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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Team Smoke

Ash and James have founded Team Smoke, using a combination of Koffing and Paras they craft special items that have unique effects. Giovanni is losing his agents, new and promising trainers are being corrupted, a few puffs from their special item has mental and physical effects. The weak minded break and are fitted for leather and are used as fuck toys, the strong join the ranks of Team Smoke changed and willing to serve their masters. Smoke Mind Control Chub Muscle Leather Latex Brainwashing

Chapter 1

The world could be cruel, even a fantastical world like the Pokemon World. Sometimes a bad day can twist an individual and send them down a dark path. In this world and others some plants can only bloom and grow in the dark…


Giovanni was pissed. Several of his secret bases have been hit. There were no witnesses as all the agents were knocked out by some kind of spore or powder move. The perp dropped a virus in their system causing their data to become corrupted. Years of work and research was erased. Prototypes of tech were also scorched to cinders by some kind of fire type move.

While he struggled to deal with the damage, something was bugging him. The amount of damage done, made it so retrieval or cataloging what was destroyed impossible. Being the suspicious man that he was Giovanni had a feeling that whoever did this didn’t just attack they stole. Questions of “What did they take?” and “What did they want?” were not able to be answered.

To make matters worse the bases hit were top secret, and have been operating for some time without incident. So to have them being hit meant he had a traitor in his ranks. It couldn’t have been a defector, he made sure those that were no longer needed in Team Rocket were not loose ends. He’d have Psychic Pokemon erase their minds so his secrets stayed hidden. ‘Could someone have slipped through the cracks?’ He pounded his fist on the desk. “Damn it!”

It was possible that this was an attack of a rival team. Team Rocket wasn’t the only notorious group in the world. Some were more threats than others, but Giovanni kept his eyes on the bigger threats. Little did he know it was a smaller group working in the shadows that was proving more of a threat.

Giovanni had extra troubles, as the League Tournament started recently so he had his Gym Leader duties on top of all the other issues. No one said leading a double life was easy. So he tried to put a team on finding the rat, and stopping this mystery enemy. Jessie, James, and Meowth


James Kojiro had lived a life of opulence, but despite the wealth his family had, he was met with strict and harsh expectations. His family expected much of him, his own wishes were seen as mere childish whimsy. He was sent to Pokemon Tech, and was buried under the harsh environment the school provided. Since he was deemed unfit as a trainer by this failure his parents pushed him into an arranged marriage.

His fiancee Jessiebelle was insane, who literally questioned everything he did. He couldn’t sit properly, eat properly, dance properly, talk properly, or even run away from her properly. Nothing he did was good enough for her or his parents. It left him with some issues.

When his parents planned to forego the engagement and just have them get married...

That was the straw that broke the Tauros’s back. James ran away with his Pokemon Growlie (Growlithe), he ended up joining Team Rocket a group of trainers seeking to gain powerful pokemon. He believed they were trying to unite the world using the power of pokemon, but some of the methods were off…

He began to have doubts, and his caring heart was seen as a weakness. James was blamed for training missions failing, that he was too soft. Truth was he was actually a good trainer, a skilled hacker, and was quite the valuable team member, he just lacked confidence. His teammates didn’t see value in him, but someone else did.

After carrying his team to glory he was partnered with Jessie Musashi, and a talking Meowth. Jessie was just like his fiance, wicked and nasty. Meowth was equally rotten but striving to get in Giovanni’s good graces.

The blue haired male was serving as a double agent. He leaked info to his partner, who handled the field work. Together they made up Team Smoke.

James had to be careful, thanks to his partner he was evolved, physically and mentally. He was able to trick even the most skilled of Psychic Pokemon from realizing any of his intent. That didn’t mean he was safe from a mind wipe, if he was caught Team Smoke would be no more.

His partner wasn’t worried, he believed in James. Together, they’ve been able to do so much. Using Team Rocket’s research they were able to perfect their own tech. James even used his hacking skills to get his partner a trainer’s license. He used Giovanni’s back door into the Pokemon League data base to make it happen. With all the confusion no one noticed a thing.

Thanks to his evolution he only needed four hours of sleep, which gave him more time to work with his partner. “So you got a target?”

“Indeed, he’s perfect.” The two were communicating on Dex Phones, that had been modified.

“Don’t be discouraged if his evolution fails.”

“I won’t, either way I think he’d be fun to have in our ranks.” Even if his evolution failed it didn’t mean he wouldn’t join the team, just his position in it would be very different.


Brock Takeshi was living a rough life. His mother ever the “free spirit” abandoned her family to see the world. His father took care of the family as a gym leader, with 10 kids to support he did pretty well. With his dad running the gym he took care of the house. With nine siblings it was a lot of work.

