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Pocket Monsters parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Ash: Trainer : Size – 8 inches soft/13 inches hard
Badges: 0
Ribbons: 1/5: Viridian Ribbon
Monsters on hand: Bezai (Exeggcute), Bloom (Bulbasaur), Kaido (Magikarp), Gale (Pidgey), Tornado (Spearow)
Items: Monster Balls x 6,
Key Items: Tent/Sleeping Bag, Pokedex, Pokeblock Case, Rainbow Feather, Contest Outfit, Fishing Rod, Cooking Set, Cash Card, Battle Pager, Kanto Contest Pass, Performance Tools: Hoop, Frisbee, Balls,

Bezai (Exeggcute) Ability Trance – Boosts the effectiveness of Sleep Inducing Moves, and when using offensive Psychic type moves has a chance for Sleep.
Power Level: 18
Moves: Hypnosis*(Beauty/Clever), Reflect* (Cute/Clever), Leech Seed* (Cute/Clever), Mega Drain

Bloom (Bulbasaur) Ability Chlorophyll
Power Level 15
Moves: Sleep Powder, Razor Leaf, Vine Whip* (Tough/Clever), Leech Seed,

Kaido (Magikarp) Ability: Rattled
Power Level 13
Moves: Splash, Bounce, Tackle

Gale (Pidgey) Ability: Tangle Feet
Power Level 11
Moves Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust* (Tough/???), Roost

Tornado (Spearow): Ability Keen Eye
Power Level 11
Moves Peck* (Cool/???), Tailwind, Leer, Fury Attack

Chapter 6 Into the Woods

Ash and his monsters had a great time with Viridian City, they got their first ribbon and had a grand debut. Plus they had done a lot of training for moves. He stocked up on Pokemon food, before heading out.

It was off to their first Gym Battle in Pewter, but first they had to go through the Viridian Forest. The mons were out and traveling alongside their trainer for some fresh air and exercise. He checked the Pokedex to see what kind of Pokemon could be found in Viridian Forest.

Dexter: Viridian Forest holds vast areas for monsters to be found. Common Monsters include Caterpie and Weedle, Uncommon are Pikachu, Metapod, Kakuna, and Pidgeotto, Rare are Venonat, Paras, and Butterfree. Be warned swarms of Beedrill can appear. Ultra Rare Bug types such as Scyther, Parasect, Pinsir, and Venomoth have been seen.

Ash remembered seeing a Beedrill on TV, a swarm of them sounded scary. “I’d really like to catch some Bug Pokemon.” He checked his bag and saw he had only three monster balls left. “I should have bought some more.”

It was a mess up on his part, but he’d do better at keeping stock of his supplies.

Bulbasaur spotted a Caterpie. Ash checked the Pokedex.

Dexter: Caterpie, the Worm Pokemon. A Caterpie evolves into Metapod, and then Butterfree. Caterpie uses the suction cups on its feet to climb trees and feed on its favorite laves. To repel enemies, Caterpie will release an unpleasant odor from its red antenna.

Ash got excited, wanting to raise and train a Butterfree. “This is fate!” Ash got excited and threw a ball. It hit and sucked up the bug type. After a few jiggles the catch was complete. “Lucky!”

He picked up the ball and nuzzled it. “Welcome to the team Caterpie!” Bezai bounced happily.

“There you!” The orange haired girl from before sped up on Ash.

“Oh it’s you again.” Misty glared at him.

“Let’s battle!” She held a ball in her hand.

“Why?” Misty fell over from shock.

“I need to make up for the last lost, I refuse to lose to a coordinator!” Ash got annoyed. “I saw your silly tricks, and I know I can beat them now!”

“Ugh fine, let me call out my friend so he can watch.” He called out Caterpie who appeared on his shoulder.

“Aaaahhhh!” Misty screamed, backing up six feet away from Ash and the bug type. “Keep it away!”

“Huh?” Ash blinked in confusion. Caterpie tilted his head to the side.

“It’s so creepy and gross, put it back in it’s pokeball!” The bug type hung his head. “Ugh, all Bug Pokemon are gross!”

