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One Piece parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Two More for the Crew!

Luffy and Zoro focused their sights on learning/mastering bio feedback, as becoming super human would certainly improve their chances of training. Roronoa even got the weather human to meditate.

Both had scratched the surface of the technique without realizing it, given their histories, but by working together they were truly mastering the technique.

They found a great training exercise through sex, teasing each other’s cocks and resisting the urge to cum. Through their training they could in practice freely control their libido, making their dicks get hard by will alone, stay hard for long periods of time, and even cum on command.

Thanks to their training their asses existed only for mating, as their body could break down all food for energy. Eating basic meals gave them enough energy to need only four hours of sleep a day. Luffy tended to take his rest consecutively, while Zoro broke his up as naps. That didn’t stop the swordsman from pushing himself through training requiring more rest to recover.

Another way they trained bio feedback is working control of their anal muscles, a few weeks at sea and their holes were as pliable as rubber. Zoro learned he could convert his energy into his balls to recover or produce a large amount of semen, Monkey enjoyed that greatly. Luffy found he could even temporarily control/alter the size of his dick, increasing the length and girth by a couple of inches. That had some draw backs though as he was fully spent and couldn’t get it up for hours after trying it.

Sex was an amazing training aide to master the bio feedback phenomenon. A pleasurable one to.

Zoro’s teacher would probably be embarrassed by how Zoro worked to hone bio feedback but the two were mastering the technique. Then again he wouldn’t approve of Roronoa becoming a pirate either, so oh well! To think the government subjected people to hellish training just to grasp the surface of something so simple. The lengths to master it by their methods cost some their lives.

These two pirates were finding a safe way to become super human, and bonding as men. Luffy could even sharpen his vessel as a means of drawing out his devil fruit’s powers. While fruits were mysterious they were not limitless in power and relied a lot on the host’s growth and imagination to function and develop.

With their new training regimen they were becoming deceptively strong. They could also stretch their supplies out, by eating less and resting more. Not a bad tactic given their crew was still small.


There crew was about to get larger

It was a day like any other, Luffy and Zoro were “training”.

“Ahh fuck come on Zoro, stay with me!” Luffy was bouncing up and down on Roronoa’s fat cock. His hands were firm on the swordsman’s beefy pecs, his long cock slapping his abs as he rode wildly.

“Like you are...one to talk...Captain!” They had been at it for hours, literal hours! Four going on Five! Their skin was flushed, and they were working up a sweat from the non-stop fucking. Luffy’s hole was flexing, in the most erotic way, becoming virgin tight with each rise up, only to relax as he impaled himself. His ass was the perfect sheath, taking his sword over and over. Pre-cum marked Luffy’s insides making him nice and slippery.

Both of them were slipping, in Monkey’s wild abandon a storm brew over head, spiraling out over the surrounding area. “Shihihi, Zoro’s gonna cum first, I feel you twitching!”

“Baka, you dripping like crazy!”

“Alright then!” His ass suddenly got tighter. He let his arms go numb and he channeled his strength into his legs and hips.

“Ohhh fuck!” Zoro bucked. “You...fuck
” His cheeks burned in a blush.

Lightning crackled in the sky as Luffy’s libido surged.

Roronoa had hearts in his eyes. ‘You crazy bastard!’ A smirk bloomed on his lips. ‘You win...this time
’ His toes curled as he came.

“Ohhh!” Luffy shivered, a solid stream of cum erupted into his tight ass. The hose stream of man milk sprayed right at his sweet spot with such force. “I’m Cumming!” Crash Boom!

Lightning struck as Luffy came, showering them both in white. A stray bolt struck a seemingly empty rock face, wrecking it. Monkey’s storm dissipated as he rode his orgasmic high.

Their orgasms lasted a full thirty minutes.

The two collapsed into a messy pile making out heavily, for another thirty minutes. “Damn
that was...wow!”

“Shihihi, I won this time!”

“Yeah yeah, what’s the score?”

“Hmm, I forget!” He said with a big grin on his face.

Zoro face palmed. “Next time I’m keeping score!”

“Looks like we’ll need to keep practicing, lots and lots!” He kissed Zoro’s cheek.

“You little, you totally remember!” He poked Luffy’s cheek who whistled innocently. “Whatever!”

