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Pocket monster parody: Tier 6

Chapter 4 

Ash (Dom) 11 inches

Dom Badge

(14 Dom Balls: 5 Hyper, 2 Milk, 3 Hormone, 3 Hypno) (17 Monster Balls, 2 Premier Ball)

Toys: Plug, Vibrating Eggs, Training Dildos,

Key Items: Dom Mood Ring

Oak (Sub) 6 inches

Gary (Hyper Sub) 11 inches soft 33 inches hard

James (Milk Sub) 8 Inches


Ash: Pikachu, Charmander, Pidgey, Nidoran (M) Mankey

Gary: Eevee, Squirtle, Rattata, Nidoran (F), Spearow

James: Koffing, Weepinbell, Growlie

Chapter 5

It was time to set off, with their pokemon healed up, and their bodies were rested. Ash even had James register for the Pokemon League. “You...you mean...I can continue being a trainer?”

“Of course, you better prepare yourself, as one of my subs I’m expecting big things from you, so be prepared to work hard.” James blushed. He always wanted to become a skilled trainer, but events kept messing things up for him. “I felt you had a good bond with your Pokemon, don’t want to waste that.”

James got his badge case. “I won’t, master...I swear I’ll work hard.” This felt like a second chance.

“You better not slow us down!” Gary snapped.

“I won’t I swear!” He blushed. ‘I’ll try not too!’ James lacked confidence in his battle skills. In Team Rocket they used surprise attacks and gear to overpower opponents. It was Team Rocket’s mission to obtain rare and powerful pokemon. The means of getting said pokemon varied from the good to the bad.

James got a new outfit for their travels, they went to the clothing store in the red light area. He received a white vest with blue trim, that showed off his sexy form, especially his plump nipples. He got a jock strap made special for milk subs, it was the only thing that could cradle his giant balls. He got some white stockings and some new shoes.

“Oi newbie, take good care of that, our master isn’t made of money!” Gary said.

“Now now…” Ash said with a sweat drop. James bowed.

“I’ll do my best to assist you master!” This was fine, he didn’t mind that his ass was hanging out. His flare for standing out gave him a bit of an exhibition kink.


The group was off, the Viridian Gym was closed due to repairs, so the first badge was in Pewter City. To get there they had to travel through Viridian Forest. “Let’s go find and catch some new Pokemon!”

“Yeah!” Gary, James, along with Pikachu and Charmander cheered in their own way.

They entered the forest. Ash checked the Pokedex. “Dexter says this area is known for Bug Pokemon.” Viridian Forest was vast, it was said you could find every bug pokemon in Kanto here. They appeared at different times and in different areas.

“We’ll need to avoid the dark grass areas, there are not only strong pokemon there, but swarms are likely to nest.” Gary pointed out.

“There is also other Pokemon that come to Viridian Forest, so we should be on our guard.” Monsters do invade certain territories to go after prey.

Ash wasn’t listening, he was already looking for Pokemon, Charmander and Pikachu were assisting him. Gary and James sweatdropped.

“Char Char!” Ketchum looked over and there was his fire type with a bug type.

“It’s a Caterpie!” He got excited and threw a ball at it. It caught him in the back of his head. Pow! It sucked him up and the ball began to shake.

Jiggle...jiggle...jiggle...Ping! The seal closed and Ash had a new friend. “Haha!” He struck a victory pose. “We caught a Caterpie!”

“Pika!” “Char!” His monsters cheered.

Ash added this monster to the hang out club, Caterpie happy to hang on his hat/head. Mankey and Nidoran were happy to chill in their balls, unless there was training or battles to be had. Pidgey was happy to help, but preferred the safety of his ball.

They did some exploring and Gary spotted a Weedle. He battled it with Squirtle and weakened it enough for capture. Catching and battling rules was the first to see the monster got the right to catch and battle it. Ash may have had an advantage given he had four sets of eyes. Caterpie was both keeping watch and enjoying his perch.

