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Young Justice parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Dick’s Curse

The reunion between Nightwing and Conner was touching. “You’ve grown, it took awhile but you’ve really matured.” Turns out the kryptonian mix didn’t stop his aging, merely slowed it down. “It’s good to see you Conner.”

“It’s really good to see you too.” He went to hug Dick, forgetting about his nudity. “Oh sorry!”

“It’s okay!” Nightwing hugged him anyway. Tygrus growled in annoyance.

“As you can see he’s fine as I said. Now do him a favor and leave!”

“I’m not leaving!” Conner growled back.

“Superboy, it really isn’t safe for you to be around me, but we should be good until nightfall. You have to leave before the sun sets!”

“No promises!” Tygrus looked ready to make him leave.

“Conner…” The clone sighed.

“I can’t promise anything without knowing what’s going on. Can we meet half way here!”

Grayson nodded.

Superboy, Sphere, and Wolf were brought to the castle. The walk was tense, with Dick and Tygrus leading the way. Conner was struggling not to stare. “Dick...what happened to you? That form, this island, who’s this guy?” He gestured at Tygrus.

“Let’s start there. This is Tygrus, he was created by Dr. Emile Dorian.  He used to work with Kirk Langstrom, after he left Gotham he started working for Cadmus but was terminated. From what I gathered he was mostly using Cadmus to get funds and fuel his research here. He probably wanted to keep this place off the books.” Nightwing believed.

“After father was terminated he came here to dive into his research. He first created Garth and later myself. He called me the pinnacle of his art.” Tygrus believed this man to be his father but he was crazy. After creating Tygrus he wanted to build an army.

His splicing technology would take humanity to the next level. “I was smart enough to realize my father sought to weaponize me and others. I don’t know what for.”

“Why don’t we ask your...father?” Tygrus shook his head.

“My father is...no longer with us…” He hung his head and Dick rubbed his back comfortingly.

“Dorian may have fallen off the right path, but his initial research was to help make humans stronger to fight against disease, like the one he had. He became so blinded by certain ambitions he had forgotten how he started.” Superboy felt some jealousy surge within him.

“According to father’s journal, he was approached by Vandal Savage his research of splicing human DNA was apparently fascinating to him. Savage promised him a cure for his disease if he could perfect his research. He wasn’t getting much results in Cadmus and he believed some of his research was stolen and used by others to boost their careers.”

Conner believed it, he didn’t put it past Cadmus to do anything anymore. The Light seemed to be pulling the strings with everything the knew so far. It really did seem like they were building an army for something. All the research Cadmus created ended up in the hands of the Light at some point or another. He remembered what he was told what his purpose was. It felt like something was missing.

“He spent his final days creating Tygrus, he thought he had more time but the disease had run its course.” In his final moments he left everything to Tygrus, he really was the owner of the island. “When I came here, I helped Tygrus get everything legalized and he let me use this place to hide out. Garth has been getting supplies for us when I can’t…”

Dick rubbed his arm.

That explained who this guy was and how Dick managed to stay off the grid for so long. “What happened to you Nightwing?”

“Klarion did this to me.”

-x-Nightwing’s Pov-x-

I was coming back from a mission when Klarion jumped me. “Hello there!” He snapped his fingers and put us in a barrier, jamming all radio, psychic, and mystical forms of communication. “You think you are so clever huh? Well luck isn’t on your side bubble boy.”


“Bird bubble, he knows what I meant!”

“Actually I didn’t!” I launched everything I had at him, but nothing worked. He simply toyed with me and knocked me around. “What do you want? If you are here to kill me just do it!”

Klarion simply laughed at me. “Oh I’m not here to kill you. I’m here to make you suffer!” After zapping me for a bit his familiar meowed. “Right right, this is gonna be so good, this is my best idea yet!”

A strange magical array appeared beneath me, Klarion spoke in some strange language I couldn’t understand. With each line the array grew brighter under me. I wanted to move but Klarion beat me so bad I was pretty sure my legs and a few of my ribs were broken. Not that this stopped me, I tried to pull myself out of the way but it was no good.

As soon as I reached the edge of the cat meowed and I was forced back into the center. The spell was cast and a large amount of chaos energy penetrated my body. It was hell, like my body was burning.

My bones felt like they melted and reformed, only to do it again and again. I didn’t realize it at the time but the energy had actually healed what Klarion did to me before. The chaotic energy seemed to rip me apart and put me back together, an endless cycle.

Before I knew it I had been changed, my new form ripping out of my suit. Then the flow of chaos energy stopped. I was dazed and confused, coming around to the sound of Klarion clapping. “Would you look at you, he’s perfect what do you think Teekl?”


“Huh? What do you mean I got the wrong animal he’s clearly a bear.”


“Whatever, wolf, bear, what’s the difference, point is he’s a nasty beastie!” Teekl rolled her eyes.

I managed to get my barrings somewhat and saw what Klarion did to me. “What have you done?”

“I filled you with chaos energy, gave you a nice little curse!” He chuckled. “You avocados have been getting in our way and ruined our fun. So Vandal said I could mess with one of you, aren’t you lucky!”

