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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 21 

Chapter 22 The Next Wave

After some cuddling, and a sensual make out session in the shower. Ichigo and Renji dressed and were ready to go by the time Toshiro and Rose woke up. “Hmm, Big Bro Renji?” The red head tensed. “There is something different about you.” He started sweating bullets.

“He’s right, you seem...shiny…” Rose said.

“Enough, we need to head back and check on the others.” They still had time before the wave, he needed to see the results of his squad. Using Magic Escape they left the dungeon with their loot and made it back to the city.

“Good you’re back!” Kisuke said.

“Yeah...why what happened?” Kisuke scratched his cheek.

“Well…” A loud bang was heard. Under the blacksmith shop was a training room. Kisuke had offered the use of his training room, but it looked positively demolished. There went 200 Gold to handle all the repairs.

Sajin was training Jinta and Wonderweiss, with Shadow Doubles. The two clashed with their clones in heated bouts.

Grimmjow was facing off against Ho, Ban, and Yushiro. The twins had their water guardian out, it was lashing out at Grimmjow with water tentacles. The demi-human dodged and fought back with wind magic.

Even while under a Slow, a Blunt; a spell that weakens one’s attack, and a Sap; a spell that weakens one’s defense. Grimmjow had been putting in work, and even with buffs like Mountain; a spell that made one resistant to wind magic, Accelerate on their water guardian, and Oomph which boosted it’s attack power.

Grimmjow defeated the guardian with a Tornado Fist, and finished them off with Air Slicer. “Come on, go again!”

“I thought you were gonna take it easy.” Ichigo said. Grimmjow and Sajin’s ears flicked at hearing their master’s voice. Komamura dispelled the shadow doubles.

“You’re back!” Grimmjow rushed over and pounced on Ichigo, taking him to the ground. “Prrrrr~!”

“Grimmjow, are you purring?” The bluenette pulled back.

“No!” He huffed. Ichigo gave him a scratch behind the ears and the feline demi-human melted.

“I’m glad to see you too!” He was allowed up and he hugged Sajin.  Grimmjow looked at Renji and noticed the glow about him, unlike Toshiro and Rose he knew exactly why.

‘They did it!’ Grimmjow growled, his tail puffing up. That glow was practically screaming “I had sex”. He remembered Ichigo’s promise, but he still felt jealous. “Don’t get cocky Red just because you had him first!” He whispered. Renji blushed.

“I’m not getting cocky, it was the right time and place.” He played with his hair. Renji seemed more mature, and it wasn’t just the sex. His level had grown and he’d gained more skills and techniques.

“Tch!” He couldn’t wait to evolve.

“Hey big bro Grimmjow!” Rose suddenly grabbed the feline and hugged him.

“Oi!” He was caught by surprise by the alraune. “This can’t be Rose!” The blonde flexed.

“Sure am don’t I look great!” Ichigo looked to Kisuke.

“He could use some clothes.” the blonde sighed.

“I don’t think I have armor for him, but I got some for you too.” He didn’t have anything for Rose, but a visit to Shutara made that an easy fix, she fitted him with a white button up shirt and a black jacket. To Ichigo he looked like a conductor, from the waist up. It wasn’t much but it’s what he was willing to wear. Ichigo got some new armor. “I call it Barbarian Armor + 1!” It made him look like a fancy bandit. Kisuke’s tastes were odd.

Barbarian Armor + 1: Dark Resistance, HP Regeneration (Lesser) Increased Magic (Medium) Magic Resistance (Medium), Auto Repair Feature

Ichigo showed Kisuke the loot he got in the dungeon. “Not a bad haul, especially with just the four of you.”

“Can you do anything with these?” He gave him the spell beads.

“Sure can, but there isn’t enough time to craft anything before the wave.” Ichigo nodded. There was less than 12 hours before the wave came.

‘I could probably make some accessories.’ It was time to see what they were working with. He checked on his new squad and saw they were around the level 30’s.

