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Hey guys, as mentioned earlier in my daily schedule I ended up doing yard work, there was some other problems i had to see to like finding a bunch of hornet nests near my garage. Plus the weed whacker that's not murder on my back the spindle jammed and i spent probably too long in the sun fighting with it. In the end i had to use the battery one which is smaller less powerful and shakes my hands something fierce.

The last two days I've been hot, in pain, hands shifting from shaking to being numb, being hit with waves of nausea and sadly yesterday I tossed my cookies after a severe pain spasm through my back. A miserable time all around as one can work through pain at times, but once you toss your cookies and spend a large chunk of time doing so the desire to do anything dies fast.

I probably spent too long in the sun, combined with using an inferior tool to get the job done. I worked on a few backburners and managed to post some i'll try to get back to writing today properly



The heat is a pain in the ass. Pls always wear sun screen and drink enough water! And rest well!


Take your time your health comes first