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My Hero parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

AN: Had a bad day yesterday and did this to shake off the stress and funk of it, please enjoy

Mascot Hero

Izuku Midoriya does indeed have a quirk and a rather weird one, it turns him into a strange bunny costume. He’s quite the monster being super strong and durable in this form. The real trick to his quirk is when someone goes inside him, he’s able to harness the wearer’s quirk and use it as he sees fit. Tentacles Transformation

Chapter 1

Izuku always wanted a quirk, but when his manifested it wasn’t like his mother or his father. He turned into a big furry beast. He looked like a mascot at a theme park. Izuku was a big green rabbit, with a policeman jacket and pants, with a gun holster and a little police badge.

No one could explain it, it appeared to be a quirk mutation, but something this extreme hadn’t been seen before. Though the secret of that may have had something to do with his father. Izuku didn’t care, he had a quirk now and a pretty cool one as he saw it.

When he was in his mascot form not only was he super fast, super strong, and incredibly durable. The boy also gained heightened animal senses. He was getting even more praise for his quirk than Katsuki. Being a super cute green bunny mascot was certainly marketable. Even the guys in class found Izuku to be cute and adorable.

Even if he was bunny cute he was as strong as a monster, and there were many more secrets to his quirk than just being a power type. He was a mascot in every sense of the word, down to the zipper on his back.

His friend Bakugou Katsuki had noticed the strange zipper on his back when they were in High School. The two had just finished a quirk assessment class and Izuku hadn’t changed back. “No fucking way you are completely hollow inside!” Bakugou gasped, he had unzipped Izuku’s back seeing his insides for the first time.

“Kacchan what are you doing?” Izuku gasped.

“I thought you were inside the suit, but no you really are the suit aren’t you?” Katsuki said, slightly amazed. Once Izuku’s quirk manifest Katsuki wasn’t looking down on him as much. He wasn’t lower than the extras, he actually had the power and ability to stand in the same ring as him. Their friendship wasn’t poisoned by misunderstandings, and they formed a healthy rivalry.

Izuku thought they were simply friends and rivals, pushing each other to become better heroes, but Katsuki was having other feelings. Midoriya being the hero nerd and quirk analyst activated, and the shock of Katsuki unzipping him vanished and his curiosity spiked. “What do you see?”

“Nothing I guess, it’s like your flesh is the insides instead of cloth.” Katsuki stuck his hand in. “You are really warm inside.” Izuku shivered. “Do you think I can wear you?”

Izuku gasped. “I umm, I dunno, it’s possible...” He was a mascot after all. Feeling Katsuki’s hand roaming inside him was making him feel odd. The blonde pulled back and he stripped off his gym clothes. “What are you doing?”

“What? You are warm inside, and I sweat a lot already.” Katsuki’s quirk allowed him to produce a nitroglycerin-like sweat which he could detonate. This had a unique side effect on his skin, giving his skin a beautiful and healthy glow to it, and he didn’t have to use deodorant when he sweated he gave off a sweet aroma like caramel. “I don’t wanna get my clothes all sweaty!”

Izuku tried not to stare, Katsuki was fit and chiseled, his manly physique honed to prepare to become a hero. He was a good looking man, even Izuku could admit that. “Alright, here we go!” The blonde had taken everything off, not even his boxers remained, Izuku turned around as to “not look” even though he got a big eyeful already. Katsuki opened Midoriya up and stepped inside.

The greenette gasped, as new sensations filled him. “Oh man, you are so warm inside!” Katsuki moaned.

“Kacchan...I’m not sure about this...” New feelings were permeating through him, and it only got worse/better when Katsuki climbed inside him. He was hit with waves of feelings, sensations, and the memories. ‘What are these memories...Kacchan...what have you been…’

Katsuki had no idea what Izuku was going through at first, his half naked body was surrounded by the ultimate warmth. He wanted more, so he stuffed himself inside the mascot suit After he climbed inside the suit zipped up and Katsuki became one with Midoriya. ‘Oh man...this is so hot...I became one with Deku…’

He took a deep breath and Midoriya’s raw manly musk hit him like a truck. ‘Ohh shit ohh fuck...he smells so damn good...mmm~!’

His penis rose to attention, twitching  and throbbing. “Oh damn, I got hard, can you feel that?” Izuku was quiet. “Deku?”

“I feel it Kacchan...I feel everything...” Suddenly a tentacle emerged from the walls and enveloped Katsuki’s erection.

“Ohh shit Deku...what the fuck?!” He gasped and moaned, the tentacle swallowed his rod perfectly. The arms of the suit tightened around Bakugou’s locking them in place. He couldn’t move, and things only got hotter as the tentacle began to suck on the blonde’s hard on. “Ahh fuck!”

“Is this what you imagined Kacchan, when you thought about me sucking your dick?” Katsuki blushed.

“What?! I never…” The tentacle squeezed his length making him gasp.

“Don’t lie!” Izuku growled. “When you put me on, I felt so much, so much from you. As you became a part of me your memories and thoughts flooded into my mind!”

‘Oh shit!’ His whole face got red. “Then...why can’t I feel what you are feeling then?”

“Because we aren’t fully one yet...Kacchan…” More tentacles emerged from the suit walls, one latched to the base of Katsuki’s neck and formed a collar around his throat. “This was your idea Kacchan, as soon as you stepped inside I understood a deeper level of my quirk, and I understood a deeper level of you!”

“That’s not fair you damn nerd!” He struggled for a second, but then the tentacle on his dick began sucking him again. His legs turned to jelly.