“Wanna shower?” Zoro nodded, and Luffy pulled off his spent cock. He conjured up a little gray cloud and Zoro left with it to wash up. Monkey conjured a few more to wash himself off and clean the ship. “Mmm!”

Luffy was relaxing, and didn’t notice an approaching ship. He was dispersing his clouds when someone boarded the ship. “So it was you, you caused that storm!” An average sized guy with tanned skin boarded Luffy’s ship.

He drew his sword and lunged at Luffy. Monkey took note oh his short hair, sunglasses, blue jacket, and tan pants. His sword was oddly shaped. “This is a pirate ship, you must be a pirate and a pervert!” He slashed at Luffy, only for the naked lad to dodge.

“Who are you?” He asked.

“Shut up, you bastard, you’ve got devil fruit powers...you...you...you killed my friend!” Monkey looked confused.

“Huh?” The mystery guy was shaking in anger, and continued to swing at Luffy. Thanks to his sparring sessions with Zoro, he had a better read on fighting swordsman, this guy was lashing out in anger so he was leaving himself wide open like a book.

“Die!” He swung and nearly clipped Luffy’s hat.

“Hey!” Wind whipped around Monkey. “Don’t touch my hat!” The guy was caught off guard. “Gust Tempo!”

He was blown into a barrel.

Zoro came on deck with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. “Luffy what’s going on?”

“Big Bro Zoro!” The guy cried out.

“Johnny?” The fight was over. It was time for explanations.

Johnny is a bounty hunter who used to work with Zoro in the past. He was shocked to see his “big bro” on a pirate ship. “A lot happened, this guy saved my life and bailed me out of a crap situation I landed myself in. He’s my captain now, so you better show him respect!”

“Right!” He sweated bullets. ‘This naked perv is big bro’s captain?’ The two put on some clothes.

“Where’s Yosaku?” This had Johnny crying.

“He...He...He’s dead
” He wasn’t, he was just really sick. The bald male was wearing a green coat, red headgear, a black shirt, and yellow boxer shorts.

They were resting at the rock formation that Luffy accidentally struck with lightning. Johnny had spotted their strange ship, and when he saw Luffy messing with clouds he put two and two together.

“This is
” Luffy examined him. “Zoro go fetch the oranges and limes we got.”

“Aye captain!” Zoro left.

‘How dare this punk boss around big bro Zoro like that!’ He wanted to slug him.

“Your friend isn’t dead, he’s sick, if we treat him now he can bounce back.”

“R-Really?!” Roronoa returned and as directed by Luffy used his big strong hands to crush limes and oranges, spilling their juices into Yosaku’s mouth.

“He’s got scurvy, Makino warned me about it. Sometimes we’d get sick sailors in town and she learned how to treat them. I made sure we got plenty of fresh produce for our trip.” They still needed a proper cook to make sure there was balance in their diets.

Johnny realized they hadn’t been keeping a good view of their supplies and Yosaku had eaten some rotten fruit. “You guys promised you’d look after yourselves.” Zoro ruffled his hair in frustration.

“So you guys are bounty hunters?” Luffy asked.

“Sure are, we’ve managed to catch quite a few guys, even after Big Bro Zoro left.” He showed Luffy some wanted posters. It was hard to deny given their targets these guys often went after small fry, none of their catches broke 10 million.

Luffy went through the posters getting a look at his competition in the East Blue. He’d bested Alvida, Kuro, and Buggy so far but there were still some big names in the East. Krieg and Arlong had the biggest bounties. “You aren’t thinking of going after those guys are you?”

“Probably not, but if they get in my way of becoming King of the Pirates I’ll have to take them on!” He declared boldly.

‘This guy reminds me a lot of Big Bro Zoro
’ Yosaku recovered, but Luffy was right he needed rest to fully bounce back.

Johnny stayed by his side. “You guys seem really close.”

“Yeah we are. We’ve been together a long time.”

“So you guys were partners with Zoro?”

“For a time yeah. Big Bro Zoro was always so amazing. He pulled our asses out of trouble more than once.”

“Yeah, Zoro is really cool!” Luffy chuckled. He was happy having such an amazing person on his crew.

“It was nice, but after awhile we started to realize we were holding big bro back. He had grander dreams than just being a bounty hunter. We ended up parting ways.” Luffy could tell it was hard for them.

“I don’t think you were holding him back. He was happy to see you guys after all.” Luffy said. “I think you guys might have been letting your own weakness get to you and you gave up.”

