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Bleach parody: Tier 1/Phone Fic

Vizard Advanced

Ichigo has been training with the vizards, each of them have their own unique styles and methods. Ichigo is in a rush to get stronger so they drive everything they know into his thick head. If there is one thing Ichigo knows its how to work hard and surpass expectations.

Chapter 1

Ichigo Kurosaki was a very mysterious young man, having supernatural senses he was more aware of the world beyond. Through trials and encounters, he gained the powers of a Soul Reaper, and even tapped into the powers of a hollow. This began to worry Ichigo, as he felt the power trying to overtake him.

He met Shinji someone like him, with the powers of a shinigami and the power of a hollow. The Vizards…

After a test, the vizards had him confront his hollow. The two clashed and Ichigo managed to defeat his inner hollow. This was just the first step, there was a lot he needed to learn. Hollow Mask manifestation had a time limit, Ichigo’s was rather limited.

Ichigo was in a rush to get stronger as the threat of Aizen and the Arrancar was happening. Shinji didn’t have much choice, he knew the boy was right. He could see the determination in his eyes. “If you wanna get stronger prepare yourself!”

Love and Rojuro, had the shortest times, so they developed a trick to not lose strength. When Ichigo fought using his hollow mask he was on a ticking clock, and when it shattered his energy was depleted. “When your hollow mask breaks, it causes a disruption to your spiritual pressure. So before it does…” Love dismissed his mask. “Dismiss it, so you can recharge. Battles aren’t always a sprint, they can be a marathon.”

This lesson aided Ichigo in combat training, allowing him to last longer and not need as many breaks. Hollow power replenished faster than spiritual power. He was able to use his hollow mask more, which worked his new muscles. His time increased more and more.

Hacchi and Lisa tackled another aspect of Ichigo’s training, handling both meditation and training with his hollow spiritually. At first Ichigo thought Lisa was just being lazy, as their “meditation” sessions was just her sitting and reading porn. “You’ve only had your powers a short time, you need to communicate with your inner spirits to get stronger, that should be obvious by now.” His body could only take so much, so when he rested he needed to work his mind and soul.

He was also tacked with entering his spirit world while he slept. Hacchi guided him so he could enter and train with his inner hollow. “His power is your power, he just has natural instinct on how to use it. Trust in him and let him guide you.” Was his words of advice.

Kurosaki took it to heart as he entered this state. His inner hollow was there as was old man Zangetsu. He didn’t say much, often gazing up at the sky as the two sparred. The two were bonding and getting stronger together. Ichigo could say his hollow was twisted but not as bad as he initially thought.

The two Vizards helped optimize Ichigo’s training time. His hollow mask time increased more and more.

Mashirao and Shinji handled his Cero training, which consisted of firing them at Ichigo and forcing him to counter them with his own Cero to fend them off. His hollow powers were growing.

A Vizard’s key strength was their power augmentation, combining their spirit strength with their hollow power. Ichigo had a lot of spiritual pressure to add to it. His hollow began to develop and grow, which would make their power when hollowfied all the greater.

Hiyori and Kensei handled combat training. Ichigo was still lacking in that aspect, even with fighting Captains in Soul Society and Kisuke Urahara he was still a greenhorn. There was still much for him to learn. Hiyori just threw insults at him, but Kensei was more understanding. He still acted like a drill sergeant but he gave Ichigo constructive feedback which helped him improve.

Kensei even had him working out while in his hollow mask, strengthening his body and spiritual power.

A month had passed. With everyone working together they were able to get Ichigo to 11 minutes, the second highest hollowfication time, second only to Mashirao at 18 hours.


Aizen launched a surprise attack sending at least two espada level hollows to the living world along with former Espada Grimmjow, and new arrancar Wonderweiss. Grimmjow used to be Espada number 6, but after attacking the world of the living without permission he lost his arm and his rank.

Luppi replaced him as the new Sexta. Wonderweiss wasn’t an espada but there was something odd about him. Grimmjow ran off to go find Ichigo, while the others attacked Hitsugaya’s group.

Soul Society had sent in some back up, Toshiro, Renji, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Matsumoto, and Rukia. Renji was busy training with Chad, and Rukia was training with Orihime.

