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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 6

Dragon Talon

After the events of Tenrou Island the gang has been thrown 7 years into the future. They need to train and get stronger to prepare for the games. Natsu’s trying to figure out a whole new style of magic and learns about the Fire Dragon Talon a powerful technique that has a wild effect on his opponents. They become submissive and are filled with a lustful desire for Natsu’s musk.

Chapter 1

After the events of Tenrou Island the lost members were having to play catch up with the world. Seven years of magic advancement was a lot to catch up on. Their guild has fallen to the bottom, they were in debt, they had lost the main hall and had to rent what could be a considered a shack in the woods.

The jobs began to dry up with their reputation, members began to abandon the sinking ship. Things just got worse and worse, the situation dwindling. Makarov, Mira, and Erza were able to deal with Twilight Ogre and stop the harassment and abuse from their end. They still had to pay back the debt but now had time to do it without interference.

Romeo believed the best way to get back their reputation and earn back some money was to enter the Grand Magic Games. This brought some groans from the members of Fairy Tail. They had tried entering in the past, the events were random so even when they entered with a strong team they got put into events that were ill suited to them. Last time they didn’t even make it past the preliminary event, it was a big joke.

The loss after loss, soured them on the experience. Sabertooth became number 1 by winning these games. Fairy Tail came in last over and over, which only crushed their spirits further. The Tenrou team thought it sounded fun, while the left behind team looked at the games like they were in hell.

They didn’t have the Tenrou team with them before. They had time to catch up, but there was a gap in ability.

Max was able to knock Natsu around, forcing him to go into Lightning-Fire Dragon Mode to get the win. He had to use raw power to defeat Max, his growth in seven years was insane. Raw power was enough, Gildarts had shown Natsu that. So a training they would go, they were aiming for the top.

Gildarts was named Guildmaster, much to his annoyance. Makarov wasn’t having any debate on this, they needed him. It was time for him to come home and help the guild in these times. Even he had to admit he couldn’t leave them right now.

His first order of business was to return Laxus to the guild. He also appointed Makarov as the guild’s new teacher, he was always busy with his duties as master, but Makarov had knowledge to pass on and it was time to bring his children to the next level.

Gildarts approved them entering the games, they had 3 months to figure things out. The Tenrou Group was gung-ho about this, the others not so much.


A team of Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Juvia, Levy, Jet, and Droy; head to do a training camp at the beach. The Sky Dragon Slayer got some lessons from from the Grandeeney of Edolas who they knew as Porlyusica. The dragon left behind a magic book for Wendy, to teach her techniques she wasn’t able to at the time.

They went to the beach to keep collateral damage to a minimum. Clad in their swimsuits they went a little wild. Lucy was training with her spirits. Levy, Jet, and Droy tried to train but ended up getting swept up in the atmosphere and having more fun than train. Erza said it was fine since it was just the first day.

Natsu and Gray were together the whole time, swimming together, eating together, building sand castles together, they even sun bathed together. When things got serious the two got to work, Natsu trained with his fire magic under water to increase his power and ability.

Gray was doing the same with his ice. The two went back and forth, one freezing the water, one heating it up. It was crazy!

They only stopped when Erza got annoyed. “You are messing with the water!” She snapped, kicking them out of the water.

“Jeez!” Natsu groaned.

“Let’s go do some training further down the beach!” The two went off alone.


The two began to fight like crazy. Training up their vessels by some good old hand to hand combat. Natsu was a bit lost in thought though, he felt like Igneel had told him a trick fire dragon’s were capable of, but he just couldn’t remember.

“Get your head out of the clouds Natsu!” Gray kicked him.

“I’m not in the clouds, I’m right here!” Dragneel flipped back, swinging a kick of his own at the ice wizard.

Gray pulled back, Natsu’s bare foot swinging past his face. He thought he dodged the attack, but an intake of breath proved something hit him. “Uhh…” His eyes glazed over and he froze in place.

“What’s the matter Gray?” Natsu asked, he looked ready to keep fighting but the ice wizard wasn’t moving. “Gray?”

“Huh?” Fullbuster blinked. “Did you say something?”

“Hey man, you are blushing, are you okay?” He was indeed blushing, his heart was racing, and his blood had rushed south.

“I...I’m fine…” He hoped Natsu wouldn’t notice his hard on. ‘What’s going on, why am I hard?’

“Are you sure?” Natsu sniffed. “You got a hard on!”

“Damn it!” Gray’s blush grew. “I don’t know, I zoned out after I got a whiff of your rank feet!” He crossed his arms, trying to play this off by insulting Natsu. “Do you even wash those things?”

“You jerk, I’ll have you know I do, plus we were both in the sea just a bit a go.” He brought his leg up and put his foot in Gray’s face. “Get a good whiff!”

