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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Monster Hoe

Oak pulls some strings as former champion and has Ash registered as a trainer class known as Hoe. This means Ash has a license that lets him fuck monsters and trainers alike. He's a size queen so the bigger the dick the more eager he is. His Pokemon love him, he can even sway wild monsters. Some trainers want to bang him and Ash may be weak to big dicks, but he loves a challenge. Switcher Size Queen Ash/Harem

Chapter 1

Samuel Oak was the former Champion of Kanto. In his youth he loved to study pokemon and he had a wild encounter with a unique class of trainer. Trainer class: Hoe!

This class was looked down on by other trainers, as they slept with not only other trainers but with pokemon as well. It was believed this class was just for sluts, not for “serious” trainers. Samuel knew they were wrong! His encounter with a certain hoe changed his life forever.

He saw this trainer’s spirit, his strength, his skill, his passion, and lost his virginity to this young man and his monsters. This was his first love, who opened his eyes to a whole new world. They were torn apart by fate, but the memories of this encounter fueled young “Sammy” for years.

Oak studied the bonds between people and pokemon and how they could develop. Normal trainers could only bond with six monsters at a time, hoes could bond with up to twelve. Hoe trainers understood a deeper level of intimacy that allowed them to handle more monsters at once. Despite his proven research the League officials buried his results, not wanting the world to fall into “depravity”.

Samuel worked hard, believing if he gained enough power he could change things. Traveling through both Kanto and Johto, he gained the skills to challenge the Kanto League, defeat the Elite Four and become Champion of Kanto! It was a title he held with high regard, he used the mantle to protect the Hoe class.

He continued his research, learning more from other researchers and professors. In Sinnoh they were more open minded, even having marriage licenses between people and monsters. Oak divided his duties between Champion and becoming a professor. He tried to teach the next generation to respect people’s tastes; you don’t have to understand someone’s life style if they weren’t doing harm to themselves or others, you could tolerate and respect it’s their business.

His next level understanding of the bonds created advancements in the world. It helped bolster his standing, and help the world of people and pokemon bit by bit.

He trained the next generation of professors and researchers; while they’d have their own opinions on things, he just hoped he passed on a speck of hope. It’s hard when someone says one thing, but society says another. He had hope, because he knew one day a Hoe would become a pokemon master.


While his first love was lost to time, he lived his life. He found a nice woman and started a family, had kids, and his kids eventually had kids. Imagine his surprise being reunited with that special person in a way he never imagined.

He should have realized given how they met, but it was a shock when his grandson invited Ash Ketchum over to play. Five years later Oak retired from being Champion and devoted his time to research. He claimed he was getting “too old” to be champ, but that was a sorry excuse.

Despite the lab coat and baggy clothes Samuel had still packed on some muscle. His in field work kept him in peek condition, and taking care of the pokemon at his lab helped keep him in shape. He had the body of a middle weight wrestler, broad shoulders, toned arms and legs, firm beefy pecs, his abs had faded a little but were still there! To say nothing of his mighty “oak” between his legs.

Ash and Gary had an early friendship that turned into rivalry once they got in school. Samuel hated to admit it his grandson was getting a tad spoiled. Gary’s uncle gave him anything he wanted, and the opportunity his status and position gave him gave him a slightly warped view of the world. Gary’s father was also a bit warped by his title of Champion, giving him the idea he was superior by birth, which hurt him in the long run.

He hoped being friends with Ash would give him the same clarity, but their rivalry took some difficult turns.

In another five years Oak would be called upon for a favor. He called in a favor with the Kanto League officials. He was at his desk when he got started his video call. The rep gushed a bit, knowing Professor Oak by reputation. “What can I do for you today!”

“I’d like to register a new trainer for a specific class.”

“For the former Champion and the great Professor Oak, they must be a trainer of great talent. Which class would you like them to be registered for?”

“Ho-Ohh~!” He gasped.


“Oh sorry,” He wiped his brow. “they want to be registered for the Hoe class.”

“That...is a rather specific and rare class.”

“I’m aware, mmm but this class isn’t easy to register for.” As former champion he could sponsor a specific trainer, along with his starter give away for new trainers. Sponsors could help register for any specific class they saw fit.

“Very well, we’ll register the trainer and provide them with their requested trainer card.” Oak could hear some computer key tapping on the other end. “They are aware what this class means yes? They won’t be able to change their trainer class unless they win a league tournament.”

