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One Piece parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Tiger and Fox

Zoro and Sanji blushed as they stripped off their clothing. ‘Is this what happened to Luffy and Law?’ was the shared thought between them. The idea of their captain naked, made their hearts race and bodies grow hot.

Yes Luffy may have not seemed like the type, and for a time he wasn’t. His two years of training had opened Luffy’s eyes to the world, to himself, what he wanted, what he needed, and even what he loved. He was still Luffy, reaching out to them with an offer each couldn’t refuse.

Sanji had done plenty of soul searching these last two years, and while it was hard and difficult, he came to the realization. He loved Luffy…loved loved...trying to deny it made his heart hurt. The man had found a place in his heart, he just hadn’t realized it.

Zoro had feelings for Luffy for a long time, probably since they met, but hadn’t realized it himself since Logue Town. He pushed those feelings away for a long time, and focused on training and getting stronger. That is until he figured out it was for him, not just himself he sought strength.

When Luffy had reached out to them it had come as a shock, double shock that Luffy wanted both of them. After getting over the shock, they realized Luffy was the man who’d become King of the Pirates, their captain, it only made sense he’d have a harem. They could both love Luffy and be loved by him even if they didn’t care for each other. It was their own little secret, that wasn’t much of a secret...Luffy wasn’t exactly quiet in bed.

The crew didn’t ask, and nothing really changed. Luffy was still Luffy, Zoro was still Zoro, Sanji was still Sanji, but getting laid helped with his girl obsession. After the crew partied out Luffy would have special celebrations with Zoro or Sanji, sometimes both at once. Luffy found time to love each of them, even if it meant not going all the way.

Some heavy petting in the kitchen, a massage in the weight room, rimming in the kitchen, a blow job in the crow’s nest, to name a few things. They rotated who shared Luffy’s bed to keep things fair. They had a feeling Law had an attraction to Luffy as well, Zoro didn’t trust the surgeon yet, and Sanji didn’t really care knowing that they’d have a new harem companion if it fit into Luffy’s whims.


With their clothes and weapons left behind they walked naked down the cold hallway. Breed, the sick bastard was laughing and mocking them as he went. They didn’t care what he had to say.

‘Where is Luffy?’ They shared the same thought.

The remaining members of the monster trio were brought into a lab looking room. “Chopper!” Zoro called out.

“Zoro? Sanji?” Chopper gasped and cried. “I’m sorry, it’s all my fault!”

“Quiet Chappy!” Breed snapped. “These two inferior specimens need to take their medicine.”

“You bastard!” Zoro growled.

“Heel!” His collar glowed and he wasn’t able to move. “Sanji, Zoro, Sit!” The two were forced to sit like dogs. It was so embarrassing! The two were shaking in anger. Not just for themselves, but just thinking what this freak did to their captain had their blood boiling hot.

“Now Chappy fetch their medicine!” Chopper had to obey. In the time given Tony had made a few more beast pills. It pained him that his rumble ball technology was being used to harm his crew in any way. His only solace was that these pills were superior to the SMILE fruits.

From what he observed from Law and Luffy, the manifested the animal traits best suited to their soul, more so the animal nature of the bloodline nature. While he was not an expert on the subject, he had read about it in one of Kureha’s books. He gave Zoro and Sanji the pills. “I’m sorry!”

They knew he was, and they bore no anger towards him, but to Breed. The pills were taken and the two crumpled to the ground. Zoro took the pain better than Sanji, for different reasons.

Chopper watched as two more of his crewmates were changed. His eyes were focused on Zoro as the swordsman transformed. Green fur spread along the same areas as before, like Luffy and Law. From wrists to elbows, and ankles to knees. A slight twist was that black stripes appeared along his arms and legs.

Zoro had sharp claws, it was clear he was more of a predator. His teeth grew sharp, and his ears grew curved and fluffy, a black stripe appeared on each ear. From his crotch a furry belt grew from his manly hair, and once it reached the typical spot a tiger tail manifested.

His cock gained some girth and his balls became covered in similar green fur. He gained a black stripe along the seem of his sac.

The last of his transformation appeared to be simple stripes; three on his upper arms, two on his legs reaching over his thighs. He had stripes along his sides pointing to his abs and pecs. “Ohh a tiger!” Breed clapped, clearly pleased with the latest addition to his collection.

Chopper looked to Sanji who was transforming but something else was occurring. “Gah ahh ugh!”

“Sanji?!” The reindeer gasped.

He got the blonde fur in the similar places. The beast pill was triggering Sanji’s latent genes, what Chopper was not aware of those genes were once modified before. So something was happening with his transformation.

His furry fox ears were blonde, except there was some black to the tips of them. The swirls on his eyebrows got reversed, and he got some black highlights in his hair. A big surprise was Sanji sprouted two fox tails, instead of the one, and the tips were black instead of white.

Sanji was trembling. “Cook?”

“Sanji?” The cook wasn’t responding, he seemed to be in some kind of shock.

“Oh a fox, with two tails no less, how exotic.” Breed chuckled.

