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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 A Team!!!

Bora wasn’t involved with the disappearance of Lisanna, but they still brought down a human trafficking group. The people rescued were singing the praises of both Fairy Tail and the Beast Kings!

The council wasn’t happy about it. The more popular Fairy Tail became the harder it was to crush them. Some members of the Magic Council had tried to disband the guild numerous times. Makarov disregarding their complaints more often then not. “I rather like those wild wizards.” a mysterious blue haired wizard claimed.

“This new team spells disaster, Natsu Dragneel the Salamander, he’s a fire wizard who uses lost magic, but he’s unlike any dragon slayer we’ve seen before. Elfman Strauss the brother to The Demon Mirajane Strauss, while not holding a reputation for power like his sister, he’s an idiot who strikes with his fists rather than use his brains.”

“Two thick headed wizards forming a team means nothing but trouble.”

“Can two wizards really be so troublesome?” The blue haired wizard from earlier chimed in.

“Teams can grow, I think they are interesting like many of the wizards from Fairy Tail.” A woman with dark hair said.

“Perhaps the team will fall apart on its own?” Said an older wizard.

“I wanna see what they’ll do next.” The blue haired wizard stated.


Natsu and Elfman came home and made their team official, with their team registered they could take on Team Missions and get special requests. Some quests required a team to take part or a certain rank of wizard to do solo. The formation of a new team brought some cheers from their fellow guild mates…

Except for one!

“Waaaahhhh!” A blue cat cried. “I can’t believe you started a team without me!”

“Oh come on buddy, we didn’t forget about you. Once you are strong enough to go on missions, of course you’ll be apart of the team!” Natsu scooped the cat like creature up.

He sniffled. “You promise?”

“Stop crying Sammy, if you are a real man, you only shed tears for others not yourself!” Elfman said. Samuel aka Sammy wiped away his tears.

“Right!” He nodded. There was nothing wrong with crying or shedding manly tears as Elfman often put it. He was just trying to teach Sammy how to be strong in his own muscle head way. “I’ve been getting a lot stronger and been studying all kinds of magic. I bet soon I can even beat you Uncle!” Sammy had a bad habit of giving people he was close to familial nicknames.

Elfman cracked his knuckles. “Oh yeah, show me what you got!” Sammy jumped out of Natsu’s arms and transformed into his “Battle Form”. In his Chibi form, he wore a top hat with the fairy tail crest on it, a magic red scarf, that becomes a sort of cape when he transformed(a gift from Natsu), his Gale Force Reading Glasses (a gift from Lisanna), and a pair of magical beast white shorts which turned into pants when he transformed (a gift from Elfman). These were his treasures which he took care of daily. When transformed he was a tall anthro cat monster, he was muscular and agile.

Sammy was hatched from an egg years ago by Natsu, who thought it was a dragon egg. The egg was cared for by Natsu, Lisanna, and Elfman, after hatching he was cared for by Fairy Tail. The name Samuel was given to him by Lisanna, because he looked like an angel with his wings. Only Natsu and Elfman got to call him Sammy without a fuss.

Samuel’s Battle Form did give him an edge in combat, the only problem was it didn’t last. He could only hold the form for 10 minutes before poof, he was back to his chibi form. Maintaining that form just took a large amount of magic power. That wasn’t to say he was helpless, he still had his Aera Magic which gave him wings to fly.

While not super battle proficient Sammy wasn’t weak, he was highly intelligent, good at calculations and strategy. He gave assists to guild members, but remotely. The problem was Natsu and Elfman both took on extremely dangerous and combative missions. Dragneel was hesitant before, but after Lisanna went missing he wanted to be sure that Samuel could hold his own in a fight. They didn’t want Sammy to get kidnapped by monster hunters or any weird collectors. He was a rare creature with intelligence which made him a target. To say nothing of being a “tasty looking” meal to some bandits and a morsel to magical beasts.

Natsu watched Sammy and Elfman spar a bit, the cat anthro had learned a lot about hand to hand combat from sparring with his “Uncle Elf” which is a play on what Lisanna called him “Big Brother Elf”. Once his time ran out he went poof.

“Not bad, but you need to work on maintaining that transformation a bit.” Sammy hung his head in defeat.

“Right…” Natsu felt bad, Sammy did work hard, and he was getting better.

