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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/Patreon reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Crimes and Punishment

Ben put his money to forming a base for them. He bought a club that had hotel accommodation above it. The club had a working bar, and thanks to Cooper they had a terrific lights and sound set up. The first floor rooms were made for hookups. The second floor rooms held their offices; Cooper’s lab, Kevin’s workshop, Deefus’s sewing room and closets. Argit had an actual office. The third floor was Ben’s mana floor, the rooms were bigger on the inside, containing Tennyson’s collections and stores. He had a room with a pool, a spa room, a library, a garden, etc.

The top floor was the suites, their rooms/home, they had their own private bar, kitchen, a bathroom of each of their rooms, along with the master bath, an entertainment room/mission area, and Ben’s master bed room.

From roof to basement the whole place was tricked out with wards and tech. In the basement Cooper’s got a generator keeping them off the grid. They had their own self sustaining water system, with runes supplying heat and cold as needed. Ben’s rock creatures served as staff, with a glamour charm to make them look human.

Dark Light, was officially open business. Ben did all this and even made a new body for himself. The business practically ran itself, when the boys had some down time they could work in the club to make some extra cash.

Kevin worked as a bouncer, Deefus worked as a bartender, and Cooper was a superb DJ. Argit was able to work as a waiter/server with a glamour charm, in his human form he had tan skin, with a thick mane of black hair, his ears were pointy. He didn’t have the most trust worthy face, along with thick eyebrow, he still gave off weasel vibes.

Levin bought the garage behind the building, so he could work on cars in his morning free time. Using some alien tech they were able to give themselves some fake identities that’d stand up against the local authorities, as for plumbers Ben worked some mojo to give them some cover. Magic paper, simply flash it to a plumber or scanner and it’d give them the perfect identity.

Owning both buildings gave them a sizable lot to handle customers. With customers of their bouncing club and the renters for hook ups they got a nice cash flow coming in, granting them all sorts of perks. Deefus also got a nice and safe place to work, without fear of being jumped or targeted by the plumbers.

Ben really hooked them up.


Deefus was using the master bathroom, it had jets in the walls, the streams all over his body felt amazing. “Mmm oh yeah baby!” He could feel it so good even in his human form.

The water turned off and Deefus sighed. He normally couldn’t handle Earth showers, but Ben’s jets were enchanted so even a lenopan could enjoy the water. They gave him a good deep cleaning, flushing out a few loads he had taken earlier tonight. He felt like a mud bath, clean and dirty at the same time. “Ahh!”

“How was the water Deefus?” Ben entered the bathroom.

“It was amazing!” He stepped out. “Ohh Ben...wow...nice body!” It had taken a few days to make a new one. As a shapeshifter Deefus could always tell the subtle differences in each of Ben’s bodies, this one had thicker and more luxurious hair, he still had a soccer player’s body but his abs were more defined. His balls on this body were more egg shaped then round, and his cock, oh mama his cock!

Deefus licked his lips. He could feel his cock swell at the sight. “Oh, see something you like Deefus?”

“You know it!” Ben smiled and his penis rose up. Deefus was also a sexy beast, he was tall in his human form. He was muscular, broad shouldered, jacked arms, firm beefy pecs and a six pack. He has green eyes and messy brown hair. His cock was impressive, while not super long he was thick. Again shape shifter, he could be any size he wanted. He was currently sporting a fat 7 incher.

Ben could also adjust his size with magic, but his standard size was 10 inches. “Suck it puppy!” Deefus shivered.

“I love it when you talk dirty to me!” He got on his knees and began to taste Ben’s rod. This was a virgin cock, he could taste it, raw and pure, without even a hint of use. He didn’t get to play with virgin dicks often, Kevin and Cooper usually got to Ben after he’s made his latest body.

His tongue caressed each inch, working the foreskin back. It was like unwrapping a present. He swirled his organ around the tip, making sure to swipe the glans, and work the slit. “You always suck such good cock puppy!”

“Mmm~!” Deefus felt his heart flutter. He reached down and began to fist his dripping cock. Veeblepister had explored human sex clubs and learned that pet names like puppy, kitten, happened in different types of play, similar to baby, daddy, and bro. Some humans even liked to be called slut, whore, and even bitch even different situations.

