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Martin Mystery parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Clash Let the Fur Fly

Martin groaned as he sat up. “Ugh where am I?” He scratched the back of his head. Mystery looked around and he was surrounded be trees, grass, and bushes. “I’m...outside?”

When he stood up he felt a breeze between his knees. “I’m naked!” Martin gasped, looking around and ducking into some bushes. “Oh man what happened last night? Why am I outside? Where are my clothes?” It was weird, he wasn’t as shy as he was expecting.

Martin was feeling natural in the buff. The sun on his skin felt amazing, the air across his most intimate areas. He looked around but his clothes were nowhere in sight. “Oh well!” He stretched, and lazily scratched the thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch.

He laid back down, the soft grass tickling his backside. The blonde basked in the warm sun.


Antonio, Billy, and Java, were looking for Martin. He didn’t come back last night. Chip’s girlfriend was looking for the jock. “Have you seen Chip, he never came back last night?”

“Maybe he crashed at one of his friend’s place?” Antonio suggested.

Louise shook her head. “He wouldn’t have gone anywhere without this, and look!” She showed them Chip’s jacket and it had claw marks on it.

“We haven’t, have you seen Martin?” The girl shook her head.

“It’s weird a lot of guys are missing!” She said. “You don’t think he was attacked by some kind of dog do you?”

“Dog?!” The guys gasped and thought of Martin.

“I’m gonna get a poster made for Chip, you guys should do the same for Martin if he doesn’t show up.” She left.

This was really weird. Billy examined the other posters. “The guys missing were messing with Martin
” Antonio said.

“You don’t think Marty did anything to them did you?” Billy didn’t want to believe it.

“I don’t think so, Martin’s too sweet a guy to do something like that.” He took their bullying and only really snapped when they were threatened.

“What if Martin not himself?” Java pointed out.

“Screw it, I’m using a locator spell, we are finding Martin!”

“Hey!” The guys tensed and turned to see Diana. “Where is Martin?”

“We haven’t seen him!” She glared at Antonio.

“Something weird is going on!”

“What are you talking about?” She pulled out a notebook.

“I have it on good authority that Martin asked out a few girls, and now those same girl’s boyfriends are all missing.”

“What are you saying?” Antonio glared back at her.

“The evidence is pretty compelling!”

“Marty would never do that!” She looked at Billy.

“And who are you?” Antonio got between them.

“He’s a friend, and unlike you he cares about Martin.” She gasped in fake offense.

“I’m just following a lead, I am on the school paper.” She crossed her arms.

“Your brother is missing, and instead of worrying about him, you wanna pin the other disappearances on him, that’s low even for you Diana.” She blushed in anger.

“Oh stuff it!” Diana snapped. “Martin has always been weird, it’s not impossible for weirdos like him to snap.” Antonio balled his hand into a fist. “Plus I know you LIKE him, so of course you’d cover for him. Just know if he is responsible and you helped hide him I’ll make sure everyone knows. If he’s a victim, then I’ll apologize.” She said and walked off.

“As if, she’s never apologized. I don’t know what’s with that girl.” Antonio grumbled.

“She’s Marty’s sister right?”

“Step sister, her mom married Martin’s dad, and she’s always treated Martin so...wrong!”

“Blood thicker than water, water eventually dries, but friends can help clean up blood.” Java said, making the two sweat drop. It was a weird way to say it but Java basically said “sometimes your friends are the family you need to help you through tough times”.

Antonio whipped up a tracking spell. Java was good at getting the ingredients he needed. “Scour and search, see and scry, seek what has been lost, beyond land, beyond sea, beyond sky!” He dipped a crystal pendent into the mix, it absorbed the mixture and a phoenix appeared in the prism. “Find Martin Mystery!”

The phoenix let out a cry, before the crystal glowed and pointed the way. “He’s near!” They followed the crystal.


Diana was following her own leads, snooping around the school to find out if Martin had indeed snapped.

She bumped into Jarred. “Hey, have you seen Martin?”

“Haven’t seen him since lunch yesterday.”

“What about Chip, Brad, or Luke?” She asked.

“Nope, I want nothing to do with those guys!” Jarred said.

“Why not? What kind of stuff were they into?”

“They were being jerks to your brother.” She twitched.

“Step brother!” Jarred shrugged.

“They were pulling pranks and stuff on Martin, they wanted the other guys to get in on it, but it wasn’t cool.” She took notes.

“So...you are saying Martin had motive to make those guys go away?” Poor Jarred.

“Umm I mean I guess, they were pranking him, but Martin didn’t say nothing about it. He’s a pretty chill dude.” She scribbled more than he said.

“Thanks Jarred you were a big help!” She ran off, leaving him confused. He scratched his head.

“Bye?” As Jarred walked away, he was unaware of something following him with their eyes.

