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Naruto parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 Cheat or Die

The genin were tasked with drawing lots and would take seats based on said lot. The lot boxes were divided up into three colors red, blue, and green. Members of the same team could not draw from the same box. So with that the ninja were scattered all over the room. Ibiki Morino was overseeing the first exam, along with his assortment of proctors.

Menma ended up on the upper left of the room, Juugo ended up on the lower right, while Naruto was stuck smack dab in the middle. Naruto was sitting next to Kiba. “This exam has rules, I’ll be writing them on the wall, no questions will be permitted.”

Everyone had 10 points, the test was made up of ten questions each worth a point. It was graded by a subtraction system, for every point wrong they’d lose 1 point. “The second rule is this is a team test, whether you pass or fail is determined by the combined score of your teammates.” This left plenty of concerns in the room as not everyone was the best written test taker.

“Anyone caught by the testing officers doing sneaky activities namely cheating...will have 2 points subtracted for every offense.” So students could be asked to leave before the time runs out. Various chunin and jounin sat around the room.

“We’ll have our eyes on you guys.” A sense of dread came over the genin in the room.

“The pathetic ones getting caught cheating will be destroying themselves.” Ibiki said. “Be proud ninjas.”

Naruto got a wicked glint in his eye. ‘So that’s it!’

“The final rule, those that lose all their initial points during the test, and those that don’t answer any questions correctly will be failed, along with their two teammates!”


“SILENCE!” Ibiki shouted, bringing an instant hush to the murmuring of the room. “The test will last for one hour, begin!”

Kiba was freaking out, he wasn’t the greatest test taker. Out of Team 7’s brain trust he was the last. ‘Fuck fuck fuck this is bad, I don’t understand any of this!’ Kiba looked over every question not finding a single one that could be answered easily, and the tenth question was the most strange. A question that would be revealed by the instructor 45 minutes in?

Even Sasuke was struggling with these answers, but he was able to see the trick to it. ‘So that’s it, everything he said, the subtraction point system, the difficulty of these questions, even the rules...Kiba...Hinata...I hope you’ve figured it out as well. Our lives as ninja are on the line!’

In the ninja world, your ability to gather information was key. Getting caught meant torture or death, probably both. If cheating wasn’t allowed then there would be a rule against it, instead there is a punishment for getting CAUGHT cheating. Those that figured it out already began to move.

Shikamaru’s big brain could actually solve the questions, after he did so, he stretched his shadow out and connected it to Chouji. Using shadow manipulation he had Chouji fill out the questions easy peasy. Shino was fine using his bugs to gather the answers no problem.

Lee and Tenten had a system for sending coded messages to each other, so they were good. Neji used Byakugan to find the answers. Sasuke used Sharingan to copy the movements of someone answering the questions. Hinata actually was able to solve the questions well without cheating.

Kiba was in trouble, he wanted to rely on Akamaru, but this was Konoha the home of the Inuzuka clan, so after Akamaru gave him one answer, he felt eyes on him instantly. Akamaru knew in an instant if he gave Kiba anymore answers he’d be busted so he whined and slumped down.

Gaara created an eye of sand above, stealing answers easily. His brother Kankuro had his own methods of getting info. Sound Ninja focused on the sounds of the pencil to paper, able to match the noise to get the answers.

Juugo would have been trouble, but a paper doll whispered the answers to him. Between the two of them Naruto and Menma had figured out most of the answers.

Not everyone was so clever, kunai whizzed through the air and hit tests, the sign of defeat. The caught cheaters and their teams were eliminated one by one. As the clock ticked down and more teams were knocked out Kiba began to panic. ‘This is bad, so very bad!’

Akamaru raised his head, only for a glare from Ibiki to make him go back down.

‘Come on dog brain, you should be able to handle this!’ Sasuke thought as he looked over at Kiba. To his surprise he saw Naruto’s hand move over to him. ‘What is he doing?’

Kiba blushed as the blonde’s hand caressed his rear. “Naru…”

“Shh…” His hand slipped into Kiba’s pants, exploring and caressing along the way.

The Inuzuka squirmed. The eyes of the proctors were on him.

Insert! “Eee~!” His cheeks burned in a blush. Naruto’s fingers slipped inside his hot little hole, the digits stirred up memories of their time in the bath. The eyes of the other ninja in the room seemed to excite him further. His blood rushed south and his penis swelled, pushing at the confines, thankfully the table hid his arousal.

His fingers searched his entrance until they found those bundle of nerves that made Kiba pant. ‘What is he doing?’ He shivered.

