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Martin Mystery parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 The Den of the Beast

Trying to get Martin to put on some pants was impossible. He wanted to let it all hang out. ‘This is bad, he’s getting more wild!’ Antonio blushed seeing the changes in Martin, both physically and mentally.

The witch tried not to stare. Billy gave him a full examination, he was truly healthy, in fact he was healthier than ever. They were atleast able to get him to follow them back to school, he turned invisible to avoid getting called a streaker.

Jarred was taken back to his room, Billy used a gadget to erase his memory of the incident with the wolves. “What are we gonna do, that werewolf is clearly targeting this guy and Marty?” The jock was put under thanks to the mind wipe pen.

“I can probably work up a spell to keep the wolf out, but this thing is tough. If I put a barrier on Jarred it could go after someone else.” To say nothing of the fact creating such a strong barrier would take time.

It seemed Martin had a faster approach. “Ohhh!” He worked his cock, instinct creating extra bursts of pleasure. “Mine!” He growled, his hefty nuts churned and he came all over Jarred. His seed marked the jock’s face, his scent changed, being masked by Martin’s.

Billy and Antonio blushed at such a lewd act. “My scent will protect what is mine!” He said confidently.

“I guess...hopefully that’ll work
” Martin’s eyes glinted with delight. “Hm?”

“Mine!” He eyed Billy and Antonio, his cock twitching with intent.

“Now hold on Marty.” Martin licked his lips. Billy felt a shiver race up his spine. Mystery wanted to scent mark him and that meant

The image of being showered in cum crossed the alien’s mind. ‘Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.’ Billy blushed.

Martin approached cock in hand. “Cool Shower!” Antonio called forth water, to spill forth and cool Martin’s head. “Come to your senses!”

He shook himself off like a dog. “What was that for?” He looked down. “Oh hey I’m naked...oh well
” The brief concern quickly flew away like a dandelion in the wind. One hand scratched his head, while the other lazily ran his fingers through his pubes.

Antonio blushed. ‘I don’t know if I can handle this Martin

They took him to his room, and Billy scanned his brain. “Marty’s using more of his brain now.”

“Huh?” Antonio gasped.

“What’s that mean?” Java asked.

Billy brought up two scans of Martin’s brain. The Center made sure to do regular brain scans, as to check against any supernatural, paranormal, or intergalactic tempering. “Here’s Marty’s brain scan from a few months ago, now here’s his today.” The one from a few months ago looked like an average human brain, with all the usual signals lit up. Martin’s brain now was lit up, more of his brain was indeed active, which explained the sharpened senses, even the sudden powers. “How do you feel Marty?”

“Mmm, I’m good, kinda horny actually.” He lazily pumped his cock.

“Would you stop!” Antonio snapped, his heart couldn’t take this.

“I can’t help it, not when I have such cuties surrounding me!” There was that old Mystery charm, and unlike the girls, it worked. Billy and Antonio blushed.

“Martin know he werewolf?” Java asked.

“Kinda...yeah...I didn’t really get it at first...but something weird was going on...and it wasn’t just puberty like my dad said would happen.” Of course the occult nut would would recognize the signs of werewolfism. A lot of the time recently he’s been running on instinct. In his moments of clarity he realized something was off with him. He also knew he wasn’t the one hurting people, it wasn’t in his nature.

“Billy is there any way to reverse this?” Antonio asked.

“I’m not really sure, right now Marty’s wolf or primal brain is clashing with Marty’s upper brain. If we don’t do something Marty could lose himself completely and end up being just a werewolf.” Slowly they would become one, and there was a chance Martin could go full wild and lose himself to the wolf. Just to be safe Billy had the dex looking up for a cure.

Antonio didn’t know if there was a spell that could fix this, his healing magic had no effect on what turned him.

“Guys this isn’t a problem, I’ve read tons of lore on werewolves. I just need to beat the alpha that bit me...scratched me. Then I’ll go back to normal!” He sounded sure, but this wasn’t a normal werewolf, there was a lot they didn’t know about him. Martin was feeling confident about this transformation. He hadn’t hurt anyone, and he wasn’t under anyone’s control like when he was a vampire.