“You are so rude, I don’t even want to battle you now.” He pets Caterpie. “Don’t listen to her, you aren’t creepy or gross. You are an amazing pokemon!”

Caterpie cooed and nuzzled against Ash. “Dumb boys and their bugs, put that thing away so we can battle!”

“No!” Ash said sternly.

“What?!” She smirked. “Oh I get it, you’re scared. You know you just got lucky last time, so you are scared to fight me!”

“No, I just don’t wanna battle such a rude trainer. When you apologize to Caterpie I’ll battle you.”

“Me...apologize to that disgusting worm...never!” Ash shrugged.

“Then no battle for you.” His monsters agreed, and the group left with Caterpie riding on Ash’s shoulder.

Misty protested but they ignored her. All her taunts and jeers fell on deaf ears.

The monsters filled Caterpie in on their goal and training styles. Caterpie got excited and wanted to get stronger. His dream was to evolve into a Butterfree and be able to fly in the sky.

They stopped for some training. Ash scanned Caterpie and learned he was level 3 and only knew Tackle and String Shot. “Let’s work hard!” Ketchum knew of a strong Bug type move Caterpie could learn if they worked hard enough.

When they made camp they had some lunch and did some training. Ash had Caterpie battle Gale and Kaido. With Gale it was about using Tackle, the Pidgey took hits only to use Roost to heal. With Kaido the focus was on using String Shot, with Kaido using Bounce and Splash to dodge.

“What is he doing?” The red haired coordinator was observing Ash from afar.

“It seems to be some kind of training.” The blue haired man said.

“He must be trying to get that little worm to evolve.” Meowth said.

“Let’s see, Caterpie evolves into Metapod, and then Butterfree. He must be planning on using it in contests.” The blue haired male, looked at some cards for information.

“Whatever, I beat a Butterfree in my last contest, it’ll be no threat.” Musashi flipped her hair.

“You won because of type advantage not in points, plus you lost to that kid and his weird moves.” Meowth added and got smacked by the girl’s hair.

“He got lucky, when I was in school I believe there was something about Style moves, but I didn’t pay attention in class.”

“We better get a move on, if we don’t catch some more Pokemon the boss will think we are slacking!” Musashi chuckled.

“Yes, I’ll catch a Pokemon that will be even better than Butterfree.” She ran off with her team following her.


Caterpie was working hard. Not just in training but thinking of the styles he wants to perform. Ash had showed him some style moves which got the Bug type even more excited. He wasn’t mastering Tackle, but the experience he was getting was helping him get stronger.

Gale and Caterpie mixed up their training, with Gale using Sand Attack and Caterpie using String Shot. Their battle was noticed by a Pidgeotto, who saw Caterpie as prey. It attacked.

“Caterpie!” Ash gasped as the bug type was chased around by the flying type. Gale and Tornado tried to intervene but were blown away by Whirlwind. “Caterpie, you are strong, I believe in you so teach this bird a lesson!”

Caterpie glowed as he mastered a move and used String Shot Beautiful Style! The thread seemed to sparkle as it struck the Pidgeotto and greatly lowered it’s speed. It tried to fly into the air, but was struggling. “Nicely done, now let’s try Clever Style!”

He fired his String Shot, almost like a silky spray. It wrapped around Pidgeotto and immobilized him. He charged in and landed a few Tackles. Pidgeotto broke free of the thread, and got angry.

It should have fled, but it’s pride was it’s down fall. Caterpie charged in, his training gave him enough experience to learn a new move Bug Bite! He hit hard. “You did it Caterpie!”

Pidgeotto got up, ready to unleash Gust on them. Caterpie protected his trainer with another Clever String Shot. Pidgeotto was immobilized again, and Caterpie sent it flying with a Tackle. Bezai were so proud of him, praising the little bug type.

Ash sang his praises and hugged him. Caterpie cooed and began to evolve, becoming a Metapod and learning Harden. He got another hug and was praised for evolving. This was the first evolution he’d seen in person. The experience was...magical…

They continued training, Metapod working his new Harden attack against Tornado’s Leer and Bug Bite against Gale’s Roost.