Charmander was checking bushes. Ash was looking all over, he was hoping to get a Weedle of his own, or spot another bug type. He liked Bug Type Pokemon, they were cool!

Pikachu got a high up view, springing from tree to tree. He maybe should have looked before he leapt. On a branch resting was a coiled up Ekans. “Hiss!” The poison type wasn’t pleased.

“An Ekans!” James gasped. He began to sweat, ‘Is it Jessie’s?’

“Pikachu!” The snake monster lunged at the mouse, only for him to dodge. He had his back to Ash facing his opponent. “Monster Ball Go!” It smacked Ekans in the back of the head again and whoosh!

Ekans was sucked into the ball. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! Ash had caught an Ekans! James breathed a sigh of relief.

“Alright, another Pokemon...huh?!” When he picked up the ball it glowed and was suddenly vanished. “Hey where did it go?!” He looked all over as if he dropped it.

“Ash...don’t tell me you have the auto send on?” Gary asked.

“Auto send?” Oak sighed.

New sponsored trainers could only carry six pokemon at a time, their pokedex would send their extra pokemon to the sponsor or designated facility. Gary explained that Ekans was sent back to his Grandpa. He turned the auto send feature off. “See here, you can use these buttons to choose which Pokemon gets sent back to Gramps.” If he wanted to rotate Pokemon he could do it by calling him up at a Pokemon Center.

“It’d be nice if we could all hang together.” Ash sighed, but he was glad Ekans was okay.

“That can be arranged, Elite trainers are allowed to carry 9, and I’ve heard the Champion can carry up to 12.” There were other ways, even winning a Pokemon League earned a special badge that raised your carry limit by 1. That got Ash even more pumped up.

Despite his gusto it was Gary who found the next monster. A powerful Pidgeotto! Oak had Eevee battle it, and after some back and forth, it was weakened enough for capture. Just like with Ekans, Pidgeotto was sent to Professor Oak’s lab. “Nice capture!”

“Come on James, don’t you wanna catch some Pokemon?”

“Hmm…” James went over to a tree and did some pressure point tests.

“What’s he doing?” Ketchum asked.

“I’ve seen this before, Gramps showed me. Using some pressure points one can tell if a tree has a pokemon hiding in it.” James tried a few trees before…

“Growlie I choose you!” He called out his Growlithe and wham! The fire type hit the tree hard and down came a Pinsir!


“It’s a Pinsir!” Gary gasped. It was a strong one too!

“We can do this Growlie!” The fire type did put in some good effort but was taken down by Guillotine! Pinsir got a 1-Hit KO! “No Growlie!”

“Throw a ball!” Gary snapped at him. James threw a monster ball and it hit Pinsir right in the face. It sucked him up after a few violent jiggles the Pinsir was his. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“We should make camp and rest for a bit.” Pidgey was called out for some berry hunting. Growlie was gonna make a full recovery, with some rest he revived. Gary mashed up some Oran Berries to make some nice healing potion. The fire type was back to being energetic.

Sometimes being the grandson of a famous professor has its perks. Pidgey and Pikachu foraged and got a good mix of berries for their rations. Ash got out the Pokemon food and the monsters were called out for lunch. It seemed there were no hard feelings with Pinsir, he pounced on James and took a nip at his noggin.

This apparently happened a lot, his Pokemon tended to like him so much they tackled him and nipped at him playfully. Growlie and Weepinbell got their turns before going to their food bowls.

With food covered, they got the drink from a reliable source...James’s tits!

Ash and Gary worked him together, filling bowl after bowl of fresh high quality milk. “Mmm nnnhhh mmm~!” James blushed and squirmed, their hands were warm, and his nipples were tender. Once all the bowls were filled and passed out, it was Ketchum’s and Oak’s turn.

They drank from the tap! “Ahhh~!” James cried out in pleasure. His body rocked in bliss, a feeling, akin to pleasure, but ran so much deeper washed through him. Before he just felt this delight of being useful as he was milked for the monsters to enjoy, but having his master and sub brother nurse from his tender manly breast it gave him a level of joy he never knew existed.