Billy got an update. “We are dealing with a Phantom Werewolf, the scratch of an Alpha werewolf infuses a rare chemical into the body that changes the host. If we don’t stop the alpha before the end of the next full moon the more wolf like he’ll become.”

“That explains the changes the last few days and why he’s gotten so...wild...eeep!” Antonio yelped as Martin suddenly buried his face his in his rear and nuzzled it. “Billy is there any sign of a cure?” He asked after getting Martin off his ass.

“Sadly no, usually the Phantom Werewolf kills the scratched, supposedly if the wolf can kill Martin on the night of a full moon he can grow even stronger.” Billy said.

“That why he build army to have pack to wear Martin down so he can
” Java made a gesture, that was clear he meant killing.

“Well Martin’s got a pack...team of his own.”

“Besides we got plenty of time, when’s the next full moon anyway?” Billy asked.

” Antonio said, looking at Mystery in concern.

“We don’t have a lot of time, we need to find his den!” Martin said confidently.

“Not sure how we’ll find it, we have nothing of the alpha for a locator spell.” Martin chuckled.

“Would some fur do?” He had snatched it off the wolf in their scuffle.

“Nice one Martin!” The blonde leaned into the praise wanting some kind of reward. Antonio blushed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Martin flipped, pouncing on Antonio and licking his face. “Hahaha quit it!”

Java was needed to pull him off.

There wasn’t much hair, so they’d have to be careful, plus this thing was a supernatural that had evaded even the Center’s scans and drones. He had to work up some serious mojo. As he worked the spell, Billy and Java got breakfast for the group to keep up their energy.

Diana noticed them and saw the mountain of food. She followed after them. ‘With this scoop Martin is so busted.’ Deducing they wouldn’t be getting all that food for just themselves.

The boys were back with food and Martin stuffed his face, bacon, eggs, ham, and all sorts of other breakfast fixins. Billy fed Martin to keep him distracted as Antonio worked, Java assisting with the ingredients. “This big bad wolf can disappear all he wants, this mix will find him. Careful the potion is volatile.” Java nodded, ready to add the hair.

Without warning the door burst open. “Ha caught you!” Java jumped and knocked over the potion. Boom!

Thankfully it was just a tracking potion. The contents burst out shooting out and trapping Diana in goo. “No!” Antonio groaned. The fur was coated in goo and was now worthless. “How are we gonna find the Phantom Werewolf now?”

“Maybe we should think like wolf, to find wolf!” Java suggested.

The group left Diana behind and stuck to a wall. “Later Dia!” Martin said as they passed, leaving her to scream out in a muffled gurgle. Wolves make their dens near water and a good distance from their hunting ground so they knew it had to be close.

There was still a lot of ground to cover, and they’d be losing daylight. “Martin do you think you can fight the alpha?”

“I’m pretty sure.” He scratched the back of his head. Billy tried to give him the U-Watch but Martin let the alien hang onto it. “I’ll be fine I have my claws and stuff.”

“Martin are you sure you can change at will?” The naked blonde shrugged.

“I can turn invisible at will, but turning into a wolf happened at night, but I should be fine.” Antonio was getting worried. They really should have done some training or practice, but there wasn’t time. He pulled out his wand.

“Look Martin, this wolf wants to kill you, please if things go bad

“I’ll be fine, but I love that you care!” He hugged Antonio, and the witch felt Mystery’s cock press against him.

‘I won’t let that wolf have you!’ His hand gripped his wand tightly.

They found the wolf’s den, Java was right, they found a cave near a small body of water. The taken guys were in wolf form and sleeping.  If the betas were here the alpha wasn’t far away. It was now or never.

A growl was heard. “Marty transform!”

” He grunted and tried to focus but nothing was happening. “Maybe I can only do it at night?” He was able to turn invisible, but wasn’t wolfing out.