Misty was freaking out at all the bug types in the forest, not realizing it was her screaming that was making them aggressive. What made it worse was the fact that the area was difficult terrain so she couldn’t ride her bike easily.

A boy dressed as a samurai stopped her. “Shrieking maiden stop, before your screams attract a swarm of Beedrill.” He pointed a plastic sword at her. She tensed. “Are you a strong trainer, I’m looking for strong opponents to test my bug pokemon!” Misty paled at the mention of bugs.

Then she got an idea. “I know of a strong trainer you can battle.” Misty smirked.


Musashi was looking for a strong Bug Type to add to her team. The blue haired trainer used some pressure point techniques to find some rare bug pokemon. They encountered a Venonat. “Perfect!”

She used her Ekans to battle it, with the type advantage she weakened it enough to land the capture. “Venonat is mine!” She chuckled. “Now I’ll have a beautiful Butterfree!”

“What are you talking about Jessie?” She rubbed her cheek against the ball, clearly in her own little world.

“Venonat doesn’t evolve into Butterfree.” Meowth added.

“Oh James, Meowth, don’t try to trick me. Just look at the eyes of Venonat, of course it’ll evolve into Butterfree.” The two males sweat drop. “Such perfect ruby eyes are fitting of such a monster!” James face palmed.


Ash and the team had encountered a Weedle and Ketchum tried to battle it with Gale. The battle was going well, until Misty and the samurai dressed boy showed. “Are you a strong trainer?”

“I am, but I’m trying to catch a pokemon, one sec!” Ash didn’t look at him, focused on Weedle. He readied to throw a monster ball.

“Keeping your back to your opponent, how rude!” Bezai wasn’t expecting the trainer to attack Ash, but indeed he did. The sword may have been plastic but Ketchum dropped the ball and the Weedle got away.

“No...my Weedle…” The monsters protested the weird trainer’s actions.

“It is your own fault, you should have caught that Weedle sooner!” Ash twitched in annoyance. “I caught my Weedle easily, it’s your lack of skill as a trainer that cost you that Pokemon.” Monster eyes glowed red with rage.

“You said you wanted a battle right?” Ash was trembling. “Bring it on!”

Misty watched from behind a tree. ‘Teach that loser a lesson!’

“I’m Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!” He introduced.

“I’m Samu Rai the Samurai!” Ash blinked.

“Huh?” Samu huffed.

“My first name is Samu, my last name is Rai, trainers know me as Samurai!” He introduced, swinging his sword in flare fashion, before sheathing it. “I battle other trainers from Pallet they were quite skilled.”

“So you’ve met Gary and Damian.” Samu nodded.

“Compared to them your skills seem quite inferior.” That was the final straw.

‘No mercy!’ Samurai started with Kakuna, the evolved form of Weedle.

Ash started with Bulbasaur. Kakuna started off with Harden, and Bulbasaur hit him with Vine Whip. Another Harden was met with Razor Leaf. Another Harden and Bulbasaur pelted him with Razor Leaf again. “Now use Poison Sting!”

This would have been a surprise, but Samurai said he had caught a Weedle before. Kakuna lunged, the bottom of his cocoon glowed with poison energy. “With my Kakuna’s defense increased, I can wither your team with poison.”

“Bulbasaur use Leech Seed!” Kakuna got seeded and his energy was sapped away. It didn’t matter how strong his defense was as he was drained dry.

Kakuna became unable to battle. “Clever quite clever!” Samurai returned the cocoon pokemon. “Now you’ll face my next insect, go Metapod!” He called out a familiar pokemon.

Ash got the idea to use this battle to help train Metapod up. A quick switch and it was Metapod vs Metapod, so began the Harden off. Unlike Kakuna, Metapod was caught wild, so all it knew was Harden.

Once Ash’s glowed having mastered Harden, it was time to go on the attack. Tackle and Bug Bite landed one after the other and Ash’s Metapod won. “Nice work Papillon!” He thought it was a fitting nick name.

