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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Companions

Ash was so proud of Gible for evolving into Gabite. “Are you alright Garchomp?”

“Gar!” Ketchum chuckled.

“I’m glad!” Froakie eyed him in amazement.

Clemont and Bonnie reunited with Ash and they walked back to Sycamore’s lab. Garchomp was returned and Ketchum used magic to repair the lab. “Amazing!”

“What about your broom?” Bonnie asked.

“Sadly that was lost in the scuffle, it was reduced to ashes.” Restoration had limits. “I can make a new broom eventually but looks like I’ll be walking for awhile.”

“So...you’ve never been to Kalos before?” Bonnie asked.

“My first time.”

“So you could use a tour guide?”

“I suppose so.” She grinned.

“Well, my brother and I have to go on a journey, we could go together!”

“Bonnie!” Clemont gasped.

“What?!” She whistled innocently. “Traveling together would be safer and more fun.”

Ash looked at Clemont. He blushed and looked away. “I don’t think your brother likes me very much.” Bonnie sweatdropped.

‘These two are both hopeless.’ She knew her brother had a thing for Ash, it was as obvious as the glasses on his face.

Sycamore met with Clemont, he needed help and the good professor was happy to give him a starter they had one left besides Froakie. “Here, you can use this pokemon on your journey.” He called out Fennekin.

“So cute!” Bonnie squeed.

This was the Kalos fire starter. While Clemont met with his new pokemon Ash was checking on his new Gabite. He had the ability Sand Veil, his moves were Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Sandstorm, and Dig. “You’ve gotten even stronger Gabite, I’m so proud of you!” He pats his head.

“Ga Gabite!” He was pleased.


“Come on Clemont, why can’t we travel with Ash?”

“We gotta focus on getting Gym Badges to take back the gym.”

“He could help us!” Clemont shook his head.

“We don’t need his help!” Bonnie crossed her arms, not caring for his tone or stubborness.

“Don’t forget who got us into this mess in the first place. I should just tell dad.” She got up and Clemont stopped her.

“Please don’t tell dad, we can fix this, I can fix this!” He pleaded.

“Clemont I’m also starting my journey too ya know.”

“I know that.”

“Why don’t you wanna travel with Ash? He seems really cool!” Clemont blushed and looked away. ‘Good grief!’

“Ash is really nice and strong, we could learn a lot from him and he can help us prepare for the other gyms,” She had a point. “Don’t let your pride ruin a good thing.”

He may have been a gym leader but he had two untrained Pokemon and he’d have to earn 4 badges to get his gym back, plus defeat Clembot. Bonnie pointed out he already asked Professor Sycamore for help why not Ash. “We can travel with him, but I won’t ask him for help on this one.”

‘Why are you so stubborn?’ She hoped Ash could loosen him up a bit.

He cleared his throat. “So go ahead and tell him.”

“Oh no, I already tried, he thinks you don’t like him now, and we both know that’s not the case.” Clemont’s cheeks burned so much his glasses fogged up. “Now you gotta ask him, better hop to!” She slapped his butt and he stumbled towards the door.

Just as he reached it, the door opened and Ash stood in the doorway. The two were so close to kissing, so VERY close, time slowed down in the moment, but Clemont tripped and the blonde fell on top of Ash. ‘So close!’ Bonnie groaned.

“Are you okay Clemont?” The blonde bolted upright.

“I’m fine!” He squeaked. “A-Are you okay?”

“I’m alright.” Ash sat up.

“Say Ash...umm...do you think...maybe...we could travel together?” He twiddled his fingers.

“Are you sure?” Clemont nodded. “Sure, it sounds like fun!”

The blonde’s heart skipped a beat. He was giddy, he tapped his chest trying to keep his heart from racing. Didn’t work…

Bonnie sighed. ‘These two are gonna need a lot of work.’ Clemont was stuck in a rut, she felt Ash would be good for him.

He found Ash interesting, and was in awe of his bravery the fact he was quite lovely only added to the problem. When he fell on him, Ketchum reacted fast covering Clemont with his arms to make sure no harm came to him. ‘Why is he like this, he’s gotta be crazy?!’ He cared about people and pokemon the same. The magic user was like a puzzle Clemont wanted to solve.

After a short rest they headed out but were quickly stopped by Froakie. “Ash, I think Froakie wants to be your Pokemon.” Sycamore explained.

“Really?” Ash got excited. The Kalos water starter nodded. Ketchum took up the ball and called for Froakie, the water type jumped up and fist bumped the ball and he was sucked in. The ball pinged instantly. He got a new friend and two companions. “So what’s your goals?”

“Our goals?” Clemont repeated to stall time to think of an answer.

“Yeah, my goal is to become a pokemon master, I wish to learn all I can about pokemon, and hone my magic to bring people and monsters together.” It was an ambitious goal.

“Hmm, well I’ll certainly be making the world a better place with my science. By learning more about pokemon my inventions will only get better and I can improve the lives of both.”

‘They are both striving to make the world better, just one by science the other by magic. They are perfect for each other!’ Bonnie swooned.

“What about you Bonnie?” Ash asked.

“Well...I just love Pokemon so much, so I wanna try out lots of different things before I decide on a single path to travel.” Having seen her dad and brother focus on a single path, made her want to keep her options open.

