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Martin Mystery parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Weird Changes

Brad didn’t return to his dorm. The Dorm Adviser took notice and went looking for him. They had to be accounted for. He knew Brad was dating someone so he went to the girlfriend, but she hadn’t seen him since last night. “We didn’t go out and he’s not here, he made a big mistake, and had to make it up to me.” Worried, she agreed to help and they found the dropped art supplies but no Brad. “These are the art supplies he owed me.”

“Where is he?”

The two spent the morning making and putting up fliers. Contacting the police wasn’t possible since he had to be missing for 48 hours for them to get involved. They made fliers and hoped someone had seen him.

Chip and Luke saw the fliers. “You don’t think Mystery did something to Brad right?”

“That freak no way!” Chip didn’t believe it. “He’s nothing but a bitch who needs to be taught a lesson.”

“Come on man, maybe we should drop this.” Luke said.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared of that scrawny bitch are you?” He poked Luke’s chest.

“Tch, no fucking way!” A blow to the pride and Luke’s brain flipped a switch going into jerk mode.

“Good cause today we are gonna see the little shit suffer!”


Martin was having a weird dream. He thought he was eating something really tasty. Whatever it was, was big, juicy, and he couldn’t stop licking. “Scho gooh!” He dipped lower and sniffed, inhaling a musk.

“Martin?” He blinked, pulling back upon hearing Antonio’s voice. Mystery blinked and his jaw dropped.

Antonio lay before him, ass a pretty pink from his groping and squeezing. His hole was parted and wet, dripping from being eaten out like a tasty meal. What he was sniffing was the witch’s balls. “Please...please fuck me!”

Martin’s heart skipped a beat, he gulped and licked his lips. He felt the taste of the other boy on them, it was an instinct. A smirk bloomed on his lips and he pounced on Antonio. Hump hump hump hump hump hump hump!

When he woke up his pillow and bed were a mess. His sheets were torn up and clawed, the pillow had a dick shaped hole ripped into it and cum was everywhere. “Oh man what a mess?” When he tried to remember what he dreamed, it slipped through his fingers.

He got out of bed and found his room was a mess. “Oh man what did I do last night?” His pajamas were destroyed, the tattered pieces scattered around the room. The room was torn up and messy. “What a mess!?”

Something was caught in his hand. “Are these...Antonio’s underwear!?” He didn’t know how he knew, but he knew. (It was the scent) The blonde couldn’t ditch them, questions of how he got these raced through his head, only to melt away. “Sniff, sniff, ohh~”

His dick jumped to attention. The scent called to him and he started sniffing away and working his dick. Urges began to swirl inside Martin, he wanted to pounce on Antonio and lick him all over. ‘Yeah...yeah...yeah...ohh yeah!’

Martin beat his faster and faster, his balls bouncing from the force. He was jerking off and sniffing his friend’s underwear, the thought should have given him pause but he just worked the shaft faster, the amount of pre-cum he produced made it easier. “Nnnhhhh!” His back arched and he came.

Thick cum gushed and showered Martin in white. “Oh man I came so much!” He went to grab a shower, tucking the underwear under his bed.

The blonde was so scattered he didn’t notice the new changes to him until he was getting cleaned up. “What the heck?!” Hair! Manly hair!

His pubes had grown more and there was a thick treasure trail up to his navel. Some manly hair bloomed between his pecs, it was a small garden of gold nestled nicely between the beefy boobs. The hair on his pits got thicker. There was even hair along the seem of his sac, it was quite tasteful, a solid trail front to back. All of this Martin’s brain wrote off as simple puberty stuff. “Dad was right I did grow hair!”

The only thing he had issue with was he was sporting a beard. It wasn’t fun at all, it was itchy and felt weird. “How does dad have one of these?” He shaved it off and felt much better, but left the rest of the manly hair stand.


Billy attended the art class. He was excited to be among humans. Martin was making a run for class. Luke spotted him, he had something in his hand using a glove.

He pitched the ball and it hit Martin. Poof! He got covered in powder. “Gah what is this stuff?” He shook himself off. “Is this flour?” He sniffed it but it didn’t have a familiar scent.

‘Enjoy that special blend creep!’ It was a special blend of itching powder, with a delayed effect. He chuckled darkly.

“Luke what are you doing?”

“Oh hey babe!” He went to scratch the back of his head only to hesitate.

“I saw what you did. What the hell?”

“Look Mystery is asking for it, he’s a total creep.”

“He’s a creep for asking me out?” She crossed her arms and raised a brow.

“Yeah!” He messed up. “I mean no, you’re my girl. He shouldn’t have been hitting on you!”

“You are an idiot. You better knock it off, if you don’t wanna be kicked off the team, or did you forget the strict 0 tolerance bullying rule.”

“What bully...me?” He was wearing a glove to avoid getting any of the stuff on his hand.

“Save it, I may not like Mystery, but I hate bullies more. My brother was bullied bad, I also have 0 tolerance for bullies. So knock it off or we are done.” She left.

‘Shit!’ This was bad. Chip was pissed and wasn’t backing down. ‘This is stupid!’ Then there was the thing with Brad. ‘What have I gotten myself into.’


Antonio looked weird. “Something wrong?”

“Hm?” He blinked and adjusted his glasses. “It’s just that, I felt something was off.” He just couldn’t put his finger on it.

Martin came in and he was dusty. “Uhh Marty?”