For the lenopan being called puppy was more of the latter. It was something he enjoyed only with Ben. The anodite respected his stance on being called a sludgepuppy.

Deefus took the cock into his mouth, he had no gag reflex so he sucked it with gusto. He took all 10 inches, bobbing back and forth, slurping lewdly. The lenopan was enjoying the penis in his mouth and throat, he also didn’t need to breathe so he could just savor the man meat. “Mmm mmm mmm mmm~!” He swallowed around the shaft.

His moans vibrated through Ben’s penis. “Yeah suck my cock puppy, fuck you are so hot!” Tennyson licked his lips.

The fact Deefus was enjoying sucking him added fuel to Ben’s libido. He fisted his shaft while sucking down Ben’s shaft, his tongue curling and caressing the underside. His mouth was so special, when he got down to the root, he could swipe Ben’s balls with his tongue.

He could feel Ben twitching in his mouth. ‘Oh yes, give it to me baby, give me your cum!’ He doubled his efforts, hollowing his cheeks and tightening his throat. Lenopans gave amazing blow jobs!

“Here it comes puppy!” Ben moaned. His balls lurched and his cum rocketed down the hungry man’s throat.

‘So good, so good, I’m cumming!’ He came, blowing his load across the floor. ‘His first load, it’s so good!’ Such volume was swallowed, and he just kept drinking. For some added lenopan flare he stretched his tongue and jerked Ben off in his mouth, getting a few extra spurts.

His own orgasm petered out, leaving a mess on the floor. He released Ben’s cock and it was still hard. “Wanna take my cock virginity?”

“Hell yes!” Deefus went back into the shower and spread his cheeks. Ben followed after him and thrust into his hole. “Ohh!”

“I love fucking your ass Deefus, your ass is messy and tight at the same time.”

“Ohh Ben you are so big, fuck me!” He wiggled his plump butt against Ben’s pelvis.

“You got it!” He took hold of his hips and began to pound his ass.

“Ahh ahh yes your cock...ohh fuck your cock feels so damn good!” He moaned, his manhood bopping about, growing back to full mast from the fucking. Deefus could feel the anodite’s mana with every thrust, the energy charging through his rod and spreading through his form.

He could feel it even in his sludge form. Truly Ben’s penis was his favorite cock he’s ever had. Big, small, thick, thin, straight, curved, and all sorts across the alien spectrum anodite cock trumped them all. To say nothing of the anodite who knew how to use it.

Ben’s thrusts rocked Deefus to his core, he couldn’t even hold his form for a bit and Ben just kept fucking him. He regained his composure and braced himself against the wall. “Yes Ben, breed me, breed my ass oh fuck me, fuck me!”

The two would be at it for awhile, Ben’s virgin cock didn’t last long. He came hard inside Deefus, but the fucking continued. It was an honor to train Ben’s new rod, the ass cherry was probably gonna go to Kevin.


Out in the country a young man was being chased by police. He had powers, able to turn into an alien Gwen called Heatblast but it’s species name was Pyronite. His grandmother had protected him for years, but she recently passed away.

The local cops knew what he was, or at least saw him as a monster. When his powers first started manifesting, he caused a few fires, by accident! His grandmother defended him, now that she was gone there was no more games.

Some recent fires started happening, so the authorities looked to the alien teen with fire powers. He ran, while he had powers for awhile and even had a trick to fly but he was being chased so he got distracted. The cops chased him through the field until he got tripped up by a scarecrow. Alan fell and before he could recover the cops sicked some fire trucks on him, blasting him with water hoses until he turned back into human form. “Ugh…” He passed out.

When he came to he was in a large freezer and handcuffed. “Let me go!”

“I don’t think so, you’ve gone too far this time Alan.” He knew this cop, he was often the one who came to talk to his grandma about him. He recently became Sheriff.

“What are you talking about?” He glared.

Sheriff Mason slapped his file down. “The recent fires at the mills that’s your doing isn’t it, practicing your freaky powers?”