“Tell you what, you’ll be a part of the Team, and we’ll find some missions we can do together.”

“Really!” Sammy’s tail wagged, he got excited.

“Keep up your studying and training, we’ll take you on a quest soon.” Samuel nodded, he flew off to do some reading.

“Are you sure about this?” Elfman asked.

“He deserves the chance, and not all quests are super dangerous.” He cared about Sammy a lot. “History won’t repeat itself Elfman, we need to make sure it doesn’t.” Elfman nodded.

Sammy was getting better with magic items and tools, wishing to be useful. His magic scarf was made with holder magic in mind, Sammy could store items in it. It had smaller storage capacity compared to others who could use Requip, but it suited his needs. Lisanna’s disappearance effected him too, he doubled his efforts on getting stronger and finding ways of either increasing his magic power or using tools to make up for his lack of power.


Natsu was looking for a new job, when Romeo came into the guild looking for his father. Macao was late coming home from his latest job. It bothered the young man because he pushed his dad to taking such a dangerous job.

Hunting Vulcans in the Mountains

Vulcans were no joke, they came in at least four known male species. Mountain, Forest, Sea, and Caves, each species carried their own unique skills and abilities. A shared trait of Vulcans was that they were all perverts. Men, Women, Magical Beasts they didn’t care.

There was only one documented female species the Rose Vulcan, found in one specific area. Weirdly enough they will fuck anything but Vulcans, killing other Vulcans that try to come into their territory.

They were capable of multiplying rather quickly, a few Vulcans in the area could become a serious problem if left unchecked. With their enhanced strength, skills, and abilities a nest of 50 Vulcans is considered a red alert quest, needing to be handled by either a team or an S-Class wizard, nests larger than that required a Wizard saint or full military mobilization.

Macao went to take on a nest of 20, alone! Bad ass, but he hadn’t come back yet. So Romeo was getting worried. His dad was gone, and he wanted him back.

That struck a cord with Natsu, who promptly stabbed the quest he was gonna do back into the board. “Whoa!”

“Elfman...I’ll be back!” He was going to bring Macao back.

“Not so fast, I’m coming with you!” Macao was a good man, he gave a lot of the young men and women in the guild fatherly advice. “You need a man watching your back.”

It wasn’t an official quest, but a favor for a friend. Romeo didn’t have it the best. Lot of his friends teased him for having a wizard for a father. Sadly some wizards gave other wizards a bad name. So his friends thought his dad was just a drunk or a loser. “Please go on a job!” Romeo had begged, wanting his dad to prove how cool he was. He was filled with such guilt and worry now, it was making him sick.

Natsu couldn’t stand to see it, so it was off to the mountains they go!


The forecast was snow...lots of it…

They trudged through a blizzard looking for Macao. “Macao!” They called out to him.

“Macao is a real man, he’s still alive we just gotta find him.” Elfman said.

Natsu noticed one thing, there wasn’t any signs of a large nest of Vulcans. With all the snow any signs of battle have been whited out, but a nest of Vulcans would be seen if it was still around. “Macao!!” Dragneel called out.

“Macao!” Strauss shouted. Their voices were heard.

A Vulcan attacked them, surprise attacking Natsu and knocking him into a ravine. “Natsu!” Elfman gasped.

“Oohhh!” The Vulcan eye humped Elfman, admiring his muscular form. “Beefy!” He licked his lips.

“Take Over…” Elfman went to transform, but the Vulcan grabbed him.

“Haaa~!” He exhaled a white mist into the wizard’s face.

“Ugh!” Strauss passed out. The Vulcan laughed.

“Man mine, man mine!” He carried Elfman off, with Natsu clawing his way back up the mountain. The intense snow making it hard to fly, so he got the claws out and began scaling!

The Vulcan Breath, was a technique they used to knock out their prey, it varied person to person, wizards and magic beasts could reject it somewhat. It did disrupt them a bit. This was one of the reasons why Vulcan’s were so dangerous.

He brought Elfman back to his den. “Man, man, man beefy man!” He licked his lips and he began to rip Elfman’s clothes off. His monstrous strength reduced the manly attired to shreds. The manly body became exposed, bit by bit, to the enjoyment of the Vulcan.