Jinta Level 35

Ho and Ban Level 33

Wonderweiss Level 32

Yushiro Level 32

Grimmjow’s training was harsh but it got results. They had gained 10 levels while Ichigo was away.

With the equipment they got from Kisuke they’d be ready for the wave...hopefully. The crystal balls went to Grimmjow and Komamura, inside one was the spell Squall, a powerful aoe wind magic attack. The other contained Dark Bullet a pretty basic Darkness Offensive Magic spell.

Grimmjow learned some spells from Ho and Ban. Since he was stuck at a level cap, learning new magic was his only means of getting stronger. Gale Barrier and Air Cannon.

He examined Rose to find out what he could do as an Alraune. A visit to Yoruichi and they learned he had the affinity for Nature and Poison/Acid Magic, not really a surprise there.

Alraune Skills: Honey Creation, Goodberry, Sweet Scent, Pollen Puff, Root Attack, Solar Heal (Self).

Ichigo looked at his skill tree, there was a lot Rose could learn. Magic wise he learned Acid Arrow and Growth, one being an offensive attack spell the other being a simple spell that helped plants grow.

Over the last 12 hours Ichigo prepared, some spare weapons to give to villagers since last time they used farming tools to try to fight and didn’t go well. He had potions prepared and Rose helped by making Antidotes and Aloe. With Dual Wield Ichigo crafted potions and holy water at the same time. In a pinch they could be used against undead. Their crafting helped unlock the Herbalist skill for Rose.

Grimmjow’s curse was lifted and his stats recovered. Everyone’s mana and stamina were recovered. Ichigo was able to do some accessory crafting in the final hours.

For Renji he got a jet black bracelet with a red stone to help boost his mana, he wore it on his right wrist. For Grimmjow he got a gold bracelet with a blue stone, it would boost his attack power, he wore it on his left wrist. The ice dragon pouted for a bit until Ichigo revealed his present.

Toshiro got a ring, it was silver with a dragon etched onto it with a green gem stone in the eye. “This will boost your mana regeneration, and the ring won’t fall off if you transform.”

“Thank you master!”

Rose got a jet black ring, it had a floral pattern and a rose mark on it. “This will boost your defense.” Rose blushed.

As for Sajin, he got a fan hair pin, it looked quite nice in his mane. “This will boost your speed and agility.”

“Thank you!” Sajin blushed.

“What’s with the accessory making spree, wanting to keep your precious harem safe?” Kisuke teased, Ichigo blushed and looked away.

“It’s just to increase their stats!” The group loved their gifts.

As the wave clock ticked it’s final few minutes it felt like an eternity. “It’s time!” A chime echoed out as the heroes and their parties were warped to the wave.

They were warped far from the main city, Ichigo was just glad his squad was warped with him. ‘Looks like the help screen wasn’t wrong.’

The other heroes and their parties appeared, with the Spear, Sword, and Axe heroes running past them. “Don’t get in my way, this boss is mine!” Askin said.

“As if you can bring it down, I’ll handle it!” Cang Du said.

Uryu said nothing, but adjusted his glasses.

‘These idiots where is the army, after last time they should know how many monsters appear!?’ He didn’t like seeing Askin or Bambietta. Bazz-B stopped.

“Ichigo, are you joining us this time?” He asked, sounding hopeful.

“Why didn’t you bring the King’s army with you? It’s gonna take at least a day for reinforcements to come.” Bazz-B looked honestly confused.

“We can do that?” He looked at the small squad Ichigo brought with him. “No way, no one told us anything about that, just that the heroes and their party would be transported. Damn it!” He checked his help icon and saw it clear as day.

“Just bring down that boss, we’ll protect the surrounding towns.” Bazz-B smiled and nodded.

“I know you will. Leave the boss to us!” He’d let the others know about the warp. “How about a kiss for luck?”

Ichigo blushed. “Just go!” Bazz-B chuckled and ran off to join the others to face the boss. It was a giant floating pirate ship with kraken tentacles coming from the bowls of the ship.


