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Pocket Monster parody: WIP

Donā€™t You Recognize Me?

Gary has been traveling by car all over Kanto, heā€™s been dining at all the best restaurants, and his ego hasnā€™t let him notice the weight heā€™s gained. When he finally meets Ash at the end of their journey Ash doesnā€™t recognize him. Though Ash admits Gary is much cuter like this, he plays with his softness and Gary canā€™t help but get excited.


Gary Oak was quite the spoiled brat. As the grandson of Professor Samuel Oak he was raised in a well off family. So he was swimming in pokemon knowledge, which he used to impress everyone at Pokemon school. The glory didnā€™t end there as both his Father and Uncle were skilled trainers in their own right.

He felt he was destined for greatness and relished in the privilege his family life gave him. Little did he know this made him soft in other ways.

When he started his journey his Uncle bought Gary a car to travel with, hired a personal driver, and a whole cheer leading squad to help bolster his ego. With access to all sorts of cash he was able to get a large amount of monster balls and items for his journey. It was as if he was cheating at life.

He was driven everywhere, got to dine on the fanciest of food, got to catch as many pokemon he wanted. His girls praising his every catch and victory at the gyms. He truly was living the high life.

The problem with living the high life as it can catch up to you in different ways. Gary was such a jerk he didnā€™t have any true friends, he had fans. So he didnā€™t have anyone looking out for him. The cheer leaders just fed his ego.

He got 8 badges so fast, he let his pokemon relax and acted out rich boy fantasies enjoying high quality food and lounging like crazy. He didnā€™t even camp he stayed in hotels, in his mind a motel was slumming it. So full of himself he didnā€™t realize he was putting on weight.

His fancy clothes hid it well for awhile, all the luxury food he was eating started stacking up. The fact he drove everywhere also wasnā€™t helping him burn calories. Even when he had his pokemon train, he was often lounging with an expensive drink in his hand. Calories on top of calories on top of calories, and of course he lived the high life so every meal was full!

His hips suffered first, growing rounder and plumper, his ass getting filled out. The legs fattened up next as did his feet. Gary didnā€™t see this as a problem as he saw it he was still growing, so he got the next size up in pants and fancy shoes and carried on with his life.

His indulgence began to effect his torso next, his chest losing muscle and packing on the softness. His pectorals became swollen and his nipples grew large and fat. He started getting a gut, the one smooth tummy growing larger as he continued to crush buffets.

The young Oakā€™s belly grew and grew, until his shirt couldnā€™t even hide it anymore. ā€œEhh, Iā€™m still in shape!ā€ Gary told himself. He continued to splurge and gorge, even getting two more badges.

Gary slowly got heavier and softer as he packed on more pounds. His cheer squad continued to praise him, as that is what they were paid to do. The brunetteā€™s arms grew thicker with what Gary claimed to be muscle.

His stomach filled out more as did his chest. In chubbiness terms he was rocking a starter kit, slowly building in those love handles. Garyā€™s ego was so huge he saw nothing wrong. He was just growing. He grew out of his baby clothes, so growing out of his current attire was just as natural.

No one had the guts to tell him thatā€™s not the same as going up three pant and shirt sizes. He started wearing 4XL and it was still hugging him tightly. It didnā€™t shake his ego at all, he even started eating more, claiming he was bulking up.

He believed he could potentially be as large as Bruno. His arms and legs got thicker, and his chest continued to puff out growing thick and beefy. The brunetteā€™s poor nipples suffered the most, since Gary was wearing stuff for style than comfort the nipples were forced to rub against really expensive fabrics. They grew tender and sensitive from the treatment.

His hips grew wider as he took on a buffet destroyerā€™s body. The big belly he now sported was large and in charge. He had to switch from briefs to boxers, as his rear and hips could no longer handle briefs without busting the bands.



Cute šŸ˜‹ And the contrast between hunk and fluffy is especially good. šŸ‘