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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Satoru Mikami/Rimuru Tempest Incubus 9 inches soft, 17 hard

Passive Skills: Glow Ball, Dragon Wing, Regeneration, Null Pain skill, High Stamina Skill, Harem Ruler, Healing Saliva, Water Manipulation, Rain Conjuring, Enhance Body, Enhance Strength, Enhance Tail, Magic Sense, Sense Heat Source, Wall Crawl, Body Armor, Keen Smell, Night Vision, Pheromone Control, Wind Manipulation

Resistances: Thermal Fluctuation, Silence, Confusion, Blind, Pheromone, Sonic Attack, Pain Nullification,

Offensive Skills: Flash, Water Blade, Dragon Roar Skill, Water Dragon Roar, Lust Dragon Roar, Dragon Drive, Coil, Poison Breath, Paralysis Breath, Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Blood Drain, Ultra Sonic Waves, Spiked Tail, Hair Needle, Menace, Iron Claw, Air Rend,Tornado Claw,

Unique Skills: Predator, Great Sage, Lustful

Incubus Skills: Fly, Love Scope, Pleasure Shock, Man Milk Drink, Sexy Beam, Healing Touch, Kiss Bomb, Lust Force, Float, Flexibility, Energy Drain, Lust Needle, Perfume Femur

Magic: Water, Wind,

Squishy: Green Slime
Sllime Skills: Absorb, Dissolve, Minimize, Mimic, Synthesis 1, Self-Regeneration
Green Slime Skills: ???
Beast Slime: ???
Incubus Blessing

Chapter 5 Hobgoblins and Lunacentaurs?

Rimuru began naming the Goblins first. In honor of the fallen son and brother, he gave the elder the name Rigurd and the brother Riguru. He wasn’t the most creative with the names, Gobta, Gobchi, Gobzo, Gobtsu, Gobte, Gobto, they were so happy with the names though...it made the incubus feel a little bad.

He did mix it up as best he could, giving one of the girls the name, Haruna but he did name ALL the goblins. Then came the direwolves who were looking adorable and eager to get names. Their tags wagging like a bunch of good boys.

Then one with the star mark on his forehead Rimuru named him Ranga. The next wolf had white marks on the paws, so Rimuru named him Mittens. Another wolf was an elegant blue color, his coat just seemed to shine more than the others, so Rimuru named him Blue. Rara, Ruru, Roro, a trio of brothers. Fluff, Ruff, and Tuff for some females.

There wasn’t that many direwolves, so Rimuru started naming them after some doggos. “And you’ll be Scout!” The direwolf glowed. ‘There that is the last one...ehh…’ His body pulsed.

A wave of exhaustion hit him at once. ‘Huh?’ His eyes grew heavy and he stumbled back a bit. ‘What’s going on?”

“Master!” “Rimuru-sama!” He heard them say, but they sounded miles away.

‘I feel so tired all of a sudden.’ His legs went numb and he fell back. Squishy expanded to the size of a beanbag chair and caught him.

Notice: Magicule levels are low, monster hibernation mode activated.

‘Ehh what...happened...why…’ He couldn’t keep his eyes open and everything went dark.

Three days later…

“Mmm…” His eyes fluttered. It was weird as this was the first time he’d slept since coming to this world. His high level of magicules made it so he didn’t need to sleep as he recovered them both naturally and through the...incubus way…

Rimuru stretched and yawned, feeling fully charged. “Lord Rimuru, you’re awake!” The incubus blinked as a stud approached him. “I’m so glad!”

‘Who’s this hottie?’ Rimuru blinked. He was a goblin, but he was tall and muscular, toned arms and legs, firm pecs and rock hard abs, the loin clothe he was wearing was doing nothing to hide his impressive cock, the tip peaking out from underneath. ‘Wait...I recognize that bandana?’

He pointed at him. “Riguru?” The hobgoblin smiled.

“Indeed Lord Rimuru!” The incubus looked him up and down.

“You...got a growth spurt.” Riguru chuckled.

“I’ve evolved, it’s all thanks to the name you bestowed upon me!” To say Rimuru was confused was an understatement.

Notice: Giving a name to a monster bestows them some of your magicules, allowing them to evolve into a new monster. Riguru evolved from a Goblin into a Hobgoblin.