Diana broke into Martin’s room looking for evidence of his “crimes”. Meanwhile Martin got hungry and went into hunter mode.

He walked around in the buff but no one said a word. Martin was too hungry to care or question anything. His body moved like it was on auto pilot, he snatched pizza slices and food off trays. After scarfing food left and right, he went back to the woods.

Martin didn’t know why but he wanted some exercise after his meal, so he ran, buck naked through the forest.

Antonio, Billy, and Java were following Martin’s trail, and there was a bunch of missing food. No one saw Martin, but something swiped food. ‘It’s getting late, and werewolves are more active at night.’ Antonio activated his glasses with a simple enchantment, he was able to detect foot prints left behind. “We need to hurry before the sun sets!”

Despite their efforts, they didn’t find Martin until after sun set. “Crap!” Antonio was getting worried.

They heard some shuffling. “Martin?”

“Marty?!” Billy got closer.

” Out came a werewolf. He was a mix of brown and blonde fur.

“Martin?!” The group gasped.

He came out of the bushes, fangs sharp and claws out. “You need to come with us Martin, the Center should be able to help cure you!”

The werewolf didn’t respond. “Maybe he no understand us?”

Billy stepped forward. “I know you are still in there Marty, you wouldn’t hurt anybody!” He did the finger thing.

Wolf Martin approached growling. He pounced on Billy.

“Billy!” Antonio gasped.

“Hahahaha!” Billy wasn’t screaming, he was laughing. “Marty!”

The werewolf was licking him, his tail wagging. “Martin?” The werewolf looked at Antonio. He was pounced on and licked. “Oh ohh hahaha Martin...quit it!”

“Martin like puppy, no think he hurt anyone.” Java said. Martin panted and Antonio scratched him behind the ears. He nuzzled against the witch.

“If Martin isn’t attacking people who is?” Martin tensed and his ears flicked.

“What’s wrong Marty?” Billy asked.

“Help!” Jarred screamed.

“Sounds like trouble!” Martin dashed off. “Martin!” They followed after the werewolf.

Jarred was running for his life, a dark gray werewolf chasing after him. “Help...somebody...anybody...help!” The werewolf attacked, but before he could touch Jarred, Martin attacked the beast. “Another werewolf?!”

“Martin!” Antonio cried out as he ran over.

“Wait...Martin?” Jarred gasped.

“Sorry about this Jarred!” He cast a sleep spell on the jock. “Get him out of here!”

“Roger!” Java carried him off. The two werewolves circled each other.

“So that must be the werewolf that’s been behind all the weird disappearances.” Billy pointed out.

“He’s also the one who did this to Martin!” Antonio’s eyes glowed with fury. “He’s so hexed!” His hand crackled with magic.

The gray one turned invisible. “Where did he go?!” That didn’t work as Martin sniffed him out. The two monsters grappled each other, biting and snapping at each other. “Martin...hold him down and I’ll
” The two were going at it like crazy, Antonio couldn’t get a shot.

Martin got kicked off and the gray one howled. More howls were heard. “Oh no...what did this wolf do to the others?” He didn’t kill them, he made beta wolf slaves.

Chip, Luke, and Brad had been turned into werewolves and came to their master’s call. The three circled Billy and Antonio.

Billy fiddled with the Center watch and activated the shield. It stood up against their claws but the shield didn’t last long. “I gotta talk to MOM about upgrading the tech.”

“Back off!” Antonio conjured a ring of fire. The beta wolves backed off only for the alpha to command them forward. One of them jumped over the flames.

Martin turned his attention off the alpha and focused on the betas. He jumped in and knocked the beta away. The alpha let out a howl and sicked the betas on Martin. He tried to join in but Antonio let lightning fly from his finger tips and gave him a zap.

Despite being out numbered Martin handled the beta wolves surprisingly well. His werewolf form was strong and he smacked around the trio. He still had his skills, plus werewolf speed, strength, and agility. The beast drew out all of Martin’s potential and kicked some beta ass!

Seeing this as a losing battle, the Alpha gave the howl of retreat and they escaped. “Oh no you don’t!” Antonio tried to hit one of them with a sleep spell, but Martin had jumped after them and got hit instead. “Oops, sorry Martin
” The blonde wolf crumpled to the ground curling up cutely.

“Dang they are fast!” Billy said as the wolves vanished into the night.

“Now we know what the alpha is up to, he’s building an army to bring down his rival alpha.” Antonio surmised.

“If we don’t stop him the whole campus will be turned into wolves.” Billy gasped. Jarred was okay, not a bite or scratch on him.

Come morning Martin reverted back to normal, in all his naked glory. Billy and Antonio got an eyeful. “Hey guys what’s up!”

“That!” Billy said, pointing at Martin’s morning erection.

To be continued...The den of the beast


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