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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Redux

Chapter 1 

Ash; Badges 0 Pokemon 1/9

TM: Dig

Ekans: Ability - Intimidate
Moves: Bite, Wrap, Acid, Glare -x- TM Move: Dig -x- Signature Move: Fast Acting Poison

Koga; Gym Leader, Pokemon: 9

TM: Toxic

Arbok, Weezing, Two Koffing, Grimer, Muk, Golbat, Tentacruel, and Venomoth.

Janine; Gym Leader In-Training, Pokemon 3

Venonat, Tentacool, and Koffing

Chapter 2 Ash’s First Pokemon and the Rainbow Feather

Ash was sleeping peacefully with Ekans by his side. The two were getting a good night’s rest before setting off on their journey. One of his ceiling tiles opened and his father peeked inside. ‘Time to test your ninja skills.’ He silenced Ash’s alarm clock. Without saying a word, he launched a sneak attack.

He used a special made device, when it struck Ash’s bed, some pink goo burst out and seemingly trapped Ash and Ekans. “Too soft, perhaps you aren’t ready to leave after all.” No response. “Ash?” He checked the body in the bed and it was a doll, and the Ekans was a plush. “Nani!?”

Suddenly a ball rolled out from under his bed. Boom! It was a smoke bomb; the room filled with red smoke. Koga went on the defensive. “You gave yourself away boy!” He went to get his son from under his bed, but was met with a pair of golden eyes. “Ekans?!”

“Ninja Art: Glare Jutsu!” Ekans’s eyes glowed and Koga became paralyzed.

Ash jumped from his hiding spot and tied his old man up. “I’m used to your tricks old man. Nice job Ekans!” He gave Ekans a low five, which Ekans met with his tail.

“Not bad boy…” It was Koga’s loss this time. Ash gave him some paralysis heal and was able to get some sleep.


The next morning was met with tears. Koga’s Pokemon were so upset that Ash was leaving to start his journey. Muk and Grimmer were giving him lots of hugs, as the Koffing twins and Weezing cried above his head. “Now now, I’m just going off on my journey, it’s not like we’ll never see each other again.”

“He’s right, he’ll be coming for the Soul Badge sooner or later. Son, know that I won’t be giving it up easily not even for you.” He got no response and Koga saw why.

The mons still piled on Ash crying and not wanting him to go. Ash giggled while Koga sighed. His monsters had become attached to his son, and rightfully so. He played with them, and often helped take care of them. Things were getting out of hand, Tentacruel had even tried to hold the boy back, but he escaped with some substitution. “Hehe, I promise I’ll be back and I’ll be even stronger.”

Koga still wasn’t happy about this, but believed after Ash had his journey he’d be ready to take over as Gym Leader. He was still determined for his son to succeed him.

Arbok was giving some advice to Ekans to be a better monster. He wanted Ash safe; Ekans swore to do him proud. They finished packing and Ash said goodbye to his father and sister.

Janine was happy her brother was leaving, she hoped to prove to their father that she was ready to take over the gym. With Ash gone, it would be easier to prove herself. Make no mistake she still cared about him, but the way Koga treats Ash couldn’t help but feel jealous. The fact Ash didn’t want to be gym leader helped ease some tension.

Ketchum and Ekans left and registered for the League at the local center, before they headed to Route 18. “We got a long way to go to reach Celadon City, you ready buddy?”


Ash checked his Pokedex and found the local pokemon were Rattata, Spearow, and Doduo. They went searching in the grass and they first spotted a Rattata. “My first Pokemon catch!” Ketchum trembled with excitement.

He had Ekans attack, but the normal type quickly ran away. “Aww man!” The poison type hung his head. “It’s okay, we’ll work together next time.” Ekans was determined and looked for signs of another monster. He detected some footprints and followed them.

The next monster they find was the flying type Doduo. Ash checked his Pokedex.

Dexter: Doduo the Twin Bird Pokemon, a Normal and Flying Type. A bird monster with two heads, that makes up for its poor flying with its fast foot speed. Doduo’s two heads contain different set of brains, the two heads never sleep at the same time, taking turns sleeping and keeping an eye out for predators. It lives on grassy plains where it can see a long way, if it spots an enemy it will run away.

Hearing this the two prepared. Ash had Ekans dig underground. “Ninja Art: Shadow Movement!” Ketchum moved among the shadows, masking his presence as he got closer to Doduo.

One head was grazing while the other was looking out for danger. ‘So cool!’ He readied a monster ball.

Ekans springs up and attacks Doduo, but the Normal/Flying type dodged it. It tried to run away but Ash surprised him. Doduo let out a cry before trying to run away. “Ninja Art: Fast Acting Poison Jutsu!” He called for Ekans’s Signature Move.

Doduo got hit, taking damage, and becoming poisoned and confused. The two heads began to fight each other while the poison sapped their strength away. Ash threw the monster ball with the skill of throwing a shuriken, the ball curved and hit Doduo.

