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Mobuseka: The World of Otome Game is Tough for Mobs parody: Tier 1

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Prince Punishment

Julius was blushing. “I ordered you to strip.”

“Why?” He stuttered.

“Two reasons, One, we are gonna start your punishment. Two, those clothes on your back were all bought by your parents money.” His attire was all top of the line material. “So take it off, I won’t say it again.”

Leon’s tone lit a fire inside Julius. He stripped under Leon’s watchful gaze. ‘I remember this from the hot spring event, he is hot.’ Royal life hadn’t made him completely soft. ‘He may not like it but his lessons helped sculpt that body of yours.’ Strong shoulders, toned arms, firm pecs, and some nicely developed abs, all matching the scene from the game.

“There...happy?” Julius stripped down to his boxers.

“Uh uh,” Leon made a gesture, saying the boxers needed to come off.

“You want me completely naked?”

“Aww are you shy?” Leon teased.

“I am not shy...I just…” The bluenette was out of his element here. No one had treated him like this before and it was hard to process.

“I’ll make it simple did your parents buy those fancy boxers?” Julius nodded. “Then off they go!” He blushed from ear to ear, and with one smooth motion yanked off his boxers.

Leon whistled. “Not bad, not bad at all.” The prince had a nice big cock it had to be 9 inches long uncut. His royal family jewels hung low in his sack. ‘That wasn’t in the game!’ Even if the game was R rated, you still probably wouldn’t see anything phallic without pixels, rainbows, or a white void.

“You got a pretty nice piece there.”

“Must you continue to mock me!” Julius fought the urge to cover himself.

“Jeez, learn to take a compliment would you.” Julius crossed his arms.

“What now, am I to remain naked the entire time?” Leon smirked.

“Well you don’t have money to buy any clothes, so unless I give you clothes to wear you can bet your ass you’ll be naked.” Depending on the circumstances some home servants live out their lives wearing nothing at all.

Leon took a seat. “I’m not cruel, I already have outfits for you to wear while you work.” He patted his lap. “Now then it’s time for your punishment!”

“My what?!” Julius hissed. He thought this was punishment.

“Don’t you know what happens to pets and servants who misbehave? They get punished, so park your pretty ass over my lap and we can get this started.”

“This is so...infuriating...of all the...humiliating…” He grumbled as he did as he was told. “What am I being punished for?”

“For how you talked to Angelica, you were rude, disrespectful, and acted in a manner completely innapropriate for a gentleman. Something you only got away with because you were the prince, now you aren’t so I’m gonna treat you like the bad boy you are!” Leon rubbed his hand over Julius’s firm buttocks.

‘What is with him, he makes me so angry but his words make my heart pound?’ Smack! “Ahhh!” Julius cried out, the smack came across both cheeks, and the force rippled through him. “What are you doing?!”

He squirmed but Leon held him firm. ‘He’s so strong!’

“I’m spanking you, consider it a kindness I know some twisted ladies that choose whipping as their means of discipline.” Leon shuddered at the thought. Zola made his dad punish one of her servants once.

Smack Smack Smack Smack

“Ah ah ah ah ahh!” The prince couldn’t stop the noises that escaped him. He’s never experience a spanking before, and each slap was shaking him to his core. “You...you can’t do this to me!”

“Why because you are the prince?” His words cut deep. “Face it, as much as you claim to hate your title you cling to it when it suits you. Now you got what you wanted, you are no longer the prince.” He rubbed Julius’s butt, keeping a firm grip on him. “But I’ll give you a chance to show me what kind of man you are, you can admit you’re a hypocrite and I’ll find a punishment more fitting to a prince. Or you can be a big boy, put your hands behind your back, and take your punishment like a man!”

Leon’s words hit hard, and the mob didn’t know what Julius would choose. To his delight Julius put his hands behind his back. “I accept my punishment!”

“Good boy!” Leon praised.

Doki Doki~

Julius felt his heart flutter at the praise, and his penis twitched. “Since you were so honest I’m gonna reward you instead of fifty slaps you’ll only take thirty.”

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Julius gasped. Leon was so strong each time he smacked his ass, it sent a tremor through him. His inner walls twitched as he felt that tremor right into his sweet spot. ‘What is this feeling?’

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

‘Why am I feeling like this?’ He began to sweat.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

‘This is so humiliating and yet I’m…’ He closed his eyes.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

No one had treated Julius this way. He was so lost he didn’t even realize it. As his cheeks grew red and sensitive, each swat brought a new ripple of pain, but also something else.

The closest he felt like this was when Marie slapped him. This was just so much more, the pain ripped through him like a storm and left behind lingering sparks of pleasure. The next swat bringing down another storm.

He tried to stay strong but thoughts kept shifting in his mind.

Leon was strong and could have manhandled him easily, but he treated him like a regular guy every step of the way. Doki~Doki~

It crossed Julius’s mind that with Leon’s strength his clothes would have been ripped off him, as the idea rushed through his head, he felt a surge of delight rush just as quickly to his penis. Doki~Doki~

His jabs were annoying and yet his praise made his heart flutter. “Good boy just five more!” Doki~Doki~

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

“Ahh!” Julius’s back arched. His ass had turned a lovely shade of pink, his virgin pucker was twitching and throbbing in ways it never had before. ‘Why am I so…’

“Well look here, it seems you enjoyed your punishment a little too much there!” Leon trailed a finger along the bluenette’s erection. “You are a naughty boy aren’t you Julius?”

