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Mobseka: The World of Otome Game is Tough for Mobs parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 To the Academy

Miauler’s Pov

Master was not happy. It appeared that his efforts in capturing a dungeon, claiming a lost item, and purchasing his own island landed him a new title of baron. While I felt it was deserved, Master seemed shocked and upset at the promotion. It was in correlation to entering the academy.

The academy was split between the Advanced Class and Regular Class, for those of Baron rank and higher ended up in Advanced Class. Master hoped to enter the Regular Class and avoid any “landmines”. His concerns were warranted, there would be women much like Zola in the Advanced Class, even though Master is a low ranked Baron, his exploits were making there way through the rumor grape vine. Women could seek him out for his land or wealth. His future potential was also currently incalculable, he’s gotten so strong just on his solo training alone, at the academy he’s sure to get even stronger.

Master wished to reject his new title but that was impossible. Titles couldn’t be rejected, they could be stripped, but that was a dangerous game I hope my Master wouldn’t try anything funny.

“Once you graduate you’ll be in charge of your own Barony!” Lord Balcus informed Master.

“This can’t be true! My estate isn’t even that big!” While true master’s island was quite nice and ripe with potential. From what I learned of their early estate the Bartfort family held a baronetcy, not exactly nobles but well off. As time passed they prospered and expanded, more land, more improvements, more people, until it reached the scale of a small barony.

Then everything changed when some men from the kingdom showed up. They offered/forced the title of Baron onto master’s grandfather. I’ve been told he acted the same way as master was doing now. He didn’t want to be a baron, more so for tax reasons.

The countries taxes are based on rank, so the lower barony’s had to pay/contribute more to the kingdom. Lord Balcus as an heir to the barony had to marry a woman of higher status. Thankfully Zola chooses to live in the capital city with her second husband.

While the child of the Baron, master was not the official heir, as there were two sons in line ahead of him. He’d have been safer in the regular class but with a baron title of his own...

“I want to be in the regular class!” He cried.

“Not gonna happen.” Master looked visibly ill.

“Noooo!” It was clear, Master wanted to avoid marrying a woman at all, but that would be harder in the Advanced Class.

“Don’t cry! There are plenty of nice girls there...i think!” Not very convincing was he? Sadly women in the advanced class were as master called them minefields, even his sisters were seen as such. “That’s mean!”

The door opened to reveal his sisters Miss Finley and Jenna. Master says I do not need to show Jenna any respect until she pays back her debts. They were here on spring break and looking for more of Master’s money.

“I already loaned you money, you won’t get a scent from me until you pay me back.”

“Ugh you really are the worst, you have more money, don’t you?! Hand it over to the family!” Master did technically, but he supported the household rather than line their pockets.

Jenna was not making their financial situation better, her “expenses” were living well above her means or needs. I fear Miss Finley will pick up her bad habits. “I really wanted an elf servant...big brother is so stingy!” Too late.

Master had an annoyed look on his face while Lord Balcus had a look of shame on his face. “See?”

“Ugh...well...yeah…” Despite the understanding nothing could be done, so Master’s stress levels were on high.

“Master would you like a massage?”

“Yes…” He removed his clothes while I got the oil.

I got to work on helping Master relax. His body was truly remarkable, I could feel his muscles under my fingers and the years of training was like an open book for me.

He wasn’t soft like other nobles, Master knew how to work hard, having gotten his hands dirty in the earth. His legs were strong and firm, his feet big and sturdy. Master let out pleased sighs as I massaged his legs and feet.

I warmed the oil with magic, and the scent it gave off was a soothing strawberry. Master seemed to enjoy it, while I preferred his more natural scent. It was hard to describe but Master smelled differently than most humans, but it was nice.

Finishing both legs I moved up to his hips and rear. Master had strong hips, sturdy and firm, but in contrast his rear was so perfectly plump. My hands caressed his hips before moving to fondle his cheeks. “Mmm~!”

Master relaxed under my ministrations. I knew just how to help him relax. His cheeks were spread, exposing his tight little hole. My master gave me his cherry an honor I plan to cherish and repay.

I kissed his hole and gave it a teasing lick. “Ohh!” Not to brag but my tongue skills were well trained. His rim was traced and flicked, while I groped his cheeks.

