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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Abyss Quirk

Inko lied about Izuku's father, truth is his father isn't from this world, an alien species. It gave his life to get Inko pregnant but he knew his little boy would change this world. Izuku has a "quirk" as strange black stars appear on his body, these stars produce tentacles that have unique purposes. Once he gets his tentacles on someone he can mess with their body, from the vast abyss of space his father came, now Izuku will rule this world one cock tail at a time. Cock Hugger Izuku, Tentacles, Body Modificiation, Cock Tail, Izuku/Harem

Chapter 1


A frontier not ventured as humans were distracted with quirks.

Humans were awakening to mysterious powers and abilities. It started with a glowing baby, and soon the world was filled with fantastical powers right out of a comic book or a manga. There were those that took advantage and abused their powers, being labeled villains, and then there were those who took up the mantle of heroes. So the world marched on forgetting about space travel and the world beyond.

The various governments across the world were working to deal with quirks. Each had their own means and methods but the goal was trying to get a handle on this new super human society. The world became so fantastical that many forgot about space, why look up when there was so much happening around you.

Just because humans ignored space, doesn’t mean nothing was happening beyond the mysterious beyond. No one questioned anything, too busy, and dealing with the world. No one thought that there was anything beyond their planet worth finding, or that something out there might find them.


Izuku Midoriya didn’t know his father, his mother always told him that he was working hard to support them and had a fire breathing quirk. The little guy wanted to grow up and become a hero, he looked at all the pro heroes as role models. “Once I get my quirk, I’m gonna become a pro hero too!”

Inko Midoriya wanted to support her son, but she had concerns. She had a secret.

By the age of 5 everyone in his class had received their quirks. Izuku...didn’t

The doctors tried to explain it as simply that he was quirkless. “Maybe I’m just a late bloomer!” Midoriya wanted to have hope, for the next five years he tried to breathe fire and move small objects but nothing worked. At the age of 10 Inko let him enroll in martial arts classes. He still wanted to be a hero, so it was good to have self defense training to fight against villains.

All his training and exercise did wonders for his body. It was as if he naturally adapted to the training. His teachers were really impressed, but the information just made Inko more nervous.

At school, some students tried to bully the “quickless” boy in class. Most of the time Izuku just ignored it, but if someone put their hands on him, he defended himself. Inko got calls from parents claiming Izuku was the problem. “Maybe you should teach your children who WANT and CAN become heroes to not bully someone just because they don’t have a quirk to fight back with. They started that fight and got the worst end of the deal.”

That shut most parents up, but some took offense. Their “precious” and “innocent” and “special” kids couldn’t have possibly picked on the quickless boy. No it HAD to be Izuku, the boy with “no future” as a hero, he was the problem. Inko could smell it, the rot behind hero society.

Just because a student had a flashy quirk teachers would bolster their egos, because they “had a bright future as a hero”! Just because Izuku knew how to fight didn’t mean he went looking for one.

It made Inko angry, no one, not one of the other parents cared about Izuku. No one cared that these boys with powers attacked someone without. No one cared about how Izuku came home. Considering he had no quirk to speak of, and just had his training it was a miracle he wasn’t more worse for the ware. His body was...surprisingly durable

The first year the bullying started, Izuku would come home with broken bones, missing teeth, burns, frost bite, scratches, cuts, and bruises all over. He wanted to be a hero, so even when people were mean to him he didn’t fight back. He didn’t complain, he just smiled and laughed. Much to Izuku’s surprise his body would heal rather quickly, he thought maybe he had a regeneration quirk, but no. “Izuku...it’s okay to defend yourself
” He looked up at her. “Heroes don’t go looking for a fight, but if someone fights them they have to protect themselves right?”

Her words were logical, she just didn’t want to see Izuku get hurt anymore. Indeed he didn’t, as much, at the age of 17 he wasn’t taking it anymore. He could fight and defend himself very well. The bullies who hurt her son, were taught a serious lesson. Now Inko had to listen to the parents whine, when she said nothing when it was her son being mistreated. Only because Izuku didn’t wanna complain or cause trouble.