‘So naming all the monsters caused my magicules to deplete and I went into...hibernation?’ He sighed. “How long was I asleep?”

“Three days.” Riguru said in a chipper tone.

“Three days?!” Rimuru sniffed himself and looked himself over. He was clean.

“Not to worry Lord Rimuru, your body was well taken care of. Ranga, Squishy, and myself have seen to you in rotation.” It was currently his turn. They cleaned him, kept him warm, and sheltered. “Now that you are up, would you like some food?”

Rimuru licked his lips. “You know what I am kinda hungry.”

“What would you like to eat?” Riguru stood up, allowing the incubus to get a peek at his cock.

“You!” With a swipe of his claw, the hobgoblin’s loin clothe was sliced off.

“Gah!” Riguru gasped as his long green goblin dick became exposed. The incubus drooled at the sight of it, long and hefty, the balls looked so plump and full of cum.

The incubus pounced on him. “I hope you don’t mind?” Riguru blushed.

“I don’t mind at all, in face...I’m honored!” He hooked his legs and pulled them to his chest. His penis twitched and began to rise. “I’m all yours Lord Rimuru!”

Rimuru smirked. He kissed the hobgoblin. “Mmm~!” His dick jumped to stand at attention and began to leak pre-cum wildly. Such a short kiss had Riguru panting and drooling, his heart beating wildly in his chest. “Wow!”

One kiss had his whole body hot and bothered, his inverted nipples popped out hard and lewd. His muscles had a lustful glow to them like he just went through six rounds of amazing sex. His cock was twitching like it was ready to blow, pre-cum oozing out and making rivers in the grooves of his abs.

Rimuru was hungry, three days was too long for an incubus to not have cock or semen. He moved down Riguru’s body until he was face to face with his dick. His musk was strong and it had the incubus’s mouth watering.

He took a deep breath through his nose, savoring the aroma like a fine wine. “Mmm~!”  He could wait no more, he had to taste.

His tongue dragged along that sizable goblin sausage, and the taste was even better than the smell. Truly a meal worthy for a hungry incubus. One he savored by licking every tasty inch, even going as far to suck on each of his nuts. He bathed the sac, between slurping on the jewels. ‘So manly!’

“Lord Rimuru ohh!” Riguru panted and moaned, his penis twitching with every lick, his pre-cum overflowing when his nuts were sucked on. Rimuru licked his way back up the hobgoblin penis.

He could feel the incubus stirring his mana, causing it to pool at his groin. It made him more sensitive and pleasure was building up.

Rimuru reached the tip and teased the foreskin with his tongue. ‘Tight!’ He had to use his teeth to peel it back.

“Hhhnnn!” His toes curled. The sensitive tip was exposed and Rimuru worked it like a lollipop. His tongue swirled and swiped, teasing the glans. The tongue moved up to flick and tease his piss slit.

Pre-cum was collected and pooled over the mighty wet muscle. His essence tickled the taste buds and had Rimuru craving his seed. He wrapped his lips around the head and began to suck. “OHHH~!”

Rimuru worked the shaft and played with the massive nuts.

Riguru bucked, arching his back in pleasure, he clawed at the ground leaving scratches into the floor. “Lord Rimuru...I...I’m gonna cum!” He was shaking.

Rimuru took that information and ran with it, swallowing down the goblin cock in one go. “AHH~!” He came hard, thick seed surging down the incubus’s throat and filled his belly.

Spurt after spurt. ‘So much cum!’ Rimuru shivered in delight. ‘More!’ He sucked on Riguru’s penis, drawing out more spurts.

“Oh oh ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh~!” His arms and legs went numb as his balls tingled, growing happier as his seed was drained. ‘Lord Rimuru is amazing!’ Riguru drooled.

Ten spurts on top of an impressive orgasm. Riguru had the most intense orgasm of his life from a blow job alone. An incubus mouth was truly a powerful organ.

Rimuru savored the flavor of hobgoblin cum.

Acquired: Magic Resistance Acquired, Shadow Stealth, Offensive Skills: Fireball, Burning Hands, and Lightning Bolt, Incubus Skills Unlocked, Charm Eyes, Hypnosis, Lustful Phantasm, Detect Man

As Riguru basked in orgasm Rimuru scanned him.

