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Young Justice/DCAU parody: Tier 1

Titan League

Nightwing is leading a new team, Batman calls him in to help train the next generation of heroes. He says he's not doing it for Bruce he's doing it for them. Superboy, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, and Static are nervous, excited, and upon meeting their mentor horny. The Justice League wants to bring in and train new heroes, what better way to bring down gods than with titans.

Chapter 1

Nightwing was flying solo. Having left Batman’s shadow and leaving behind the mantle of Robin. That didn’t mean he didn’t keep tabs on the goings on in the Justice League and Batman. A united task force was called on to build a Titan Tower. The League wanted to train the next generation of heroes. Meta Humans had been appearing and had been found over the last few years.

Titan Tower was to be a test run, state of the art security, advanced living quarters, a live in mentor with the option of training from various league members. It was a big deal with some of the young heroes having moved in already.

A clone of Superman was discovered. Lex was trying to train him in secret, but the secret got out. He wanted freedom, he wanted to help people, he wanted to live up to Superman’s name. Lex didn’t quite agree, he wanted to plan his reveal, have control. Control he could never get over big blue. He wanted Superboy to put Superman in his place one day, replace him.

After seeing what happened to the other clones Luthor deemed a failure, he got out. Lex wanted an army, so far Superboy was the only success, but if he was deemed a failure...he’d be...deleted…or worse...

Superman was surprised to find out he had a “son”. Luthor may have given him knowledge, but he treated him like a thing, a weapon. Kent gave him a home. He spent a year with his family, became family, gaining the name Conner Kent for a human name and Kon-El for a kryptonian name. Conner felt truly free, then Clark came to him with an offer, to join the titans!

It would be his choice, he could train to become a hero and be a part of a team, or he could choose a normal life. Either way he could make some new friends. “I’m in!”


Garfield “Gar” Logan aka Beastboy, his powers manifested when he was 11. He was taken in by the Doom Patrol and taught the ways of being a hero, but it was believed he should be around people his own age. He was being raised like a soldier not a person. Their missions were getting riskier and riskier so when they were approached by the League for their Titan program Garfield was suggested.

He could have a normal life and be a hero. The boy needed balance, so balance he got. Conner and him had a little bromance going on, the two living together it was no surprise why.


Jaime Reyes came in contact with a piece of alien tech, the scarab. He pulled back from society, seeing himself as a freak. That didn’t stop him from helping, he was inspired by stories about the League, Batman, and other heroes. He had powers now, so he figured he’d use them to help people.

Imagine his surprise when Batman found him and offered him a place at Titan’s Tower. It was a good deal, a safe place to sleep, a roof over his head, and training to get control. He moved in, but asked Conner and Gar not to tick off the Scarab, he didn’t have full control.


Last but not least was a young man named Virgil Hawkins. In his home town there was a meta gene experiment that went wrong. The “Big Bang” happened and the meta gene had been activated in a lot of different people. Some of them went crazy and started causing trouble.

Virgil took on the mantle of hero as Static! His efforts were good, but he needed training. Then his dad found out his secret. There was no love lost, his dad knew about these “Bang Babies” and how crazy they got. He wanted Virgil “fixed”, and saying they would find a “cure” like he was broken. His powers weren’t a disease they were him. His hero duties, his father was against it to, saying “It wasn’t his responsibility to put his life in danger”.

Things went from bad to worse, Virgil bailed and it wasn’t long after that he was found by Batman. It was his choice, and Static wanted to help, he wanted to be a hero.

Out of the four he spent the least amount of time at the tower 6 months. Conner and Beast Boy had a year and a half, Blue had a year. What was odd is despite the rotation of teachers there “den mother” hadn’t been chosen. Batman claimed. “He was working on it.”


Nightwing knew about each of the new titans. It reminded him of the days when Wally, Speedy, Aqualad and him worked together as the original titans. Batman felt it’d be good for him to learn and to grow, but when he came back nothing had changed.

Despite growing and learning, Batman wanted him in his shadow once more. Dick tried to make things work, but in the end he left, giving him a good punch as a parting gift. So Nightwing wasn’t expecting a call from Batman unless it was an emergency.

Then one day his phone rang. “Hello?”

“Dick, don’t hang up!” It was Bruce.

“What do you want, is it Jason, is it Alfred, did something happen to Barbra?”

“Jason is...fine...Alfred is fine. Barbra is also fine.”

“Good to know.” He hung up the phone.

It didn’t take more than five seconds for Bruce to call back. Dick ignored his phone and went out on patrol. He had a feeling this wasn’t over but he wasn’t expecting Batman to show up tonight. “We need to talk.”

“We have nothing to talk about.” Batman cut him off. “Get out of my way, I’m busy.”

“Nightwing...please…” Dick shook his head.

“Don’t you have a city to protect?” He asked.

“Batgirl and...Robin are keeping an eye on things.” Dick chuckled.

“So Jason did take up that mantle.”

“He wanted to follow in your footsteps. He misses you.”