He grunted in delight. Elfman was stripped bare, his jacket, undershirt, pants, and his fundoshi were ripped apart. The Vulcan blushed, drooling over Elfman’s impressive body. “Beefy beefy!” His hands groped the impressive pecs.

“Nnnhhh,” The take over wizard came to, gasping as his manly chest was being manhandled. “You perverted beast!” Elfman swung at him, but the Vulcan dodged with a back flip.

“You wake, beefy is wizard!” He grunted.

“I’m a wizard that’s gonna kick your ass!” He tried to transform, but it didn’t work. “My magic?!”

The Vulcan grinned. “Hoo Hoo Hahaha!” He pounded his chest. “No magic, no magic! I gots magic!” A familiar purple flame came out.

It grabbed Elfman. “This magic is…” Purple flare, a flame unaffected by wind or water, it was a tangible flame. Macao used it to pummel enemies with flaming punches. His eyes glowed and he gazed at the Vulcan. He could see clear signs of take over magic on him. “Gah!”

The purple flames tied Elfman up, his hands getting bound behind his back. The flare took the form of ropes, binding his muscled form in a way that would make a bondage expert say… “Nice!”…

His muscles were groped and pressed, his legs spread and kept apart, putting Elfman in an intimate position. He blushed. His hole was exposed, his cheeks spread, his heavy balls were squeezed and to make matters worse his cock was swelling. The Vulcan was pleased at the sight but Elfman was wigging out.

Not the best time to find our you have a bondage kink.

“Ugh, Macao come to your senses, don’t let this perverted freak control you!” The Vulcan approached him, salivating and letting out perverted giggles. As he got closer Elfman continued to panic. ‘No let me go...I don’t want to be touched by you…’ He closed his eyes. ‘Natsu!’ His heart skipped a beat, if there was anyone he wanted touching him it was Natsu!

“Fire Dragon Charge!” Dragneel came charging in and slammed into the Vulcan. The beast was sent flying into the back of the den through an escape tunnel and out into the snow to plummet. “Elfman are you...okay…”


Natsu hadn’t seen something like this before, but seeing Elfman all naked, tied up, and hard flipped a switch in him. Strauss wasn’t doing much better, seeing Natsu got his dick even harder. He was so embarrassed and turned on. “Don’t...just stare...help me!”

“Oh right!” Since these were more tangible flames he couldn’t just slurp them down. He could eat the flames, but they were woven so tight he had to go in with teeth. Elfman blushed as the fire eater, devoured the flames off his body. “Bare with me!”

Stauss nodded. ‘His breath is even hotter than these flames!’ Elfman gulped and began to sweat. This was weirdly intimate, this became like some edible bondage game.

“These flames taste familiar.” He said between mouthfuls.

“They are Macao’s that Vulcan used Take Over on him.” Dragneel paused.

“Oh crap did I just kill Macao!” He panicked.

“Hurry, he’ll be back, Vulcan’s are tough.” He had faced some in the past. They were actually one soul he didn’t want in his arsenal.

Natsu finished eating the purple flare and Elfman sat up. “Do you umm…” He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “Want some help with that?”

Before Elfman could answer, the Vulcan was back. “Beef is mine, mine, mine!” He stomped angrily.

Strauss surged with rage. “You bastard!” He felt his magic power come back. “Full-Body Take Over Black Bull!” Elfman forgot one thing, he was still naked and hard. The minotaur’s cock stood at attention as massive as a club.

The Vulcan gushed at the size. With him distracted Natsu and Elfman pummeled him and weakened the Vulcan enough to free Macao. They treated his wounds and headed back to Fairy Tail. Elfman changed his take over to hide his nudity.

Things were quiet, Natsu claimed he just needed to focus on creating a wall of heat around them. Macao didn’t know what happened while he was possessed. He defeated 19 of the Vulcans before getting drained and the last one taking him over.

Macao was reunited with his son. Romeo was just so happy to be reunited with him. “Listen son, if your friends ever tease you again, ask them if their dads can fight 19 Vulcans!” He said with a smirk.

The awkwardness between Elfman and Natsu faded, cause in this moment they reunited a father and son, and put a family back together. It gave them hope, finding Lisanna, finding Igneel.

Some questions held in the air between them.

To be continued...Day Break!

Sammy gets to go on his first mission. Natsu and Elfman are dealing with new feelings. They didn’t know that line was there but will they cross it?


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