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Pocket Monster parody: Phone Fic/Tier 1

Kanto League Advanced

Ash has gotten all 8 gym badges, and now has three months to prepare for the league. This means catching, training, and bonding with his pokemon.

Chapter 1 League Prep

Ash, Brock, and Misty had come to Professor Oak to get the details on the Pokemon League. On the way back to Pallet Town Ash had picked up his Primeape. The Fighting type was really happy to see Ash, he still had his P1 Champion Belt.

Primeape figured out that this guy had tricked his trainer, so made his life of living hell. He was so done with Pokemon he gave Ash his Hitmonchan. His new fighting type was sent back to Oak.

He also found a wild Mr. Mime, he was so excited to find a rare pokemon. He had Pikachu surprise him and landed a powerful Thunderbolt. Ash threw a monster ball and was able to catch him and he got warped to Oak

Ash wanted to check in with Professor Oak. He was in fact a retired Pokemon League Champion, he had wanted to study pokemon more and devoted his time to it. It was funny how life worked, but Oak was still a wealth of knowledge.

They weren't the only ones seeking info. Gary Oak had come for the details as well. Oak had all the information they needed, the League was being hosted at the Indigo Plateau just West of Viridian City. "You both have just three months to prepare for the league until then."

"Just three months…" While Ash may have had 8 Gym Badges he felt unprepared. Gary had 10 badges, had caught more Pokemon than him, and even rotated his Pokemon to make them stronger. Ash had focused on only a handful of Pokemon. Even with his recent captures he didn't have half the Pokemon Gary had.

Trainers of all kinds would be competing. It was intimidating, but Ash wanted to rise to the challenge. So many trainers had different beliefs and training methods. He couldn't slack on this.

The fact the other two trainers from Pallet Town weren't able to get 8 badges just added on the pressure. He didn't want to let his friends, his family, his town, or himself down. (His Pokemon he considered friends.)

Ash and Gary both loved Pokemon and wanted to be the best trainer they could be. Gary got the info he wanted, so he was off to train. "You better bust your ass Ash, or I'll be kicking it."

"I won't lose to you!" Ash declared. He committed himself to training. Hitmonchan was very gung ho about training. Mr. Mime was very helpful, and like Pikachu he also enjoyed being outside the ball. As a Psychic Pokemon he was able to read Ash's mind and work to help him.

Having a Psychic type was very new for Ash, as trainer and pokemon they shared a mental link of sorts. For some this link was stronger than others. For Mr. Mime, he was able to read Ash's thoughts, feelings, and desires. Delia was happy Ash had such a caring Pokemon looking after him. She gave him the nickname Mimey, he liked it so Ash made it official.

The two bonded really fast. (AN: Similar to how Croagunk and Brock bonded in the sinnoh arc) Misty noticed that Mr. Mime was more like a butler than a battler.

Mr. Mime wasn't just rare, he could be quite strong and smart too. He helped Ash figure out ways to train. He could create unique Barriers for his pokemon to battle against and work on their moves. Mr. Mime Barrier, Psychic, Mimic,

Thanks to Mimic, he learned how to cook and clean by watching Brock and Delia. He also enjoyed watching martial arts training videos. Ash decided to spend his first week connecting with his Pokemon.

Pikachu had the ability Static; Quick Attack, Agility, Thunderbolt, and Thunder. His Pikachu was a speedy battler packing some powerful electric type moves. He was Ash's starter and ace.

Bulbasaur had the unique ability Chlorophyll, which gave him a boost in sunlight. His moves were Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, and Solar Beam. (Tackle and Struggle are command moves that don't count towards their four move roster.) His Bulbasaur was a tough battler, capable of taking on larger opponents.

Squirtle had the ability Torrent, which upped his moves in a pinch. His moves were Water Gun, Bubblebeam, Withdraw, and Skull Bash. Squirrel may have lacked fire power, but he made up for it with Accuracy. Landing critical hits left and right.

Pidgeotto had the ability Keen Eye and his moves were Gust, Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Double Edge. He was a tough battler that needed more time to shine.

His Krabby hadn't had any training at all. Bubble, Vice Grip, Stomp, Leer. Krabby had the Shell Armor ability. He needed to start training this little guy.

