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Hey guys, as a start thank you all for your support. Things have not been going well on my end, 4th of july weekend was a major cluster of nonsense, and my family ended up getting parking tickets. To make matters worse I've had to stay on top of the yard work to avoid getting fines, which wears me out bad. I had to do the front yard twice, to make sure we were covered. We were warned about the weeds, and we only get one warning for the year. If the fine for having someone come out and deal with it wasn't 155 dollars I wouldn't be so stressed. It's not been good for my anxiety either, Doing the weeds is REALLy hard on my back, and using the weed whacker makes my hands go numb and shake. (So you can imagine it makes it hard to write) 

I've talked to other creators to try and get a handle on things, some have suggested a vacation, but i can't afford that. I do take breaks/the days i recover from doing yard work, but those do put me behind on the writing. I've spoken to my family to get more support as its very much a problem that they let their plans fall on me to take care of. They've promised to give me more support the rest of july, but we'll see.  

I'm having to spend more time outside to make sure we are covered and don't get fined, and with the heat I've been having other issues. Last few times i've had bouts of nausea and gotten sick. I'm trying really hard to stay on top of writing and if i had other options i'd employ them. Since I'm close to an emergency situation Patreon rewards will open on the 17th this month. I do apologize for the inconvenience. I'm trying really hard to do this guys, The tier list is shrinking and the patreon rewards are being tackled, just not as much as I planned  


ZooFan 123

Don’t worry about it fox I know your good for it so I don’t mind giving what support I can for whatever wait I have to do till you recover

Foopy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-03 20:03:46 Hope your family starts to give you more support <3 sorry things are rough for you
2022-07-15 04:47:00 Hope your family starts to give you more support <3 sorry things are rough for you

Hope your family starts to give you more support <3 sorry things are rough for you


So sorry to hear you struggling so much! But don't worry we will support you no matter what paper!