“I won’t help you!” Klarion laughed at me some more.

“You won’t have a choice. When the night comes you’ll become a beast, and when the full moon rises you’ll lose all control and cause such Chaos!” His eyes turned red and black. “Go on and run to your little friends, you’ll kill them one by one, and with each death your soul will die a little inside. Once you’ve bathed in their blood there won’t be anything left of the old you. I’ll come back and pick up the pieces and you’ll be a good boy for me!”

I growled at him and he just laughed. “Don’t worry once all your little friends are dead I’ll have you make new friends, one little bite and you’ll build us up a whole new army. It’s gonna be awesome!”

“I’ll get Doctor Fate or Zatanna to break this stupid curse.”

His smirk grew. “You can’t fuzzy, I didn’t just use my power to curse you, I called on all the Chaos Lords to give me some juice for this bad boy!” The news shook me to my core and he grabbed my muzzle. “I made it so no spell or champion of order could break this curse. Your an agent of chaos now deal with it!”

He boldly declared I was the Chaos Bear. “Meow!”

“Chaos Wolf, he knows what I meant.”

“I’d rather die!” I looked to the window and planned to jump.

“Too bad you can’t, you can try that’d be fun to watch but it won’t stick.” He had some of Vandal’s blood and used it in the array. Not only was I cursed with this beast inside me, I was made immortal. “Once I’ve had my fun with you, I’ll let Vandal keep you as a pet...forever!”

“No...no...no…” I swiped at him with my claws but he simply dodged me.

“Oh ho freaky!”


“Feisty I meant feisty!”

I was stronger and faster now, but didn’t know how to fully utilize what had been done to me. Klarion avoided my claw swipes and kicks. “Tell ya what puppy, I’ll take back this little ol curse, if you do me one small thing!”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” I wasn’t believing him I just wanted to hear what he wanted.

“Kill Doctor Fate and bring me the Helmet!”

“You must be crazy! I would never do that!” Not that I trusted him to honor his deal in the first place. Killing Doctor Fate would also mean killing Zatanna’s father, so no chance in hell was I gonna do this.

“Oh then you better start running, next full moon is in three days.” He materialized an hour glass with black sand running through it. “The life of one old fart or the lives of all your friends, better choose wisely.”

“Damn you!” I lunged at him, only for him to move outside the barrier. I slammed into it and he laughed.

“I should mention this barrier will last a full three days. Bye bye loser!” He warped away.

I was in a city full of people, going to go mad in three days. I struggled to escape over and over, but nothing seemed to work. As I began to grow more desperate I felt power channel through me and my claws managed to tear through Klarion’s barrier.

After escaping I went on the run. Going off grid was the only way to keep you all safe, I couldn’t risk even Batman coming to find me and losing control. At night the beast is so strong, it is hard to resist, but even in the day I feel it clawing at me trying to come out.

My first full moon I was able to lock myself in an abandoned warehouse. The beast was able to take full control, and while I was swallowed up by the power I managed to do what it did to me claw enough. This was enough to keep it from using the chaos power or going after anyone.

It wasn’t long I realized the more I was around people the harder the beast was to control. So I kept moving and eventually came here.

End Pov

“The beast finds killing and hunting fun, and the more I keep him from doing so the angrier it becomes and the harder it is to resist. It knows what I fear will happen, and it has no trouble reminding me of that.” Superboy could see the pain and struggle he’s been through. He felt there was some more to the story but this answered his questions for now. “Now you know, why I ran away, and went ghost on you guys. I’m a ticking time bomb of chaos energy.”

“I volunteered to serve as prey and let him hunt me when the moon is full. It doesn’t fully satisfy the beast, but it’s enough to give him some peace.” It was very dangerous.

“How have you survived then?”

“I simply don’t let him catch me, and if he does I simply have to convince him there is something better to do than kill me!” Conner looked confused.

They made it to the castle and entered. “Thanks for keeping Nightwing safe.” Conner said and Tygrus huffed.

“Make yourself at home, any friend of Grayson’s is a friend to me.”

“Thanks Tygrus.” The feline anthro took up his hands.

“You know I’d do anything for you.” He kissed the back of Dick’s hand and sauntered off. Grayson blushed and smiled.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have come at all!” He snapped.

“Conner…” Dick sighed. “Look I’m both surprised and happy you are here. I’ve missed you!”

“You have?” Grayson nodded. “I’ve missed you a whole lot too!”

“Come to think of it, how did you find me?”

“Well…” He rubbed the back of his head.


“Well well, it seems we found our lost wolf, now that the debt has been repaid. It’s time to take care of some loose ends.” He didn’t know what was on that island, so he decided to send in the Light’s latest weapon.

“Go get ‘em son!” The figure smirked and flew off.

To be continued...Red Beetle!

Luthor has sent a powerful enemy to the island and things are not looking good for our heroes. Tygrus isn’t happy but they can be mad later. They’ll need to survive dealing with this new weapon, one who’s both a familiar face and a new one.


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