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Reborn parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Confessions of a Baseball Nut

Reborn took Tsuna out of school for a week, for some hands on prep.

The training wheels “shackles” were off. Tsuna was able to be more confident on tests. He wasn’t second guessing himself, and over thinking, or panicking on answers. Studying was still a drag for him, but Reborn would break that train of thought.

Years of having his flames sealed had led to developing some bad practices and mentalities. It wasn’t a problem, Dino also had troubles with studying at first. He certainly found ways of motivating Dino, he’ll have plenty of ways of motivating Tsuna.

Tsuna was able to absorb information better, now that he wasn’t doubting himself. He was steadily building confidence in himself. Reborn kept a tight rein on that, it was good to have confidence but to have it turn to arrogance can get you killed.

Seeing the results of just a week of prep, Reborn wanted to shoot Iemitsu or worse. ‘How could he do that to his own son?’ Athletically, Academically, Physically, and Personality-wise,Tsuna was rising to the occasion. He wasn’t a genius or pro athlete, but Tsuna was living his life with iron balls and chains on his mind, body, and soul.

With those off he can finally be himself. There wereno excuses now, nothing was holding him back but his own desires. Reborn would raise him up to be a fine mafia boss. “Ehh, I don’t know if I want to be a mafia boss.” Smack! “Oww!”

“Then what do you want to be?” Tsuna didn’t know, his life was such a mess he barely thought of the future further than tomorrow. Things like favorite subject, favorite sport, future career required passion. His libido just recently got a much needed wake up call. Now Tsuna could actually find out what excited him. Reborn sighed. “I’ll give you a year, if you can figure out a worthy profession for yourself I’ll convince the boss to give up on you being the Tenth.” The old man owed him big time for this stunt. “If you don’t you’ll cease all complaints and let me train you to become the Vongola’s next boss.” He offered his hand. “Deal?”

Tsuna pondered his options. Reborn was...absolutely crazy in his methods, but he helped him. He didn’t quite understand how his “training wheels” were removed or put on. The tiny hitman claimed that didn’t matter anymore. He was giving him a chance to figure out what he wanted. “Deal!” He said with confidence, he believed that in a year he’d figure out at least a career path for himself.

They shook hands. “So are you ready to go back to school tomorrow?” Tsuna sighed and went back to his book.

“Do I have to go back?” He had a tutor now, and he didn’t really wanna go back to school. Sawada was pushed around by a lot of people.

While it was tempting and Tsuna would benefit from Reborn’s hands on approach. “You need to learn proper social interaction.” Tsuna grumbled and hid his face behind his book. “You aren’t the same No Good Tsuna, if you are worried about people pushing you around, stand up for yourself.”

“What social interaction? I don’t have any friends, I doubt anyone cares that I’m not at school.” He sighed.

“All the more reason for you to go back to school, so you can make friends.” Reborn smirked. “And besides, I’m not so sure about that last part.”

“Hm?” The hitman just chuckled. He did his research, he looked into the school’s staff and student body. Tsuna would need guardians in the future and he wanted to see if there were any diamonds in the rough. His initial search found some potential and with some digging he learned very interesting things.


Takeshi Yamamoto, he’s the type who can make friends with anyone, or at the least earn their respect. He was the captain and champion of the baseball team, but a lot of other clubs sought him out because of his skill at sports. Academically he’s about on par with how Tsuna was, but for different reasons.

His focus is on baseball and other sports, but mostly baseball. Instead of studying, he practiced and trained for the sport he loved.

Tsuna and Yamamoto had met under very unique circumstances. He trained a bit too much, fearing he was losing potential. Takeshi over did it and ended up breaking his arm.

The baseball nut feared the worst, thinking his dreams were over. When he was out for the season, his teammates got frustrated with him, and their school lost some rank. Being young and stupid they lashed out at him for a bit.

He went to the roof to think, and Tsuna mistook it for something else. The brunette had raced to the roof. “Don’t jump!” He cried.

“Ehh!” Tsuna was panting.

“You are really amazing Yamamoto-kun!” The brunette confessed. “Your arm will heal and you’ll be an even more amazing baseball player!” He declared. “You have so much talent and potential, I can see your passion when you play and practice you really shine!” He gushed about his intensity and focus. “If you put your mind to it, you can do anything, that’s how amazing you are!”

Tsuna’s words hit Yamamoto hard, making the young man blush. “So please don’t jump!” He blinked.

