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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Shinigami Trouble

The special task force was finally set. Grimmjow would lead it, Renji Abarai would serve, Shuuhei Hisagi would assist, Hanataro would provide support, and Akon would provide back up and the equipment to properly survey the situation. There was a lot of debate back and forth, but the chips fell where they may. ‘This sucks!’ Grimmjow wasn’t happy.

As far as he was concerned he was stuck babysitting. ‘Damn that Aizen what’s his game?’ The only highlight of this mission was that he was gonna potentially get a chance to fight some powerful hollows. He tried to fill the task force with his men, but it was pointed out that he’d be lazy and have them do the job instead. ‘This is a drag…’

Yamamoto gave him a lecture, explaining the importance of this task force. Mayuri tried to go over his duties, but was talking as slow as possible so his “primitive brain” could understand. ‘I swear I’m gonna run pantera through him one day!’

He understood the importance of this, he may not have cared about the constant updates, but he got the gist. Powerful hollow energy has been detected which is a threat, but at the same time there’s also been hollow purification in the living world which shouldn’t be possible without a Soul Reaper on duty. As far as he was concerned Akon and Shuuhei can figure out what’s going on and he’ll fight the strong hollows.

His lieutenant would be left to run his squad while he was away. “Captain Jaegerjaquez, good day!” Renji greeted.

“Just call me Grimmjow.” He sighed. People had a hard time pronouncing his last name.

“Okay Captain Grimmjow!” He sweatdropped.

‘Whatever.’ Renji was a good guy, he liked the red head’s moxie, especially since it got him into trouble. Abarai reminded him of a lot of himself when he was younger.

While they were waiting for Shuuhei, Akon, and Hanataro, the two were approached by Rukia. “Oh hey Rukia, did you come to see me off?” Renji asked.

“Ugh!” Rukia seethed with rage and punched Renji hard in the gut. Renji doubled over in pain. “I can’t believe you Renji, I wanted to be on this task force and you agree to go in my stead!”

“That’s not…” Slap!

Rukia slapped him. “We aren’t kids anymore and I don’t need you to protect me. I may not be the same rank as you but I’m still a soul reaper!” She turned and walked away, leaving Renji sore and confused.

“Don’t have much luck with girls do ya?” Grimmjow asked.

Abarai just shook his head, not sure of what to do or say, he really had no idea what just happened. The bluenette felt bad for the red head, as it was Byakuya who kept Rukia off the task force. “I prefer the company of men, so I can’t give ya any advice.”

“I...I see…” Renji blushed a bit.

The others arrived and they received a hell butterfly to guide them to the human world.


Sora was feeling amazing. He was “alive” again and living with his sister. Thanks to his “job” he was supporting her and making the city safe for her. Plus he was no longer a virgin, he’s gotten more sex in a few weeks then some people ever get in their whole life time. Starrk and Ulquiorra were wild men, and incredibly soft. Ichigo was a caring lover and very giving.

It amazed Sora that Ichigo could fuck all three of them and still have energy to burn. Then again his libido had also changed upon becoming a vizard. He slurped and sucked dick with gusto, and took fat cocks over and over. Sora drank so much cum!

After his body absorbed it, he felt stronger! Things were going great! Poor guy had no idea what was coming.


Ichigo tensed. ‘I sense shinigami!’ His eyes flashed gold.

“Ichigo-sama, I smell shinigami!” Starrk said.

“I sense them, there are five of them!” Ulquiorra said.

Sora had just left. “Damn!” He was sure they were protected, but if Sora’s caught he’d be in trouble.


The gate opened up and the shinigami task force came out. “So this is the human world!” Hanataro was amazed. As a member of squad 4, he didn’t get out much.

“Alright, let’s get this done, Shuuhei take Hanataro and Akon and set up a base of operations. Renji and I shall start our patrol.”

“Yes Captain Grimmjow!” Shuuhei said.

He should have been more specific, as they found an abandoned building and Akon set up shop there. While he set up Grimmjow and Renji patrolled the two and cut down any hollows they found, and spoke to the local ghosts. Most of them didn’t have any information so they were just cleansed and sent to soul society.