“You really are a naughty boy Kacchan, I had no idea you did such naughty things.” Izuku’s eyes glowed and brought the memories in question to the surface. Katsuki gasped as he relived his sexual exploration of his body, all while moaning is Izuku’s name. The greenette was the only one in class he jerked off to, sure he fantasized about a few pros. When he thought about Midoriya it was different. “I can feel your want, your hunger, your desire, your lust...it’s making me crazy…”

“Deku?” Two tentacles latched onto Katsuki’s nipples molding over the buds perfectly and began to alternate sucking on them and pinching them. “Ahh~!”

“You should have told me Kacchan...all this time…you were feeling like this…” Katsuki didn’t know if Izuku was angry or what. All his pent up feelings about Midoriya were flooding into him and making his quirk go nuts in the process.

A tentacle circled his sac, before melting and encasing the nuts. Just as the tentacles did to his nipples Katsuki’s balls were squeezed and sucked on. “Deku!” Bakugou moaned.

More tentacles began to form and wrap around him, two on each arm and two on each leg, his ankles and wrists were coiled. As this happened Bakugou weirdly wasn’t scared, he knew Izuku wasn’t gonna hurt him. If anything he was growing more turned on with each tentacle taking hold of his body.

All the sucks and pinches to his most intimate areas was so good! ‘More...more...more…’ A wild and lustful smirk was plastered over his face, his red eyes shining in his delight.

In the face of the unknown, Katsuki’s desire and trust in Izuku allowed him to embrace and enjoy. More tentacles joined the fun, two teased his ears, before morphing into headphones over his ears. They teased him, giving him a feeling of nibbling and licking.

A tentacle wrapped around his forehead and formed a visor over his eyes. “De..ku…” He began to drool.

His cheeks were spread, exposing his entrance. “To think you’ve touched here before...even bought toys…” A tentacle probed at his back door and a wave of delight filled the blonde.

He’s got a whole box of dildos, vibes, and eggs, under his bed that he’s been using to satisfy his urges. So the tentacle had no trouble slipping inside Katsuki’s tight hole. The trained entrance welcomed it inside. “Ohhhh!” He wiggled his butt in joy.

Izuku’s tentacle reached deep inside him, slithering inside his channel and opening up his ass. Then, as all the tentacles before, it transformed, growing and becoming very phallic. ‘Is this Deku’s penis?’ His back arched as the dick stretched out his belly. ‘Oh fuck yeah baby I felt that!’ His eyes fluttered behind the visor.

Now Izuku became a part of Katsuki, his feelings and memories flooding Bakugou. ‘Kacchan...Kacchan...Kacchan...Kacchan...’ It was so pure and intense, he came hard! Everything went white…


When Bakugou came to he was laying on a bench with a towel draped over his waistline. “What the hell happened?” He looked to his left and there was Izuku, in human form all curled up. “Oh...oh shit…” It wasn’t a dream, they really just did that.

His brain began to process what just happened, including all the memories Izuku just shared with him. Did Izuku have feelings for him? Maybe, he had felt all the love and happiness Midoriya felt being around him, but at the same time Izuku was too innocent to be thinking about sex. The most erotic thought in his head was kissing or holding hands. ‘And I just dumped my perverted brain like a nuke on him...fuck!’

It was an accident, they had no idea that putting Izuku on would cause that to happen. It still happened. ‘Where do we go from here?’ Midoriya got overwhelmed by Katsuki’s memories and feelings.

Izuku hadn’t said a word yet. “Deku...are you…” The greenette looked up at him, tears running down his cheeks. ‘I’m so fucked…’

“I’m sorry Kacchan!” He froze.


“I couldn’t control my quirk, and while that’s not an excuse, I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have done all that too you!” He apologized.

“Why the hell are you apologizing to me you dumb ass?” Katsuki face palmed. ‘Why’d I have to fall in love with this nerd?’ He shook his head. “Some quirks are powered or tied to emotion, it’s my fault too, getting all my...stuff dumped on you like that couldn’t have been easy. Of course you’d lose control.”

“But I read your mind, invaded your privacy, I saw things, felt things, you must hate me!” Izuku cried.

‘This idiot!’ Katsuki had a hard time dealing with Midoriya when he cried. If anything it was his kryptonite. “I don’t hate you, you must have felt that even in the end?” Izuku blushed and nodded. “Besides we were testing out your quirk, I’m sure you’ve collected all kinds of data in that nerd brain of yours.”

Izuku nodded again. “Yes, it was scary but it all worked out. Now we never have to do that again!” Midoriya said while standing up. “I can avoid anyone getting inside me easily enough, so I won’t have to go through that again.”


Suddenly Katsuki had him pinned against the lockers, his towel falling off along the way. “What’d you say nerd?”

“Ehh?” He blinked in surprise.

“We are doing this again!”


“Do I look like I care!” He growled. “First times are always scary, but now we know we can mentally prepare for next time!”


“You bet your ass we are doing this again, I can’t wait to become one with you again!” Izuku shivered.


“Oh and we are dating starting now!”


“Stop screaming!” Izuku clapped a hand over his mouth. “What are you saying you don’t want me?” He leaned back just enough. “That you don’t want all this back inside you?” Midoriya's eyes followed his movements, getting a good look at Bakugou's sexy body.

Izuku short circuited, his whole face was red. He began to stutter and blabber, which started to annoy Katsuki. “Just shut up and kiss me!”

Midoriya was nervous, but with shaky hands he pulled the blonde in for a kiss. He let the greenette hold the reigns, the kiss was so innocent. Not that Bakugou had much experience in kissing either. He did want his first kiss to be with Izuku though. This was a weird but good start for the both of them. 

Katsuki wasn’t being a dick to Izuku either, when the suit became one with him, he got a look at this thing’s power. There was more to Izuku’s quirk besides the surprising R-18 elements to it, which the blonde enjoyed. They’d need to figure things out together.

To be continued



Woah, this is so good! I'd like to see more of this.