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Killing Bites parody: Patreon Reward

Nomoto’s Life With Brutes

Nomoto has become a host family for brutes, males that can turn into anthro beasts. They require tender love and care and Nomoto is just the man for the job. Nomoto/Yugo/Taiga/Yabe Shota/Shinna Ryuji/Harem

Chapter 1

Nomoto Yuuya was a normal guy, living a normal life, he graduated from school with both credits in economics and zoology. Though things started to take a harsh turn when the company he worked for suddenly went under and Nomoto lost his job.

It wasn’t long until he lost his apartment. Things were looking pretty bad until he was contacted by the Zaibatsu Organization. They were one of the lead runners in the Interspecies Exchange Program. Known as Brutes these beings are similar to werewolves of lore, but they could transform into different kinds of animals, from Lions, Tigers, and Bears, to Frogs, Lizards, and Snakes, with new species being discovered.

While considered a recent discovery Brutes have existed for as long as humans and many myths and legends were humans coming across these mysterious people. Now the big issue was bringing humans and brutes together to live side by side.

Laws were put into place to protect both humans and brutes. One could image what Hunters and Poachers would do and think, learning about beast people. To try and prevent all out war which was a coin toss on which side would win, the Interspecies Exchange Bill was put into place.

Brutes would be invited to come and stay, living alongside human host families. They’d get an education, learn about the world, and become part of society. While some luck has been had with less...intimidating Brutes. They more dangerous ones were proving to be a hassle to place.

For some it was like asking an average family to keep a lion as a pet, it was crazy, expensive, dangerous, and potentially lethal. Even with rules promising punishment to any brute that harmed a human, people were people, so they were scared.

Even a brute idol band wasn’t exactly selling the idea. The idols were cuter brutes, Mouse, Rabbit, Chicken, Pig, nothing really threatening. It did raise some points to Entertainment groups, sports agencies were chomping at the bit to try and get brutes on sports teams but so far were getting push backs on the matter. Those against brutes continued to raise points that there were not many successful cases with brutes living alongside humans.

So this is where Nomoto came in.

The Zaibatsu needed successful cases to push more funding into the bill. Nomoto had family, but was living alone on the streets, he had no money, no roof over his head, so he was a prime target to force...encourage him to become a host family.

“In exchange for serving as a host family you’ll be given a house, a monthly budget to take care of the brute, as well as receive income for assisting us with this this endeavor.” Son Seira made an excellent pitch, even showing pictures of the home he’d be staying in.

Nomoto couldn’t believe this was all happening. He heard about Brutes sure but he never thought he’d play host to one, not with his pay and tiny apartment, but now he didn’t have either of those. This offer sounded too good to be true, so he was clearly skeptical.

“We just need you to register as a host family, follow monthly inspections, and if all goes well you’ll be helping bring brutes and humans closer together.” She was very good, it was quite the sales pitch she was giving. “I’ve done my homework Mr. Nomoto, you are quite the interesting young man. I think you’ll be perfect to be a host family.”

Seira had the key to his new home, fully renovated for brute and human living conditions. There was also a case with his paycheck for the month, a hefty some of money to say the least. Nomoto agreed, but after signing the contract he felt like he had just signed himself up to walk into a den of beasts!


Nomoto moved into his new home and it was quite nice; a large and spacious living room, a fully open kitchen and dining room combo, a mudroom, a first floor bathroom, a first floor exercise room, along with some closets. On the second floor was his room, his room was a nice size and had its own bathroom and walk in closet. There were three guest bed rooms that were quite sizable, a master bathroom with a huge walk in tub that gave it a feel of walking into a bath house. There was a fully finished attic and basement, the basement having an additional wash room that was like a gym locker room. The basement had a wet bar/wine cellar, and could be turned into a man cave with a few additions.

The property even had a nice back yard with a pool, a shed, and a fire pit for cook outs. This was the kind of place Nomoto only read about in magazines where millionaires get to rock out their days.

With the signing of the paperwork he owned this house. It was in his name and fully paid off. He didn’t have to pay for gas, water, electric, phone, cable, internet or anything else as a host family. Yuuya got settled in before the brute he’d be hosting arrived.

He was anxious, as if he was on a blind date anxious.


Tani Yuugo was a lion brute. He was trying to get a host family, in his mind he was the perfect candidate for the exchange program. He was the “king of beasts”, the strongest of the big five back home. There was some debate back home  over if this whole interspecies exchange thing.

The brutes were stronger than humans physically, having special abilities and powers. Humans had numbers and their weapons ranged in strength and effectiveness. It was decided that it was better to learn about the modern humans.

‘Are humans really that dangerous?’ Yuugo didn’t believe so. So he signed up for the exchange he would see for himself, if humans were worthy of living along side the brutes. There were reports from other brutes happy living the life of idols. A lot of Herbivore brutes were finding homes and jobs.

Not that he would admit it, he was jealous of all the fun they were having. He studied and passed the exams, but things didn’t go well for him.

His first potential host family seemed nice, only for them to freak out when he transformed. ‘They asked me to transform damn it!’ He got pissed and made his host family piss themselves in fear, he was quickly reassigned.

The second family was a rich one, the granddaughter got the wrong idea about their relationship. She wanted a pet, seeing him as an animal even in human form. He got pissed and wrecked the place, so he was sent back. Yuugo had a temper but he couldn’t stand insults, be it his appearance or his intelligence.

He wasn’t opposed to mating a human, but that girl saw him as an animal she could order around and expected to obey. She so wasn’t his type.

The next potential ones he felt didn’t count as he showed up in his lion form and was swiftly rejected. ‘Good riddance!’ The herbivore brutes made this seem so easy. He couldn’t stand these arrogant humans.

If things kept up like this Yuugo would return home filled with rage and spark war. Even his handlers were struggling to keep him in check. Seira had to handle his case personally.

“I’ve found you the perfect host family.”

“Tch, I’ve heard that before.” Tani said. He was sitting in the back of a truck in his lion form.

Yuugo was huge and bulky, he was thick with rippling muscles. He had a thick mane of hair that curved perfectly around his lion face. Brown fur covered his shoulders and the upper half of his pecs. His arms and legs grew, his natural muscle enhanced by lion muscle. He couldn’t even wear a shirt, his pants were clinging to him so much, they looked almost painted on. There was a hole in the back for his tail. His ass was plump and in this form his cock made an impressive bulge. Since coming to the human lands he hadn’t had any “special time” he was missing the brute brothels back home.

As the “king of beasts” he had his pick of men and women alike. Carnivores and herbivores alike submitted to him. His balls were feeling that itch. He wanted to get this over with and go home. ‘Maybe this new host could be my type and I can have some fun with them before I go home.’ Humans seemed to like his human form very much. He was a hot stud in human form, but he saw both forms as himself, if someone couldn’t love him as a beast they didn’t deserve to love him as a man.

“We are here!” A brief temptation of going out as human was quickly squashed.

‘My new host family is a single man, whatever, he’ll scream and I’ll be on my way home!’ He came out of the truck. ‘Let’s get a look at this guy...oh…’

Nomoto stared at him, there wasn’t a whiff of fear coming off him. Yuugo eyed him. ‘This guy...he’s…’ Nomoto smiled. ‘He’s...he’s...aroused?!’ Yuugo fought back a purr. Maybe he could have some fun after all.

To be continued...King in the Sheets


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