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Shaman King parody: Tier 1

Spirit of Lust

Yoh has an ancient spirit on his side, the spirit of lust. Said to be one of the seven primordial spirits that not even Hao could tame. Yoh receives a few blessings from the spirit, haunting musk, divine rod, and more. Scent Kink, Size Manipulation, Male Lac, Macro, Hyper,

Chapter 1

Shamans channel and fight along spirits, while the Great Spirit stands supreme above others. There were the Nature and Animal Spirits, they varied in strength and ability.

Human spirits were the most common, they varied greatly based on the human who died. Because of human emotions these spirits had the biggest danger of becoming Evil Spirits.

The Divine Spirits were on a whole other level and few had been seen by humans. Above them were the Kami Class spirits, the five great Elemental Spirits stood in this ring together. There were other spirits that held this title spanning across the globe and being responsible for lore in different lands.

It was said the Elemental Spirits are unmatched standing beneath only the Great Spirit itself. The spirits of Earth, Wind, Fire, Rain, and Lightning, mighty forces capable of devouring other souls to increase their own strength. As these were legendary spirits, some shaman spent there whole lives knowing they existed.

Given that was the case, it was no surprise that there was another class of spirit most shaman were not privy to. The Primordial Spirits.

These terrors were old, holding powers that rivaled the Kami class. As far as they were concerned most humans were insignificant, even the strongest of shamans could muster their interest. It was probably for the best it wasn’t wise to mess with these things.

Out of all the Primordial Spirits only Seven of them cared about humanity, and that was probably only because of the unique nature of them. Their eyes were on humanity enjoying the madness and chaos.

Hao in his prime had tried to claim their power for himself and he was promptly spanked for his troubles. He shouldn’t have done that. These spirits were old, and with that age came a form of madness unique to the individual spirit.

With his plans for the future he shouldn’t have called attention to himself. So when he transcended death and stole the Spirit of Fire, he was noticed.

Hao tried to take his brother and claim his other half right then and there, only for a force to repel him. “That is as far as you go...little Hao!” A giant purple claw shielded the infant Yoh.

“You...but why...how?” The infant trembled. Even the spirit of Fire was on edge. As something capable of killing anyone and everyone in the Asakura compound right now, for it to be afraid that was something.

“I owe no explanation to you, run along before I snuff out that match stick you call a spirit!” The Spirit of Fire growled at the hand and an amused chuckle was heard. “Try it, I’ll blow you out like a birthday candle!”

Hao felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time, as the purple claw opened up and a pulse of power filled the room, he felt fear. “We are leaving!” He ordered the Spirit of Fire to withdraw and it obeyed.

Mikihisa and Keiko were surprised at what transpired. Hao may have escaped but they had survived. “Oh my such a handsome man, it would be a shame to scar such beauty!” The spirit worked it’s magic and the deep wounds were completely reversed.

Yohmei was shocked, wounds made by one of the Elemental Spirits would have left more than permanent scars. Mikihisa was lucky to have survived at all. “Who are you mighty spirit?”

“You wouldn’t have heard of me.” The claw transformed and the Primordial Spirit manifested in front of them. It took a humanoid form, with the physical body appearing as white as semen. A purple and white kimono appeared on the figure, a red sash circling around it. It had purple fingerless gloves.

What was surprising was the spirit had no face. A hat appeared on it’s head and a veil draped down. The spirit’s mouth appeared on the veil and a fan appeared in their hand. “I am the spirit of Lust!”


Oyamada Manta went to an all boys private school, his family pushed him to excel. His family had a strong trait which left him shorter than the other guys. If High School was meant to be hell, private school was the ice lake god cast Lucifer into.

He originally thought he had won the jackpot going to an all boys school. He liked guys and he hoped he’d find his soul mate here. So far...he hadn’t…

Most guys tended to judge him by appearance, at 2 feet, 7 inches, he held the record in shortness. He was more than just his height, he was intelligent, kind, studious. If given the chance he was sure he’d be a great boyfriend. Manta’s skill with academics did earn him a couple of “friends”, and “friends” were nice, he was just kinda hoping to find something more.

Private school could be cut throat so he needed all the help he could get. His studying ability went beyond mere academics, he also studied how to make friends, dating, and read books on sexual techniques. He just hoped he’d meet someone to actually...do anything with.

His family had told him he didn’t need to worry about love, once he was old enough to take over the family business he’d have an arranged marriage and get an heir produced. Joy…just what every young man, gay or not, wanted to hear.

