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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Ring Plates

Arceus has chosen Ash to bridge people and Pokemon together, he receives a divine cock ring that inherits Arceus’s plates. By changing types Ash's dick transforms and becomes unique, ground type give him a horse-like penis, dragon type gives him a ridged cock, water type gives him a tentacle-like penis, to name a few. He con bond and breed any type of pokemon and some trainers like certain types to.

Chapter 1 The Divine Rod

Ash Ketchum, a young trainer from Pallet Town, he had dreams of becoming a Pokemon Master. His love of pokemon and his respect for battles and trainers, made him a prime candidate. The god of pokemon visited him in his dreams, Ash didn’t realize it, but his soul was being tested.

It was a divine experience, awakening Ash to things that would have taken him 50 years to understand. Arceus gave him knowledge lost to time; monsters could master moves, the mastered moves couldn’t be forgotten and could be called upon at any time.

A lost art today, but Ash learned about aura and how to use it to connect to the hearts of pokemon. This power still existed today, but it was splintered. The Dragon Clan could hear the hearts of dragons, and some gained the power to communicate with Psychic Pokemon. Others with love for a certain type managed to scratch the surface and speak to their beloved typing.

The relationship between people and pokemon wasn’t what it was.

Not the worst it had been, but not the best. He read about the bad times in school, the wars, the destruction, the madness in Pokemopolis. Sadly he also knew that not all trainers treated their pokemon well either.

Arceus gave him visions of the old ways where people and pokemon were closer. A love that once was, had been lost and the bonds haven’t reached a certain level. Ash couldn’t believe it, he had gotten sex ed in school, but nothing compared it to what he saw. It felt real, powerful, and intense.

At first he thought they were just dreams, but they started to feel real, like he was there in ancient times. He felt the deep bond between people, pokemon, and humans and monsters. In his heart he made choices that passed Arceus’s trials.

When he came of age the divine pokemon appeared before him. He felt like he was floating in a big void, his clothes were gone, he didn’t need to breathe, he felt weightless, and despite being naked he felt warm. “You are one who can repair the bonds, will you honor this task?” There was no hesitation.

“I’ll do it!” He stood before the god of pokemon in all his naked glory. There was no shame, no pride or ego, this was an honor. Arceus was truly a spectacle, this god of monsters has been watching over him. Ash basked in his radiance, as he conjured his plates.

They circled him, Arceus building up energy as he formed something new. He bestowed a blessing onto Ash, the energy circled his length forming a divine ring at the base of his penis. “With this your rod has been blessed, you will be able to bond with people and pokemon on a whole new level.”

Ash gasped, energy surged through his penis. This ring didn’t feel like an accessory, but a part of his very being. Arceus put some oomf~oomf~ into his pecker. “Use my blessing well, you hold the power of my plates!” To prove his point Arceus made one of his plates glow and Ash saw his penis change.

“Ohhh!” When Ash woke up, he thought it had been just a dream. Once the covers were pulled back, his cock was still transformed. “It was real!” With a wave of his hand and some applied aura his cock returned to normal, the golden ring attached to the base of his shaft. Just looking at it, one could feel the divine presence.

He just need to control his aura and think of a type, the ring did the rest. Each rod had a unique size, shape, or special attribute. ‘Monster cocks are amazing!’


The day to start his journey had come, come of age, and graduated school getting his trainer’s license. He wasn’t the only one, his childhood friend turned rival Gary Oak had also passed at the top of the class.

There was another trainer who passed but they didn’t know what he looked like. He had social anxiety issues when it came to people, so he took the classes from home. His scores rivaled Gary academically.

In battle there was someone who was a problem for Gary. His name was Cross, he was a punk who liked picking fights.

When it came to bonding with Pokemon, Ash rivaled Gary. Even some of the most difficult monsters seemed to crumble and warm up to him. Ketchum didn’t even use his aura power to get the results. He could be wild and reckless at times, but he had a big heart.

That wildness made him unpredictable in battles which annoyed both Gary and Cross. It was time to set off on their journeys, get their starters, and enter the Pokemon League. Ash, Gary, Cross, and the mysterious Toren all had their own goals and dreams to follow, but their paths were gonna cross and clash.