“I got covered in some dust, spring cleaning and all that!” He laughed. Antonio and Billy shared a look.

“As I was saying I’ve felt some weird disturbances, one of my magic alarms was broken last night. So someone was in my room, as far as I can tell nothing was taken.” Mystery tensed.

“Plus there is something in the air. I sense weird vibes.”

Talk of weird vibes had to wait, as the teacher showed up. “Brad was supposed to be our model today, but he’s absent.”

“I’ll do it!” Martin volunteered. Billy applauded.

Mystery took to the center of the room and began striking poses. “Just be sure to get my good side.” He said, before he started scratching.

“Martin you need to be still.”

“I...I’m trying!” He started scratching all over.

“Martin?” “Marty?” Billy and Antonio asked. Something was wrong. “Wah!?” They gasped.

Mystery couldn’t handle it, his clothes were itchy all over they felt awful. He started to strip them off, showing off his muscular form and his manly hair. “Oh wow!” The two blushed.

He stripped down to his boxers but even that wasn’t enough. “It’s too much I can’t take it!” Billy was painting up a storm.

Antonio grabbed his paint brush. ‘Smokescreen!’ He filled the room with purple smoke. Everyone rushed out, and once the coast was clear he dispelled his smoke. “You idiot what were you thinking!?”

Martin was butt naked, and scratching all over. They blushed. “I couldn’t help it!”

Antonio used an enchantment on his glasses. “Martin there’s some kind of powder on your clothes and body, did something happen?”

“Well…” He couldn’t explain and started scratching like a dog.

“Enough!” He cast a cleansing spell and it removed the foreign element. With it gone Antonio cast a cleansing spell.

“Ahh!” Martin moaned. A wave of relief washing over him. “Thanks Antonio!”

“Just put your clothes on before someone sees and calls you a pervert!” He blushed.


Chip wasn’t expecting to see Martin in class. “I thought you dealt with him?” He snapped at Luke.

“I did, I got him with the itching powder bomb.” Luke grunted.

“You better not puss out on me!” Chip glared.

“I...I’m not…” Luke shook his head.

“If we allow freaks like Mystery do what they want, we’ll end up laughing stocks.” Chip was all about station. This was a prestigious school and it could bring out the worst in people. Chip was a “top dog” and in his mind that made him superior to people like Martin.

Java was serving as coach for the day and had Martin go on the skins team, opposite of Chip. He pulled off his top exposing his toned upper body and the manly hair.

Antonio and Billy served as unofficial cheer squad. “Go Martin/Marty!” They cheered. He smiled and waved.

“Look at him!” He whispered to Luke. “He’s so arrogant he’s asking for it.”

“Was he always that fit?” Luke asked.

“Who cares, look at that freaky hair!?” He looked over at his girlfriend who was staring at Martin. ‘He’s so dead!’

Mystery was showing off some good skills, the other guys who went up against him got schooled. That wasn’t all as he worked up a sweat he was producing a strong musk. As he whipped past the guys in shirts they got a whiff and felt a weird stirring inside them.

“Nice moves Martin!” Jared praised him and got a high five.

‘I’ll show them some real moves!’ Chip went after Martin hard! Not using legal or professional moves. He tripped Martin up, checked him like this was hockey, and even elbowed him when shooting the ball. He thought he was so cool when Mystery took a fall.

“Hey!” Antonio snapped.

“Not cool!” Billy snapped.

Java blew his whistle. “What he was too close, it’s not my fault!” He looked to his girlfriend for support, but she looked disgusted with him

“You on bench!” Java ordered.

“What come on?!” Chip protested.

“It’s fine guys, I’m good!” Martin hopped up and stretched. “I was a little too close my bad!”

“Let’s go!” The two went at it and Mystery overwhelmed Chip and managed to dunk on him.

“Shit!” Chip got knocked down. ‘Where did he get that power from? He was never that good!?’

“You were awesome!” Antonio cheered.

‘Don’t praise that loser!’ He got the ball and flung it at the glasses wearer. “Eat this loser!”

Before the ball could hit, Martin caught it in the air. “Martin?”

“Grrrr~!” He growled.

Mystery dropped the ball and grabbed Chip and pinned him to the wall. “You got a problem with me bring it on, but go after my friends and you are dead!” He snapped.

Chip was shocked. “Get off him!” Luke rushed over and got shoved away. ‘He’s so strong!’

“Marty!” Billy called out and Martin came back to his senses. He dropped Chip.

Java blew his whistle. “Hit showers!” He separated the two. “I’ll be telling head coach about this!”

‘Fuck!’ Luke cursed.

Chip was sweating. ‘Did...did he do something to Brad?’


Luke’s girlfriend heard about what happened at gym. “It’s over!”

“Babe please!”

“Don’t babe me, you wanted to be dumb.”

“Please I’ll do anything!”

“Anything? Fine, then go apologize to Martin. If he forgives you, so will I!”

“I...I can’t do that, he’s crazy. I think he did something to Brad!”

“Now excuses...you’re pathetic!”

“No no no, I’ll go apologize!”

“You better, I’ll talk to Martin tomorrow to know for sure.” She left.

Luke headed towards the dorm but he wouldn’t make it, something came and took him to.

Chip called Luke over and over, getting no response. ‘First Brad, then Luke, am I...next?!’

To be continued...Center Call! Martin’s A What?!


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