Ichigo wanted to help but the Vizards didn’t want to let him go. Love and Kensei were physically holding him back. “Let me go, I have to help them!”

“Your training isn’t finished.” Love said. “If you go out there, you can be killed!” He didn’t want them getting involved with Shinigami fights.

“Those shinigami are stationed here to fight the arrancar and protect this town. Let them do their job, you need to stay.” Kensei was more passionate, he didn’t want Ichigo going off and getting killed.

“I can sit back and do nothing!” Shinji sighed.

“Let him go.” They released Ichigo and he ran off. “Good grief.”

“Shinji, he’s gonna get himself killed, he’s gotten stronger but the number of enemies…” Kensei was cut off.

“He’s a stubborn brat but he wants to protect his friends. He won’t die so easily.” They had no loyalties to Soul Society, and had their own reasons for hating Aizen.

“But he’s one of us, we can’t just…” Kensei was cut off again.

“If you are so worried, go after him, but don’t get in his way. He needs to see where he’s at in this fight.”


Ichigo raced towards where the two espada were, only to get intercepted by Grimmjow. “There you are!”

“Grimmjow...what happened to your arm?” The former espada smirked.

“Got rid of it, didn’t need two arms to kill ya.” Ichigo narrowed his eyes.

“I see.” He activated his bankai. “Then I don’t need to hold back then.”

“Your Bankai isn’t very strong, do your worst.” Ichigo pointed his blade at Grimmjow.

“Did you forget it was my bankai that left that scar on you.” Grimmjow caressed the scar on his chest.

“It did...you were the first person to leave a mark on me Kurosaki Ichigo, that’s why I’m gonna kill you!” Grimmjow drew his blade.

“I can’t let you do that, get ready...because here I come...Grimmjow!” Ichigo hollowfied, shocking the arrancar.

“What...is that?” Ichigo lunged at him and Grimmjow blocked the swing with his sword.

“Sorry...but I don’t have to explain…” He placed a hand on his sword and unleashed a point blank Getsuga Tensho.

Grimmjow took a lot of damage. “You bastard...this isn’t the power of a shinigami...what the hell did you do in this past month…” He panted.

“I trained and got stronger.” Grimmjow gritted his teeth.

“You think you are funny, huh?” Ichigo unleashed another Getsuga Tensho and sent the arrancar flying back. “Damn it!”

Kurosaki vanished and appeared behind him catching him in the back with another energy attack. The blue haired arrancar was caught between the two slash attacks, only for the energies to collide and explode. “Die!”

Grimmjow fired a Cero, which Ichigo deflected.

Over the next five minutes the orangette smacked the arrancar around, a total 180 to their previous fight. He didn’t just use his sword, he used his legs and fist, doing a lot of damage but nothing lethal. Isshin would be proud with the soaring kick he landed that rocketed Grimmjow into the air.

With only one arm he couldn’t block all of Ichigo’s attacks, and the vizard was able to disarm him. His zanpakuto went flying. “You bastard!”

His eyes widened, as Ichigo began charging up a cero of his own. “Sorry about this Grimmjow, Shiro...doesn’t like to hold back…” He unleashed his cero and it was massive. The girth and density of the blast was crazy.

Grimmjow how to counter with his own cero just to survive, but his clothing was absolutely destroyed. The naked arrancar landed hard, his body smoldering from the power of the attack. “Damn it...damn it...what the hell...how is he so strong...damn it…”

Ichigo approached. “Go ahead...do it...kill me!”

Instead Kurosaki removed his mask. His warm chocolate eyes gazed down at Grimmjow. “What’s with that look huh?” He growled. “Is that pity? Are you looking down on me?”

The arrancar struggled to get up. “Don’t think you’ve won, I’ll get you...I’ll crush your bones...I’ll rip out your throat...I’ll use your skull as a beer mug!”

I think he likes you king.’ His hollow spoke.

‘Ya think?’ Ichigo sweatdropped.

I know…’ Shiro whispers something to him and Ichigo finally notices, the arrancar was hard. Either he really liked their fight or he was a serious masochist, but there it was the bluenette’s dick hard and pointing right at Ichigo.