Ash was excited, he raced to Oak’s lab in his pajamas. “Waaahhh!” Ash turned.

“Huh?” A green haired boy was on the ground with Cross standing over him.

“Are you that cowardly loser who scrapped by on test scores?” Toren was cowering in fear. “What a loser, why did you even show up?” The greenette flinched.

‘So that’s Toren…’ Ash thought. He had long green hair which he had tied back, some of his hair covered half his face. He wore glasses, a dark blue t-shirt with an Oddish on it. He wore tan pants and jet black shoes. “Knock it off Cross, why are you always picking fights?” He stepped up to him.

“I don’t like weaklings, and that includes you Ketchum!” He growled. Toren had no battle scores at all, he graduated on pure academic merits. “I’ll be crushing you and that pompous boy Oak!”

Cross had shoulder length orange hair, and it was wild like flames. He had a stylized X of hair over his forehead. He was dressed like a punk, a white sleeveless shirt with a skull on the front, a black vest, blood red pants and black boots.

“You are a few decades too early to beat me!” They turned to see Gary strutting up. You could see his ego in the way he walked. “Though compared to Ashy-boy who’s a hundred years away from beating me, I get why you are so confident.”

Ash rolled his eyes. Gary had a prep look to him, he wore a long sleeve blue shirt, he wore a medallion that was green and yellow in yin yang design. He wore fancy pants and designer shoes. From head to toe, you could tell he came from a wealthy family.

“Keep talking smart ass, you might be the grandson of Samuel Oak, but that means nothing now. Just try not to shame your family after I grind you into dust!” Cross didn’t care about Gary’s legacy like others did, in fact, it seemed to piss him off more.

Toren just tried to hide behind Ash. “If you three are my competition, they might as well give me the league championship trophy!” Gary laughed. “At this rate I’ll be Kanto’s next champion!”

Ash just sighed as that brought a screaming match from Cross. He read their auras, Gary was full of confidence and he did have some skills to back up his smack talk, but if he wasn’t careful he’d be consumed by pride. Cross was full of anger, he had a love of battle that was being pulled to a dark place, if he wasn’t careful he’d be consumed by wrath. Torey seemed to be a good guy, he was full of knowledge and wisdom, and had a love toward Pokemon, but he had a shadow of fear over him.

Oak and Cross went up to the lab to get their Pokemon. “Sorry they both can be like that.” He offered his hand to Toren and the greenette gasped and pulled away from him.

“Sorry...I’m not good...with people…” He blushed.

Ash closed his eyes and released his aura. It was so warm and calming, it helped Toren relax. “How...how did you do that?”

“I’ve been training my aura since I was 10.” He rubbed the back of his head.

“A-amazing!” Toren exclaimed. He got close to Ash, only to blush and pull away.

“We better head in and get our Pokemon.” Toren nodded. “Are you planning to enter the Pokemon League?”

“Yes...it might seem odd. I actually want to be a Scientist who makes advancements with the help of Pokemon. Research and materials costs funding. If I can do well in the Pokemon League I can get that funding.” He rubbed his arm sheepishly.

“That sounds amazing!” Ash exclaimed. It surprised the greenette. “Science is so cool!” He gushed. The idea sounded wonderful.

“What’s your goal?” Toren asked.

“I want to be a Pokemon master, I intend to strengthen the bonds of people and monsters alike!” He said with a dazzling smile. It was a strange goal, very ambitious, being a Pokemon master didn’t just mean becoming champion, it meant mastering so many aspects of the Pokemon world to stand at the top of it all. One might think Ash was crazy.

Sure there were Type Masters, trainers who chose to specialize a certain type of pokemon. Style masters, who got pokemon that suited their style. Ace Trainers, Elites, Champions, Frontier Brains, Top Coordinators, to name a few of titles that people strive for.

Ash was making a bold challenge to surpass all of that. Toren was weirdly touched and inspired by Ash’s gusto.

They entered the lab where Cross and Gary were waiting. The orangette didn’t look happy. “Ahh, now everyone is here. We can begin!” Samuel Oak came down stairs and revealed three monster balls, one had a leaf on it, another a ember, and the last had a water drop.

