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Owl House parody: Patreon Reward

Teen Wolf
Lux (Rule 63) has come of age and his mother has a secret to share. His dad was a werewolf and sadly he died in a hunting accident, giving the mother a deep hatred of hunters and traps. He came from a land called the Boiling Isles, she feels Lux would be safe on the isles while dealing with his new abilities. There he learns he can do magic and makes friends with witches. To bad there is a hunter in this world a threat to all magical beings. Furry Yaoi/Mix Lux/Harem Knot

Chapter 1

Lux was not a normal guy, often seen as weird by his fellow classmates. Lux loved the supernatural, he loved fantasy and sci-fi. Every dream he ever had was about a strange and fantastical place. Lux was a creative so he implemented his skills to try and recreate what he saw in his dreams.

His mother was worried for numerous reasons.

Lux wasn’t making friends, he tried joining clubs and even starting clubs, but he was seen as a weirdo. Youths his age were more focused on real world stuff like getting dates, playing sports, making money. Even the ones interested in fantasy felt Lux was TOO into it.

He started causing trouble at school, not intentionally but always went too far and made a big mess. So even the art and creative writing teachers found him to be A LOT.

The principle and teachers started to suggest sending Lux away. There was a camp for “people like him”, to get in touch with reality. “Think Inside the Box” was their motto. Camila didn’t like the idea.

Creatives should express themselves as long as they weren’t hurting anyone, she understood not causing a nuisance either. That was more a case by case basis, there were some entitled people in the world who believed that an annoyance even a mild one deserved criminal charges and actions. Not realizing them creating drama causes problems for other people, thus becoming a nuisance themselves.

Camila had been called into the principal’s office before.

Lux making his own costume for a play to give it more special effects, while it made a mess it was cool, Lux was the one who cleaned it up. Parents complained that it was too much. Lux trying out for the foot ball team, but not getting a spot despite performing well, because the team complained to the coach about Lux being weird. They got their parents to lodge a complaint that Lux would be a distraction on the team not a benefit. Lux did a book report on snakes and reptiles and brought a real snake into the classroom for the report, it didn’t hurt anyone but people freaked out. Parents were told, they called and complained.

When Lux was passionate about something he went all out which could be a lot. Teachers had enough on their plates, and while they could appreciate the passion, the execution was stressful. So while in the past Lux’s antics merely brought up a suggestion about the Camp, now it wasn’t a suggestion.

He sat outside the office, fiddling with a crescent moon necklace, his father left to him.

“You want me to send my son away to some camp so he can be what?” She threw her hands up in the air. “Normal!?”

“Mrs. Noceda we’ve tried everything, the problems with your son continue.”

“Problems, with my son?!” She glared. “What about the boys who bully him, or the girls who mock him for his ears. He doesn’t complain and instead tries his hardest to be friends with them.” Lux had some pointy ears, as he got older they became more defined. Camila heard it and saw it on days she picked up Lux from school. He never said a word, just smiled and said he had a good day at school.

“You do nothing about the bullying but want to label my son a freak and exclude him from activities.” To say nothing of the fact that Lux was banned from Science Fairs, Talent Shows, Book Fairs, School Plays and even School Dances. “You have students who barely pay attention in class and yet Lux is a problem because he does his projects and participates in class!”

“Maybe if you did your jobs he wouldn’t have to try so hard.” The principle sighed.

“Look, Camila, I know things have been hard on you and Lux since...he died. The fact is, your son is odd. Even besides the creative problem, there’s also the odd mood swings he has.” Around certain times a month Lux gets aggressive and moody. Camila knew why, but claimed it was from the stress of the bullying or having a bad day. “We aren’t suggesting you send him off to military school, just a camp for the summer. You can refuse but unless Lux goes through this camp he will not be allowed back next year.”

“You can’t do that!” He brought out a stack of papers.

“Your son has a hefty record, and I’ve done everything I can, but I have students, parents, and teachers breathing down my neck. I’ve cut him all the slack I can. Maybe at this camp he can find himself and fit in with normal people.” It took all her strength not to slug him or break something.

The car ride home was an awkward one. “Normal people, bah who the hell is normal anyway. Does he really think teens don’t put on an act to fit in, or act a different way in groups. As if fitting in is so easy.” She used to read at lunch time and got called into the office because her behavior was a concern. “Be more sociable have you tried talking to people, do they even know how hard it is to talk to someone nowadays.” Individually people can connect, but put people in groups and you’ll see whole new sides to them. One can lose themselves in a group, become stupid, jerks, idiots, angry, or even crazy. As a whole groups weren’t bad, but some rotten apples when grouped together with fresh fruit can spread the rot. It was something even Lux knew about having read about the witch hunts. It was why his parents wanted him to be a strong individual so even if he was surrounded by a bunch of people he’d still be himself and do what’s right.

“Mama...maybe...I should go to this camp…” Screeeech. Carmila slammed on the breaks. “Whoa!”