“I...I wasn’t going to…” Tsuna finally looked up at him. “I just come up here to think, kinda a cliché I know, but its really peaceful up here.” The brunette’s face turned bright red.

“EHHH!” Tsuna had jumped to conclusions.

“Thanks for worrying about me, I didn’t know you were so nice!” He smiled.

“I’M SORRY!” Tsuna ran for it, too embarrassed.

“Hey wait…” Sawada wasn’t listening running as fast as he could. “My...how quickly he runs!”

He wanted Tsuna to sign his cast, but every time they bumped into each other the brunette would squeak and run away. Sawada lacked the confidence or courage to face Yamamoto after something so embarrassing. The baseball nut didn’t take it personally, this incident taught him patience if anything.

The cast came off, but the feelings Yamamoto had for Tsuna didn’t fade away. They didn’t hang out or anything but Takeshi was always looking out for him. He found the brunette cute, and felt he wasn’t living up to his potential. Though he couldn’t put his finger on it.

The athlete wanted to be closer to Tsuna but didn’t know how.  Since he’s gone for a week, Takeshi felt it the most. When he wasn’t on the field or practicing, he was thinking about Tsuna. “Tsuna isn’t here again today.” He cast his gaze around the locker room.

“Ya sure, maybe he just skipped class.” One guy said.

“No Good Tsuna...he wasn’t here today?” Another guy shrugged.

“I sure didn’t notice!” the team laughed.

“Yeah who cares, he’s so puny you wouldn’t notice him if he was standing right in front of you.” Yamamoto frowned.

‘Why are they like that, Tsuna is so nice, and sweet, and cute…’ His frown turned back into a smile. He changed out of his gym clothes and hit the showers. Oh yes, if Takeshi Yamamoto wasn’t thinking about baseball he was thinking about Sawada Tsunayoshi.

He lost sight of other things, like as he washed himself thinking of Tsuna, his loins stirred. Without thinking he started stroking his bat, while thoughts of the brunette danced in his head. Of course he was jerking off in the middle of the showers, but his teammates thought it was kinda cool how bold he was.


Reborn knew that the athlete was carrying a torch for Tsuna and now that his flames were released, the sky guardian’s natural charisma wasn’t chained down. He was almost amused, he couldn’t wait to see how the other students reacted.


Tsuna was having a weird day, weird for him. He woke up when his alarm went off, he was able to shower and get dressed before breakfast. His backpack was organized and he was able to leave his house in a calm and relaxed manner.

As he walked to school the local dog yipped at him. Tsuna didn’t even flinch. “Hey there, I’m not scary see!” He offered his hand. The dog that had terrorized him was now drawn to him. “You are just protecting your property, you are such a good boy!” The dog’s tail wagged.

He continued on, some other students seeing him on his way to school. “Who is that?”

“He’s so handsome!”

“Is he a transfer student?”

Confidence was indeed sexy. One could be seen as a totally different person. Tsuna had no idea other students were talking about him.

A girl squinted. “No way is that Tsuna!”


“No Good Tsuna!? No way!” He had been gone for a week, and they were reacting like he was the nerd who became a hottie over the summer.

Hearing his name Tsuna looked over at a group of girls staring at him. “Umm hi…” Sparkles~

The girls felt their hearts skip a beat and they swooned. ‘What’s up with them?’ He thought and pressed on. Sawada was giving off a warm aura as many sky flame users did.

More people began to take notice, and word spread around fast. Sawada Tsunayoshi was back and he was “hot now”.

At first guys didn’t care, but because the girls cared the guys started to care in a negative way. ‘There’s no way that’s no good Tsuna!’

‘Oh no he’s hot!’

‘That punk who does he think he is coming back all sexy!’ The local mobs who thought they were better than Tsuna were now swooning at the sight of him.

Yamamoto was at morning practice, so missed Tsuna’s return to school. When he came to class Tsuna’s desk was surrounded by girls. Sawada was a bit caught off guard with all the attention. Girls were suddenly interested in him, too bad for them.

Takeshi spotted him, and his smile turned up to an eleven. ‘Tsuna…’ His heart skipped a beat, and began to flutter. ‘His cuteness is even stronger today!’ Tsuna’s sparkle made it seem like the girls around him vanished.

Yamamoto grasped his chest. ‘What is this feeling?’ He wanted to go to Tsuna and hug him and...

“Tch, can you believe that brat!” Mochida pulled him back to reality.

“Huh?” Yamamoto blinked.

“He’s gone a week and thinks he’s hot stuff now. Look at him with all those lovely ladies swooning over him he’s loving it.” He said with annoyance.