The ground enemies were equally troublesome, Goblins, Kobold Thieves, and Lizardmen. The air enemies this time were Parrot Dragons? They were large parrot looking beasts that both breathed fire and fired lightning from their feathers.

Ho and Ban were overseeing the evacuation, using Earth Dolls created by Yushiro, and their Water Guardian. They had to focus on the sky enemies with Yushiro.

The shaman was able to bounce back their lightning attacks, while Ho could block their fire breath with Water Veil. It was up to Ban to attack and shoot them down with Water Bullet.

Jinta and Wonderweiss took on the Goblins and Kobold Thieves. The goblins were more equipped compared to the ones Ichigo fought in the dungeon. The Kobold Thieves seemed to be able to eat anything even eating stone from the walls to increase their strength and defense.

They were driven by hunger, and not too bright. So taking them out before they gorged themselves was the easiest way to beat them.

The Lizardmen were the biggest problems. They were big, fast, and strong. Three of them surrounded Jinta and Wonderweiss. “This is bad!”

“Bad…” The blonde said slowly.

They hissed and lunged only to be met by Shield Prison. Grimmjow killed one with Tornado Fist. Renji bit one with Zabimaru, stunning it long enough to take off its head. Komamura pummeled the last one with Dark Bullet, killing it.

“No way, you guys took out those lizardmen like they were nothing.” Jinta gasped.

“Keep focused on the evacuation, we’ll have your backs.” Renji said.

Goblins didn’t know what hit them, when they thought they had surrounded some villagers, some roots sprang up from the ground and skewered them. Rose drained them of their nutrients and left them as husks. “Please move quickly to the evacuation site.” The people moved.

Some Parrot Dragons swooped down to attack. “No you don’t!” Toshiro unleashed an Ice Dragon Roar, which froze the birds solid. “Hail Wing!” With a flap of his wings he pelted the flying pests with ice and shot them down.

“Gator Wheel!” Ichigo cut down some goblins and kobold thieves.

The lizardmen seemed to use the small fry as bait, to sneak up and attack the others. They lunged at them, but…

“Parasite Seed!” The lizard hit with the seed, was invaded by a plant slowly draining it of strength before it died.

“Frost Claw!” Toshiro hit it freezing him before shatering him.

“Gator Wheel!” Ichigo didn’t kill it but left it seriously damaged.

“Snake Strike!” Renji showed up and landed a killing blow.

“I see you got an attack skill.” Grimmjow was impressed.

“It certainly helps but against stronger opponents it might not cut it!” Renji patted his shoulder.

“That’s why you have us!” Ichigo nodded. He was rocking one defensive shield and one offensive shield.

Something was off though, they had been fighting for over three hours. ‘What are those guys doing?’ While the village had been evacuated, it didn’t matter if the monsters kept coming. If the boss wasn’t defeated, eventually their forces would be wiped out.

They got a surprise back up. A woman named Kukaku, she had an artificial arm, but was kicking all kinds of ass, one punching goblins, kobolds, and even the lizardmen. “Whoa!”

“So we meet again, shield boy?”

“You know this woman?” Renji asked.

“You were quite busy, but you saved me from a plant virus. You even saved my idiot brother from being killed.” Ichigo hadn’t realized. “Thanks to your medicine, I’m feeling better than ever.” She jumped into the air and punched a parrot dragon with her faux arm and he burst into flames.

‘What did I give her?’ He sweatdropped.

“Ichigo, you should join the heroes and help them with the boss.” Jinta said.

“But…” Another batch of creatures would be coming.

“He’s right, we need to help them or this nightmare won’t end!” Renji said.

“Renji…” Ichigo balled his hand into a fist.

“Those idiots aren’t getting the job done, we need to go and finish this.” Grimmjow said.

“Grimmjow...you both are right.” He looked to his squad.

“We’ll hold the line!”