Master’s butt was so firm yet bouncy, My fingers dug in with a strong squeeze and the tissue just bounced back. One might say you could bounce a coin off his ass. I groped these cheeks, while pushing my tongue into his ass.

He called it, eating him out, a fitting term. So eat him out I did. Master’s moans were music to my ears. This wasn’t about prep, it was about pleasure, so my tongue wiggled and curled, stirring up his insides and making him squirm.

It was best to not be a one trick beast, mixing up my tongue movements kept Master on his toes, and changed the flow of pleasure. I’m sure we made quite the show, a young baron, face down, ass up, his demi human servant face first in his ass. Making out with his hole and groping his cheeks.

Thankfully even with Jenna home for spring break we had full privacy. Plus I made sure to lock the door just in case. The only one who could get in was Master’s familiar.

Speaking of the machine came in to give a report. “Am I interrupting?” He knew he was, this creature had a seriously warped personality. I pulled my tongue free of Master’s ass, and continued on with the massage. Luxion stayed out of sight, but I was different, since it wouldn’t be efficient otherwise. Since I was close to master’s side it was a hassle to hide.

I worked his back muscles and shoulders. Any knots or tense spots were melted and Master let out pleased moans. With my tongue free from his ass, he could focus on Leon’s report. This creature was quite useful to Master so I tolerated his “sassy” attitude.

They were preparing for travel to the academy. Even my stuff was packed. “You are letting me come with you?”

“Of course, I want you by my side!” My heart fluttered.

The academy had rules, but Master would make sure it was taken care of. We wouldn’t get special treatment of course. It’d be fine, I would stay by Master’s side and protect him!

I rolled him over and exposed his impressive manhood. I’d swear Master was part horse demi-human with his size. He was so big and his musk was so strong. His balls were so large and full, even a tanuki human would be jealous.

My tongue worked along the shaft and he moaned in delight. Sucking his dick was a delight, when his penis surged down my throat it set off sparks in my brain. Thankfully I have no gag reflex so I could fully enjoy his impressive dick.

His scent filled my nose with each breath I took, it had my tail swaying in delight. It was weirdly relaxing, having something so tasty in my mouth, pleasure rippling out through my whole body. I had good music consisting of master’s moans, a wonderful aroma filling my sense of smell, I felt weirdly at peace.

My master’s climax came, and his mana poured into me. He tasted exotic, his seed having a weird kick to it I found...addictive. Not a drop was wasted and I licked my lips to savor the flavor.

Master was fully relaxed now, damn I’m good!

I enjoyed it a little too much as I had climaxed without noticing. Other masters probably would have scolded or punished me, but Leon-sama just smiled and said. “Let’s grab a bath!” Master was truly a special man, I’d be enjoying to serve him for the rest of my life.

End Pov

Leon refused to go to the academy without Miauler. Even if it cost some extra coin the feline servant was coming with him. With Luxion and Miauler by his side he felt he could weather the storm that was the academy.

Luxion went off to explore the kingdom a bit, he wanted to update his records on the New Humans.

Leon’s Pov

I wanna go home…

Thankfully Miauler was with me. It wasn’t too weird for a guy to have a male servant, though typically the girls had young hot servants while males had older servants. I looked around and saw said examples all over.

Girls had elves or demi humans carrying their bags and following them around. “Hey pick up the pace old man!” A guy kicked his elderly man servant.

“I’m sorry young sir!” Even guys after they reach a certain age can end up as servants. The ones lucky enough not shipped off to be killed for their insurance money. Zola’s group wanted a mix of both.

‘Ugh...this sucks…’ Miauler took my hand.

“Master, you don’t want to be late.” He’s really good at pulling me out of my own head.

“Ohh look it’s the Prince and his Entourage!” Sure enough there they are, the love interests from the Otome game. I’ll admit they pissed me off despite their good looks in the game, mostly because the game developers made them such a pain in the ass. After 10 years my mood has softened on them a bit. I’ll do my best to stay out of their way. Even if I’m going the BL route a Mob like me has no shot with guys that hot...right?

The Prince Julius Rapha Holfort, Mr. Tall and Handsome. He looks exactly like he did in the games, with his dark blue hair and matching eyes. He’s very honest but can’t read a room so he often said things in the game that led to trouble. He’s bright but I feel he lacked common sense.