The human world had changed a lot. He hadn’t done patrol work since he was fresh out of the academy. ‘These hollows are a joke, none of them are registering more than a little spirit power power.’ Pantera was bored.

“Maybe we scared off the powerful hollows?” Not an impossibility. Even with the seals on Grimmjow, Renji, and Shuuhei, they were strong souls.

“We should be bait, but instead we scare off the prey, what a joke!” Grimmjow groaned. “I swear if Mayuri sent us on a wild goose chase!” He wanted to run the mad scientist through. Grimmjow wasn’t the only one, Mayuri drove practically everyone crazy.

“Could the hollows have killed and eaten each other already?” Renji asked.

“That is possible…” He sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration. “Ugh it’s getting late, we should head back to the base.”

Before they could head back they felt a pulse. “That…”

“Yeah I felt it!” Grimmjow grabbed his sword.


Sora readied for his patrol after Orihime turned in for bed. He had a special charm created by Urahara to get in and out of his gigai. Sora had no idea there were soul reapers about, and he should have avoided leaving his body.

Without it’s protection his spiritual pressure was noticed. “Time to go on patrol!” His gigai was in sleep mode, so Orihime wouldn’t freak out.

He went off and began to patrol the town. “Oi Captain Grimmjow, do you recognize that shinigami?”

“I do not…” He smirked. “Let’s go say hi!” They masked their spiritual pressure until they got in close.

Sora froze. ‘What is this intense pressure?’ It reminded him of sparring with Kisuke.

“Oi...shinigami...what squad are you with?” Sora looked up and saw the red haired and blue haired shinigami.

“Ehh?” He scratched his chin. “Umm Squad 1?”

Grimmjow drew his sword, and without warning slashed at Sora. The vizard was just barely able to dodge. ‘Shit!’

“Sorry, even if you were in squad 1, no one is on patrol in the living world!” Grimmjow slashed at Sora, he dodged and dodged. The bluenette whistled. ‘He’s got some skills!’

Sora drew his sword and blocked Grimmjow’s swing. The two clashed, but Grimmjow kicked him and knocked him back. ‘Who are these guys?’

Renji attacked. Sora dodged and did a flip. “Fighting two on one not very fair is it?”

“You are a suspicious person, with a large amount of power, and you just lied about your squad position. There is nothing fair or unfair in capturing a criminal.” Renji said.

“You can surrender and we’ll take you in for questioning, but that won’t be as fun.” Grimmjow said.

‘The blue haired one seems more dangerous, I’ll have to focus fully on him.’ He built up some power. “Way of Binding: Wind Cage!” Sora cast, turning the air and wind around them and channeled it into a swirling cage.

“He can use kido?!” Renji got caught. “This won’t hold me!”

He tried to attack the cage only for the vortex to repel him. “Stop Renji, that’s a powerful binding spell, it’ll hurt you if you try to break out.” It required kido to break, but Grimmjow wasn’t good with that.

“Sorry sir, but I can’t just let an enemy catch me!” He tried using Red Flame Cannon. He did blow up the cage and himself. Grimmjow facepalmed.

“Can you still fight?” Renji was scorched but fine.

“Yes Captain!” Sora began to sweat.

‘A captain?!’ He was sure now these two were dangerous.

“Oi, what’s your name?” Grimmjow asked.

“Shouldn’t you give your names first?” The bluenette smirked.

“I’m Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, and this is Renji Abarai, that’s all you need to know. Now who are you?”

“Sora Inoue, Sekienton!” He created a burst of red smoke and ran.

Grimmjow was on him in a flash. “You are coming with me!” He tackled him and pinned Sora down.

“Damn...Geki!” Grimmjow’s body glowed red.

“Not gonna work!” The captain released his reiatsu and over powered the spell. “Sorry, but you are quite dangerous I’m gonna have to knock you out!” He pulled back to strike, but before he could, a cloaked Ichigo slipped in and kicked Grimmjow.

“Let’s move!” He grabbed Sora and the two vanished in a sonido. The smoke cleared and Renji came out coughing.

“Captain Grimmjow!” He ran over to him just as he got up.

“Well...it looks like there is something to Mayuri’s report after all!” He rubbed his cheek. “Now things are interesting!”

To be continued


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