“Don’t you dare die!” Ichigo said seriously. Jinta smirked.

“No...die!” Wonderweiss said.

“Leave these brats with me, I swear on my life we’ll survive!” She laughed.

“Here these will help.” Rose conjured some berries. “These will help you recover your stamina and energy.” This would buy them more time.

Ichigo and his party raced for the boss, taking out any enemies they came across around the way.

A strange woman watched them go. ‘Let’s see if these heroes are worth anything.’ She closed a fan and smirked.

To be continued...Soul Eater

Ichigo's shields

Orange Shield: +2 Defense

Yellow Shield: +2 Defense

Red Shield: +4 Defense

Blue Shield: +2 Defense

Green Shield: +2 Defense

Purple Shield: + 4 Defense

Leaf Shield: Collection Skill + 1

Mush Shield: Plant Identification 1

Fish Shield: Angling Skill + 1

Green Mush Shield” Apprentice's Compounding

Blue Mush Shield: Simple Compounding Recipes

Petit Medicine Shield: Raises Medicine's Effects

Petit Poison Shield: Poison Resistance (Small)

Rope Shield: Can turn to rope to be used. Air Strike Shield Skill

Silk Spinner Shield: Armor Stat Boost +1. Silk Weaving Skill + 1, Steel Thread Skill.

Two-Headed Black Dog Shield: Alert Shield Skill, Dog Bite Skill

Wood Shield: Lumbering Techniques 1

Rock Shield: Defense + 3

Pipe Shield: Shield Prison Skill

Pickaxe Shield: Mining Skill +1

20. Egg Shield: Culinary Boost

Flying Egg Shield: Beginner Cooking Recipes

Calorie Shield: stamina boost

Energy Shield: SP boost (small)

Energetic Shield: Stamina consumption decrease

Rabbit Leather Shield: Agility Boost +1

Pikyu Pikyu Shield: Beginner's Rank's Weapon Repair Techniques 1

Butterfly Shield: Paralysis Resistance (Small)

Light Metal Shield: Defense + 1 Magical Enchantment Defense

Dimensional Locust Shield: defense boost of 6.

Dimensional Bee Shield: agility boost + 6.

Bee Needle Shield: attack boost + 1, skills; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Poison (Paralysis)

Beast Needle Shield: ATK + 2

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Shield: Decay Resistance Small

Slave Trainer Shield: Slave Growth + Small

Slave Trainer Shield 2: Slave Condition + Small

Mortar Shield: Novice Compounding

Novice Mixing Shield: Liquid Solution Bonus.

Beaker Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Medical Research Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Chimera Meat Shield: Cooking Skill + 1

Chimera Bone Shield: Darkness Resistance M

Chimera Leather Shield: Defense + 10

Chimera Viper Shield: Change Shield Skill, Compounding + 1 Poison Resistance High. Exclusive Skill: Snake Fang Long Hook. (This skill worked similar to the two-headed dog shield, when struck with a physical attack the snakes on the shield would lash out and bite the attacker inflicting powerful poison on the enemy.) Also when using this shield, it shared his poison resistance with his party.

Anti-Poison Shield: Defense + 5

Medicine Shield: Medicine Effect Range + Expansion Small

Monster Trainer Shield: Monster Growth Correction (Small)

Monster Egg Shield: Cooking Skill + 2

Monster Trainer Shield 2: Monster Status Correction (Small)

Dragon Scale Shield: +15 Defense, Elemental Resistance (Small)

Monster Trainer Shield 3: Growth Revision (Medium)

Baby Frost Dragon Fang Shield: Cold Resistance (Small) Unique Skill: Frost Bite- when struck with a physical attack unleashed a cold burst of frozen wind, that can deal small ice damage and can potentially freeze and opponent.