“We keep in touch, he didn’t tell me about becoming Robin.” Nightwing knew the idea had to have come from Bruce.

“He didn’t want you to think he was replacing you.” There it was.

“Look, if I listen to you will you leave?” Batman almost looked hurt.

“I need your help with something. I’m sure you’ve heard about the Titan’s Tower project.”

“I have, what’s it got to do with me?” He crossed his arms.

“I want you to become their mentor. Live at the tower and guide them to become the next generation of heroes!”

“Huh?” He blinked in surprise. “You must be joking, you show up out of the blue and ask me to mentor these new titans?” Batman nodded. “Why me?!”

“It has to be you, you have the training, the experience, and the heart that these new heroes will need.”

“What is your game Batman? Why are you doing this?”

“It’s for the mission!”

“Of course it is, it’s always the damn mission!” He glared.

“Our enemies are drawing the next generation down a dark path. They need to know there are other options, a better way. You can show them the way, more than any other mentor could.”

“You want me to play den mother to a bunch of young heroes.”


“Is that all you had to say?” Nightwing hung his head. “Then are we done here? You can leave!”

“Nightwing, I need you to do this.”

“I don’t care about your needs anymore. I’m not your Robin, I’m not in your shadow!”

“This isn’t about us!”

“You want to know why I’m not doing this, because I know you are still keeping things from me, even now.” Batman flinched.

“Nightwing, please do this, not for me, but for them. They need you…” Nightwing took some deep breaths. “Things can be better, I’ll stay out of your way.”

“You still don’t get it, but fine. You got your den mother, but know this if you try undermine me in any way I’m out! No questions no more chances, I’ll be gone, from all of this!” Batman’s eyes widened.

“Understood!” For the first time in years, Batman realized how deeply he hurt Nightwing.


Batman left a message at the Tower. “Your in house mentor has been selected. He’ll be there after you run your simulator drills.”

“Oh man, we are finally getting our full time mentor. I wonder who they picked.” Superboy was pumped.

“Why are you so excited, isn’t this like a glorified babysitter for us?” Virgil asked.

“Why shouldn’t we be excited, it’s a super hero that’s gonna live here and teach us stuff, this is gonna rock!” Conner was

“We’ve learned a lot from the mentors who give up their time to teach us, but they have their cities to patrol, lives to live.” Jaime said.

“Must be nice!” Virgil huffed. Batman promised him his city would get the support it needed from the League. It may have only been six months but he was a little home sick.

“He’s coming today, so lets hit the simulator!” Superboy said.

“Where’s the beast?” Jaime asked.

“We kinda partied a little hard last night, he’s sleeping it off.”

“Of course he is!” Virgil face palmed.

“Relax he’ll be there, he knows that time simulator duty is, we can tell him about our new mentor when he gets there.” They entered the simulator, they had state of the art hard light holograms to run all kinds of simulations. They could use their powers on them easy peasy, but that also meant they could get hit, it wasn’t called the danger room for nothing.

It was locked in so it couldn’t be raised beyond level 3, out of 9. They were running a simple training simulation, taking out alien invading baddies. Static got caught from behind when a green rhino charged in and hit the alien. “Sup BB!” Superboy shouted as he used heat vision on two aliens.

“The Beastboy is in the house!” He laughed.

“You are late!” Static grumbled and got up. He zapped two aliens causing them to be digitized.

“What’s the big deal it’s just another simulation?” He charged and headbutted an alien making him digitize to.

“Batman left us a message, we got our in house mentor. He’ll be arriving today!” Jaime said.

“No way!” Beastboy gasped. “Our pad is finally getting a mentor to stay!” Static really didn’t get Beastboy or Superboy, this place was practically a bachelor pad about to get a new land lord. He had no idea who was about to come and live with them. “This is gonna be great!”

Beastboy reverted back to human form. “Dude!” Static face palmed. “Why are you not wearing pants?!”

Superboy started laughing. “You ran down here without putting your suit on, riot!” He was rolling in the air laughing.

Gar gasped and tried to cover himself. “I was rushing!” He put his hands on his hips. “What’s the big deal, we are all guys here, nothing we haven’t seen in the showers.”

“Time and place Gar, I don’t wanna see your dick hanging out.” Static groaned.

“I’m naked in my animal forms what’s the difference?” He had a special suit that morphed into a collar when he transformed. “I’m the entire animal kingdom in one perfect package!”

Superboy whistled.

“Just get some pants on before our mentor arrives.” Garfield went to leave only to bump into their new mentor.

“No way!” Gar couldn’t believe it. “It’s you…”

“Oh wow!” Superboy floated down.

“Nightwing!” Jaime gasped.

Static gulped. “It’s him, it’s you...you’re really here!”

“Hey guys, I’ll be your in house mentor from now on.” This was Dick Grayson, former Robin, leader of the original Teen Titans, Nightwing, he had inspired many youths to become heroes. Now he was standing before them.

To be continued


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