“Ugh, what do you know?!” Johnny snapped. “You are just some no name, no bounty pirate. I don’t know how you got Big Bro to join your crew, but he’s got a big dream to chase.”

“I know that Zoro will achieve his dream, by his own strength and power. I’m not a swordsman but I can help Zoro in my own way, as his captain. Just as he, as my swordsman will help me in my goals. Neither of us will hold the other back, we’ll keep getting stronger to stand together.” Luffy stood up. “If you wanted to stay by Zoro’s side, you should have worked to get stronger!”

His words caught Johnny off guard. Monkey left and Johnny hung his head, realizing the weather man was right. They were weaker than Zoro, had accepted it, and chose to split from him thinking they were holding him back. “That guy...he isn’t like the bandits and pirates we’ve fought.” Yosaku had heard everything. “Did we give up?”

“I...don’t know


Johnny and Yosaku stayed on Luffy’s ship, helping with the cleaning and maintenance as a thank you for saving Yosaku’s life. With the two on board they had kept their naughty training and heavy petting to a minimum. Monkey may not have known the meaning of the word shame, and Zoro wasn’t ashamed of their relationship, but that didn’t mean he want to flaunt it, even if these two weren’t exactly strangers. It was easy to sneak around as the two needed to sleep, where as Luffy and Zoro had energy to burn.

The two bounty hunters were shocked to see Zoro train so hard, and were amazed Luffy could keep up with him. They were invited to train but didn’t last as long. “Big bro you’ve gotten a lot stronger!” Johnny praised.

“You were always strong, but you’re like a monster now!” Yosaku added.

“Thanks guys!” Zoro chuckled.

It was hard to deny Luffy was possibly an even bigger monster.

“If you guys need a cook there’s a place you can find one, the Baratie!” Yosaku said.

“We are a few days away from it’s location.”

“Sounds good to me!” With Luffy’s navigation skills they set a course for the floating restaurant the Baratie.


Johnny and Yosaku were in the men’s cabin, Luffy was in his, and Zoro was supposedly keeping watch.

“Hey Johnny, I’ve been thinking.”

“What is it?”

“This ship is kinda nice, and Big Bro Luffy seems like a great captain, and Big Bro Zoro...I’ve never seen him so happy

“What are you getting at, and when did he become our big bro?!” Johnny hissed referring to Luffy.

“It’s just that, I’ve been thinking, we bragged about our successes so Big Bro Zoro wouldn’t worry, but things have been rough for us lately.” They weren’t having much luck as Bounty Hunters. He wouldn’t have eaten the bad fruit if they weren’t stretching the bill.

“What are you getting at?”

“I was thinking, maybe we should join Big Bro Luffy’s crew.”

“What?!” Johnny yelled, and jumped up. He caused his cot to flip and he fell out of bed. “Oww!” He got up. “You want to become a stinking pirate?”

“I dunno...maybe...Big Bro Zoro became a pirate, and Big Bro Luffy is a pirate but he’s not like the pirates we’ve met before.” Johnny’s hand balled into a fist, finding it hard to dispute that. “You’ve seen how strong they are, maybe if we stay, we can get stronger too!”

A hard fact to dispute, if Luffy and Zoro hadn’t found them, Yosaku would have died. Yosaku owed his life to them. “I don’t know, something seems odd. It’s like there is something going on between those two. I can’t put my finger on it, but until I know I can’t trust Luffy!”

Yosaku didn’t think that was fair, after all they had kept things from Zoro when they traveled together. A fact that made Johnny blush.

“Well we only have a few days until we reach Baratie, just think about it cause then we’ll have to make a choice. Leave or stay.” Johnny got back in his cot.

“I’ll think about it.”

“Would it really be so bad? We’d be with Big Bro Zoro again, and Big Bro Luffy is really cool too!”

“I said I’d think about it!”


“If...If I said leave, would you leave me and stay with them?” Yosaku got out of his cot and took his hand.

“No, I’ll respect your decision I promised to be by your side remember.” Yosaku kissed Johnny. “I love you my stubborn idiot!”

“I love you too!” The two kissed again.

To be continued Caught in the Act
On the way to the Baratie Zoro and Luffy are feeling a little frisky. The coast seems to be clear but Zoro gets a little too loud. Johnny and Yosaku catch them leading to some surprising revelations.


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