This mind numbing orgasmic sensation rippled through him with every suck, and they were thirsty young men! By the time they drank their feel James was a panting and drooling mess.

Lunch for the trainers was handled by Ash. His cooking was a bit odd, it looked weird but it tasted good. His mother taught him to put love in his cooking. James eyed the meal. “It tastes better than it looks.” Gary assured.

“Hey!” James took a bite and gasped.

“It’s good!” The bluenette cried out in joy.

Ash chuckled. “See I’m an excellent cook!”

“Appearance counts to!” Gary groaned. “Whatever!”

“How about we do some training after lunch?” Ash said between bites of food.

“Sounds good.”

“Okay.” James said. He was still a bit nervous, but the pleasure and the meal certainly helped ease him to be more comfortable around his new group.

As it happened, Gary’s Spearow and Ash’s Pidgey had a bit of a rivalry with each other, so they made a good match up. Pikachu and Eevee shared their trainer’s rivalry so another strong match up for training.

Charmander found a new rival in Growlie, their fire type spirits seeking to clash with each other. Squirtle wasn’t deprived of a rival for long as Ash’s Mankey was ready to scrap.

As for their Nidoran…

“Coo!” The two were snuggling together, hearts fluttering around them.

“Hehe!” Ash rubbed the back of his head. “I don’t think they wanna do any battling with each other?”

“You think…” Gary blushed.

“Koffing can battle the male and my Weepinbell can battle the female.” The two smile.

“Sounds good!” Splitting the two up was difficult, but after a promise they could cuddle later the two were ready to rumble.

The three trainers observed the matches, this was for training, so working towards harnessing their skills and learning new moves was a key factor here. Gary did his research, the Pewter City Gym was a Rock Type specialty Gym. “For many years the Pewter Gym has used Rock Types, for trainers 0-1 Badges they have used Geodude and Onix, a two on two match. For trainers with 2-4 Badges they face Two Geodude, Onix, and Rhyhorn. If you have 5-8 badges or more you face their full six on six match.” Three Geodude, Graveler, Onix, and Rhyhorn, a formidable team and one that not many beat. “In recent years now many trainers have aimed for Pewter Gym as their first badge or one of the earlier badges to get.”

Ash’s team was the least effective in the Rock Gym besides Mankey. James had his Weepinbell, and Gary had Squirtle. Going into the gym with only one super effective Pokemon was foolish. “We need our pokemon to learn Fighting, Ground, Steel, or Grass type moves.”

So began the training in the woods. With Gary’s know how, it made tutoring moves much easier. Growlie had used Dig before so relearning it was easy enough, he helped teach Eevee.

Charmander worked to learn Metal Claw, Pikachu worked to learn Iron Tail, and Pidgey Steel Wing for Ash’s team. Mankey worked on his fighting moves by breaking stones, which were repurposed for weights for the others. Nidoran worked on learning Double Kick, using said stones.

Gary had to admit it was clever. Gary had his Nidoran do the same kind of training to learn Double Kick. Squirtle used a tree for target practice to work on his Bubble and Water Gun. Rattata worked to learn Iron Tail as well. He didn’t know who he would be using, but learning the right moves would help in future battles.

In solo training Ash had Caterpie use String Shot to work on everyone's Evasiveness. They had to get in sync, and String Shot could be used quite a bit and avoid serious damage. Even Pinsir got into the training, learning Seismic Toss.

With Gary’s solo training he has Weedle do the same trick as Caterpie, using String Shot to get his Pokemon in sync.

James had his own way, Weepinbell could use Sleep Powder, and his monsters enjoyed the training. It raised his confidence a bit.

They took a break for dinner to recover and recoup. “These strange travelers might prove entertaining.” Unaware of being watched the group made camp for the night. The stronger bug types came out at dark.

To be continued...Challenge of the Samurai


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