He blushed and tried not to stare. Shiro certainly approved since Grimmjow was strong and good looking. ‘He’d make a fine mate for you King~!’ Ichigo’s blush grew.

Thanks to Lisa’s books, he had learned some things. She had all kinds of erotica, including boy’s love. He had a reaction to it, and Lisa didn’t shame him for it. There was an extra lesson they had together...

It seems even Grimmjow didn’t notice he was aroused as he managed to get to his feet. “Come on, fight me!” His arm and legs were shaking. Ichigo’s cero really did a number on him.

‘He’s certainly persistent.’ Ichigo thought as the arrancar kept swinging at him, with the orangette dodging easily.

“You’re dead...you’re dead Kurosaki!” Shiro gave him an idea on how to stop this, since the vizard didn’t have the desire to kill Grimmjow. He caught the flailing fist and Ichigo pulled him in. “Come on fight me damn…”

Ichigo silenced him with a kiss, his lips sealing over the arrancar’s. Grimmjow was shocked and he bucked. The intimate contact allowed Ichigo’s spiritual pressure to wash over him like a warm shower. His body relaxed.

It took Grimmjow a few seconds to pull back. “The fuck are you doing?”

“This fight is over, I’ve won!” The bluenette glared.

“It isn’t over till one of us is dead!” He tried to throw another punch but Ichigo grabbed his erection. “Ahh fuck!”

“Are you sure about that?” Ichigo pumped him. “This part of you seems to have something else in mind.” Grimmjow blushed.

“You...fuck...fucker...what’d you...ahh do...to me…” He panted. Ichigo had him by the cock, his body was exhausted, and pleasure started surging through him. The scar on his body tingled as Ichigo’s spiritual pressure continued to rise and surround him.

“Not sure, is this the first time you’ve gotten hard. Is this because of me?” He squeezed Grimmjow’s cock and earned a low moan.

It wasn’t, since facing off with the young soul reaper, Grimmjow’s loins had been stirred. He just thought he was itching to fight the orangette again. “I don’t know a lot about hollows, but this part of you sure seems honest.” He pumped him and Grimmjow crumbled.

All he could do was cling to the soul reaper. ‘What is this feeling...so hot…’ Something instinctual was happening.

Ichigo kissed him again, and to the vizard’s surprise Grimmjow was kissing back. He worked the arrancar faster, spreading pre-cum over his shaft. ‘I lost...to hollows...losing means death...I had forgotten...my life...is...his…’ Ichigo was dominating him, and his body was responding to it.

The lip contact, caused power to flow between them. Grimmjow drank from the well that was Ichigo’s spirit power. “Mmm~mmm~mmm!” Neither of them had experience in kissing, but both were going off instinct. They meshed together well.

The two swapped some spit, and unbeknownst to the two Grimmjow’s wound healed from feasting on Ichigo’s energy. It wasn’t enough to restore Grimmjow’s arm or anything, but he was recovering from their fight.

He broke the kiss to moan as he came. Kurosaki caught his seed. The arrancar collapsed, his legs felt like jelly, he had a hand still gripping Ichigo’s jacket. He looked up to see Ichigo licking his semen off his hand, his eyes gleaming with gold. ‘Hollows...we live a life of eat or be eaten….I thought I’d changed becoming an arrancar, but I think I’ve just been devoured.’

Ichigo removed his jacket and covered Grimmjow with it, he even fetched Pantera for him. “We’ll fight again Grimmjow.” Was all he said before racing off. Those words filled the blue haired arrancar with such happiness he smiled.

“Yeah...we will…” Shinji and Kensei had observed the little show.

“Wow to think we were worried about him.” Kensei was blushing and was pitching a tent.

“What the hell has Lisa been teaching him!” He reached for his sword. “I’m gonna kill that bastard for messing with Ichigo.”

Shinji stopped him. “Now now, our enemy is Aizen.”

“And the arrancar serve him!” Kensei argued. “He’s our enemy!”

“They are only our enemies if they stand in our way. If Ichigo can turn one to our side, sounds fine to me.” Given how his bankai works this was very true to Shinji’s nature. “I don’t think that one is even Ichigo’s enemy anymore.”

Ulquiorra arrived some time later to collect Grimmjow, claiming their mission was complete.

To be continued


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