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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Ash Ketchum Badges 0 Pokemon 4/6
On Hand: Pikachu, Pidgey, Poliwag, Spearow
Ring Plates: Electric/Barbed, Water/Tentacle
Abilities: Aura


Pikachu: Ability Static | Size: 5 Inches | Moves: Nuzzle, Quick Attack, Double Team, Thunder Shock*

Pidgey: Ability Keen Eye | Size 5 Inches | Moves Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust*, Quick Attack

Poliwag: Ability Water Absorb | Size 5 Inches | Moves Water Gun*, Belly Drum, Pound, Hypnosis

Spearow: ???


Toren Badges 0 Pokemon 3/6
On Hand: Bulbasaur, Oddish, Bellsprout,

Cross Badges 0 Pokemon 1/6
On Hand: Charmander

Gary Badges 0 Pokemon 5/6
On Hand: Squirtle, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Magikarp

Chapter 4 Flying Rod

The Pokemon were checked in for treatment, everyone was in rough shape but they would bounce back. Toren was torn between resting, eating, and staying by his monster’s sides. Chansey had helped patch up his wounds from the Spearow attack.

Ash patted his shoulder. “You should eat, Nurse Joy said they were okay after all, you’ll do them no good if you collapse from hunger.” Torren smiled and his stomach growled.

“Thanks Ash!” He excused himself to get some food.

Ketchum looked at his rainbow feather. ‘Arceus, I will do my best to stay on the right path!’ The feather resonated with the ring around his cock.

Ash didn’t need much treatment, thanks to his aura and blessing he had a pretty good healing factor. His cells were quick to mend and regenerate. He decided to call Professor Oak and give him an update. “Oh Ash good to hear from you!”

“Hey professor, I’m calling from the Pokemon Center in Viridian City!”

“You made it all the way to Viridian City in such a short time? You aren’t rushing your adventure are you?”

“No sir, I bumped into Toren and we had an incident with a flock of Spearow.” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“My word you boys are lucky!” Ash gave him the update on his mons, Pidgey, Poliwag, and Spearow.

“There was something else Professor, we saw a glowing Pokemon in the sky.” Ketchum played innocent to knowing of Ho-Oh, but showed the rainbow feather as proof. Someone spotted him with it and looked annoyed. “He gave us both these.”

“Remarkable!” He’d love to study it at some point.

“Professor did you by chance consider my proposal?” Ash asked.

“I did, it was well thought out, but you’ll need to do more than just convince me.” He showed Ash a map to Bill’s house. “Bill is one of the top researchers, while he likes to explore different fields and is a bit of a fanatic, his opinion is highly regarded in the Pokemon League. If you submit your proposal to him, we can beta test your theory and raise your carry limit to 9, and if you can prove your theory raising a trainer’s carry limit to 12 will be possible.” Ash bowed.

“Thank you Professor!” Bill’s place was just outside of Cerulean City so they had a long way to go. Ash wished to help restore the bonds between people and Pokemon, the bonds have been damaged to the point in this time it was believed trainers could only bond with six pokemon at a time.

The two talked a bit more, Oak telling Ketchum he could register for the Pokemon League in Viridian, and he could register for contests in Pewter. That had Ash pumped. They finished their pow wow before Ash called his mom, to let her know he was okay.

As for the eavesdropped he slipped off to go some rest and get an early start on training. Route 22 was nearby and had all sorts of Pokemon to find.

Toren returned and he had his pokemon with him. “Ash your monsters will be brought out shortly I’m just doing a final check.”

“Thanks Nurse Joy!” She left and Ash observed Toren’s Pokemon. His Bulbasaur seemed sweet, his Oddish seemed jovial bouncing around happily, and his Bellsprout seemed energetic with the way his body wiggled.

“You all are looking great, thanks so much for protecting Toren as much as you could!” The monsters blushed.

Toren smiled. ‘Ash is really special!’ He felt so calm around the raven haired trainer. “Umm Ash…”

“Pika/Poli/Pidg!” His three mons tore in and jumped Ash, interrupting Toren.

“Hey guys!” Ketchum hugged them.

Nurse Joy came out with Spearow looking edgy. “Hey Spearow, you feeling better?” The bird huffed. “Well...I guess that’s a yes...heh heh…” Ash sweatdropped.

It was late but Nurse Joy registered Ash and Toren for the league, giving them their badge case and cash cards. Toren was excited as he hoped to get funding for his research from battles. ‘I hope I can do this.’

“If you’d like to prepare for you battle in Pewter City, Route 22 is often used by new trainers.”

“Hmm Route 22?” Ash checked his Pokedex.

Dexter: Route 22 you can find all sorts of pokemon here. Rattata and Spearow are Common.