“I’m gonna challenge the Kalos League, so I’m gonna need 8 Gym Badges.”

“My brother’s gonna be taking on the Gym Challenges too!” Bonnie piped in.

“Are you entering the Pokemon League Clemont?”

“I have my reasons.” Sycamore gave them directions to the Pokemon Center where they could register for the League.

“Are you really entering the Kalos League, Clemont-sir, this might cause a stir?” Nurse Joy asked.

“Shh, it’s only temporary I swear!” He got registered, and it would cause a stir, a gym leader entering the Kalos League how could it not.

Just as word of Clemont’s Gym Challenge run circulated the League news. The Garchomp incident was televised alerting others of Ketchum in the area. “He’s here in Kalos!” A spark of rivalry was ignited.


‘So he’s here in Kalos, but he won’t stop me.’ A shadowy figure moved. ‘Once I unlock the Fairy Rune, I’ll be able to undo your binding spell. Oh Ash Ketchum you have no idea the mystical powers lurking here in Kalos. They will be mine and I will crush you!’


They decided to travel to Santalune City for their first badge. Route 4 was the swiftest route so off they went.

Bonnie was so excited. She reminded Ash a lot of Max. From the tall grass out came a Ledyba. “So cute!”

“Bonnie, you’ll need to battle it to catch it!” Clemont called out.

“Right!” She grabbed Elec’s ball. “Elec I choose you!” The Electrike came out and his body sparked. “Use Thunder Wave!”

He unleashed a purple bolt of energy and Ledyba became paralyzed. The bug type got off a Supersonic, Elec got confused, but managed to land a Tackle. “Monster Ball go!” Bonnie flung the ball and it hit, sucking Ledyba up.


“I did it, I did it, I caught my first pokemon!” She bounced around.

“Nice work Bonnie!” Clemont praised.

Ash came over and helped treat Ledyba. “There good as new!”

“Thanks Ash!” She hugged her new Pokemon.

They continued on the route and Clemont spotted a Budew. He wasn’t sure about catching it. “Don’t you wanna catch different Pokemon to study?”

“Right!” Plus this would be a good battle for his new Fennekin. He called out the fire fox.

“Fenn!” He chirped happily.

“Use Ember!” The fire type conjured a fire ball and spat it at the grass type. It used Absorb, but it wasn’t very effective. “Now use Scratch!”

Fennekin pounced onto Budew and scratched him up. “Monster Ball Deploy!” From his backpack the Aipom Arm came out and it was holding the ball, it flung the ball at precise speed. It sucked Budew up.


‘Now I have a Normal Type, a Fire Type, and a Grass type.’ The gears in his head began to turn at the possibilities.

Ash felt they could celebrate so he prepared lunch. “Aport!” He conjured a small cauldron. Ketchum began to make a stew. “I’ll cook us something yummy!”

“Pika!” Pikachu cheered. With a snap of his fingers Ash was wearing a red apron.  He conjured some flames and began to prepare.

The glasses wearer began working on some inventions, when a tasty smell drew him over. He looked into the pot.

“Is...is that our lunch?” Clemont asked, shock and horror in his voice.

“Uh huh!” He said happily. The witch conjured up different ingredients and they were added to the pot.

“But it’s purple!” Purple with all sorts of unidentified things floating in the pot. Ash stirred and stirred.

“What’s that floating in there?” Bonnie asked.

“It’s a secret ingredient!” He chuckled.

“Hmm, well it smells good!”

‘We are not eating that witch brew!’ Ash hummed softly.

Ketchum’s strange concoction was drawing attention. Pikachu got out bowls for the monsters. “Lunch time!” He called out Gabite and Froakie. The ninja-esk monster was a bit concerned at the sight of the strange meal his trainer created.

Gabite was salivating and Pikachu’s tail was wagging. ‘Could it actually be good?’ Ash dished out the servings.

“Dig in!” Pikachu and Gabite didn’t hesitate. They dug in and convinced the others to try.

“Yeeeee!” The pokemon squeed in their own unique way. They savored every bite, and even licked the plates clean.

Bonnie gave it a try. ‘It looks a mess, but tastes so good!’ She drooled. “This is amazing!”

‘There is no way!’ His hand trembled as he hesitantly brought it to the stew. He took a bite. ‘Oh my...Arceus…’ He cried tears of joy. ‘How...how can something so strange looking taste so good…?’ Clemont stuffed his face, every bite was a burst of explosive flavors.

The blonde squirmed, the flavors were making his body get hot. Like the brew was poured over him dissolved his clothing and made him feel hot from the inside out. Each new bite was another layer of sensation, on the final bite the dam burst forth and Clemont had a foodgasm!

Ash’s dish knocked him flat, his whole body shaking. “Pretty good huh?”

‘Good...I think I jizzed my boxer!’ He gulped and licked his lips.

“Oh wow and I thought Clemont was a good cook!” Bonnie sighed happily.

While Ash’s cooking didn’t always look the best, it was seasoned with love and passion. Using magic Ash was able to channel his feelings into his meals, transforming them into something otherworldly. Pokemon loved it, and certain people loved it too.

The aroma from the cauldron drew in two unique pokemon to this area. A Dedenne and a Fletchling.

To be continued


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