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Pocket Monsters Parody: Phone Fic/Tier 1

Kanto League Advanced

Chapter 1 

Ash has gotten all 8 gym badges, and now has three months to prepare for the league. This means catching, training, and bonding with his pokemon.

Ash's Pokemon : Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charizard, Krabby, Muk, Primeape, Hitmonchan, Mimey (Mr. Mime), Tauros x 30

Time until the league starts 2 months and 2 weeks

Chapter 2 Charizard Chills

Charizard thought he was ready for this challenge. He believed Ash would use Pikachu, Squirtle, and Krabby, going for type advantage to try and win. In his mind Krabby was no threat, Squirtle wasn't strong enough to beat him and he could avoid his water attacks by flying. Pikachu was Ash's starter and he had the most experience, but he wasn't evolved so he lacked some punch.

Some wild cards would be Mimey and Tauros. 'It doesn't matter who he sends against me, I'm the strongest!' He was Ash's strongest pokemon in his mind. In some aspects this was true, but he was so blinded by his pride he didn't realize that Ash had grown and that growth was being shared by the others.

Ash readied his first Pokemon. "Bulbasaur I choose you!" He called out the Grass/Poison type.

Charizard rolled his eyes and shook his head. 'I knew it he's hopeless.' He stomped forward and growled. His attempts to intimidate Bulbasaur didn't work.

The two had some back and forth, Bulbasaur had known him since he was a Charmander. His outbursts put up a wall between them, and it was time for that wall to come down. He may have had type advantage but Bulbasaur wasn't backing down. He had trust in Ash and their training.

"Bulbasaur start with a Razor Leaf!" A barrage of leaves came with razor sharp force. Charizard countered with Fire Spin destroying the leaves. He huffed and smirked. His arrogance was showing. "Now Vine Whip!"

The vines shot out and Charizard let the attack hit, believing it would be nothing. They hit and the fire type was knocked back a little bit. "Char?" He was shocked by the power behind a not very effective move.

It was Bulbasaur's turn to smirk. The fire type glared and let out a roar. Ash praised Bulbasaur's growth. Charizard unleashed a Flamethrower. "Dodge it with Vine Whip!" He obeyed, launching himself into the air and dodging the stream of flames.

Charizard was caught off guard by the dodge. "Grab him with Vine Whip!" The vines quickly grabbed Charizard by the wings. Bulbasaur used this leverage to barrel in and slam into him. This was from the training, Ash had Bulbasaur wrangle Tauros to train the versatility of his vines. His Vine Whip has become a lot stronger from all the strength training as well.

The hit was hard, making Charizard stumble back. He was struggling
against a grass type!? Charizard was seeing red now. With a roar he charged at Bulbasaur to go for a Slash! His claws glowed.

"Bulbasaur use Vine Whip!" He did and swiped his feet, tripping up Charizard and the momentum caused him to fall. "Nice work Bulbasaur use Leech Seed!"

A seed was fired and Charizard got seeded. His energy was sapped and drained. He growled in pain and annoyance. Charizard got up and he just went wild but Bulbasaur was able to dodge him again and again.

He was getting tired and losing strength fast. With a growl he decided to end this with a Seismic Toss. Charizard flew at Bulbasaur to grab him.

"Use Vine Whip one more time!" The vines shot out and landed a critical hit at his head. He flew off course and landed hard. Charizard became unable to battle.

Oak helped treat him and helped him recover. While his wounds may heal and his stamina replenish, the mental shock would take time to heal. He lost
to a grass type, the results of the training had the two in perfect sync. He may have been overconfident, thinking his trainer was simply screwing around.

Nope, Ash was growing. "Were you surprised?" Oak asked him. "Change can sneak up on you. I can say he's grown a lot since leaving town. You better be ready, he's serious about this." Ash was buckling down and they were getting stronger.

Charizard looked to Ash who was celebrating with Bulbasaur. He remembered the days they used to celebrate. Ketchum came over. "Are you feeling better, Charizard?"

Bulbasaur was also curious. The dragon-looking Pokemon nodded. “Great I hope you are ready for our next challenge!” Indeed he was, his guard was up now.

It was time for the next round.

Ash chose Squirtle. The other Kanto starter that had joined Ash's team after Charmander. They were the three amigos once.

Battling Charizard with a water type was crucial now. Damian abandoned him as a Charmander for losing to a Water type. It left a scar on his heart, he worked to gain so much power, to never lose, and give Ash a reason to abandon him. That’s when it happened, the rift between them formed when Ash asked him to lose to a Paras. Ash wanted to help, but to Charmeleon at the time it made wonder if his trainer was serious.

So the battle began and Charizard attacked with Slash. He had power on his side, but with his size he was trying to hit a smaller target. Squirtle was fast, his speed and agility having improved from training. "Keep dodging Squirtle then use Water Gun!"

He obeyed, dodging his comrade's attacks before unleashing a powerful stream of water. With his accuracy training, he hit hard, capable of landing critical hits much easier. The second shot was dodged as Charizard took to the air.

Squirtle tried to hit him but he dodged and avoided the water move. He dove down and grabbed Squirtle for a Seismic Toss. "Squirtle use Withdraw!" He went into his shell and his defense increased.

