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Power Rangers parody: Patreon Reward

Zeo: Demon Clan

Rita and Zed are attacked by the Demon Family: Queen Bansheera and her children have attacked the moon and forced even Zed and Rita to flee. They've set their sights on conquering the whole earth. The rangers have the Zeo crystal but it may not be enough to battle the demons. The crystals power grows over time, but the demons have learned to absorb the energy so they are the perfect foils.

Chapter 1

Rita had many failures against the Power Rangers. Despite her best efforts she couldn’t defeat them, even losing the Green Ranger coin to them.

Zed arrived to defeat Zordon, destroy the rangers, and punish Rita for her failures. The witch was no match for Zed’s superior magic. Even the Rangers struggled against his first monster, who wrecked their Zords and nearly destroyed them.

The rangers had to harness the power of THUNDER, to take on new zords and abilities to battle the new threat. Zed proved to threat, as he drained the Green Ranger powers and even managed to damage the original morphers.

Rita returns and ends up forming a dark union with Lord Zed, and together they even destroy the Thunder Zords. Combined their magical might was truly terrifying.

It was up to the gang to find new powers but with some new friends. Trini and Kimberly were selected to go to a Peace Conference to help benefit the world. So with two rangers down they needed to gain new Rangers.

Zordon chose Adam and Rocky, to accompany Jason, Zack, Tommy, and Billy, to quest for the ninja powers. Finding Ninjor, who gave them their new powers. Zack became the new Yellow Ninja Ranger, Adam became the Black Ninja Ranger, and Rocky became the Pink Ninja Ranger.

The battle against evil continued and Zed went after the Zeo Crystal, hoping to harness the infinite energy. The power this crystal held continued to grow with time, the power potential was truly one of legendary status.

While the rangers managed to protect the Zeo Crystal from Rita and Zed’s clutches the ninja powers were destroyed. Zordon needed time to prepare their new powers using the energy from the crystal.

The evil couple were ready to unleash a full attack on Earth when they were attacked. Batlings began to swarm over the Moon. Zed’s putties were overwhelmed by their number and strength. “Those creatures it cannot be!”

“What is it Zed?” Rita asked.

“They are the foot soldiers of the demon royal family.” Zed was clearly shaken.

“ZED!” A womans voice pierced the void of space. The monster of a man actually recoiled in fear. “After all these years I’ve finally found you.”

A demon appeared above Zed’s palace, with three cloaked figures behind her.

“Q-Queen Bansheera.” A demonic woman appeared in the sky. Even Rita was nervous, her father spoke of Queen Bansheera, and warned Rita not to fight her. The demon queen was truly a terror and her magic was something to be feared.

From their aura they were all powerful demons, surpassing Goldar and Rito’s strength.

“How do you know her?” Rita asked.

“Well…” He gripped his staff. “She was my teacher.” That would explain his level of magic.

“Oh Zed, as if that was all we were too each other. I still remember the day you came to my temple. A young man seeking power, even from a demon. I’ll admit I didn’t think much of you at first, so I put you through hell and made you what you are today.” That would explain his appearance and strength.

“I made you strong and you worthy of ruling by my side.”

Rita was shocked. “You...with her!”

“They totally did it!” Rito gasped, ad got smacked by his sister.

“I made you my husband, a true King but you betrayed me and fled.” The queen certainly didn’t deny it. Zed growled, his visor glowing red.

“You tricked me, I merely returned the favor. The feared Queen of Demons bested by her own protoge.” He boasted. In the time while she recovered from his betrayal, he made a name for himself rising through the ranks and became a Lord of Evil.

“Heh, I’ll admit I let my guard down, but you did teach me a lesson. You showed me how truly diabolical you could be. In the thousands of years I’ve waited and planned my revenge.” Lightning struck the moon.

“You should have stayed where I buried you!” Zed unleashed some lightning from his staff.

It struck the queen and...she giggled. “Hahahaha, stop that it tickles!” Zed was shocked. “Oh Zed, did you really think you could beat me with my guard up?”

“Tch!” She dusted herself off.

“After all my lessons you’ve squandered your potential. I may have taught you everything you know, but not everything I know!”

“You’ve been gone for Eons, I’ve picked up some more tricks!” He looked to Rita. They united their wands/staves and began to channel a lot of energy.