He welcomed each of them, regaling their abilities and praising them for the skills they have shown so far. “This world is vast, the wealth of opportunities that will come to you now, each of you are very lucky.” Ash was excited, Toren was nervous, Cross was annoyed, Gary was Gary.

“These are three of the starters one can get here in Kanto.” He called out Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Oak introduced each one. “You may now choose!” Ash looked at all three and he just couldn’t decide.

“Why don’t you pick Toren, I’m still thinking.” He let Toren step up.

“O-okay!” He didn’t get very far.

“Out of the way loser!” Cross pushed the greenette over.

“Oww!” The Bulbasaur went over to check on him.

“I want this one!” Cross pointed at Charmander. “A fire type is perfect for me!” Oak gave him Charmander’s ball and he was swiftly returned. Cross received some empty balls and a pokedex.

“I’ll uhh, I’ll take this one!” Toren said, picking Bulbasaur. “You are very kind!”

“Bulba!” The grass type was pleased. Oak gave him his balls and Pokedex.

“Peh, figured a pansy like you would pick a weak grass type!” Cross huffed.

Gary chuckled. “Fufu, I knew I’d get the best one. Fortune smiles on me again!” Gary got Squirtle. He twirled the ball on his finger. “Already I’m superior to the two of you!”

“What was that?” Cross hissed.

“Water types are strong against Fire types and they can learn Ice type moves which are strong against Grass types. So I got the best starter!” He laughed. “Smell ya later Ashy-boy! Good luck you are gonna need it!”

Gary left, Cross giving chase, only to get more enraged. The brunette’s uncle got him a car to travel in, and paid for a whole cheering squad. He watched the new trainer climb into a fancy car and get driven away. “That little brat, I’ll show him. I’m out of here!”

“Hmm, I just can’t decide!” Ash ruffled his hair in frustration.

“Umm Ash...all the starters are gone.” Toren said.

“Huh?” The boy blinked.

“I actually have one other one, but it’s not a traditional starter.” He revealed another ball this one having a lightning bolt on it. Ash got excited.

Oak let out the Pokemon, revealing a Pikachu. This Pokemon was not happy. Growing up as a Pichu he had seen trainers from a distance catching and battling monsters, he just didn’t get it. Shortly after evolving he had been caught and brought to this strange place.

“Ash this is Pikachu, he can be your starter.”

“Pika?” Ash came up to him and lifted him up.

“You are an amazing Pokemon, let’s be friends!” Ash smiled.

“Pi!” His cheeks sparked and he zapped Ash with a Thundershock!

“Ash?!” Toren exclaimed.

“I’m alright, I’m impressed, you got a lot of power Pikachu!” Pikachu pouted, not happy about this at all. “I know you aren’t happy, but trust me, we are gonna form an amazing bond!”

Pikachu felt Ash’s aura. He became curious of this new trainer. “Is he gonna be okay?” Toren asked.

“Ash will be fine, I’m sure of it!” Samuel said with a knowing chuckle.

Toren and Ash parted ways, Ketchum had to go home, change, and say goodbye to his mom. He didn’t put Pikachu in his ball surprising the mouse-like monster. The curiosity he had for Ash got him to Ketchum’s room.

The young man stripped out of his pajamas. “Pi?” Pikachu blinked, seeing the strange ring at the base of the young man’s penis.

“Pikachu, I’d like us to be partners. I know a special way we can bond.” He could sense Pikachu’s confusion. “I think you’ll like it too!” Ash channeled aura into his rod, the ring glowing and his penis changed.

“Pika!” The monster gasped, his eyes sparkling at the sight.

Ash’s cock shifted with the power of the Electric Plate. His manhood became monstrous, it gained some girth. He was already a nice size at 10 inches, his cock gained a yellow tint to his shaft, the head becoming an electric green color. That wasn’t the only change as his new rod produced flesh spines.

These spines were like little lightning rods, made for scratching the inner walls at each pull back, sending little zaps into the partner. Even the head had a total of six spines, along the head cap. Pikachu’s heart fluttered.

He was gazing on what he could only describe as the origin cock of electric types. It made his insides throb in want, he wanted to suckle on it, he felt his desire for his new trainer spike positively. He couldn’t resist!

To be continued...Bonds


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