He wasn't the only one, his Muk was a fully evolved Pokemon but Ash hadn't trained with him at all. Ash checked his Pokedex on him. Muk - Stench: Body Slam, Sludge Bomb, Mud Slap, Disable. Now that he trusted Ash the boy wasn't effected by his Stench ability.

Ash had thirty Tauros, he hadn't trained even one of them. Some had the ability Intimidate, others had the ability Anger Point, and one had the ability Sheer Force.

He got his Primeape back, he had Vital Spirit, he didn't sleep but he learned to meditate as a way of resting the body. He had Thrash, Low Kick, Karate Chop, and Seismic Toss.

His new Hitmonchan had the Iron Fist ability. He had Mach Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, and Fake Out. Hitmonchan was excited to have real Pokemon Battles. His former trainer wasn't making use of his ability. Plus in the P1 only Normal and Fighting type moves were allowed.

The biggest problem child was Charizard. His fire type he's had since he was a Charmander. After he evolved Charmeleon became difficult and it only got worse when he became a Charizard. He had the ability Blaze. His moves were Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Submission, and Seismic Toss.

Next to Pikachu, Charizard was likely his most powerful Pokemon, with Primeape and Mimey tied on third. It was time to get things together.

Oak gave Ash the use of his lab to train with all of his Pokemon. Mimey set up barriers for his Pokemon to attack. Hitmonchan and Primeape used them as punching bags. The other Pokemon followed suit, Bulbasaur trying to strengthen the power of his Vine Whip.

Squirtle was working on power, using his Water Gun over and over. Pidgeotto worked on Wing Attack and Quick Attack, working on building his speed and power. Krabby was happy to train attacking the invisible walls with his claws. Muk was practicing his Sludge Bomb.

Some of Ash's Tauros got in on the training while others simply ran around. Either way Ash was just happy to see them healthy. They even worked on special training with Mimey using Mimic to use their own moves against them. Now it was time to train Charizard.

"Charizard come on out!" He called out the dragon looking pokemon. The Fire Type saw the other pokemon training while Ash was standing with Pikachu and Mimey. He huffed. "Come on Charizard let's do some training."

Charizard laid down and ignored him. Mimey patted Ash's back. "Charizard, we are preparing for the Pokemon League, I wanna get stronger, don't you wanna get stronger?" Charizard yawned.

"Charizard!" Ash called and the fire type glared. "We need to get stronger together!"

Charizard unleashed his Flamethrower, but instead of roasting Ash, he was protected by a barrier. Mimey smirked at him and wagged his finger at him. The fire lizard huffed.

"Pika pikachu!" His electric mouse stood up to him, but Charizard gave a stomp using his weight to shake Pikachu up. He was able to wrangle him in as a Charmeleon.

"I get it Charizard, you think you are strong and I know what a great Pokemon you are, but we can get stronger together. I want to be a better trainer and I'd like to help you get stronger." Charizard flew off and got on a rock to take a nap. "We'll show him, let's do some training!"

"Mime/Pika!" The two said in agreement. So Ash's training and bonding with his Pokemon began. Mimey was a big help, using his psychic powers to move rocks and use them for Evasion practice. Ash even bought a rubber ball for Mimey to move around, acting as a target for accuracy practice and a tool for defense building exercises.

His Pokemon were gaining a lot of experience. Even his Tauros were butting heads with each other to build strength and power. Charizard kept stealing glances at them. This went on for another week, Ash even camping out with his Pokemon. "Do you wanna join us?" Charizard merely huffed and rolled over.

Ash was trying to keep his spirits up and he was training right along with his Pokemon. He was even acting as a target for his Pokemon to try new moves. It felt great to be more hands on. Ash's boxing advice may not have been for Pikachu but it was great for Hitmonchan. The whole gang even did some meditation together. He was balancing training and rest, to optimize growth.

On the fourteenth day of their training Ash came back to Charizard. "Okay Charizard you ready to do some training?" The fire type gave Ash a hard look. "We can do some battle training, what do you say?"

Charizard huffed. "Hmm, how about we make a deal. We'll have a battle with three Pokemon against you. If you win then you can continue as you've been doing, and I'll honor a request from you, but if you lose you have to acknowledge me and respect me as your trainer."

He was surprised at the challenge. He was confident he could beat all three Pokemon Ash picked. So he agreed.

To be continued Charizard Chills


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