Oyamada’s wish for love was about to get granted, as the stars had aligned so beautifully on this night. He had spent too much time at the library and decided to take a shortcut home. The only shortcut however was through the cemetery. Manta may have been superstitious but he had guts.

He entered the grounds. “Yo!” Manta tensed. After a quick scan of the area he spotted a young man gazing up at the stars. “Did you come to look at the stars too?”

“The stars?” Manta looked up and the sky was so clear, the stars could be seen so clearly here they were like twinkling jewels. “Oh wow!”

“This spot has the best view, why don’t you come join us?” Manta got closer and the mystery boy stood up.

“You...You….YOU’RE NAKED!” Manta gasped as the brunette stood in all his naked glory. So many questions ran through Manta’s head. ‘Why was he naked? Why is he naked in a cemetery? Why is he hard? Who was this pervert?’ As the questions ran through at lightning speed, his brain caught up to what the guy had just said.

“Us?” Was someone else here, he didn’t see anyone. ‘Is this guy having a booty call that I interrupted...no no no...who’d come to the cemetery to have sex?’ Manta gulped and tried not to stare at the brunette’s impressive erection.

“Yeah, us!” The spirits of the hill appeared and gathered around Yoh. They all looked happy and weren’t really scary per say, but having a bunch of ghosts appear out of nowhere might scare anyone.

Manta wigged out and fled. “Huh, what’s with him?” Yoh put his hands behind his head and went back to star gazing as the ghosts took turns sucking or riding his impressive cock. It was a good night for Yoh, he got off quite a bit and he made a bunch of ghosts happy, all while enjoying a beautiful night, a triple win in his book.


Manta could barely sleep, between seeing ghosts and the perverted stranger, sleep wasn’t coming to him easily. He went to school and tried to tell his classmates about what he saw and of course no one believed him. “But I’m serious it really happened!”

“You were just lucky you didn’t run into Wooden Sword Ryu, I heard his gang made the cemetery their turf. If he caught you there you’d be all beat up.”

The teacher arrived and class was about to begin, but before that. “Alright boys, we have a new transfer student. Please welcome Yoh Asakura!” Yoh entered the room.

“IT’S HIM!” Manta stood up and shouted, pointing an accusing finger at the brunette.

Yoh didn’t respond and the teacher ordered Manta to take his seat. “Yes sir…” He was confused and annoyed now. He was sure this was the same guy he saw last night...just with clothes on. ‘It’s not like he’s got a twin out there!’

The new student seemed really laid back, his school shirt was unbuttoned showing off his chest and stomach. His pants were a weird size, it looked like Yoh made alterations to the lower leg to make them more baggy, the crotch was also let out and he was rocking a prominent bulge.

Class seemed to continue as if nothing was weird, but Yoh didn’t seem to interested in what was going on. His boredom reached it’s peek and ZIIIIP! Monta looked over and saw Yoh jerking off. ‘He’s jerking off in class?!’

He looked around and hoped anyone else was seeing this, but…


“Ehh?” Monta was so focused on his book and Yoh he didn’t realize something was happening in class. Guys were squirming in their seats, some of them had already started stripping. ‘What the hell is going on?!’

A strange smell crossed his nose. “Nnnhhh!” He gripped his crotch as his libido surged. ‘Is this his doing?’ Yoh kept working his shaft, a strong musk filling the room.

“Students we are gonna have a surprise health class lesson!” The teacher was even effected, he stripped off his clothes and sat on his desk. “Watch me students and learn!” He began to grope his pecs and began beating his meat.

What followed was a domino effect. Students were ripping off their clothes and began jerking off. “Ohh fuck yes!”

“Fuck fuck fuck!” Monta began to sweat.

‘What is happening?’ His eyes widened as some guys started hooking up, making out and humping against each other. Guys who Manta has known to be such prudes, were jerking off, and going down on each other. ‘This has to be a dream!’

His whole class was turning into a sex pit. At the center of it all was Yoh. “You did this...how?!”

“Oh...I’m a Shaman!” That didn’t explain anything. “Wanna suck my cock?” He wagged his hefty man meat and everything in Manata’s brain went white. He was on Yoh’s desk sucking his massive piece.

‘So good!’ His eyes fluttered. Yoh sighed and relaxed, putting his hands behind his head and letting more of his haunting musk to fill the room.

“This is much better!” The air was too thick before, all these boys with pent up sexual frustrations. It just didn’t sit right, it made the room feel cold. Now the room was warm, filled with the air of sex, musk, and semen. Yoh breathed it in and sighed happily.

He wasn’t just a shaman, he was blessed by the spirit of Lust, and thus had become a champion of lust!

To be continued...Amidamaru


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