Then one day his dad decided to go off and live his dreams, leaving Brock to care for the gym and the family. He put on a brave face but he was stretched thin. With taking care of everyone else he barely had time to take care of himself. His dad’s been gone for awhile but even after failing to achieve his dream, he didn’t bother taking responsibility.

Takeshi was having a problem though, the new crop of trainers this year were tough. The trainers from Pallet Town consisted of Gary Oak, the grandson of Samuel Oak, who used a Squirtle to completely wash his team; a boy named Cross, who had a Charmander but got a Mankey to hammer his rock types with Fighting Type moves; and a boy named Sorrel who used Bulbasaur to seed and whip his team.

Trainers were overwhelming his pokemon, he only had his own Pokemon and didn’t have time to get others. His father took the gym’s stronger pokemon with him. So with only Geodude and Onix, trainers could prepare a crushing team to beat him with.

He didn’t know there was someone watching him. As he got his Pokemon treated he decided to get some fresh air. “Oh man, more losses like this and I could lose the gym.” He ran his fingers through his hair.

“You sure seem to have it rough.” Brock jumped.

“Who...when did you get here?” The figure was wearing a trench coat and he was smoking a cigar.

“Me? I’ve been here the whole time, you didn’t notice?” He took a hit on his cigar.

“No...I guess I didn’t...sorry.” The mystery guy chuckled.

“You seem stressed, you could use a smoke, this helps me relax.” He offered his cigar.

“Oh no way I don’t smoke, you shouldn’t either that stuff is bad for you.” The guy chuckled again.

“Not this, this is my own special blend, it’s all natural and good for what ails you, mind, body, and soul!” He took another hit, but didn’t exhale.

“Well I must insist that you put that out. I’m trying to relax and I don’t want to breathe in any of that stuff.” Brock approached him and the raven haired male exhaled in his face.

Takeshi was caught off guard and breathed in some of the smoke. “Cough...cough...cough…” He felt woozy, as the effects of the smoke took hold. “What were we talking about?”

“You were wanting a cigar. I have an extra for you.” He offered him one.

“Oh yeah...thanks…” Brock took it. “What was your name again?”

“It’s Ash!” He pulled out a Growlithe lighter. “Here, to no more stress!”

“To no more stress!” Brock said with a giggle before lighting the cigar. “Puff, puff, puff!” He exhaled and felt all his worries leave him and vanish into the air. “Ohh~!”

His heart fluttered and he grew warm. “Puff, puff, puff!” His blood rushed south and his penis got stiff. “Mmm~!”

Ash chuckled. He watched Brock come unraveled with each puff and exhale. The barriers containing his libido slowly dissolved and vanished into vapor. His cock pushed and pushed at the fabric of his pants creating a lewd bulge. “You look uncomfortable, why don’t you relax.”

“Yeah~!” He stopped his puffing to undo his pants, barely getting the button undone before his erection forced the zipper apart. “Aaahhh~!”

It wasn’t enough, he stripped off his vest and shirt, exposing his pecs  and abs. He went back to smoking, his cock making a lewd tent in his underwear. His arousal increased, nipples getting hard and perky.

The gym leader’s mind was full of special smoke, here he was half naked behind the Pokemon center, but he never felt more free and relaxed. Before he could climax he finished the cigar. “Hnnn~!” He was leaking pre-cum like crazy.

His essence was overflowing, the crotch was soaked and essence was leaking through. “It’s all gone.” His tone sounded so bummed.

“Sadly that’s all I have with me today, but if you wanna keep sucking on something I have something else you can suck on.” He undid his trench coat and exposed his hard cock.

“Suck...on another guy’s dick?” He eyed the hefty rod. His old self would have rejected the idea, but his head was full of smoke. He was hot, horny, and high; plus Ash’s cock looked so big and tasty. Brock licked his lips. “So big!”

Ash wagged his cock. The gym leader crumbled and began to worship the hefty length. While inexperienced he was full of instinct, he breathed through his nose and sucked on the rod. He couldn’t take all of it, gagging slightly. “You still aren’t relaxed enough, but you soon will be.”

He helped guide Brock’s head, the gym leader losing himself in the oral and musk. A small part of him whimpered. ‘Not like this...not like this…’ He came hard, making a mess of his underwear, the semen soaking his crotch and running down his legs.

“Such a naughty boy, here’s your reward!” He invaded Brock’s throat and came hard, hot cum rushing down and filling his belly.

He snapped out of his daze, Ash had tucked himself away. “We’ll meet again soon!”

“Eh?” He blinked. “What was I doing?” Looking down he gasped at his state of undress. “EHH?!”

Ash vanished in his state of undress.

To be continued...Gym and Base


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