“No!” He denied. Leon grabbed him by the balls. “Ahh~!”

“You shouldn’t lie, that’s ten more swats bad boy!” Leon’s words flipped a switch in the prince.

“I’m...ahhh~” Leon fondled his nuts. He was so confused.

“Listen up, good boys get rewards, bad boys get punishments, naughty boys can get punishments and rewards. It’s okay to be a naughty boy, if you’re honest about it, you’ll still be my good boy!” Julius gulped.

His heart kept pounding in his chest and it was so hard to think. “I...I’m...I’m a naughty boy…” He hung his head in defeat.

“There you...go!” Leon thrust his finger into Julius’s ass.

“$@#&!” He came hard, his noble seed spilled over the floor. “Your finger...in my ass…” Julius spoke trying to catch his breath.

“Feels amazing right?” Leon wiggled the digit and Julius arched his back.

“Ohhh~!” He wiggled his stinging butt.

Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~

Leon learned a little life hack that may or may not have been in the games. Thanks to Luxion’s scans he learned that all new humans had very unique bodies. Their asses existed pretty much for mating, a layer of nerve endings existed along the inner walls that made anal stimulus way more intense and potentially addicting.

Bartfort whistled away, wiggling his finger to the tune of the otome game opening. This was a life hack as this one little finger was increasing Julius’s affection for Leon like crazy.

Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~

He came again, just one finger has gotten two climaxes out of this noble prince. Leon wasn’t stopping, Marie had the prince wrapped around her finger, so he was fighting fire with fire. His tight ass was certainly wrapped around his finger.

The prince was unraveling, feelings and desires blooming inside his heart, as he spilled what made him a man across the ground. He drooled and panted, hearts appearing in his eyes and grew larger as the fingering continued.

Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~ Doki~Doki~

At his third climax the prince’s dick finally went limp. That’s when Leon sealed the prince’s fight and jabbed his sweet spot. He came while soft! The prince squirts and adds to the mess on the floor.

“How do you feel?” Leon removed the digit and Julius whined at the loss.

“A-Amazing Master!” There was no sarcasm or venom in his voice when he said master.

‘He’s really riding the lust high!’ Leon chuckled. “Well my naughty boy, you’ve made quite the mess haven’t you. That means you should be punished right?” He rubbed Julius’s pink cheeks. “How’d you like twenty more swats?”

“Please punish me master!” Julius offered his rear, shaking it lewdly and wantonly.

“Good boy!” Leon praised and Julius felt his heart flutter.


After thirty swats, ten for lying and twenty for making a mess, Julius’s ass was now a striking shade of red. His body drew from his mana pools and his cock was standing at attention.

The prince had come down from his lust high and was a bit more like his old self. “You sure came a lot, I guess you didn’t get far with Marie did you?”

“That’s...That’s none of your business!” Leon shrugged.

“It actually doesn’t matter, thanks to that duel you two won’t be seeing each other again.” Leon grabbed him by his balls again. “Just know if you even think about jerking off to her, I have a special punishment waiting for you, understand?”

“Yes master!” He shivered.

“Come along let’s go eat.” Leon had some droids clean up the mess.

Julius was having some conflicting feelings, even as he walked down the halls of the ship with his hard on bouncing away. ‘This feeling in my chest...how could I feel like this for another man...let alone Leon Bartfort!’

They entered the eating area and Julius took a seat. “Eeeiii!” His ass stung, but that just made his cock twitch.

Leon gave him some meat skewers. “Where did you get these?” Julius asked.

“If you don’t want them I’ll eat them myself.”

“No! I’ll eat them!” He took a bite. “MMM~!” Doki~Doki~

It was so good, the meat was excellent and the sauce highlighted everything about the skewer. “Where...did...you buy...these...so good!” He said between bites.

“I didn’t buy them, I made them myself.” Julius dropped the skewer.

“You made these?” He couldn’t believe it.

“Sure did, what’d you think of the sauce, I mixed it myself.” Tears poured down Julius’s cheeks. “Why are you crying?”

“I’m not crying!” He wiped his eyes.

“What did we just talk about lying?” Leon said.

“I’m sorry...I just…” Julius felt a firm hand on his head.

“You don’t have to put on heirs for me. You can be as naughty as you want, you can be as wild as you want, you can be as happy as you want.” Leon stroked his head and made Julius blush. “I see you Julius, just you!”

Leon had matched Marie’s affection level, and without love blinding him and making him stupid Julius realized one thing. ‘Marie usually calls me Your Highness, even when she has called me by my name its always Julius-sama. Did...did she really only see me for my title?’ He was now torn with his feelings for Marie and his feelings for Leon.

Bartfort could tell something had changed in the prince’s attitude. ‘I still have a lot of work to do, thankfully Marie didn’t have time to max out his affection, or this kingdom might really have been doomed.’ He’d give Julius hands on lessonsin life, much needed lessons.

He didn’t want to die, so he had to take control. He’d ramp up the capture events to an 11 if he had to.‘I’ll make that girl pay, she’s forcing my hand after all. These guys are lucky this isn’t a game, no do overs or continues. I’ll need to bring them into shape.’ He knew what to do thanks to his gamer knowledge. ‘Looks like my summer is gonna be busy. So much to do.’

To be continued...Caught A Naughty Punishment

Jullius tries to figure out his feelings by jerking off. He tries to think of Marie but thoughts keep drifting to Leon. Bartfort catches him and has a naughty punishment ready for the prince. It brings out an unexpected kinky side to the former prince.


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