“I heard what he said, I heard everything.” His hearing was incredible, he could often hear conversations happening across the room. “Maybe there is something wrong with me. I have these dreams and it all feels so real and I know it’s just dreams but I can’t shake this feeling of wanting it to be real.” It felt a part of him, something he wanted to share with others, but he was just called a freak instead. He was fighting back tears.

“Sweet heart, we do have to talk.” The ride home was quiet. “Do you know why your father and I called you Lux?”

“I believe you said it means Light in Latin.” Camila chuckled.

“That’s right but we chose that name for different reasons. When you smiled you reminded me so much of the sun, shining bright. Your father however said you reminded him of moon light.”

“That’s kinda weird, but cool I guess.”

“There is something you need to know.” They went inside and Camila pulled out a strange box. “Lux...you aren’t exactly human.” She spilled the tea.

“WHAT I’M A WEREWOLF!?” He looked himself over. “How? Why? What? Huh?!”

“Your father comes from a land called the Boiling Isles, its a crazy place with monsters, demons, and all kinds of dangers. He fled to this world years ago to escape. He told me he still had a connection to it, and so do you.”

“My dreams...how come you never told me? If dad’s a werewolf how did he…” He teared up.

“He used to tell me there wasn’t as much magic in this world, on the boiling aisles it was in everything all around them. He had a few magical trinkets left but magic in this world required totems or talismans. Even his own magic dwindled over time, he could recharge it if he went back to the boiling aisles. He didn’t want to leave us, so he found a way to recharge as a wolf, but on a night when he changed there was a hunting accident and…” Camila cried.

They needed a moment.

“If I’m a werewolf how come I don’t transform during the full moon?” His charm shimmered.

Camila touched it. “Your Papa said that it would protect you and keep you safe. Your mood swings they happen the closer we got to the full moon. He called it Moon Madness, it happens.”

“Papa never acted like that…”

“He had years of practice, but he said you can learn, even do magic if…”

“Magic!” His eyes sparkled. “Like real magic, I could be a witch like Azura, I’d be a Wolf Witch!”

“You’d have to leave to the Boiling Isles.” Lux froze.

“You’re sending me away?” Camila shook her head.

“Sweetheart, I don’t want to, I love you so much. The principle was wrong about many things, but he was right about one thing. You have to figure yourself out, you are half human but you are half something else, it’s part of you.” She gave Lux the cube. “This is a part of you.”

It scared her to death, magic and monsters, that wasn’t her thing. He tried to show her once, but to her the world seemed terrifying, Lux found the beauty in it. “How do I start?”

“We first have to release your wolf, the necklace kept you spiritually linked to it, but physically restrained it. You will need to say this...spell…” Lux couldn’t stop the squeel of delight that left him. Camila brought out a box with some weird shapes on it, including a cloaked figure with a moon for a face.

The box was opened and inside was a scroll. “Hold the pendant and say these words.” Lux nodded.

“Come on let’s play the sun has set, the moon rises to a party you won’t soon forget, my chosen gather to howl into the night, let flesh and bone change to show off your might, by day one way by night another this shall be the norm, until your heart shines with inner light and call on this form!” The charm glowed with magical light and Lux changed.

Blueish-purple fur began to form over his arms and legs, it spread up to his shoulders and hips. A fluffy tail sprang out and began to wag. His pointy ears became wolfish and fuzzy. Lux’s hair grew longer and more wild, and his nails sharpened into claws. “Oh wow, oh wow wow wow!” He looked awesome.

The form didn’t last long before he reverted back to human. “Aww…” Camilla chuckled.

“It’s still daylight, but you’ll learn to control it.”

“At the boiling isles?” Camilla nodded and she gave Lux the cube again. Now with his powers unleashed the cube woke up, swirling with a mix of green, yellow, and orange colors. “Whoa!”

“Your father called this a portal key, it can let you travel between worlds.” Lux hugged his mom. He was able to pack and prepare for going to a new world. His mom following around making sure he had everything.

She was worried, but felt this is what Lux needed to figure himself out. It wasn’t right for him to think there was something wrong with him. She kept telling herself this was the right thing to do.

“Now if you can’t find a place to stay?”

“Use the portal key and come home.”

“And if you get into any danger?”

“Use the portal key to come home.”

“And if…” Lux hugged him.

“Mama, I’ll be fine, you got me those self defense classes, and how bad could this place be.” Lux was able to figure out the cube more or less. As he saw it he just needed to use a reflective surface and think of the boiling aisles. The key resonated with the surface and created a portal.

What Lux didn’t know was just how powerful this key was, his Papa used it to come to the human world, but he heard about this place from a friend. This portal cube connected all kinds of dimensions, the trick was knowing where you wanted to go, if you used it without a name in mind it’d take you to the world between worlds. A place between dimensions connected by mirrors and reflective surfaces. It was believed ancient beings lived in that dimension capable of seeing all the fantasy worlds in creation but never able to interact with them.

Lux took a deep breath before jumping into his mirror and ended up in a whole new world. It was here where he’d meet Eda the Owl Lady. Just as his father did many years ago.

To be continued


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