Book Shield: Magical Power Up (Small)

White Usapil Shield: DEF + 2

Dark Porcupine Shield: Agility + 12

Amethyst Frog Shield: Jump + 5

Usapil Bone Shield: Stamina Up (Small)

Porcupine Bone Shield: SP Up (Small)

Frog Bone Shield: Compounding Boost (Small)

Toad Oil Shield: Medicine Effect Boost (Medium)

Voice Gengar Shield (Bat): Sound Wave Endurance, Special Equip Skill: Megaphone

Voice Gengar Shield (Rat) Blinding Endurance, Special Equip Skill Megaphone

Nue Shield: Level Locked

Nue Viper Shield: Synthesis Boost

Crystal Ore Shield: Fine Crafting 1

Torrent Shield: Plant Classification 2

Blue Torrent Shield: Intermediate Compounding 2

Black Torrent Shield: Rookie Compounding

Pink Torrent Shield: Sleep Resistance Medium Unique Skill Sweet Scent – Produces a sweet aroma that can attract and calm some monsters, it can bring ease to party members, highly effective on Demi-Humans, Beast Men, and Monsters in your party.

Yellow Torrent Shield: Charm Resistance Medium Unique Skill Honey Production – Can spend stamina to create delicious honey.

Green Torrent Shield: Petrification Resistance Medium Unique Skill Regeneration Small

Gurihosato Shield: Attacks from plant enemies reduced by 5%

Plant Fire Shield: Fire Resistance (Small)

Killer Insect Shield Alpha: Attack from insect enemies reduced by 3 %

Copper Ore Shield: Metal Working Skill 1

Iron Ore Shield: Metal Working Skill 2

Silver Ore Shield: Demonic Monster Damage Reduced by 2%

Lead Ore Shield: Defense + 3

Gold Ore Shield: Demonic Monster Damage Reduced by 2%

Milking Shield: Charisma + 5 Equip Effect: Milking Touch: Helps partners cum faster and harder.

Milking Shield 2: Charisma + 10 Equip Effect: Milking Touch 2 Equip Skill: Milk Collector At the cost of SP can milk someone for hours, their climax will be collected and stored in the shield.

Bioplant Shield: Plant Reform Equip Effect: Vine Snare

Plantriwe Shield: Intermediate Compounding Recipe 2

Mandragora Shield: Plant Analysis

Antidote Shield: Antidote Effect Boost

Medicine Shield 2: Medicine Effect Range + Expansion Medium

Poison Frog Shield: Poison Nullification Medium, Shield Skill: Poison Jab: Shoots tongue out to strike and poison opponent, grants poison element to physical blows when equipped.

Poison Bee Shield: Poison Nullification Small

Poison Fly Shield: Poison Guard (Grants Poison Resistance to the party)

Bee Needle Shield 2: attack boost + 3; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Venom (Poison)

Poison Tree Shield: Poison Absorb, Poison Neutralization

Miasma Shield: Equip Effect: Poison Burst: When activated releases a toxic miasma that poisons and blinds whoever is caught up in it.

Shield of Rage: Equip Effect: Self Burning Curse. Charge Skill: Doom Blast Shield Ability: Iron Maiden Shield Skill: Change Shield (Attack)

Blessed Aqua Shield: Holy Water Creation (Small)

Holy Water Shield: Holy Water Potency Boost

Blessed Aqua Shield 2: Holy Water Creation Medium

Holy Water Shield 2: Holy Water Effect Range Boost

Divine Aura Shield: Curse Resistance Small

Divine Aura Shield 2: Curse Resistance Medium

Purification Shield: Damage from undead monsters reduced by 5%, Damage towards undead monsters increased by 5%. Charge Skill: Purification Blast: Can purify undead monsters and repel evil influences. (10% Damage thanks to Unique Skill Undead Hunter)

Goblin Shield: Nightvision Skill, Shield Skill: Shadow Mask – At night it allowed the user to become hidden by shadows.

Goblin Shield 2: Shadow Cover: At night can mask individuals in darkness hiding their presence. Damage from goblin monsters reduced by 5%

Green Imp Shield: Lightning Resistance (Small) Shield Skill: Lightning Rod: When worn will draw lightning and electric attacks to user.