He was a powerful, he was radiating a lot of mana.

Notice: The one known as Riguru has the potential to be a Goblin Shaman. Intrinsic Skills: Dark Vision, Innate Spell-casting, Innate Weapon Handling, Magic Resistance, Charm Resistance, Nimble Escape, Shadow Stealth. Passive Skills: Mending, Detect Magic, Shield, Bless, Summon Goblin, Parry. Offensive Skills: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Aqua Arrow, Stone Shot, Gale, Sleep, Charm, Shadow Bind. Magic Affinity: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning

Rimuru was shocked. ‘How did he get so strong?’ When he scanned them before he didn’t nearly have this level of ability.

Answer: When giving a monster a name and sharing your magicules, they can not only gain some of your skills but awaken to their potential.

He’d have to keep that in mind. Riguru can grow stronger by learning new spells. ‘We’ll have to find him a teacher.’

“Squish squish!” The green blob came into the hut.

“Squishy!” Rimuru hugged the blob.

“Master!” That voice sounded like.

“Oh Ran...ga?!” What entered the hut was not a direwolf. ‘A wolf...centaur?’

Answer: The direwolves have evoled into Lunacentaur, a truly rare and unique species of monster.

It really was, Ranga was looking sexy, his lower half was indeed a wolf/centaur body, his upper half was like a werewolf, he had thick furry arms, fluffy/beefy pecs, you could see his abs through soft white fur. He was rocking a wicked mane of white fur, the star mark was on his forehead and he had a small horn in the center.

“Wow you look amazing Ranga!” His tail wagged and kicked up a twister that destroyed the hut.

“Oops…” He hung his head in shame. Rimuru floated over and patted his head.

“It’s okay.” There was a lot of changes to go through.

He scanned Ranga’s body.

Notice: The one known as Ranga has gained quite a few new skills. Intrinsic Skills: Menace, Keen Smell, Thought Communication, Charge, Innate Weapon Handling, Detect Prey, Call the Pack. Wind Resistance, Lightning Resistance, Intimidation Resistance. Passive Skills: Shadow Movement, Wind Manipulation, Air Step. Offensive Skills, Twister, Lightning, Tornado Fist, Howling Blaster, Alpha Roar, Lightning Stampede.

He was the strongest of the Lunacentaurs.

The male goblins had evolved into Hobgoblins in varying ranks, the female goblins evolved into Goblinas, the direwolves had evolved into Lunacentaurs. Rimuru had to bridge the two species together so they could work in unison.

Rigurd not only regained his youth but packed on some serious muscle. Gobta weirdly looked the same but his magicules were increased. It was a little hard for the incubus to focus as everyone was practically naked! The new wolves were full on naked, their hefty nuts were distracting, and it was clear for the hobgoblins that turned into tall hunks and bodacious beauties their goblin clothes no longer fit.

Rimuru stood with Rigurd as the leader of the hobgoblins, and with Ranga as the leader of the lunacentaurs, Squishy was chilling with the incubus. They had a meeting and the two tribes would be made into one. Rimuru just had three rules, first no attacking humans. Second, no fighting among themselves. Third no belittling other races. He felt these rules were the simplest, as a former human he wanted to befriend the humans, hoping to live in peace with them. The second rule was for them to grow and develop as one big happy family, they’d have differences sure, but they needed to be united and grow together. As for the third rule he felt it was common sense and just felt right.

He had three big concerns, shelter, food, and clothes? The last one was a bit of a gray area, as an incubus he had no issue against nudity, but he doubted this world had summer year round, if they entered winter like this they’d be goblincicles, the lunacentaur would be fine, but come summer the heat would be unbearable for them.

Shelter was a problem, as the building skills were….lacking. Food might not be a problem as there was creatures in the forest to hunt, and the goblins knew where fruits grew. Ranga built a hunting party, while Riguru built a foraging party. Water was easy to collect thanks to Rimuru’s magic.

To be continued Hunting and Gathering Troubles

Insect and Plant Monsters cause trouble for the hobgoblins and lunacentaurs. Rimuru must make the save and assist.


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