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DBZ parody: Tier 1/Phone fic

Saiyan Guardian

After Goku defeated Piccolo, Kami felt it was time to pass on the title of guardian of Earth to someone new. Goku had proved himself to be the strongest on Earth and with his noble heart he was worthy. With Piccolo still out there and potential threats to the Earth Goku continues to train with Kami to become the true guardian of Earth.

Chapter 1

The battle between Piccolo and Goku was a fierce one, the two traded blows, destroyed a ring, and clashed till only one was left standing. Goku was named world martial arts champion and savior of the Earth. Kami begged the warrior to kill Piccolo and end his threat, but Son refused.

He didn’t believe Piccolo was all that evil anymore, and felt a warrior’s spirit inside him. Plus if he died, then Kami would also die. The namekian thought Goku was crazy, but escaped with his life. He swore revenge and Goku simply winked at him. “I’ll fight you as many times as you want!”

Next time he would be even stronger.

Kami realized he may have made mistakes, so he decided to correct one by having Goku be made Guardian of the Earth. There would be more intense training and Kami would transfer some of his powers to him. Goku was all for it.

Chichi was pissed, demanding Goku honor his promise to marry her. “Okay!” He took her to a buffet. Chichi tried to explain that this wasn’t what marriage was, but this is what Goku thought it was, and THIS was all he promised her. The girl sighed and immediately went after Yamcha to get him to marry her.

Love was a complicated thing, and Goku didn’t know all the ins and outs of it but he was sure that Chichi didn’t love him. She loved the idea of being a bride, that’s all she wanted. Yamcha and Bulma had broken up so, the former bandit was a free man. All he wanted in life was to be married so the two were a perfect match.


Goku returned to the Look Out to receive his guardian training. He learned more about ki control and was taught some of Kami’s techniques, like firing beams from his eyes and being able to teleport.

The time came and Kami transferred his Dragon Clan powers to Goku. This took a full day to complete, but the dragon balls were now tied to Goku. The warrior could now heal using his ki, read minds, and use magic materialization. A small side effect was his tail growing back. This wouldn’t be a problem as Goku was able to master his transformation, it was a part of him.

Goku wasn’t that much of a threat in his ozaru form, wild yes, but that was tied in with his state of strength. Training his tail was key to mastering his Great Ape form, he just didn’t know it. Thanks to the mental and spiritual training he was no longer a threat even on nights of the full moon.

He would use Kai Kai, to visit his friends for a friendly sparring match. A unique side effect of his healing technique was that his friends always felt stronger afterwords. It wasn’t understood why but no one was complaining. Goku got more good fights and got stronger over the next five years.

This was improving the mortal level of the planet.

The biggest surprise to everyone was that Goku visited Piccolo. They met in wastelands and fought quite often. Piccolo had been working on techniques to try and kill Goku, though none of them had worked out. “I swear one of these days I’ll perfect the move that will kill you!”

“Maybe, I’ve been working on new moves to, like this!” Goku channeled some orange energy and zapped Piccolo with it. The alien gasped as all his clothes vanished.

“What the hell?!” Piccolo covered himself. “What did you do?!”

Goku chuckled. “I reversed engineered Kami’s Magic Materialization. I call it Magic De-Materialization.” He wasn’t the best at coming up with witty attack names. With this power he could destroy weapons, armor, clothes, and the like. “I figure I can use this to stop bad guys who rely on weapons.”

“Shut up, I don’t care what you use it on, just give me back my clothes!” He blushed purple. Being naked and exposed to his enemy was causing strange feelings to form inside him. His relationship with Goku was already weird, he was made to kill this man. He failed to kill him time and again, but Goku never struck him down.

Piccolo often wondered if Kami meant so much to him, or if it was the dragon balls that prevented his death. This wasn’t the case Goku had obtained the Dragon Clan power years ago, so he could have killed Piccolo and the dragon balls were fine. Truth was he respected Kami as a teacher and mentor, but that wasn’t why he didn’t kill Piccolo.