“I haven’t been to the mills!”

“Like I’m supposed to believe that. You’ve been nothing but trouble, even before your powers came in. Sneaking into movie theaters, shoplifting, arson!”

“Hey man that last one was an accident!”

“No excuses, I owed your grandma a debt which is why I didn’t send your ass to juvie back then.” Mason shook his head. “Maybe it would have done you some good. Now look at you, picking up johns, working the streets.”

“Hey man, I’m legal and a guy’s gotta eat!”

“That doesn’t make it right!” He banged his fist on the table.

Alan glared at him. “What else am I supposed to do? Mom and Grandma are dead, Dad’s gone, and you have made the whole town know I’m a freak, no one will hire me!”

“You could leave town, go where no one knows you.”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you, get the freak out of your town.”

“That’s not what I meant!”

“Sure it is!” Alan glared. “You’ve hated me, you’ve always hated me and I don’t know why!”

“Because…” He growled in frustration. “It’s because you are a criminal. I’ve looked the other way but no more. You are out of here. I called in some favors and you are an adult in the eyes of the law. With your recent crimes your ass is going to jail.”

“I didn’t do anything!”

“You can tell that to a judge.”

“Phone call!”


“If you are arresting me, I want my one phone call.”

“Who are you gonna call?”

“Phone call!” Alan snapped.

“Fine...one phone call coming up.” In the cold Alan could barely use his powers. His plumber badge was taken, but there was one person he could call.


Officer Wells watched him make his call. It seemed normal enough. “Who’d he call?” Mason asked.

“He claimed it was his lawyer.”

“His what?” Suddenly the door was flung open, in walked Ben Tennyson wearing a suit and glasses. “Who the hell are you?”

Ben flashed his magic paper, his name and credentials appeared on it. “I’m here for my client Alan Albright!”

“We aren’t releasing him, he’s being handed over to higher authorities.”

“Did you read my client his rights?” The two officers shared a look. “I’ll take that as a no, you can hand over my client now or later after I bring your conduct to a judge.”

“We can’t let him go, he’s a suspect in an arson case.”

“Do you have any evidence against my client?”

“Well umm, he’s got a history…”

“So I suppose you’ve rounded up every arsonist with a record and have been questioned. Do I need to remind you sir, his juvinial record is sealed and can’t be used against him?”

“We can hold him for his recent crimes.”

“Not without reading him his rights you can’t.” Ben eyed the freezer. “That is not a normal cell for a prisoner, not only did you not read him his rights but are you torturing him too?”

“Alan isn’t normal...he’s dangerous…”

“I’m done with this nonsense. I want to see my client and I’ll be taking him home.”

“Look, there is something strange going on in my town, and that boy is in the middle of it. I’m not letting him out of my sight unless he’s getting out of my town.”

“Good to know where you stand.” With a wave of Ben’s hand the two cops were knocked out. “Tried to do this the easy way.”

Ben broke the door and got Alan free. “Ben!” Alan hugged him.

“What’s going on? Why didn’t you call me sooner?” They left the cooler.

“I know, I just...didn’t want to be a burden. I thought I could handle things on my own.” Tennyson sighed.

“You are a tough guy Alan, but asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness.”

“I’m sorry…” He saw the cops on the ground. “Are they...dead?” Ben shook his head no, a simple sleep spell.

“I’m not mad, I was worried about you.” Ben had discovered Alan one day and gave him his number if he ran into trouble. He told him about the plumber badge and how he had to keep that on him or risk getting arrested by the galactic police. “The big guy said something weird was going on, know anything about it?”

“No, I did what you said, I kept my powers on the down low. I only used them to travel from place to place.”

“So something else is going down here, and you are taking the blame.”

“Something like that, but he’s got me for some other stuff to, that...I did…no matter what I’m gonna be punished.”

“We’ll see about that.”

To be continued...Truth and Freedom
Mason had got in touch with the right people and some plumbers were coming to deal with Alan. Ben proves his innocence upon discovering a DNAlien base. Mason still wants Alan gone, and Ben finds out what’s up with this guy.


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