“My last two bugs are my strongest. Face the depths of Viridian Forest!” He called out Pinsir.

“Let’s do this Papillon!”

“How foolish, watch as my Pinsir crushed your Metapod and splits him in half.” He had Samurai use Vice Grip.

“It’s show time Papillon, Clever Harden!” Papillon glowed green, and when Pinsir attacked it took damage.

“Impossible!” Ash smirked.

Clever Style Harden, worked like a Rocky Helmet Accessory,  his defense couldn’t go any higher, but taking that defense and used it for offense, causing damage if struck by a physical attack.

For Pinsir it was like biting a fresh jaw breaker, his spikes got shattered and he dropped Metapod. He took some damage but his Defense was so high it was tiny. “Finish him off with Guilotine!” A one hit finisher move, his “horns” glowed and he charged at Metapod.

“Use Clever String Shot!” Papillon tied him up and immobilized him.

“What sorcery is this?!” Papillon slammed him with Tackle and knocked him out. “Unbelievable!” He pointed his sword at Ash. “Explain now trickster!”

“These are Style moves, I’m also a coordinator!”

“What?!” He sheathed his sword. “I can’t believe I wasted my time on a mere coordinator.”

Ash huffed. “Well this mere Coordinator and his monsters kicked your ass!” His monsters agreed. “You’ve been talking a lot of smack, but the truth is maybe it’s your skills as a trainer that are lacking.”

“Grr, I’ll show you, with my last Pokemon I’ll sweep your entire team!”

“DRILL!” A loud buzzing interrupted their fight.

“Oh no, the Weedle you let escape has called for help and summoned a swarm.” A massive swarm drew upon them.

“I’ll handle it, you were very annoying and we need to work out!” Ash smirked, the six monsters stood with their trainer. “Tornado!”

He set up a Tailwind, wind swirling around them. “Let’s go!”

“That’s crazy!” Samurai called out.

“Cute Style Leech Seed and Clever Style String Shot!” Bezai fired multiple seeds, catching the Beedrill and they dropped. Papillon sprayed the stringy mist and bound multiple bee monsters.

“Bloom Clever Vine Whip!” Vines smacked the bee monsters.

“Kaido Bounce, Tornado Cool Style Peck!” Kaido bounced and struck the Beedrill, using them to launch himself at the next one. Tornado’s beak glowed and wind surged around him as he charged through the storm. Tailwind and Peck made a fantastic combination.

“Clever Gust!” Gale unleashed his mastered move Clever Style, striking many members of the swarm with super effective damage.

They tested their combinations and even used the swarm to practice other moves. Bezai using Clever Hypnosis and Bloom launching Razor Leaf and Leech Seeds.

Tornado kept the Tailwind up, keeping the whole party one step ahead of the bees. Beedrill weren’t used to having someone actually fight back against their numbers, usually they just swarm chase away a threat from their nest and go back home.

The swarm dwindled and became unable to battle. The few remaining fled. The experience was shared between the group.

Bezai Level 20, Bloom Level 18, Kaido Level 16, Gale Level 17, Tornado Level 16, Papillon Level 14.

Papillon glowed and began to evolve, becoming a Butterfree. Gale learned Quick Attack, Papillon learned Gust. Kaido mastered Bounce in the fight.

Samurai was stunned. “Ahh~!” Ash stretched. “You all did fantastic!” He clapped his hands. “Let’s finish up.”

One of the Beedrill were hanging on in the red. It was a tough battler and actually was one of the Beedrill who gave the most trouble in the battle. He didn’t know what the trainer was planning, but he was expecting them to be caught.

Ash and his monsters gathered some berries and brought them to the Beedrill. “Here, sorry about all this, we went a little wild. We have enough for all your friends.” Ketchum apologized.

“You aren’t gonna catch them?” Samurai asked.

“No, but it was a great battle!” Beedrill’s eyes sparkled.

The monsters came to and Samurai fled, not wanting the swarm to go after him. They ate and went home, well all but one. Ash left with his team, with a spunky Beedrill following behind.

To be continued...The Seventh Catch


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