“Spearow…” Toren paled, Ketchum patted his shoulder.

Nidoran F and Nidoran M are Common, Mankey Uncommon, Ponyta and Doduo are Rare, Fearow are Ultra Rare.

There is a fishing area where Goldeen and Magikarp are common, Poliwag and Poliwhirl are Uncommon, Slowpoke and Psyduck are Rare, Gyarados is Ultra Rare

There was some interesting Pokemon Toren wanted to find. He wanted to ask Ash if they could go together. Blushing and twiddling his fingers. “Um Ash...um...I...Uh…”

“Do you wanna go to Route 22 together?” Ash asked.

“Yes!” His voice cracked. “I mean um, you don’t mind?”

“Not at all, it’ll be fun!” Ash’s smile shined like a Sunny Day.

They turned in for the night and planned to head to Route 22. Ash stayed up a bit too late, Toren had questions about how Ash handled the swarm. “Have you ever heard of Mastered Moves?”

The two stayed up talking and Ash ate with his mons. Toren had a lot of notes, he was fascinated about this phenomenon, he never read about this stuff in any textbooks. Not that he didn’t disbelieve Ash, he saw proof in the battle.

They ended up sleeping in the next day. “Sorry Toren!” He apologized.

“It’s okay.” He was up all night making notes. They had breakfast, but Spearow was still being a jerk. So Ash had to return him to his ball, but the other mons traveled outside it. The greenette was fascinated by this and called out his Bulbasaur to walk with him. “Roots come on out!”

“You give your monsters nicknames?” Toren blushed.

“Is that weird? Silly? I’m sorry!” Ash shook his head.

“It’s not silly at all or weird!” Ketchum was for the idea, he just wasn’t the best at coming up with names. He felt the time would come the names would come to him. His monsters were for it, it’d deepen their connection.

As the two headed to Route 22 they bumped into Cross. “Well well well, it’s the two losers. Have a good rest?”

“We did actually.” Cross rolled his eyes.

“You two are so pathetic.” Ash shook his head.

“We are both trainers now Cross, why don’t we settle this with a battle?”

“Bring it!” The two went to the battle arena behind the center. Toren acted as ref.

“Spearow I choose you!” Ash called out Spearow.

“You are starting with Spearow?!” Toren gasped.

“He’s a tough little guy, let’s see what he can do!” Ash checked his Pokedex.

Dexter: Spearow, Tiny Bird Pokemon, special ability Sniper. Moves: Peck, Feather Dance, Leer, Fury Attack

Feather Dance was a rare move for Spearow. Ash was excited, he thought a battle would help work out the kinks and issues between the two.

“I’ll show you, Doduo!” He called out the two headed flying type.

The battle wasn’t great for Ash. Spearow refused to listen and got attacked, he got pissed and began to fight but ignoring Ash’s commands. In the end Doduo kicked Spearow’s ass. “Absolutely pathetic!” Cross called out. “Both you and your monster!”

“Ash just got that Spearow and they working through some things!” Toren spoke up.

“Shut it you!” The greenette flinched.

Ketchum’s monsters weren’t happy. Ash returned Spearow. “We’ll keep working okay, you are a great pokemon!”

“Let me show you a real Spearow!” Cross called out his flying type.

“Pikachu, I choose you!” His starter came out.

This fight didn’t go well...for Cross. Pikachu set up a Double Team, allowing the electric mouse to dodge the angry bird’s attacks. “Nuzzle!” Pikachu pounced and zapped the flying type leaving him with Paralysis.

Pikachu finished him off with a Quick Attack and a Nuzzle. “Spearow is unable to battle!” Toren called. Ash cheered and praised Pikachu.

“Shut up!” Cross snapped. He recalled the Spearow. “Charmander crush these fools!” He called out his starter.

“Char!” The fire lizard growled. Ash’s eyes sparkled a bit, he really loved pokemon especially the starters of Kanto.

“Pikachu come back, Poliwag I choose you!” Ash set up a Belly Drum, the water type tanked an Ember, and smacked Charmander with a super charged Pound. He was down with one hit.

“You did it, great job Poliwag!”

“Ugh!” He returned Charmander. “Don’t think you won because you’re a good trainer, you only won because of type advantage!”  He pushed past them and headed to the Center. “You’ll see you aren’t worthy!”

Ash blinked in surprise. They didn’t need to head back, Ash was able to use his aura to heal and help Spearow recover.

The group went entered Route 22. Ash kept trying to work with Spearow but he wouldn’t listen. “Come on Spearow, I know you are a tough guy, but we can get stronger together!”

He huffed.

Toren was having better luck than Ash, having caught both a male and female Nidoran. “So cute!”