Billy activated the U-Watch. “X-Rod Activate!” Billy was once a warrior, so using his past combat skills he used the X-Rod with ease. “He must be invisible too.” They looked around and didn’t see anything.

“I’ve had enough games of hide and seek.” Antonio raised his wand. “Dark Light!” A strange form of light burst from his wand, and it disrupted the wolf’s invisibility. He didn’t like that.

When the Phantom Werewolf lunged at them, Billy was able to pull of some crazy maneuvers and use the rod like a staff and smack him back. Antonio followed up. “Blaze, Frost, Blaze, Frost, Blaze, Frost, Blaze, Frost!”

The witch unleashed balls of fire and ice, pelting the wolf over and over. “Remember me?” The beast growled and let out a howl, his betas woke up and joined the fight. “You guys have been asking for this!” Antonio turned his focus towards the three betas, but that was a mistake.

“Gust!” He blasted the betas with wind, but the alpha recovered. “Light
” Before he could cast the lightning spell the alpha bit the wand and broke it.

“Antonio!” Martin shouted as the wolf went to strike. “Don’t you touch him!” His body shook and he transform into a werewolf. “Rawr!” He pounced on the beast and the two began to wrestle.

‘Martin transformed...to protect me
’ No time to be happy about that as the betas came back to the fight. “Let’s keep them off Martin!” He pulled out an amulet.

Billy twirled the staff. “Right!” The alien took on two of the wolves

Antonio conjured fists made of energy and began to fend off the beta werewolf.

Martin and the Phantom Wolf seemed evenly matched, they clashed and growled, rolling around the den. Java didn’t know what to do, or who to help, if he got bit he’d become a new enemy.

The alpha knocked Martin away and went to assist his betas. He bit Billy’s staff and crushed it with his teeth. “MOM’s not gonna be happy fixing that.” The alien backed up and the betas jumped at him.

Antonio charged in. “Barrier!” He put up a magic field to shield them both.

A change of tactics was in order as the alpha sicked the betas on Martin. He attacked the barrier with his claws. “Okay...this guy...is...strong
” His slash attacks were weakening the barrier with every strike.

Martin had his paws full with the betas. They were wild but retained some of their skills as humans. “Can’t we talk about this!” The betas ganged up on him and knocked him around. Nope!

They didn’t even speak, they were full beasts, acting on instinct. “Guys I’m warning you!” They continued to attack and kick him. “Grrrr!”

Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! He landed some bites on them, it had a weird effect on them, but one howl from the Phantom Werewolf and they went back to growling. “Ahh!” Java pulled out his whistle, he blew it.

Down went the wolves, in the den, and having hyper sensitive hearing it was hell for them all, including Martin. “Java...stop
” Mystery whimpered.

“Cone of Silence!” Antonio cast creating a field of silence, around Martin.

The Phantom Werewolf was tough, going after Java, he snatched the whistle and stomped on it. “Bloom and Grow!” He summoned vines and roots to bind the betas. With a snap of his fingers, the cone of silence popped. “Martin go!”

“Stop trying to hurt my friends!” Martin lunged at his fellow alpha and the two clashed. Just as the fight looked to be over, the sun had set and the alpha regained some strength.

He turned invisible and began knocking Martin around. The betas also bounced back and tried to break free of their plant bonds. “Man these guys are tough!” Antonio had to keep repairing the plant bindings or risk being overwhelmed by wolves.

“You are tough
” Mystery panted. “I’ll give you that...but I’m not just a werewolf, I’m Martin Mystery!” He sniffed out the beast and clashed with him, using his Center training and his werewolf strength to even the odds. “Stay down!” As the fight drew on Martin started getting more wild and primal.


He bit the alpha’s shoulder, drawing blood. The alpha’s red eyes flashed to gold, while Martin’s golden eyes flashed red for a moment, before going back to gold. Under a full moon lit sky Martin had defeated the alpha.

There was no cure for him he was born a phantom werewolf, but the other guys seemingly reverted back to human form, in all their naked glory. Martin collapsed, reverting back to humanoid form as well.

To be continued


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