Charizard circled in the air building up momentum for the toss. "Now Squirtle use Hydro Pump!" From the shell came powerful jets of water, hitting Charizard at point blank range.

This was also a result of training. Squirtle mastered Water Gun and was able to learn Hydro Pump. He gave up the move Skull Bash for now. He was better at fighting long range fights. The two came down one landing harder than the other. Squirtle came out of his shell landing like a boss.

Charizard was hanging on, his desire not to lose making him cling to a single thread. His ability activated, a powerful aura surrounding him as his tail flame ignited. He roared in defiance.

The Fire/Flying type unleashed a supercharged Fire Spin. "Squirtle Withdraw once more!" He took the hit with increased defense. The Fire Spin licking at his shell and making it move. "Now use Bubblebeam!"

From the openings in his shell came glowing bubbles that pelted the swirling vortex of fire. The attacks collided, the energy-filled bubbles packing more speed and punch. The fire was put out creating a cloud of steam and fog. Charizard lost sight of Squirtle.

The water type burst from the fog cloud wearing his shades. "Squirtle Squirt!" He dished out a one-liner like a badass action hero.

Charizard attacked with Flamethrower but it was countered by Bubblebeam. Another cloud formed the two becoming obscured. Squirtle launched a Hydro Pump at Ash's command. The turtle spun out of the cloud unleashing the powerful streams of water, Charizard tried to dodge but just wasn't able to move fast enough to avoid the unique way he used the move and he became unable to battle.

It was evening when Charizard came to, and everyone was in the process of having dinner. “Here Charizard, Mom and Brock fixed you up with something good!” Ash brought him a plate.

The fire type stuffed his face, after two matches back to back he was starving. The food was fantastic. Ash sat with him and ate from his own plate. “I’m sorry.” He said. “I know I’ve made mistakes, I don’t wanna repeat them. I can’t change the past, but I want us to have a better future.”

Charizard listened to him. Looking back, Ash wasn’t that bad of a trainer, he was just new and inexperienced. They had met worse, trainers like Damian who didn’t care about his Pokemon or proper training; trainers like Anthony who let their dreams become an obsession that ruins their life and the lives around them; trainers who would lie and cheat to take Pokemon, and even trainers who would fake battles just to get what they want.

Ketchum did get better, and he did believe in his pokemon. Now that he was putting focus into training the results were clear. He had a trainer who cared about him and wanted to train and get stronger! He lost to both a first stage Grass type and Water type, and Ash wasn’t even thinking about abandoning him. Why was he fighting him?

He wasn’t the strongest, but he could get stronger. A strange feeling of excitement filled him. Charizard didn’t need to keep fighting Ash, he had won their challenge and earned his respect. “How about a training battle?” Charizard nodded.

They had their final match anyway. This time it was Hitmonchan vs Charizard. “Get ready Charizard, I wanna show you some cool stuff, you ready Hitmonchan?”

“Chan Chan!” He said and punched the air.


“Charizard use Flamethrower, and Hitmonchan use Fire Punch!” The dragon looking monster attacked and to his surprise Hitmonchan blocked his Flamethrower with the Fire Punch and redirect it upwards. Charizard was shocked. He looked to Ash. “We practiced it with Pikachu and Thunderbolt and Thunder Punch.”

It wasn’t a perfect maneuver, they had to match the power. “That’s not all Hitmonchan Fire Punch, and Charizard Fire Spin!” They launched their attacks, and Hitmonchan used the Fire Spin to power up his punch, the flames spiraling around the fist. Charizard got hit and the Fire Spin was unleashed on him!

An impressive combination.

Hitmonchan got to show off his new move Bulk Up, he flexed and his muscles popped and expanded increasing his ATK and DEF. Charizard got him with a Seismic Toss, but the added DEF helped him tank the hit. The battle became Fist vs Claw match with Charizard using Slash and Hitmonchan using Fire Punch. The fighting type hit hard thanks to not only his ability but the power from Bulk Up.

The two went at it hard, both wearing each other down. Charizard went for a Seismic Toss to end this, but then Ash called for a Bullet Punch! Hitmonchan’s glove became as hard as Steel and he rocketed forward and hit the dragon looking monster hard. The fight was over. “That was a Steel Type move, apparently two types were recently discovered in the Johto Region, Steel and Dark.”

Charizard chilled out and joined the others in training. Having him back in the fold made a lot of the mons happy, and put their minds at ease about certain things. He worked with Mr. Mime and his barriers to strengthen his claws, his efforts were rewarded and he learned Metal Claw.

With Charizard at his back Ketchum was feeling a lot better, but one question was lingering in his mind. “Hey Charizard, what would you have asked for had you won?”

The Fire/Flying type blushed and said nothing, leaving Ash even more curious.

To be Continued
Shell of a Good Time

Ash gets asked by Professor Oak to run an errand to another colleague of his. Ash, Misty, and Brock go beach side where Shellder appear. Ash catches one and Misty suggests getting it a Water Stone to evolve it which leads to some truths about her Starmie. They meet the professor who’s studying Slowpoke, seeking to uncover the mysteries of evolution.


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