‘Oh shit!’ The musk hit his nose and he felt his heart skip a beat. ‘This musk...it smells...it smells...so good…’ He took a deep whiff, feeling his mind melt down into his lower brain.

“Now tell the truth Gray!” Natsu said with a smirk.

“You feet smell good!” Dragneel laughed.

“Ha I knew it, Igneel taught me to take good care of my claws and talons!” He said confidently. At the word talons, Natsu got the weirdest sense he was forgetting something.

“This smell, it makes me hot!” Sniff sniff sniff!

“Uhh Gray?” Sniff sniff sniff. He kept sniffing and his cock pulsed in his swim trunks.

“Oh man Natsu your musk totally makes me hot!” Fullbuster took a deep whiff. “Mmm~!”

Natsu blinked in surprise. He had no words. His friend was sniffing his foot like it was the best thing in the world. He had a glazed look in his eyes but a horny look on his face. “Oh man, your talons are so hot, I can’t believe I never noticed before.”

Sniff sniff sniff sniff~

Gray kept sniffing, cupping the back of his foot as he nuzzled the pads, the sole, even taking in the musk between his toes. “Oh Natsu…” Fullbuster began to drool.

His penis was so hard it hurt, the pre-cum that was spilling out was making the trunks wet and cling to his cock more. The essence began to seep through the fabric. ‘What is going on, what’s gotten into him?’ His musk!

With each sniff and whiff of the manly scent was making Gray horny. The more he sniffed, the more he craved the musk. This was a form of scent hypnosis, the scent triggering parts of Gray’s mind.

A desire to submit burned away all other thoughts. Natsu ordered him to tell the truth and he was eager to obey. “I’ve always had a crush on you, but I didn’t think you’d like me that way so I got your attention by being a jerk to you. I see now that was wrong, I was a bad boy! Please punish me for being bad!”

Natsu blushed. “It’s cool, you were sometimes a jerk but I’ve always cared about you, even when we did fight.” Gray shivered and took a deep whiff of Natsu’s foot.

“That’s not enough, let me make it up to you. Let me kiss your feet!”

“You want to kiss my feet?” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Yes!” He moaned. Gray breathed through his nose, and exhaled through his mouth in lustful pants. “Kiss them, lick them, sniff them, I’d love it if you step on me.” The musk was burning down his mental walls, all his deepest and dirtiest desires were rising to the surface.

“Do you like feet that much?”

“No, it’s you!” Gray moaned, taking a deep whiff, the truth poured from his lips. “If you would allow me I’d worship your body with my hands and tongue. I want to serve you, I want to love you, I want to be yours!” He took a deep whiff, adding fuel to the fire in his brain.

“Please Natsu become my master, your wish is my command!” He was shaking, his body growing flushed and sweaty, his nipples standing at attention.

The words surprised Natsu, Gray was going to town on his feet, like a cat that smelled their favorite treat. He could smell his arousal growing and spiking. ‘He must be pranking me, there is no way…’ His eyes landed on his cock, trapped in the swim trunks but overflowing with pre-cum. “You’ll really do anything for me?”

Gray nodded, rubbing his nose against the sole. Sniff sniff Sniff! “Ohh yes~!”

“Then cum for me!” The orgasm was instant.

“Yes master!” Gray moaned, cumming so hard he was brought to his knees. “Nnnhhh!” His whole face went red as his orgasm was unleashed. Gushing through the fabric, soaking his crotch, and running down his legs.

Fullbuster drooled, riding the high of his orgasm. Natsu put his foot down and he remembered. “The Fire Dragon’s Talon!” Igneel had showed him a technique only once.

A dragon identified their hands as claws and their feet as talons. Igneel told him a fire dragon had unique sweat glans since they burned hot. Natsu would inherit this when he got older, there was a special technique fire dragons could use when they came of age. Their talons were even more dangerous than their claws, their talons had secrets.

The pores of their talons could emit a hypnotic musk, and just as dragon fire consumed the physical world, the fire dragon’s musk consumed the mind. He had hypnotized Gray with the musk from his talons. Without pride or any form of shame Gray confessed his deepest desires, without fear or doubt he confessed his feelings and wants.

Gray came out of his trance. He blinked. “Oh man, I feel all hot…” His legs felt like jelly, his head felt foggy like he had been in the sauna, and yet his body felt refreshed like he was fresh out of the hot tub. He blushed and looked down at his cum soaked crotch. ‘Goopy!’ The ice wizard shivered. “Natsu...what happened...why am I…” He was cut off as Natsu stepped on his face.

The musk hit him and Gray’s thoughts were scorched away. “Listen up Gray, I think I found a brand new technique, a whole new style. I don’t have Igneel to teach me the ins and outs of this, but you’ll help me won’t you?”

“Sniff! Yes master!”

To be continued...


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