Jilk Fia Marmoria, the prince’s foster brother. In the game I often thought Jilk had a crush on Julius with how desperate he was to be by his side. He’s usually cool and calm but can act out when something threatens Julius. It’s weird he’s a lot like Angelica in the game but isn’t treated the same. Just like in the game he had that striking forest green hair with matching eyes.

Greg Fou Seberg, he’s tall and the most sculpted of the group. He’s certainly cute with his wild red hair and matching eyes, he was just a pain in the games because he refused to use certain equipment. Playing his route he’d keep jumping into fights leaving no time to prepare for battle.

Then there’s Chris Fia Arclight, the son of the sword saint. He’s got light blue hair with matching eyes, and wears glasses just as he did in the game. Out of the five I felt bad for Chris as he had a serious complex trying to live up to his father’s legacy, which was rare from these guys. He was rather withdrawn in the game and didn’t talk about his feelings which made his romantic route a royal pain. His skills with the sword are great, but he could do a lot more.

Last but not least Brad Fou Field. Brad oh Brad, a serious flirt in the game, a true playboy narcissist, his route was the easiest but he had such an ego about him. His hair was purple and his eyes matched just like in the games. He made my life hell because all the girls he flirted with always targeted the game’s protagonist. Brad was the magic caster of the game, but that didn’t stop him from rushing in trying to prove himself and get himself killed.

Hopefully they aren’t as bad as they were in the games, there is more to this world I’ve found. Well good luck guys try not to die, treat the protagonist well so we don’t end up in the war ending.

I spotted Miss Angelica and her entourage. In the games she was the prince’s fiancee and the antagonist, she loved to stir up trouble. She couldn’t control her temper and ended up bringing about her own downfall. I don’t want to get involved with her that’s for sure.

She’s still the daughter of a duke, a level of nobility second only to the royal family. Seeing them in person they do radiate some kind of aura. If they are here that means she’s here...the protagonist Olivia. A commoner who’s destined to become the saint. I doubt she’d interact with a mob like me, but if I see her I’ll give her a hand if I can, I do owe her a favor/debt. We can still be friends, nothing wrong with that.


A lot of the first year guys met up at the tavern to have a pow wow. “Master I’ll see to it that our room is prepared, I’ll collect you later.” He’s so great, it’s always nice to have a designated sober friend when you go out drinking.

The third years had done all this as a welcoming party for the new first years. I didn’t recognize anyone from the games so I’m guessing they are mobs like me.

I started chatting it up with a guy named Daniel Fou Durland, he has blonde hair and tan skin. He was a bit worried about this year as with Big Five the chances of getting with girls was low. It was a shame, Daniel is a cutie. He was already looking down on himself because of his rank and financial status.

Another guy joined out conversation. Raymond Fou Arkin, he was a glasses wearing cutie, with green-blue hair and matching eyes. We had fun chatting back and forth when a third year named Rukul approached me. “Hey you are that new first year, that crazy one who took on a dungeon!?”

“I’m really not that special.” I tried to play it off.

Raymond adjusted his glasses, in that cool anime way. “Don’t play stupid, you’re the third son of a baron who went out and became a successful adventurer before enrolling.” Rumors of my feat reached Raymond’s house and the capital, just great…

“Wow, so you’re that renowned adventurer!” Daniel gushed. I actually felt bad, they were praising me so much but in reality.

“There wasn’t any other way...I had to make money or I was gonna be sold off to a demonic hag!” My words rang true, these guys have either witnessed such events or came in close themselves. It was no wonder these guys were so desperate to find a wife, come graduation. If not they’d likely be sold off to a wife or to the army.

At this school you had three years to find a wife or build enough strength to become a knight. For mobs like us this world can be truly scary.

We partied all night, Miauler came and got me home safe and sound. Rukul made sure Daniel and Raymond got to their dorms okay. Orientation was tomorrow morning, and I remembered this from the game it was practically the same as an unskippable tutorial. Imagine starting the game over several times to 100% the routes and not being able to skip the tutorial...with the fuck game developers!!!

I was bored to tears, this was a real drag. The big five made their opening speech, but I kept tuning in and out.

“They’re here at last. I’ve waited for 10 years for these princes!” A chill ran down my spine.

“Huh?” I looked around. What was that? Who said that?

My eyes landed on a short girl and my blade ran cold, a rage I could not describe surged up within me. Why? I didn’t even know this girl and she wasn’t the protagonist, who the hell is she?

To be continued...Lacking Confidence


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