They took a break for some special training, Ash gave Toren tips on how to master moves, now he just had to work at it.

Ash slipped away with his Pokemon. “Spearow, I think you are a great Pokemon, and I’d like us to be friends.”

“Spear!” The mon huffed again. Ash was an impressive trainer, having stood up to the swarm of Spearow, and showed off some impressive skills and abilities. The other mons tried to talk to him but he wasn’t hearing it.

“I think I know how to break the barrier between us.” Ash took off his clothes, surprising the flying type. His natural beauty stood out, but then Ash touched the divine ring at the base of his rod. His length transformed into the flying top rod.

The ancestral rod of the fliers was truly unique, the drill of the sky. From the tip down there was a coiling ridge of flesh. It stood out like a drill, growing larger to the base. In the ancient times the flying types fucked in the air, the unique mobility allowed them to use the “sky drill” to the ultimate ability. Ash had some limitations but the rod still had some tricks. Pidgey and Spearow had hearts in their eyes, their ancestral cock was right before them.

Both monsters grew hot and horny, they squirmed as the flying rod twitched. Pidgey knew Ash needed to bond with Spearow so let him go first.

Ash spread his legs and Spearow got in close, his 4-inch dick slipping from his sheath and twitching in delight. He brought his wings in and caressed the divine rod. The feathers brushed over the spirals of flesh, tickling his length and making it twitch.

Spearow sucked on the tip and worked the shaft. Ash moaned and reached down, petting the monster. Spearow’s body leaned into the touch, his claws flexing and digging into the ground. He pulled off and licked round and round the rod down to the base.

Pre-cum began to leak out and run down the spiral like a slide. Spearow licked up the spiral, lapping up the essence.

Ash reached his climax right in time as Spearow swallowed the tip. His Flying Rod twitched and cum erupted into the monster’s mouth.

Spearow lost it and came hard, his cum splattering the ground. Ash’s semen filled his belly and he felt divine. His hole was throbbing and hungry so Spearow wanted that cock. He flew up and positioned himself over the still hard dick, before sinking down onto it. “Ohhh!”

“Spear!” His 4 incher twitched as his ass swallowed the rod. He was getting screwed, literally. The spiral of flesh rubbing at his insides as it sank in. His ass was stretched around the cock, the more he took the more the flesh spiral was felt.

This was so good, too good! He was fully seated in Ash’s lap and he felt like he was gonna blow. That didn’t stop him from riding Ash like only a flier could. He rose back up to the tip, turned around and sank back down.

He did this again, returning to facing Ash once more. It was subtle but there was differences in the positioning. Ketchum wasn’t complaining enjoying the bonding with Spearow. “Row row row row!”

After awhile he got tired, so Ash supported him and helped fuck the monster by slamming him up and down. “Row!” He moaned. Ketchum read his aura and felt he enjoyed the roughness so continued increasing the pleasure.

His hole was wrecked, the tight ring of muscle warped by the flesh spiral in the best way, it clung to the coiling ridge of man meat, making the flying type squirm and wiggle his rear in delight. The feathers tickling Ash’s legs and balls.

“Spear!” He moaned as he came, his tightness squeezing the flying rod. Ash followed suit and came deep into Spearow’s body. The cum ran down the spiral of his unique rod and leaked out, spilling over his balls.

Spearow pulled off and began to clean up, lapping up the balls before returning to this rod. He’d be more open to listening to Ash from now on.

Ash didn’t stop and gave his other monsters a taste and ride on his Flying rod. Pikachu, Poliwag, and of course Pidgey loved it. Even if it wasn’t their preferred type, Ash was an amazing lover and they enjoyed being with him.


Toren had been working with Bulbasaur on mastering a move, and they managed it. The greenette was so happy he went to tell Ash the good news. ‘Oh my!’ What he saw surprised him, not only was Ketchum mating with his mons, but his cock was...wow! ‘Ash…’ His cheeks burned in a blush and his cock stirred in his pants.

When he started mating Pidgey Toren reached into his pants and began playing with his penis. ‘This is amazing!’

After breeding Pidgey he went onto Pikachu. ‘He’s got so much stamina!’ Toren came into his pants.

Seeing their wrecked holes made Toren’s insides get hot. Ash was so passionate, the mating erotic, Toren recovered and got hard again. ‘Oh wow!’ He saw Ash’s cock revert back to human form. ‘Ash...just who are you!?’

Ketchum didn’t just stroke his libido but also his curiosity. The desire to travel with Ash growing stronger.

To be continued...Rare Catch and Team Rocket

Ash and Spearow do some training and run into a rare encounter Ponyta. Ash catches it and the group returns to the center where they encounter Team Rocket. Toren and Ash must fend them off.


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