Naruto tapped his sweet spot, pausing inbetween taps. The pleasure rocked the Inuzuka, but he figured out what the blonde was doing. The taps and pauses were code. ‘It’s code!’ This went back to ninja basics 101, Iruka taught them about giving and receiving coded messages, along with learning Konoha Sign Language for quiet messaging on missions. Gritting his teeth the next fifteen minutes were heaven and hell for the dog boy as Naruto tapped morse code on his prostate. His dick throbbed and leaked pre-cum.

The proctors observing could see...something...but even upon closer inspection it just appeared to be youthful hanky panky. While one could argue if it was appropriate for two ninja to be doing that in the middle of the exam, it wasn’t against the rules. No one would have connected the dots of anal fingering or ass play to cheating, in an academical sense. Who would have thought of using morse code on the prostate?!

Naruto used a simple code, used across multiple lands for simple messages, something taught to ninja before they were 10. It was so simple Kiba remembered it quite well. Ninja used very different codes and ciphers for more complicated/secret messages.

He got the remaining answers, losing focus a few times, causing Naruto to repeat answers. More raps to his sweet spot left the dog boy panting and drooling a little. He was sweating as heat pumped through his veins. His dick looked ready to rip through his pants. His balls were itching, the brief pauses the only saving grace so he didn’t make a mess.

Naruto didn’t say a word, his movements sharp and precise making sure Kiba got every answer correct. He enjoyed the dog boy’s whines and grunts, and gave his ass a scissor stretch when he messed something up.

The pre-cum soaked thee front of his boxers, causing the fabric to cling to his length lewdly. He had to be careful not to squirm, but there was a lot of information these answers called for. By question seven he had a dry orgasm. His cock twitching but nothing coming out. The blonde couldn’t help but smirk.

He was enjoying helping Kiba cheat, the dog ninja’s hole tightening around his digits made his cock twitch and throb in want. Kiba finished the exam, crumbling forward as his still hard dick throbbed. The dry orgasm was nice but not fully satisfying the ninja. Inuzuka was so horny he was about ready to whip it out and jerk off right there in the middle of the exam room.

Naruto took pity on him, and sent a jolt of chakra right into his sweet spot. So much for not making a mess as Kiba came. His essence erupted and soaked his crotch. A huge wet stain formed, and some of his seed even made it through his underwear to wet his pants. His cock and balls were drenched as the seed spilled and ran down his legs.

When the blonde pulled the digits free, Kiba whined at the loss. “I thought...I was….toast…”

Akamaru was stunned. He could smell his partner’s arousal but as the situation played out left it be. He couldn’t believe Kiba came so hard, the fresh man milk made Akamaru whine.

The tenth question was another test in itself, a test they passed with flying colors. Passing the first round was the easy part.  Naruto’s group had seen through the layers of this exam, and read Ibiki like a book. He even felt Sasuke glaring at him. ‘Oops he must have seen me playing with Kiba.’

Their next instructor burst through the room, completely blocking Ibiki in a flashy and kinda unnecessary way. This woman was Anko their examiner for the next round, she was quite blood thirsty.

They were gathered at the gates of the Forest of Death. “Before we can begin you’ll need to sig these forms.”

“What the hell these are death wavers!?” Some ninja began to complain, fear rising up in their voices.

“Of course, this next challenge is quite deadly, and killing is allowed. You must sign these wavers to continue, releasing Konoha and myself of any and all liability should you lose your life.” Some more teams dropped out leaving only 26 teams left. The test was relatively simple, survive the forest of death, while battling other teams along the way. Thirteen teams would get a Heaven Scroll and the other thirteen would get the Earth Scroll.

To pass they had to make it to the tower at the other end of this practice field, with both scrolls. You could use any weapons or ninjutsu as they pleased to take them. “The time of this test is five days!”

“Five days!?” Sleep and Food became serious questions.

“You’re on your own, there’s food in the forest you can hunt or forage, but be careful some of the stuff in here is poisonous and as for the animals some of them might see you as food.” As for the rest, with the area crawling with rival ninja and natural enemies and the distance needed to get to the tower set, it was a race against time and survival.

They couldn’t quit once they entered, losing a teammate or having a teammate die were grounds for disqualification. You also can’t look at the scroll. “Ninjas with higher rank are given missions to safe guard classified information, you need to be trust worthy, prove you aren’t and you aren’t ready to rank up.”

Naruto whistled. “I thought this exam might be boring with the last part, but this…” Naruto, Menma, and Juugo were pumped up.

“A couple of go-getters I like that!”  Each team went to the booths and received a scroll in secret.

‘So we don’t know which team has which scroll, how clever!’ Naruto chuckled. The ninja would be entering at different gates giving an even edge to this.

To be continued...Forest Fun

When it comes to survival the akatsuki raised team were having a blast. Will something ruin their fun as dark and sinister missions begin to unfold. The Sound ninja make a play, but who are they working for?


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