Pink Imp Shield: Fire Resistance (Medium) Shield Skill: Heat Candle: When worn will draw fire and heat attacks towards user.

Gator Shield 1: ATK + 10, SPD + 5 Unique Skill: Razor Wheel: It allowed the shield to spin like a saw allowing for a slash attack.

Gator Shield 2: ATK + 10 SPD + 7 DEF + 5, Can use Razor Wheel Skill, at twice the power. Gator Wheel: Can launch a flying disk attack that can slice through enemies.

Two-Headed Black Dog Shield 2: Twin Bark Skill: Scares away weak monsters, can make enemies flinch. Dog Fang Skill: Increases the Power of the Dog Bite Skill.

Three-Headed Dog Shield: ATK + 9, Triplet Bark Skill: Scares away weak monsters + 2, makes enemies flinch. Dog Rend: Evolved form of Dog Bite, double the power.

Guard Dog Shield: Will summon Shadow Hound manifestations to attack when struck even by long ranged attacks. (He’d have to master this skill to use it with his others)

Dungeon Crawler Shield 1 : Damage taken from monsters in Dungeon decreased by 5%. This effect can be shared with party while active.

Ichigo: 12 inches, Level 40 Healing/Support Magic

Spells: First Heal (Fast Heal) First Cure (Fast Cure) First Defense Boost (Fast Defense Boost) First Barrier (Fast Barrier), Light Screen, Safeguard

Unique Skill: Undead Hunter: Damage against Undead Monsters is increased by 5%; Cerberus Slayer: Damage to Demon Dog Monsters increased by 50%, Dual Wield Shields

Renji: 8 inches uncut, Level 53 Fire Magic

Spells: Second Blaze, Red Blaze, Red Flame Cannon, First Explosion (Fast Explosion), Blast Fist, Red Slash, All First Blaze

Skills: Red Palm Set, Snake Strike, Poison Fangs, Poison Resistance, Fire Resistance, Crush, Roar, Battle Drum, Revenge Strike

Grimmjow: 7 inches uncut, Level 40* Wind Magic

Spells: Second Tornado (Fast Tornado), Gust Quick (Support), Gust Wall, Tornado Fist, Air Slicer, Tornado Shot,

Komamura: 13 inches cut, Level 85 Light/Dark Magic

Spells: First Light (Fast Light), First Darkness (Fast Darkness), Ropes of Light, Chains of Darkness, Shadow Mirage, First Hiding (Fast Hiding), Shadow Double.

Toshiro: Two dicks 5 Inches, Level 40* Ice Magic
Monster Skills: Frost Breath, Ice Dragon Roar, Frost Claw, Hail Wing, Poison Resistance, Ice Eater
Spells: First Frost (Fast Frost) Icicle Lance, Ice Shell
Equipment: Wyvern Talons

Rose: 6 inches, Alraune Level 42 (More Skills Unlocked Unknown Until Scan)

Monster Skills: Poison Resistance, Poison Eater, Aloe Creation, Healing Dew, Aromatherapy, Acid Spit, Parasite Seed, Blossom Blizzard, Snake Ivy, Acid Rain, Poison Creation, Poison Mist, Toxic Thorn.

Loot: 300 Gold, 200 Silver, and 100 Copper, Two Crystal Balls, Spell Beads: Two Healing, Two Fire, Two Water, Two Thunder, Two Earth, One Explosion; Assorted gems for accessory crafting


Jinta: Knight

Ho: Mage, Water Affinity, Defensive Magic, (Summoning with his brother)
Equipment: Red Orb Staff

Ban: Mage, Water Affinity, Offensive Magic, (Summoning with his brother)
Equipment: White Orb Staff

Wonderweiss: Turtle Demi-Human
Equipment: Fire Bracelet, Wind Bracelet,

Yushiro: Shaman, Buff, Debuff, Totem


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