He liked him, pure and simple. As Goku saw it, Piccolo didn’t have to be a bad guy, they could be friends, rivals, sparring partners, or whatever. Piccolo had a hard time understanding Goku. Each time they clashed he was left changed, different.

Now here he was stripped bare before the new guardian of Earth. “Sorry, I’m not exactly good at making clothes yet!” He got an idea. “I know!” In a flash Goku stripped down and stood bare before the other warrior.

Piccolo sputtered at Goku’s idiocy. “Why did you take off your clothes!?” Son didn’t really understand shame, he saw no issue with nudity. If it wasn’t for training or for social reasons he wouldn’t even wear clothes.

“Now we are both naked so you don’t have to be shy!”

“I’M NOT SHY YOU...UGH!” He ignored his naked state for a moment to rub his temples. Piccolo was having one of his Goku headaches, he got these a lot as the warrior could be frustrating.

This may have been a mistake, as without realizing it he had been checking Son out and liked what he saw. His cock had stirred to life, but that wasn’t all.

Goku was also observing his enemy/rival. This was the first time he was seeing Piccolo naked. He was...curious. His abs matched the pink patches on his arms and legs. At a distance it almost looked like Piccolo didn’t have nipples but he did they were just inverted. He didn’t have a navel. His cock was a lovely shade of green, with a pink underside and purple tip, the pink area was ridged for extra stimulus when topping. The alien’s sac had two pink patches, added protection for the family jewels. At full length he was 14 inches

It seemed he was bigger than Goku, but the man was a grower. His 12 incher could surprise people when fully erect. What really caught Goku off guard was the strange fluid running down Piccolo’s legs. He investigated closer and found something he’s only seen once before. “Piccolo, are you a boy or a girl?”

“What?!” Piccolo gasped, surprised at Goku’s sudden closeness. His focus had been on nursing his headache. Namekians didn’t really have boys or girls, their people were a natural hermaphrodite race. What Goku saw was a Namekian breeder.

Seeing Goku’s naked body had aroused the namekian, not only getting his penis erect but his breeder began to grow wet. This wasn’t the first time Piccolo’s cock had hardened, it happened often when Goku visited and when they clashed, but this was a true first. “What is happening?!”

The purple blush grew from ear to ear.

Thanks to Roshi’s pervy magazines Goku believed he knew what was happening. “You got aroused because of me!”

Piccolo glared. “If this is your fault, then you better fix it!”

“Okay!” Goku smiled and got to work.

The namekian’s world was shaken as Goku licked at his cock, his hand coming up to play with his balls. “Oh ohh, what are you...ohhh~!” His head rolled back.

Goku mimicked things he saw in Roshi’s magazines. Though he’s never met anyone with both before, he didn’t know there was a difference between girls and boys before either. He focused on pleasure.

Piccolo began to sweat, his body shaking in new feelings and sensations. When Goku started playing with his breeder his whole body convulsed and he came swift like a virgin. It even caught Goku off guard, getting shot in the face by Piccolo’s seed, his essence squirting over his fingers. “That was pretty fast!” Guys and girls tended to last longer in Roshi’s videos.

The thought was quickly nixed as he remembered that Roshi told him that people in those videos were pros, acting on scripts and had years of training and practice. “Though I guess this means you lack experience.”

Piccolo slumped down, ending up on his back/butt. He was rocked by the orgasmic sensations. Goku’s comments brought him back down, glaring at the challenge in the air. “Are you saying you’ve got more experience than me?”

“Technically yeah, I don’t have a lot, but I know things!”

“Fine then, show me, teach me the basics and then we’ll see who’s better at this.” It didn’t have to be a challenge but that’s how Piccolo processed these new feelings. It was easier for him this way.

“Alright then, then let’s continue!” He showed off his massive length and Piccolo gulped at the size.

‘He’s huge!’ Fifteen inches of proud saiyan fuck meat was aimed at him. His cherry wasn’t gonna be popped today, but their relationship was taking a surprising turn once again.

To be continued


Damion Andrew

Piccolo x Goku. I've had this pairing in my head since Piccolo became Gohan's second father!