It sucked the monster up. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! The ball sealed closed and Doduo was registered in Ash’s Pokedex. The confusion was dispelled Ketchum called out Doduo and treated him with some Antidote and Potion. “Hey Doduo, welcome to the party!”

By catching the pokemon a bond was formed. Ash’s kindness and forward thinking gave a positive impression of the trainer. Ketchum scanned him with his Pokedex and learned what moves he had.

Doduo Ability: Early Bird
Moves: Peck, Quick Attack, Fury Attack, Pluck (TM Move: Empty)
Signature Move: Wild Kick (Normal) After delivering a powerful kick Doduo escapes the battle and returns to the ball.

“You got some good moves Doduo, but on your Peck I got a good idea!” The two heads looked at each other in confusion. Ash started some training with Doduo and Ekans, with the ninja training they were able to enhance one of Doduo’s moves.

“Ninja Art: Double Peck!” Doduo was able to strike twice using peck. Ninja arts took a pokemon’s body and heightened it with certain moves. Doduo was amazed at the power, with Double Peck learned he could make two strikes, a peck with each head.

His trainer was so cool.

They took a break for lunch, Ekans was enjoying a special blend of food for poison types. Ash made Doduo a basic food blend, that was still quite tasty. He did make a rookie mistake by giving him one plate of food.

It started off fine but at the last bite of food, the two began to bicker over it. “Hey now guys, there is plenty more.”

“Spear!” A Spearow swooped in and stole their food.

“Duo Duo!” Ash’s Flying type snapped and squawked. Spearow ignored him, having taken to a tree.

“That wasn’t nice Spearow!” It didn’t care and taunted them. Spearow snatched a berry from a tree and shot Doduo a sneer. The two got pissed and jumped.

He closed the distance and used Pluck. Spearow got hit and stole the berry. He got a knot on his head and Doduo enjoyed the fruit. Getting hit and having his berry stolen angered the angry bird monster.

“SPEAROW!” It let out an angry cry.

“Oh that’s not good!” From Koga’s lessons he learned some pokemon can call for help. ‘It’s a swarm!’

Spearow from all over the area gathered in a rage and began attacking the trio. “Ninja Art Glare Jutsu!” Ekans’s eyes flashed and managed to paralyze a few who met his gaze. “Ninja Art Double Peck Jutsu!” Doduo attacked two Spearow with a Peck each.

The swarm attacked, even going after Ash. “Gah, Ninja Art Aura Pulse!” He unleashed a burst of aura that scattered a few Spearow. Some attacked Ash, and he tricked them into attacking a log with the substitution jutsu. “There’s just too many of them to fight, but they are so fast I don’t know if we can escape.”

Doduo and the lead Spearow locked eyes. “Do Do!” They cried and lifted Ash up onto his back. Ekans understood and coiled up his trainer’s body. The land bird monster took off like a rocket.

Ash hung on as he rode his pokemon to escape the swarm. The Spearow gave chase flying after them. Ketchom tried to focus on driving while Ekans focused on damage control. Spearow kept swooping in to attack them, so Ekans fought them off with Acid, Glare, and Fast Acting Poison.

They ran from route 18 to 17, and ended up getting on the cycling road. There was some protests from the toll booth man. “Sorry Emergency!” The swarm of Spearow chasing after him made that clear.

A storm brew over head and the rain began to pelt the road. The cyclists got off the road, which left it open for Doduo and the Swarm to pass through at crazy speed. Lightning flashed overhead as Ketchum did his best to navigate.

The speed plus the slippery road conditions led to their fall. Spearow let out a cry of victory and the swarm dessended upon their prey. The barrage of Peck and Fury Attack was insane. Ekans did his best to protect Ash but ran out of PP.

“No...this isn’t the end…” Ash got up, aura radiating off him in waves. “I am Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Ninja, and I will become a Pokemon Master. Hear me Spearow!” He brought his hands together, focusing his energy into an attack. “You wanna attack me fine, but I will protect my friends!”

Spearow took it as a challenge and with a cry that attributed to. “GET HIM!” the swarm dove down to attack.

“Ninja Art!” Ash’s eyes glowed blue. “Aura Burst!” He opened his hands forming a sphere. The ball burst releasing a huge wave of destructive aura. Ash took the brunt of the blast and the swarm got leveled.

It was over…

They had survived…

Ekans and Doduo came over to him and nuzzled up against him.

As the skies cleared Ash saw a glowing gold pokemon fly threw the sky, leaving behind a rainbow in his wake. As it’s mighty wings flapped a feather fell from it and drifted to Ash. The ninja was drawn to it, and grasped it with the last of his strength.

The rainbow wing glowed, offering a gentle aura that healed some of their wounds. Ash was still in bad shape, so Doduo and Ekans got him up and they rushed him to Celadon City’s Pokemon center. Thankfully an Officer Jenny found them and gave them a lift.

Ash’s adventure just got started and he’s caught a pokemon, trained, raced through three routes and made it to Celadon City in record time, survived a swarm, and caught a glimpse of an amazing Pokemon. Not a bad start for his first day!

To be continued Celadon Gym...not enough mons to enter?!


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