He made the two follow him. Zoro was actually worried about Sanji. ‘Cook you need to snap out of it, if we are gonna get out of here, you need to have your head in the game.’

They were brought to a cell where Luffy and Law resided. Law was basking in some post sex glow, his insides were well fucked and full of cum. His tail was wagging and Luffy was running his fingers through his hair. Trafalgar looked truly content.

The room smelled of sex and musk and it was so strong it even caught Sanji’s notice. The tiger and the fox gasped, the scent stirring their loins. “Zoro? Sanji?” Breed opened the pen and pushed them in.

‘Great so this is our rescue…’ Law rolled his eyes.

“Make yourselves comfortable, you lot will lead me to a new world!” Breed left. “Stew in your failure, your training starts tomorrow!” He laughed.

Luffy ran over to the two. “Sorry captain, we got caught.”

“You and Sanji were fighting again huh?” Zoro hung his head. “It’s fine, I messed up to, but we’ll make it out of this.”

‘Where does he get that optimism?’ Law didn’t get it, but his confidence made him believe it.

“Zoro’s a tiger huh? You look pretty cool!” He chuckled. Roronoa blushed.

“Idiot…” He looked away, and Luffy pets him earning a purr.

“Oh you purr, that’s so cute!” Roronoa’s face burned hotter.

“Shut up!” Zoro tried to growl, but the purr won out. Luffy’s touch felt so good, the tiger leaned into the touch. “Ohh~!”

Monkey’s gaze turned to Sanji. The blonde had been quiet so far. “Sanji?” The blonde twitched at his voice.

“He’s been acting weird since he transformed.” Law came over. Zoro could smell Luffy’s scent all over the dog doctor, and in him.

Luffy moved over to Sanji. “Are you okay?”

“Luffy?” The blonde blinked and his tails wrapped around himself. “Don’t look at me...stay away!”

“Cook calm down!” He was shaking and pale.

The way he was rubbing his arms, made him look anxious and fully distressed. He didn’t have his cigarettes or lighter. Sanji felt his ears, his tails, his fur, growing more freaked. A deep desire began to swell inside Sanji, a feeling he hadn’t felt since he was a child. He wanted to disappear!

Being locked in a cell wasn’t helping the matter either. So much was rushing through Sanji’s mind, things he wanted to forget but never could. Things he never told anyone, a secret he kept from even the man he loved. ‘Vanish...disappear...vanish...fade away…’

Eyes widened as something began to happen with his body.

Stop!” Luffy’s haki rang out and the blonde froze. Whatever was happening stopped.

His captain’s power washed over him, it shook the hold of him and pulled him from the spiraling darkness. “Luffy...I...I…” He was coming back from the shock.

“It’s okay Sanji...it’s alright…” Luffy told him, and pulled him into a warm embrace.

Monkey’s scent helped calm him down. “Luffy...I’m a...I’m a monster!” He cried.

“That’s okay, so am I!” Sanji shook his head.

“No...I’m the worst kind off monster...I’m evil...I can feel it...the pill...it...made me like them!” Luffy rubbed his back.

“Sanji, breath talk to me, just like who?” The cook growled, his ears going flat against his head.

“I never told you...I didn’t mean to hide it...but...I didn’t think anything like this could happen…” Zoro was about to snap at him but Luffy stopped him. He kept rubbing his back and let him get it out. “I have brothers...our father...he...modified us...I don’t know why but I was a failure...they were monsters without hearts...I was told about how I was a failure everyday…”

Sanji continued to shake, talking about this was painful. “My brothers had no hearts, they didn’t even care when our mother died.” He cried. “The bastard who called himself our father didn’t care about that, he just wanted weapons, and my brothers were just that.”

“Luffy...I can feel it...I’ve changed...something inside me...I don’t…I’ve become like them!”

“Like who cook-ya?” Law asked.

“I’m apart of the Vinsmoke family!” He cried.

“The Germa 66!” Law gasped.

“Who?!” Zoro and Luffy were confused.

“I don’t wanna be like them!”

“Then don’t!” Sanji looked up at him. “Sanji is Sanji, you have a big heart! I don’t think anything is gonna change that.” Luffy smiled and patted his head, his ears perking up. Monkey kissed him, brushing away his tears with his thumb. Vinsmoke melted into the kiss, feeling a weight he was carrying roll off his shoulders.

“That explains the vanishing, Cook-ya is Stealth Black!” Law growled. He knew the Germa 66, but he was more a fan of Sora than the evil army.

“Ehh?” Sanji, Luffy, and Zoro shared a confused cry. The cook didn’t realized he had vanished, and the captain and swordsman had no idea what Law was talking about.

“Traffy, what do you know about this?”

“I’ll explain, but if Cook-ya is truly apart of the evil army, that means we have a chance of escaping.”

To be continued...Vanishing Fox

Law explains what he knows about the Germa 66 and Sanji proves a lot of it true. It turns out his bloodline power is Vanish and thanks to the mix of the beast pill and the germa modifications Sanji can manifest this power.


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