‘I don’t think that’s true.’ Takeshi thought, Tsuna didn’t look happy exactly, flattered maybe, but he didn’t look comfortable being surrounded like that.

Mochida got it into his head he needed to “slay the demon” bewitching all the “innocent maidens”. Yamamoto tried to stop him but the teacher showed up and they all had to take their seats. Takeshi wanted to talk to Tsuna, but couldn’t get close to him with all his new fans.

Kensuke challenged Tsuna to a kendo match.

Tsuna actually did refuse, surprising even Mochida. “You can’t back down, oh I get it you’re scared of me.”

“I’m not scared of you.” He used to be, Mochida was one of the guys who used Tsuna as an errand boy. “I just don’t see a point in fighting you.”

“That’s a bunch of bull, don’t go acting so cool you loser!” He grabbed Tsuna’s shirt and tried to get up in his face. He gazed into Sawada’s eyes but there wasn’t a speck of fear or concern. Tsuna took his hand off him.

“I’m not fighting you, I have no reason to.” Tsuna turned his back and walked away. Internally he was feeling giddy, he stood up for himself. The girls observing swooned, which only fueled Mochida’s anger.

He got out his wood sword. “You brat, don’t turn your back on me!” Kensuke went at Tsuna, only to be blocked by Yamamoto with his bat. “Takeshi...what are you doing?”

“I’m not gonna let you do this. Back off!” Despite the stern look he gave he was smiling.

“Tch, you wanna defend that loser, you can take his beating!” Mochida may have been a jerk and an ass, but he wasn’t the captain of the kendo team for nothing. He disarmed Yamamoto and knocked him to the ground. “It’s over!” He went after the arm that Yamamoto had broken before.

Tsuna jumped in and caught the blade. “Enough!” Tsuna glared. “Fine, you want to duel, let’s do this!”

Mochida smirked. “Meet me at the gym!” He left.

Tsuna helped Yamamoto up. “Are you okay, you didn’t hurt your arm did you?”

“No...I’m fine…” Tsuna breathed a sigh of relief. “You don’t have to fight him.”

“Mochida is very stubborn, if I don’t fight him he’ll keep causing trouble. Someone could get hurt.”

Yamamoto chuckled. “That’s really like you.”

“Hm?” Tsuna blinked in confusion.

“What are you all standing around for, do you want me to bite you to death?” Hibari showed up and things dispersed quickly.

“Nope, sorry!” Tsuna ran off. He may have had confidence, but Hibari was intimidating.

Yamamoto felt something odd, he wanted to keep talking to Tsuna and tell him how he was feeling. His chance slipped away and he felt...regret. Reborn watched with a smirk.

Kensuke faced off with Tsuna in a kendo match. It was clear who had the edge, Sawada didn’t have much skill in the sword, but he wasn’t Mochida’s punching bag either. He was holding his ground and even got some points off on him, not that the ref called it. It was clear Mochida was cheating.

Tsuna kept on going. As the fight continued he was learning, Kensuke wasn’t taking him seriously and was leaving himself open too much. He thought this fight was his, he thought he was dealing with no good Tsuna, but he wasn’t.

This was the owner of the Sky Flame, the future Vongola Boss! Tsuna was fighting back, knocking Mochida around, not getting any of the points he deserved. ‘What’s happening...am I about to lose…’ Tsuna struck him so hard the wood sword broke and Mochida was knocked out.

The ref couldn’t deny anything now, he was down for the count. Yamamoto watched Tsuna in awe, it was like he was seeing the real Tsuna now shining bright. He wanted to go to him and congratulate him, but Tsuna was swarmed by girls. ‘I wish I could have told him how I felt.’ He thought.

“Then do so with your dying will!” Reborn appeared and shot Yamamoto with a dying will bullet.

Takeshi fell back as rain flames appeared on his forehead. His eyes lit up with power and determination. Yamamoto ripped through his clothes, standing in only a fundoshi. His cock tented the garment, all his love for Tsuna making him hot and horny.

The naked athlete charged through the crowd. “Ehh Yamamoto-kun?!” He knelt down.

“Sawada Tsunayoshi, I like you a lot, please go out with me!” He boldly declared.

“Ehhh!?” Guys and girls gasped.

The rain flames vanished and Yamamoto blinked in surprise. “Ehh, what was I doing?” He looked down. “Whoa I’m naked!”

“Yes!” Yamamoto looked up at Tsuna. “Yes, I’ll go out with you!”

To be continued


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