“Begone!” They unleashed a unified attack. One of the cloaked figures stepped forward. The star on his chest glowed and he absorbed their combined attack.

Queen Bansheera laughed. “Curse you!”

“I forgot to mention, I didn’t just come here for revenge.”

“Then why are you here!?” He growled.

“Second, to rob you of your victory over your hated enemy. Your empire will fall!” Demon magic begann to work its way over their palace. “And First, to introduce you to our son!”

“Son?!” The cloked figure revealed himself to be a golden demon.

“Hello father!” Bansheera chuckled.

“You left behind a little gift when you betrayed me. I decided to raise our son and build up my empire with my children. I named him in honor of you. Meet Diabolico!” She had found other partners over the thousands of years away.

“My other son Loki!” He revealed himself, a bulky demon radiating monstrous power. “My daughter Vypra!” She revealed herself. Her beauty and power surpassed Scorpina. “Lastly, my newest child Impus!”

A strange demon known as Jinxer appeared carrying the infant demon. “We shall be taking over, the Earth will be ours.”

“You won’t get away with this, Earth is my conquest, my right!” Bansheera laughed, enjoying his rage.

“Which is why taking it from you, makes this all the sweeter.”  She knew why Zed wanted to Zeo Crystal, to tap into a level of power the demons could. The Star Power was a crystal of limitless power, it could draw in and contain energy infinitely. In many ways it was the dark side of the Zeo Crystal.

Queen Bansheera used it to swallow suns, and rob worlds of life, increasing the power with each conquest. Zed had stolen some of it’s energy, when he betrayed Bansheera, but he wasn’t able to steal the stone. While weakened the crystal was still very powerful. “I’ve charged our son with restoring it’s glory.”

“Did you ever wonder what I created with the power I stole from you?” Bansheera realed back.

“I hadn’t. Nor do I care!” She readied an attack.

“Serpentera strike!” Zed’s zord attacked, unleashing a terrifying blast on the group. It was given life with the Star Power, but without the crystal other means of powering it have failed.

Bansheera held off the attack, but it was a distraction. Zed and Rita escaped with their forces in Serpentera.

“He got away...mother allow me to give chase.” Diabolico said.

“That won’t be necessary, a man consumed by Pride like Zed won’t leave for long. He’ll be back for revenge, then we’ll make him suffer.” They entered the palace and it was fully corrupted by demon magic. “Our home!”

“It’s lovely mother!” Loki said.

“Yes my queen it is a lovely home to raise the next prince.” Jinxer said.

“It has a lovely view to.” Vypra gazed out at the Earth.

“Such a lovely planet, we shall feast on it and make it a den of demons!”


Zordon sensed Queen Bansheera and was visibly shaken. “To think she would come to this galaxy, Alpha I fear we aren’t ready to handle the Demon Kingdom.” Lord Zed was one thing, but Bansheera was on a whole other level. Even Dark Specter feared Bansheera, though he would not admit it.

She had been quiet for so many years. This demon royal family could shake the balnce of good and evil in the worst way.

Zordon channeled his own energy to help forge the Zeo Crystal into powers for the rangers, they’d need all the help they could get. He worked to fortify the Command Chamber’s defenses.

They called the rangers in to give them their new powers. “Jason, you have led the rangers as the Red Ranger for some time. I ask you, with your heart of gold, to guide the rangers as the Zeo Gold Ranger!” Jason took up the powers, gaining a staff.

“Tommy, you who have battled the darkness within and stood tall. Please stand as the leader of the Zeo Rangers!” Tommy took up the mantle becoming Zeo Ranger Red.

“Zack, with your warm spirit, when things seem at their darkest never lose hope and use that spirit to keep your friends safe.” Zack became the Zeo Yellow Ranger.

“Billy, with knowledge as your weapon, you have found answers to the unknown. Should our future’s become unknown use your wisdom to clear a path for the rangers.” Billy stood as the Zeo Blue Ranger.

“Adam, with strength and passion, use the power of the zeo crystal to protect the Earth and your friends.” Adam became the Zeo Green Ranger.

“Rocky with heart and honor, use the power of the zeo crystal to battle against evil.” Rocky was the Zeo Pink Ranger.

The hope of humanity against the demons.

To be continued


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