‘There is something wrong with this world.’ Izuku would have to apologize for fighting. Midoriya was good at analyzing those around him, and adapting to combat was so easy. With his training he was able to bring down people with quirks that could rival some pro heroes in power. ‘Is it possible

They had him tested and there was no sign of the quirk gene. Izuku tried to breathe fire and move objects but still no luck. So he was still labeled quirkless. They ran quirk tests until one’s eighteenth birthday, as R-Rated quirks were discovered that didn’t appear until one hit puberty or went through it. So Izuku got his last test recently, so on his official paperwork that would carry with him for the rest of his life, he was quirkless. “Well even if I don’t have my quirk, I have my training, I can still become a pro and help people, right mom?” It wasn’t like he was trying to become the greatest hero in the world, like no one ever was. He just wanted to get his hero license so he could help people.

Hero Rankings went from E to S, but the top 10 heroes in their country wasn’t exactly chosen by strength or ability...mostly it was popularity and activity. All Might, Izuku’s personal favorite was the number 1 hero, and while he was quite powerful, he was also charming, handsome, and popular. Endeavor was more cold, ironic given his quirk, but despite not being the most sociable hero he was Rank 2, his villain capture rate was the highest currently.

Izuku was always excited to check out the hero rankings every year, the big three didn’t change much, but Izuku loved all heroes and even collected notes on each of them.

“Right sweetie!” She smiled, but you could see she was sweating. While Izuku wasn’t showing signs of a “quirk” he was showing other signs. Her concerns grew, she wanted her son to be safe, but things were changing and she couldn’t protect him forever. “Any plans for tomorrow?”

“I’ll be studying at Kacchan’s tomorrow.” Inko sighed. Bakugou Katsuki was a blessing. He was Izuku’s childhood friend, and wanted to surpass All Might one day. They had a bit of a rocky relationship in middle school but in high school, their relationship improved. Inko wasn’t sure how or why, but Izuku was happy so she didn’t question it. “We both preparing for the UA exam!”

“Oh...I see
” She began to sweat again.

“Mom come on, UA is a great school, number one remember.” She couldn’t help but fidget.

“But their exam is so dangerous, what about another school?”  Izuku sighed.

“I sent in applications for other schools, for backups, but I want to go to UA. I know it’s dangerous but I’m ready. I’ve trained for this!” He stood up and flexed his muscles. Izuku wasn’t a little boy anymore, he was tall and chiseled. Strong shoulders and hips, toned arms and legs, firm pecs, and washboard abs. Not that he was one to brag, he was also packing the biggest dick and balls in school, not even by a close margin. “I’ll be safe, I promise!”

“Oh Izuku!” Later that night, Izuku did the dishes, finished his homework, had a shower, and got into bed.

Despite the cool and clear night they were having, Izuku felt hot, so he went to bed without clothes. This surge of internal temperature was his body going through a change.

The sky was sparkling, the stars seemed to shine even brighter this night. Inko went into her closet and after moving some boxes around she brought out a strange metallic object. ‘Oh dear, it’s almost time, I don’t think I’m ready for this. Is the world ready for this?’

Midoriya’s body contorted and spasmed going through some intense growing pains. His bones and muscles became more advanced, strange black stars appeared on his body, one below his neck, one above his ass, two on the back of each wrist, and one above his crotch.

Energy washed through him as his transformation became complete. Tentacles burst from four of the stars and speared the walls of his room. “Aaaahhhh!” The last star materialized a very phallic tail.

“IZUKU!” Inko banged on the door. “IZUKU ARE YOU OKAY?!” The greenette was disoriented, he didn’t know what happened but it seemed he had his quirk. After so many years of waiting he didn’t care if it was R-Rated, he had a quirk!

Inko opened the door just as he pulled some of the tentacles back into his body, more precisely the stars. “Look Mom, I got my quirk, it’s a bit different than we were expecting but I got it!” He smiled. “Now I can become a hero!”

“Oh Izuku
” Inko began to cry.

“Aww mom don’t cry!”

“I’m sorry
” He blinked. “This...isn’t a quirk...there is something I have to tell you...it’s about your dad
” She chewed on her bottom lip. “Honey...you are...you are...you are an alien!”

” His eyes widened. “EHH!?”

To be continued...Questions and Answers?!

Izuku’s dad was an alien that Inko met and saved. She was so kind to her, he abandoned his mission and had a child with her. Izuku is half alien and he’s been going through alien puberty for awhile. He may not have a quirk persay but he can sure fake it. His dad’s mission is now in Izuku’s hands it’s up to him if this planet should be saved or not. He’s an invader class cock hugger and he can do a lot to this world. What can he do and what will happen to the Earth find out next time on Abyss Quirk



đŸ€Ł So Izuku's free to do as he wills to the planet and its people
 dang, that's a tough temptation to resist. 👍