“He knows!” Oak cleared his throat. “He will be sticking with this class!” He gave the needed information, doing his best to hold back some lewd noises.

“Their name?”

“A-aash Ketchum!” His voice cracked a bit.

“Say again?”

“Ash Ketchum, he’s a new trainer from Pallet.” Some of his words were shaky. The rep could see that Oak was sweating a bit and was lightly flushed.

“Very well, he’s all registered the trainer card will arrive in a few weeks, but he’s officially registered in the League system as a Hoe…” The rep blushed. “Best of luck to him in the league.”

The call ended and Oak relaxed, his stoic face melting. He began to pant and groan. “That was close…” His cheeks were burning. He pulled back from his desk and his hard 14 incher stood at attention. His pants were around his ankles and Ash came out from his desk.

Ash licked his lips. “I couldn’t help myself professor, I didn’t know you were so big!” He caressed the hefty length, not only was he long but he had a hefty girth to him. Through the whole call Ash had gotten curious and upon seeing the massive size, his size queen switch flipped. “Thanks for doing this for me, I was worried you wouldn’t understand.”

He worked Oak’s cock, pumping the shaft with both hands and leaned forward to kiss the head. His tongue swirled around the head, in both an erotic but also pleasing way. Samuel moaned. “I understand Ash!” He shivered. ‘More than you will ever know!’

Give the man an award, he was getting a blow job and was able to keep a firm composure through the call, a few noises squeaked through, but given how hard Ash was going down on him, he deserved a medal for not just breaking down and cumming down his throat. He was able to hold back despite the pleasure, despite the backflips his heart was doing, despite the erotic situation he was in.

Oak looked down at the raven haired young man.

Ash was beautiful, looking as stunning as the day he met him in the past/future. Ketchum was tall and built like stud, he had strong shoulders, lean arms and toned legs, he had firm pecs, strong hips, and he was rocking a four pack. He could thank Delia for Ash’s rocking body, she had been secretly preparing Ash for his adventure for years. His daily chores helped hone his raw potential, creating a work out schedule that benefited as he grew. The work out was great for his glutes.

Delia wanted her son to achieve her dream, but she wanted to see him work for it. Having a dream was nice, but working for it was a lot better. When he got older the two worked out together, even doing yoga, so not only was Ash deceptively strong but he was flexible to boot!

The more Ash showed effort towards his dream, the more Delia supported him. He got through Pokemon school and graduated he was just one month away from starting his journey.

A few clocks have suffered from his strength, he was as athletic as a baseball player. Oak could feel it when Ash gripped his penis and balls. The firm touch was intense and enjoyable. “Ash!” Oak moaned.

‘He’s a natural hoe!’ He gulped and shuddered. His release was building up, the boy’s natural technique was making him weak in the knees. Ash had much to learn, and Oak knew he would learn.

His lips around the head and Ash began to suck, working his length to get him off. “Ohhh!” He cried out, his heavy balls lurched and he came into the young man’s mouth. Ketchum moaned in delight, his eyes rolled up as he chugged the man’s seed.

He gulped it down, feeling a surge of delight with each delicious and thick mouthful. “Mmm~!” He kept pumping and licking, earning a few extra spurts.

Oak was in a daze, he hadn’t cum that hard in years. His legs felt like jelly, his heart was pounding like a drum. As he tried to catch his breath, Ash was grinning like the Meowth that got a Pidgey. He licked his lips, savoring the flavor of the big man on his lips. “That was amazing!”

He got up, his cock making a tent in his red and white briefs. Ash tugged the underwear off revealing his glistening 10 incher. “What do you say Professor, I’m officially a Hoe now, wanna help pop my cherry!” He wiggled his juicy rear.

Oak gulped, his eyes trained on the bouncy cheeks and winking hole. “Have you been...ahem...training for this?”

“Uh huh, I’ve only used my fingers, but I’ve been itching to try a real cock!” Sammy licked his lips. Fate was a funny thing, who’d believe he’d be popping the cherry of the man who popped his, just in a vastly different order of events.

‘Ash...you are amazing!’ He lined up his slicked up 14 incher with Ash’s virgin hole, and pushed inside. They had a month together before Ash got his starter and went on his journey and they’d be making the most of it.

To be continued...

Ash gets a new wardrobe to fit with his new trainer class. Oak helps him live out a couple of fantasies and he gets his starter monster!


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