time, would you wanna….date?”

“Hell yes!” It just slipped out. “Ahem, I mean yes!” Antonio smiled.

“Do you think we could...kiss?” The witch gulped.

“Yeah, sure, lets!” They faced each other.

Martin used his free hand to cup Antonio’s cheek. “Is this your first kiss?” He nodded.

“Yours?” Martin paused.

“Yeah…” Antonio smiled. Mystery loved to act like he was a Mac Daddy but he wasn’t.

They drew in close together before pressing their lips together. A spark was felt between them. “Mmm~!” The two were tense at first, but slowly they relaxed.

Antonio’s hand came up and brought Martin closer. Mystery returned the act in kind, but in a different way. He licked at Antonio’s lips, seeking entry into the witch’s mouth. The blonde opened up, and met his tongue with his own. ‘Oh wow!’

Their tongues danced together, both were a little and unsure, but as seconds turned to minutes they grew more comfortable and bolder. The kiss only broke for air, but they were quickly back to kissing.

Mystery ended up pushing Antonio down on the bed and crawled on top of him. They kept one hand together, fingers laced, Antonio’s free hand moved up and rubbed Martin’s back, getting skin on skin contact.  Mystery’s fingers dug into the bed.

The heavy make out session continued, eyes closing in bliss. Excitement surged between them. Martin could smell Antonio’s arousal, his natural pheromones coming off him in waves. He could smell Antonio’s want and desire for him, and it stirred his libido.

As Mystery got randier than Austin Powers, his body began to change. Blonde fur spread over his wrists and moved up his arms, the same thing happened with his legs. A tail sprouted above his bare ass, and it began wagging in delight. Martin’s ears became furry and wolfish.

His kiss got more aggressive, and he began rocking his hips lewdly against Antonio. The blonde’s eyes opened and he gazed into the alpha wolf’s red eyes. ‘Martin!?’ He gasped and Mystery plundered his lips his tongue delving in and exploring the witch’s mouth.

Antonio squeezed Martin’s hand. ‘Please…’ He wiggled.

Martin pulled back. “Was that too much?” The witch blinked and Mystery was looking like a puppy, the red in his eyes was gone but they were still shimmering with a monster glow.

“No, sorry...you just surprised me. Your eyes were glowing red.” Martin looked confused, he blinked and checked himself in the reflective surface of the food tray.

“Is that bad?”

“I’m not sure.” Martin nuzzled him.

“I didn’t mean to scare you.” Antonio squeezed his hand again. “Is me being a werewolf a problem?” Using his free hand he caressed Martin’s fur, his touch was slow and gentle, slowly reaching up to his furry ear and caressed it. Mystery let out a growl of delight and leaned into the touch.

“No, because you are still you.” Antonio kissed Mystery again. The two were back at it.

Martin was still transformed but he was still in control. Maybe this was a chance there was hope for them.

To be continued...Back to Normal?


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